8311020: Typo cleanup in Classfile API

Reviewed-by: asotona
This commit is contained in:
Chen Liang 2023-06-29 05:44:02 +00:00 committed by Adam Sotona
parent f4b900b607
commit cbf418a486
30 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions

@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ import java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag;
* Models the access flags for a class, method, or field. Delivered as a
* {@link jdk.internal.classfile.ClassElement}, {@link jdk.internal.classfile.FieldElement}, or
* {@link jdk.internal.classfile.MethodElement} when traversing
* the corresponding model type.
* {@link ClassElement}, {@link FieldElement}, or {@link MethodElement}
* when traversing the corresponding model type.
public sealed interface AccessFlags
extends ClassElement, MethodElement, FieldElement

@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ public class Attributes {
/** Attribute mapper for the {@code SourceDebug} attribute */
/** Attribute mapper for the {@code SourceDebugExtension} attribute */
public static final AttributeMapper<SourceDebugExtensionAttribute>

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ public interface ClassHierarchyResolver {
* {@return the {@link ClassHierarchyInfo} for a given class name, or null
* if the name is unknown to the resolver}
* @param classDesc descriptor of the class
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a class shouldn't be queried for hierarchy
ClassHierarchyInfo getClassInfo(ClassDesc classDesc);

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public sealed interface ClassModel
* @param debugOutput handler to receive debug information
* @param classHierarchyResolver class hierarchy resolver to provide
* additional information about the class hiearchy
* additional information about the class hierarchy
* @return a list of verification errors, or an empty list if no errors are
* found

@ -40,9 +40,8 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.constantpool.ConstantPoolBuilder;
* @see ClassfileTransform
interface ClassfileBuilder<E extends ClassfileElement, B extends ClassfileBuilder<E, B>>
extends Consumer<E> {
public sealed interface ClassfileBuilder<E extends ClassfileElement, B extends ClassfileBuilder<E, B>>
extends Consumer<E> permits ClassBuilder, FieldBuilder, MethodBuilder, CodeBuilder {
* Integrate the {@link ClassfileElement} into the entity being built.

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.LabelImpl;
* A marker for a position within the instructions of a method body. The
* assocation between a label's identity and the position it represents is
* association between a label's identity and the position it represents is
* managed by the entity managing the method body (a {@link CodeModel} or {@link
* CodeBuilder}), not the label itself; this allows the same label to have a
* meaning both in an existing method (as managed by a {@linkplain CodeModel})

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public sealed interface MethodSignature
* @return method signature
* @param typeParameters signatures for the type parameters
* @param exceptions sigantures for the exceptions
* @param exceptions signatures for the exceptions
* @param result signature for the return type
* @param arguments signatures for the method arguments

@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ public sealed interface TypeAnnotation
permits TargetInfoImpl.LocalVarTargetImpl {
* @return the table of local variable location/indicies.
* @return the table of local variable location/indices.
List<LocalVarTargetInfo> table();

@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ public sealed interface InnerClassInfo
Optional<ClassEntry> outerClass();
* {@return the name of the class or interface of which this class is a
* member, if it is a member of a class or interface}
* {@return the simple name of this class, or empty if this class is anonymous}
Optional<Utf8Entry> innerName();

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public sealed interface MethodParametersAttribute
* {@return information about the parameters of the method} The i'th entry
* in the list correponds to the i'th parameter in the method declaration.
* in the list corresponds to the i'th parameter in the method declaration.
List<MethodParameterInfo> parameters();

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.Util;
* Models a single "exports" declaration in the {@link jdk.internal.classfile.attribute.ModuleAttribute}.
* Models a single "exports" declaration in the {@link ModuleAttribute}.
public sealed interface ModuleExportInfo
permits UnboundAttribute.UnboundModuleExportInfo {

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.TemporaryConstantPool;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
* Models hash information for a single module in the {@link jdk.internal.classfile.attribute.ModuleHashesAttribute}.
* Models hash information for a single module in the {@link ModuleHashesAttribute}.
public sealed interface ModuleHashInfo
permits UnboundAttribute.UnboundModuleHashInfo {

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.Util;
* Models a single "opens" declaration in the {@link jdk.internal.classfile.attribute.ModuleAttribute}.
* Models a single "opens" declaration in the {@link ModuleAttribute}.
public sealed interface ModuleOpenInfo
permits UnboundAttribute.UnboundModuleOpenInfo {

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.Util;
* Models a single "provides" declaration in the {@link jdk.internal.classfile.attribute.ModuleAttribute}.
* Models a single "provides" declaration in the {@link ModuleAttribute}.
public sealed interface ModuleProvideInfo
permits UnboundAttribute.UnboundModuleProvideInfo {

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.Util;
* Models a single "requires" declaration in the {@link jdk.internal.classfile.attribute.ModuleAttribute}.
* Models a single "requires" declaration in the {@link ModuleAttribute}.
public sealed interface ModuleRequireInfo
permits UnboundAttribute.UnboundModuleRequiresInfo {

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public sealed interface ModuleResolutionAttribute
* {@return a {@code ModuleResolution} attribute}
* @param resolutionFlags the resolution falgs
* @param resolutionFlags the resolution flags
static ModuleResolutionAttribute of(int resolutionFlags) {
return new UnboundAttribute.UnboundModuleResolutionAttribute(resolutionFlags);

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public sealed interface SignatureAttribute
Utf8Entry signature();
* Parse the siganture as a class signature.
* Parse the signature as a class signature.
* @return the class signature
default ClassSignature asClassSignature() {
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public sealed interface SignatureAttribute
* Parse the siganture as a type signature.
* Parse the signature as a type signature.
* @return the type signature
default Signature asTypeSignature() {

@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.BoundAttribute;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
* SourceDebugExtensionAttribute.
* Models the {@code SourceDebugExtension} attribute (@@@ need reference).
* Delivered as a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.ClassElement} when traversing the elements of
* a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.ClassModel}.
public sealed interface SourceDebugExtensionAttribute
extends Attribute<SourceDebugExtensionAttribute>, ClassElement

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.TemporaryConstantPool;
import jdk.internal.classfile.impl.UnboundAttribute;
* Models the {@code SourceFile} attribute (@@@ reference needed), which can
* Models the {@code SourceID} attribute (@@@ reference needed), which can
* appear on classes. Delivered as a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.ClassElement} when
* traversing a {@link ClassModel}.

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
* Arrays of reference types are always decomposed, mapped as the base reference
* types and composed back to arrays.
* <p>
* Single class remappigng example:
* Single class remapping example:
* {@snippet lang="java" class="PackageSnippets" region="singleClassRemap"}
* <p>
* Remapping of all classes under specific package:
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
* <h3>{@link CodeRelabeler}</h3>
* {@link CodeRelabeler} is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform}
* replacing all occurences of {@link jdk.internal.classfile.Label} in the
* replacing all occurrences of {@link jdk.internal.classfile.Label} in the
* transformed code with new instances.
* All {@link jdk.internal.classfile.instruction.LabelTarget} instructions are
* adjusted accordingly.

@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ public final class ClassHierarchyImpl {
public boolean isAssignableFrom(ClassDesc thisClass, ClassDesc fromClass) {
//extra check if fromClass is an interface is necessay to handle situation when thisClass might not been fully resolved and so it is potentially an unidentified interface
//this special corner-case handling has been added based on better success rate of constructing stack maps with simulated broken resulution of classes and interfaces
//extra check if fromClass is an interface is necessary to handle situation when thisClass might not been fully resolved and so it is potentially an unidentified interface
//this special corner-case handling has been added based on better success rate of constructing stack maps with simulated broken resolution of classes and interfaces
if (isInterface(fromClass)) return resolve(thisClass).superClass() == null;
//regular calculation of assignability is based on common ancestor calculation
var anc = commonAncestor(thisClass, fromClass);
//if common ancestor does not exist (as the class hierarchy could not be fully resolved) we optimistically assume the classes might be accessible
//if common ancestor is equal to thisClass then the classes are clearly accessible
//if other common ancestor is calculated (which works even when their grand-parents could not be resolved) then it is clear that thisClass could not be asigned from fromClass
//if other common ancestor is calculated (which works even when their grandparents could not be resolved) then it is clear that thisClass could not be assigned from fromClass
return anc == null || thisClass.equals(anc);

@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ public final class ClassPrinterImpl {
case OfBoolean cv -> leafs("boolean", String.valueOf((int)cv.constantValue() != 0));
case OfClass clv -> leafs("class", clv.className().stringValue());
case OfEnum ev -> leafs("enum class", ev.className().stringValue(),
"contant name", ev.constantName().stringValue());
"constant name", ev.constantName().stringValue());
case OfAnnotation av -> leafs("annotation class", av.annotation().className().stringValue());
case OfArray av -> new Node[]{new ListNodeImpl(FLOW, "array", av.values().stream().map(
ev -> new MapNodeImpl(FLOW, "value").with(elementValueToTree(ev))))};
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ public final class ClassPrinterImpl {
case ObjectVerificationTypeInfo o ->
case UninitializedVerificationTypeInfo u ->
ret.accept("UNITIALIZED @" + lr.labelToBci(u.newTarget()));
ret.accept("UNINITIALIZED @" + lr.labelToBci(u.newTarget()));
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ public final class ClassPrinterImpl {
"method type", ema.enclosingMethodType()
case ExceptionsAttribute exa ->
nodes.add(list("excceptions", "exc", exa.exceptions().stream()
nodes.add(list("exceptions", "exc", exa.exceptions().stream()
.map(e -> e.name().stringValue())));
case InnerClassesAttribute ica ->
nodes.add(new ListNodeImpl(BLOCK, "inner classes", ica.classes().stream()

@ -205,14 +205,14 @@ public final class StackMapGenerator {
* New <code>Generator</code> instance must be created for each individual class/method.
* Instance contains only immutable results, all the calculations are processed during instance construction.
* @param labelContext <code>LableContext</code> instance used to resolve or patch <code>ExceptionHandler</code>
* @param labelContext <code>LabelContext</code> instance used to resolve or patch <code>ExceptionHandler</code>
* labels to bytecode offsets (or vice versa)
* @param thisClass class to generate stack maps for
* @param methodName method name to generate stack maps for
* @param methodDesc method descriptor to generate stack maps for
* @param isStatic information whether the method is static
* @param bytecode R/W <code>ByteBuffer</code> wrapping method bytecode, the content is altered in case <code>Generator</code> detects and patches dead code
* @param cp R/W <code>ConstantPoolBuilder</code> instance used to resolve all involved CP entries and also generate new entries referenced from the generted stack maps
* @param cp R/W <code>ConstantPoolBuilder</code> instance used to resolve all involved CP entries and also generate new entries referenced from the generated stack maps
* @param handlers R/W <code>ExceptionHandler</code> list used to detect mandatory frame offsets as well as to determine stack maps in exception handlers
* and also to be altered when dead code is detected and must be excluded from exception handlers
@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ public final class StackMapGenerator {
* Throws <code>java.lang.VerifyError</code> with given error message
* @param msg error message
* @param offset bytecode offset where the error occured
* @param offset bytecode offset where the error occurred
private void generatorError(String msg, int offset) {
var sb = new StringBuilder("%s at bytecode offset %d of method %s(%s)".formatted(
@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ public final class StackMapGenerator {
return new Type(ITEM_UNINITIALIZED, null, bci);
@Override //mandatory overrride to avoid use of method reference during JDK bootstrap
@Override //mandatory override to avoid use of method reference during JDK bootstrap
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return (o instanceof Type t) && t.tag == tag && t.bci == bci && Objects.equals(sym, t.sym);

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class VerificationType {
Category1 = (Category1Flag << BitsPerByte) | Primitive,
Category2 = (Category2Flag << BitsPerByte) | Primitive,
Category2_2nd = (Category2_2ndFlag << BitsPerByte) | Primitive,
// Primitive values (type descriminator stored in most-signifcant bytes)
// Primitive values (type discriminator stored in most-significant bytes)
// Bogus needs the " | Primitive". Else, isReference(Bogus) returns TRUE.
Bogus = (ITEM_Bogus << 2 * BitsPerByte) | Primitive,
Boolean = (ITEM_Boolean << 2 * BitsPerByte) | Category1,
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class VerificationType {
Double_2nd = (ITEM_Double_2nd << 2 * BitsPerByte) | Category2_2nd,
// Used by Uninitialized (second and third bytes hold the bci)
BciMask = 0xffff << BitsPerByte,
// A bci of -1 is an Unintialized-This
// A bci of -1 is an Uninitialized-This
BciForThis = 0xffff,
// Query values
ReferenceQuery = (ReferenceFlag << BitsPerByte) | TypeQuery,
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class VerificationType {
// the 'query' types should technically return 'false' here, if we
// allow this to return true, we can perform the test using only
// 2 operations rather than 8 (3 masks, 3 compares and 2 logical 'ands').
// Since noone should call this on a query type anyway, this is ok.
// Since no one should call this on a query type anyway, this is ok.
if(is_check()) context.verifyError("Must not be a check type (wrong value returned)");
// should only return false if it's a primitive, and the category1 flag
// is not set.

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ public sealed interface ExceptionCatch extends PseudoInstruction
* {@return an exception table pseudo-instruction}
* @param handler the handler for the exception
* @param tryStart the beginning of the instruction range for the gaurded instructions
* @param tryEnd the end of the instruction range for the gaurded instructions
* @param tryStart the beginning of the instruction range for the guarded instructions
* @param tryEnd the end of the instruction range for the guarded instructions
* @param catchTypeEntry the type of exception to catch, or empty if this
* handler is unconditional

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public sealed interface LoadInstruction extends Instruction
* {@return a local variable load instruction}
* @param kind the type of the value to be loaded
* @param slot the local varaible slot to load from
* @param slot the local variable slot to load from
static LoadInstruction of(TypeKind kind, int slot) {
return of(BytecodeHelpers.loadOpcode(kind, slot), slot);
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public sealed interface LoadInstruction extends Instruction
* @param op the opcode for the specific type of load instruction,
* which must be of kind {@link Opcode.Kind#LOAD}
* @param slot the local varaible slot to load from
* @param slot the local variable slot to load from
static LoadInstruction of(Opcode op, int slot) {
Util.checkKind(op, Opcode.Kind.LOAD);

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public sealed interface NewMultiArrayInstruction extends Instruction
ClassEntry arrayType();
* {@return the number of dimensions of the aray}
* {@return the number of dimensions of the array}
int dimensions();

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public sealed interface StoreInstruction extends Instruction
* {@return a local variable store instruction}
* @param kind the type of the value to be stored
* @param slot the local varaible slot to store to
* @param slot the local variable slot to store to
static StoreInstruction of(TypeKind kind, int slot) {
return of(BytecodeHelpers.storeOpcode(kind, slot), slot);
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public sealed interface StoreInstruction extends Instruction
* @param op the opcode for the specific type of store instruction,
* which must be of kind {@link Opcode.Kind#STORE}
* @param slot the local varaible slot to store to
* @param slot the local variable slot to store to
static StoreInstruction of(Opcode op, int slot) {
Util.checkKind(op, Opcode.Kind.STORE);

@ -227,12 +227,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
flags: [PROTECTED]
method type: (ZLjava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Void;
attributes: [AnnotationDefault, RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations, RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations, Exceptions, Code]
annotation default: {array: [{boolean: true}, {byte: 12}, {char: 99}, {class: LPhee;}, {double: 1.3}, {enum class: LBoo;, contant name: BOO}, {float: 3.7}, {int: 33}, {long: 3333}, {short: 25}, {string: BOO}, {annotation class: LPhoo;}]}
annotation default: {array: [{boolean: true}, {byte: 12}, {char: 99}, {class: LPhee;}, {double: 1.3}, {enum class: LBoo;, constant name: BOO}, {float: 3.7}, {int: 33}, {long: 3333}, {short: 25}, {string: BOO}, {annotation class: LPhoo;}]}
visible parameter annotations:
parameter 1: [{annotation class: LPhoo;, values: [{name: flfl, value: {float: 22.0}}, {name: frfl, value: {float: 11.0}}]}]
invisible parameter annotations:
parameter 1: [{annotation class: LPhoo;, values: [{name: flfl, value: {float: '-22.0'}}, {name: frfl, value: {float: '-11.0'}}]}]
excceptions: [Phoo, Boo, Bee]
exceptions: [Phoo, Boo, Bee]
max stack: 1
max locals: 3
@ -459,12 +459,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"flags": ["PROTECTED"],
"method type": "(ZLjava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Void;",
"attributes": ["AnnotationDefault", "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations", "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations", "Exceptions", "Code"],
"annotation default": {"array": [{"boolean": "true"}, {"byte": "12"}, {"char": "99"}, {"class": "LPhee;"}, {"double": "1.3"}, {"enum class": "LBoo;", "contant name": "BOO"}, {"float": "3.7"}, {"int": "33"}, {"long": "3333"}, {"short": "25"}, {"string": "BOO"}, {"annotation class": "LPhoo;"}]},
"annotation default": {"array": [{"boolean": "true"}, {"byte": "12"}, {"char": "99"}, {"class": "LPhee;"}, {"double": "1.3"}, {"enum class": "LBoo;", "constant name": "BOO"}, {"float": "3.7"}, {"int": "33"}, {"long": "3333"}, {"short": "25"}, {"string": "BOO"}, {"annotation class": "LPhoo;"}]},
"visible parameter annotations": {
"parameter 1": [{"annotation class": "LPhoo;", "values": [{"name": "flfl", "value": {"float": "22.0"}}, {"name": "frfl", "value": {"float": "11.0"}}]}]},
"invisible parameter annotations": {
"parameter 1": [{"annotation class": "LPhoo;", "values": [{"name": "flfl", "value": {"float": "-22.0"}}, {"name": "frfl", "value": {"float": "-11.0"}}]}]},
"excceptions": ["Phoo", "Boo", "Bee"],
"exceptions": ["Phoo", "Boo", "Bee"],
"code": {
"max stack": 1,
"max locals": 3,
@ -696,12 +696,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class ModuleExamples {
System.out.println("Exports: " + ma.exports());
ModuleMainClassAttribute mmca = cm.findAttribute(Attributes.MODULE_MAIN_CLASS).orElse(null);
System.out.println("Does the module have a MainClassAttribte?: " + (mmca != null));
System.out.println("Does the module have a MainClassAttribute?: " + (mmca != null));
ModulePackagesAttribute mmp = cm.findAttribute(Attributes.MODULE_PACKAGES).orElseThrow();
System.out.println("Packages?: " + mmp.packages());