8186539: [testlibrary] TestSocketFactory should allow triggers before match/replace

Reviewed-by: smarks
This commit is contained in:
Roger Riggs 2017-08-28 13:21:58 -04:00
parent b474897fe2
commit c8b0184da7

@ -45,20 +45,43 @@ import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.TestNG;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
* @test
* @summary TestSocket Factory and tests of the basic trigger, match, and replace functions
* @run testng TestSocketFactory
* @bug 8186539
* A RMISocketFactory utility factory to log RMI stream contents and to
* match and replace output stream contents to simulate failures.
* trigger, and then match and replace output stream contents to simulate failures.
* <p>
* The trigger is a sequence of bytes that must be found before looking
* for the bytes to match and replace. If the trigger sequence is empty
* matching is immediately enabled. While waiting for the trigger to be found
* bytes written to the streams are written through to the output stream.
* The when triggered and when a trigger is non-empty, matching looks for
* the sequence of bytes supplied. If the sequence is empty, no matching or
* replacement is performed.
* While waiting for a complete match, the partial matched bytes are not
* written to the output stream. When the match is incomplete, the partial
* matched bytes are written to the output. When a match is complete the
* full replacement byte array is written to the output.
* <p>
* The trigger, match, and replacement bytes arrays can be changed at any
* time and immediately reset and restart matching. Changes are propagated
* to all of the sockets created from the factories immediately.
public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
implements RMIClientSocketFactory, RMIServerSocketFactory, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private volatile transient byte[] triggerBytes;
private volatile transient byte[] matchBytes;
private volatile transient byte[] replaceBytes;
@ -67,6 +90,8 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
private transient final List<InterposeServerSocket> serverSockets = new ArrayList<>();
static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte[0];
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
@ -82,28 +107,51 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
* Create a socket factory that creates InputStreams that log
* and OutputStreams that log .
* Create a socket factory that creates InputStreams
* and OutputStreams that log.
public TestSocketFactory() {
this.matchBytes = new byte[0];
this.replaceBytes = this.matchBytes;
System.out.printf("Creating TestSocketFactory()%n");
this.triggerBytes = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
this.matchBytes = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
this.replaceBytes = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
* Set the match and replacement bytes, with an empty trigger.
* The match and replacements are propagated to all existing sockets.
* @param matchBytes bytes to match
* @param replaceBytes bytes to replace the matched bytes
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
setMatchReplaceBytes(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
* Set the trigger, match, and replacement bytes.
* The trigger, match, and replacements are propagated to all existing sockets.
* @param triggerBytes array of bytes to use as a trigger, may be zero length
* @param matchBytes bytes to match after the trigger has been seen
* @param replaceBytes bytes to replace the matched bytes
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] triggerBytes, byte[] matchBytes,
byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.triggerBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(triggerBytes, "triggerBytes");
this.matchBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(matchBytes, "matchBytes");
this.replaceBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(replaceBytes, "replaceBytes");
sockets.forEach( s -> s.setMatchReplaceBytes(matchBytes, replaceBytes));
serverSockets.forEach( s -> s.setMatchReplaceBytes(matchBytes, replaceBytes));
sockets.forEach( s -> s.setMatchReplaceBytes(triggerBytes, matchBytes,
serverSockets.forEach( s -> s.setMatchReplaceBytes(triggerBytes, matchBytes,
public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException {
Socket socket = RMISocketFactory.getDefaultSocketFactory()
.createSocket(host, port);
InterposeSocket s = new InterposeSocket(socket, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
InterposeSocket s = new InterposeSocket(socket,
triggerBytes, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
return s;
@ -122,7 +170,8 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
ServerSocket serverSocket = RMISocketFactory.getDefaultSocketFactory()
InterposeServerSocket ss = new InterposeServerSocket(serverSocket, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
InterposeServerSocket ss = new InterposeServerSocket(serverSocket,
triggerBytes, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
return ss;
@ -139,13 +188,15 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
* An InterposeSocket wraps a socket that produces InputStreams
* and OutputStreams that log the traffic.
* The OutputStreams it produces match an array of bytes and replace them.
* The OutputStreams it produces watch for a trigger and then
* match an array of bytes and replace them.
* Useful for injecting protocol and content errors.
public static class InterposeSocket extends Socket {
private final Socket socket;
private InputStream in;
private MatchReplaceOutputStream out;
private volatile byte[] triggerBytes;
private volatile byte[] matchBytes;
private volatile byte[] replaceBytes;
private final ByteArrayOutputStream inLogStream;
@ -153,8 +204,28 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
private final String name;
private static volatile int num = 0; // index for created InterposeSockets
* Construct a socket that interposes on a socket to match and replace.
* The trigger is empty.
* @param socket the underlying socket
* @param matchBytes the bytes that must match
* @param replaceBytes the replacement bytes
public InterposeSocket(Socket socket, byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
this(socket, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
* Construct a socket that interposes on a socket to match and replace.
* @param socket the underlying socket
* @param triggerBytes array of bytes to enable matching
* @param matchBytes the bytes that must match
* @param replaceBytes the replacement bytes
public InterposeSocket(Socket socket, byte[]
triggerBytes, byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.socket = socket;
this.triggerBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(triggerBytes, "triggerBytes");
this.matchBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(matchBytes, "matchBytes");
this.replaceBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(replaceBytes, "replaceBytes");
this.inLogStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
@ -164,10 +235,32 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
+ socket.getLocalPort() + " < " + socket.getPort();
* Set the match and replacement bytes, with an empty trigger.
* The match and replacements are propagated to all existing sockets.
* @param matchBytes bytes to match
* @param replaceBytes bytes to replace the matched bytes
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.setMatchReplaceBytes(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
* Set the trigger, match, and replacement bytes.
* The trigger, match, and replacements are propagated to the
* MatchReplaceOutputStream.
* @param triggerBytes array of bytes to use as a trigger, may be zero length
* @param matchBytes bytes to match after the trigger has been seen
* @param replaceBytes bytes to replace the matched bytes
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] triggerBytes, byte[] matchBytes,
byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.triggerBytes = triggerBytes;
this.matchBytes = matchBytes;
this.replaceBytes = replaceBytes;
out.setMatchReplaceBytes(matchBytes, replaceBytes);
out.setMatchReplaceBytes(triggerBytes, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
@ -278,7 +371,8 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
OutputStream o = socket.getOutputStream();
String name = Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": "
+ socket.getLocalPort() + " > " + socket.getPort();
out = new MatchReplaceOutputStream(o, name, outLogStream, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
out = new MatchReplaceOutputStream(o, name, outLogStream,
triggerBytes, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
DEBUG("Created new MatchReplaceOutputStream: %s%n", name);
return out;
@ -308,20 +402,63 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
public static class InterposeServerSocket extends ServerSocket {
private final ServerSocket socket;
private volatile byte[] triggerBytes;
private volatile byte[] matchBytes;
private volatile byte[] replaceBytes;
private final List<InterposeSocket> sockets = new ArrayList<>();
public InterposeServerSocket(ServerSocket socket, byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) throws IOException {
* Construct a server socket that interposes on a socket to match and replace.
* The trigger is empty.
* @param socket the underlying socket
* @param matchBytes the bytes that must match
* @param replaceBytes the replacement bytes
public InterposeServerSocket(ServerSocket socket, byte[] matchBytes,
byte[] replaceBytes) throws IOException {
this(socket, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
* Construct a server socket that interposes on a socket to match and replace.
* @param socket the underlying socket
* @param triggerBytes array of bytes to enable matching
* @param matchBytes the bytes that must match
* @param replaceBytes the replacement bytes
public InterposeServerSocket(ServerSocket socket, byte[] triggerBytes,
byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) throws IOException {
this.socket = socket;
this.triggerBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(triggerBytes, "triggerBytes");
this.matchBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(matchBytes, "matchBytes");
this.replaceBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(replaceBytes, "replaceBytes");
* Set the match and replacement bytes, with an empty trigger.
* The match and replacements are propagated to all existing sockets.
* @param matchBytes bytes to match
* @param replaceBytes bytes to replace the matched bytes
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
setMatchReplaceBytes(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
* Set the trigger, match, and replacement bytes.
* The trigger, match, and replacements are propagated to all existing sockets.
* @param triggerBytes array of bytes to use as a trigger, may be zero length
* @param matchBytes bytes to match after the trigger has been seen
* @param replaceBytes bytes to replace the matched bytes
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] triggerBytes, byte[] matchBytes,
byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.triggerBytes = triggerBytes;
this.matchBytes = matchBytes;
this.replaceBytes = replaceBytes;
sockets.forEach(s -> s.setMatchReplaceBytes(matchBytes, replaceBytes));
sockets.forEach(s -> s.setMatchReplaceBytes(triggerBytes, matchBytes, replaceBytes));
* Return a snapshot of the current list of sockets created from this server socket.
@ -386,7 +523,8 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
public <T> ServerSocket setOption(SocketOption<T> name, T value) throws IOException {
public <T> ServerSocket setOption(SocketOption<T> name, T value)
throws IOException {
return socket.setOption(name, value);
@ -463,22 +601,33 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
* An OutputStream that replaces one string of bytes with another.
* An OutputStream that looks for a trigger to enable matching and
* replaces one string of bytes with another.
* If any range matches, the match starts after the partial match.
static class MatchReplaceOutputStream extends OutputStream {
private final OutputStream out;
private final String name;
private volatile byte[] triggerBytes;
private volatile byte[] matchBytes;
private volatile byte[] replaceBytes;
int triggerIndex;
int matchIndex;
private int bytesOut = 0;
private final OutputStream log;
MatchReplaceOutputStream(OutputStream out, String name, OutputStream log,
byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
this(out, name, log, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
MatchReplaceOutputStream(OutputStream out, String name, OutputStream log,
byte[] triggerBytes, byte[] matchBytes,
byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.out = out;
this.name = name;
this.triggerBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(triggerBytes, "triggerBytes");
triggerIndex = 0;
this.matchBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(matchBytes, "matchBytes");
this.replaceBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(replaceBytes, "replaceBytes");
matchIndex = 0;
@ -486,8 +635,15 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] matchBytes, byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.matchBytes = matchBytes;
this.replaceBytes = replaceBytes;
setMatchReplaceBytes(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, matchBytes, replaceBytes);
public void setMatchReplaceBytes(byte[] triggerBytes, byte[] matchBytes,
byte[] replaceBytes) {
this.triggerBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(triggerBytes, "triggerBytes");
triggerIndex = 0;
this.matchBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(matchBytes, "matchBytes");
this.replaceBytes = Objects.requireNonNull(replaceBytes, "replaceBytes");
matchIndex = 0;
@ -495,36 +651,52 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
b = b & 0xff;
if (matchBytes.length == 0) {
// fast path, no match
if (b == (matchBytes[matchIndex] & 0xff)) {
if (++matchIndex >= matchBytes.length) {
matchIndex = 0;
DEBUG( "TestSocketFactory MatchReplace %s replaced %d bytes at offset: %d (x%04x)%n",
name, replaceBytes.length, bytesOut, bytesOut);
bytesOut += replaceBytes.length;
// if trigger not satisfied, keep looking
if (triggerBytes.length != 0 && triggerIndex < triggerBytes.length) {
triggerIndex = (b == (triggerBytes[triggerIndex] & 0xff))
? ++triggerIndex // matching advance
: 0; // no match, reset
} else {
if (matchIndex > 0) {
// mismatch, write out any that matched already
DEBUG("Partial match %s matched %d bytes at offset: %d (0x%04x), expected: x%02x, actual: x%02x%n",
name, matchIndex, bytesOut, bytesOut, matchBytes[matchIndex], b);
out.write(matchBytes, 0, matchIndex);
log.write(matchBytes, 0, matchIndex);
bytesOut += matchIndex;
matchIndex = 0;
// trigger not used or has been satisfied
if (b == (matchBytes[matchIndex] & 0xff)) {
if (++matchIndex >= matchBytes.length) {
matchIndex = 0;
triggerIndex = 0; // match/replace ok, reset trigger
DEBUG("TestSocketFactory MatchReplace %s replaced %d bytes " +
"at offset: %d (x%04x)%n",
name, replaceBytes.length, bytesOut, bytesOut);
bytesOut += replaceBytes.length;
} else {
if (matchIndex > 0) {
// mismatch, write out any that matched already
DEBUG("Partial match %s matched %d bytes at offset: %d (0x%04x), " +
" expected: x%02x, actual: x%02x%n",
name, matchIndex, bytesOut, bytesOut, matchBytes[matchIndex], b);
out.write(matchBytes, 0, matchIndex);
log.write(matchBytes, 0, matchIndex);
bytesOut += matchIndex;
matchIndex = 0;
if (b == (matchBytes[matchIndex] & 0xff)) {
} else {
@ -548,18 +720,44 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
private static byte[] orig = new byte[]{
private static byte[] obj1Data = new byte[] {
0x7e, 0x7e, 0x7e,
(byte) 0x80, 0x05,
0x73, 0x72, 0x00, 0x12, // TC_OBJECT, TC_CLASSDESC, length = 18
0x6A, 0x61, 0x76, 0x61, 0x2E, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x69, 0x2E, // "java.rmi."
0x64, 0x67, 0x63, 0x2E, 0x4C, 0x65, 0x61, 0x73, 0x65 // "dgc.Lease"
0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f,
0x73, 0x72, 0x00, 0x10, // TC_OBJECT, TC_CLASSDESC, length = 16
(byte)'j', (byte)'a', (byte)'v', (byte)'a', (byte)'.',
(byte)'l', (byte)'a', (byte)'n', (byte)'g', (byte)'.',
(byte)'n', (byte)'u', (byte)'m', (byte)'b', (byte)'e', (byte)'r'
private static byte[] repl = new byte[]{
private static byte[] obj1Result = new byte[] {
0x7e, 0x7e, 0x7e,
(byte) 0x80, 0x05,
0x73, 0x72, 0x00, 0x12, // TC_OBJECT, TC_CLASSDESC, length = 18
0x6A, 0x61, 0x76, 0x61, 0x2E, (byte) 'l', (byte) 'a', (byte) 'n', (byte) 'g',
0x2E, (byte) 'R', (byte) 'u', (byte) 'n', (byte) 'n', (byte) 'a', (byte) 'b', (byte) 'l',
(byte) 'e'
0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f,
0x73, 0x72, 0x00, 0x11, // TC_OBJECT, TC_CLASSDESC, length = 17
(byte)'j', (byte)'a', (byte)'v', (byte)'a', (byte)'.',
(byte)'l', (byte)'a', (byte)'n', (byte)'g', (byte)'.',
(byte)'I', (byte)'n', (byte)'t', (byte)'e', (byte)'g', (byte)'e', (byte)'r'
private static byte[] obj1Trigger = new byte[] {
(byte) 0x80, 0x05
private static byte[] obj1Trigger2 = new byte[] {
0x7D, 0x7D, 0x7D, 0x7D,
private static byte[] obj1Trigger3 = new byte[] {
private static byte[] obj1Match = new byte[] {
0x73, 0x72, 0x00, 0x10, // TC_OBJECT, TC_CLASSDESC, length = 16
(byte)'j', (byte)'a', (byte)'v', (byte)'a', (byte)'.',
(byte)'l', (byte)'a', (byte)'n', (byte)'g', (byte)'.',
(byte)'n', (byte)'u', (byte)'m', (byte)'b', (byte)'e', (byte)'r'
private static byte[] obj1Repl = new byte[] {
0x73, 0x72, 0x00, 0x11, // TC_OBJECT, TC_CLASSDESC, length = 17
(byte)'j', (byte)'a', (byte)'v', (byte)'a', (byte)'.',
(byte)'l', (byte)'a', (byte)'n', (byte)'g', (byte)'.',
(byte)'I', (byte)'n', (byte)'t', (byte)'e', (byte)'g', (byte)'e', (byte)'r'
@DataProvider(name = "MatchReplaceData")
@ -574,26 +772,42 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
byte[] bytes6 = new byte[]{1, 2, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30};
return new Object[][]{
{new byte[]{}, new byte[]{}, empty, empty},
{new byte[]{}, new byte[]{}, byte1, byte1},
{new byte[]{3, 4}, new byte[]{4, 3}, byte1, bytes2}, //swap bytes
{new byte[]{3, 4}, new byte[]{0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40}, byte1, bytes4}, // insert
{new byte[]{1, 2, 0x10, 0x20}, new byte[]{}, bytes4, bytes5}, // delete head
{new byte[]{0x40, 5, 6}, new byte[]{}, bytes4, bytes6}, // delete tail
{new byte[]{0x40, 0x50}, new byte[]{0x60, 0x50}, bytes4, bytes4}, // partial match, replace nothing
{bytes4a, bytes3, bytes4, bytes4}, // long partial match, not replaced
{orig, repl, orig, repl},
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{}, new byte[]{},
empty, empty},
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{}, new byte[]{},
byte1, byte1},
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{3, 4}, new byte[]{4, 3},
byte1, bytes2}, //swap bytes
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{3, 4}, new byte[]{0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40},
byte1, bytes4}, // insert
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{1, 2, 0x10, 0x20}, new byte[]{},
bytes4, bytes5}, // delete head
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{0x40, 5, 6}, new byte[]{},
bytes4, bytes6}, // delete tail
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[]{0x40, 0x50}, new byte[]{0x60, 0x50},
bytes4, bytes4}, // partial match, replace nothing
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, bytes4a, bytes3,
bytes4, bytes4}, // long partial match, not replaced
{EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, obj1Match, obj1Repl,
obj1Match, obj1Repl},
{obj1Trigger, obj1Match, obj1Repl,
obj1Data, obj1Result},
{obj1Trigger3, obj1Match, obj1Repl,
obj1Data, obj1Result}, // different trigger, replace
{obj1Trigger2, obj1Match, obj1Repl,
obj1Data, obj1Data}, // no trigger, no replace
@Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "MatchReplaceData")
static void test3(byte[] match, byte[] replace,
@Test(dataProvider = "MatchReplaceData")
public static void test1(byte[] trigger, byte[] match, byte[] replace,
byte[] input, byte[] expected) {
System.out.printf("match: %s, replace: %s%n", Arrays.toString(match), Arrays.toString(replace));
System.out.printf("trigger: %s, match: %s, replace: %s%n", Arrays.toString(trigger),
Arrays.toString(match), Arrays.toString(replace));
try (ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream log = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStream out = new MatchReplaceOutputStream(output, "test3",
log, match, replace)) {
log, trigger, match, replace)) {
byte[] actual = output.toByteArray();
long index = Arrays.mismatch(actual, expected);
@ -608,7 +822,4 @@ public class TestSocketFactory extends RMISocketFactory
Assert.fail("unexpected exception", ioe);