8323815: Source launcher should find classes with $ in names

Reviewed-by: jlahoda, sundar
This commit is contained in:
Christian Stein 2024-01-24 19:05:15 +00:00
parent c432dc008b
commit c702dcabf8
2 changed files with 38 additions and 8 deletions

@ -170,11 +170,22 @@ final class MemoryContext {
* if no source file was found for the given name
byte[] compileJavaFileByName(String name) {
// Initially, determine existing directory from class name.
// [pack$age . ] na$me [ $ enclo$ed [$ dee$per] ]
var lastDot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
var packageName = lastDot == -1 ? "" : name.substring(0, lastDot);
var packagePath = descriptor.sourceRootPath().resolve(packageName.replace('.', '/'));
// Trivial case: no matching directory exists
if (!Files.isDirectory(packagePath)) return null;
// Determine source file from class name.
var firstDollarSign = name.indexOf('$'); // [package . ] name [ $ enclosed [$ deeper] ]
var packageAndClassName = firstDollarSign == -1 ? name : name.substring(0, firstDollarSign);
var path = packageAndClassName.replace('.', '/') + ".java";
var file = descriptor.sourceRootPath().resolve(path);
var candidate = name.substring(lastDot + 1, name.length()); // "na$me$enclo$ed$dee$per"
// For each `$` in the name try to find the first matching compilation unit.
while (candidate.contains("$")) {
if (Files.exists(packagePath.resolve(candidate + ".java"))) break;
candidate = candidate.substring(0, candidate.lastIndexOf("$"));
var file = packagePath.resolve(candidate + ".java");
// Trivial case: no matching source file exists
if (!Files.exists(file)) return null;

@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ class MultiFileSourceLauncherTests {
public class Hello {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
@ -90,18 +92,35 @@ class MultiFileSourceLauncherTests {
package p.q;
record Unit() {
record First() {
record Second() {}
record Fir$t() {
record $econd() {}
package p.q;
record Unit$123() {
record Fir$t() {
record $econd() {}
var $$ = Files.createDirectories(base.resolve("$/$"));
package $.$;
record $($ $) {}
var run = Run.of(hello);
assertAll("Run -> " + run,
() -> assertLinesMatch(
class World$Core
class p.q.Unit$First$Second
class p.q.Unit$Fir$t
class p.q.Unit$123$Fir$t$$econd
class $.$.$
() -> assertTrue(run.stdErr().isEmpty()),