8209389: SIGSEGV in WalkOopAndArchiveClosure::do_oop_work

Check the MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object return value and handle failure accordingly.

Reviewed-by: iklam, coleenp
This commit is contained in:
Jiangli Zhou 2018-08-16 17:29:22 -04:00
parent d2a9e11aeb
commit da4684e2e1
5 changed files with 52 additions and 3 deletions

@ -1038,6 +1038,7 @@ void java_lang_Class::archive_basic_type_mirrors(TRAPS) {
if (m != NULL) {
// Update the field at _array_klass_offset to point to the relocated array klass.
oop archived_m = MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object(m, THREAD);
assert(archived_m != NULL, "sanity");
Klass *ak = (Klass*)(archived_m->metadata_field(_array_klass_offset));
assert(ak != NULL || t == T_VOID, "should not be NULL");
if (ak != NULL) {

@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class WalkOopAndArchiveClosure: public BasicOopIterateClosure {
// A java.lang.Class instance can not be included in an archived
// object sub-graph.
if (java_lang_Class::is_instance(obj)) {
tty->print("Unknown java.lang.Class object is in the archived sub-graph\n");
log_error(cds, heap)("Unknown java.lang.Class object is in the archived sub-graph\n");
@ -392,6 +392,17 @@ class WalkOopAndArchiveClosure: public BasicOopIterateClosure {
Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
// Archive the current oop before iterating through its references
archived = MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object(obj, THREAD);
if (archived == NULL) {
ResourceMark rm;
LogTarget(Error, cds, heap) log_err;
LogStream ls_err(log_err);
outputStream* out_err = &ls_err;
log_err.print("Failed to archive %s object ("
PTR_FORMAT "), size[" SIZE_FORMAT "] in sub-graph",
obj->klass()->external_name(), p2i(obj), (size_t)obj->size());
assert(MetaspaceShared::is_archive_object(archived), "must be archived");
log.print("=== archiving oop " PTR_FORMAT " ==> " PTR_FORMAT,
p2i(obj), p2i(archived));
@ -480,6 +491,15 @@ void HeapShared::archive_reachable_objects_from_static_field(Klass *k,
// get the archived copy of the field referenced object
oop af = MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object(f, THREAD);
if (af == NULL) {
// Skip archiving the sub-graph referenced from the current entry field.
ResourceMark rm;
log_info(cds, heap)(
"Cannot archive the sub-graph referenced from %s object ("
PTR_FORMAT ") size[" SIZE_FORMAT "], skipped.",
f->klass()->external_name(), p2i(f), (size_t)f->size());
if (!MetaspaceShared::is_archive_object(f)) {
WalkOopAndArchiveClosure walker(1, subgraph_info, f, af);
@ -492,6 +512,10 @@ void HeapShared::archive_reachable_objects_from_static_field(Klass *k,
Klass *relocated_k = af->klass();
Klass *orig_k = f->klass();
subgraph_info->add_subgraph_object_klass(orig_k, relocated_k);
ResourceMark rm;
log_info(cds, heap)(
"Archived the sub-graph referenced from %s object " PTR_FORMAT,
f->klass()->external_name(), p2i(f));
} else {
// The field contains null, we still need to record the entry point,
// so it can be restored at runtime.

@ -1873,6 +1873,8 @@ oop MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object(oop obj, Thread* THREAD) {
int len = obj->size();
if (G1CollectedHeap::heap()->is_archive_alloc_too_large(len)) {
log_debug(cds, heap)("Cannot archive, object (" PTR_FORMAT ") is too large: " SIZE_FORMAT,
p2i(obj), (size_t)obj->size());
return NULL;
@ -1883,9 +1885,14 @@ oop MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object(oop obj, Thread* THREAD) {
ArchivedObjectCache* cache = MetaspaceShared::archive_object_cache();
cache->put(obj, archived_oop);
log_debug(cds, heap)("Archived heap object " PTR_FORMAT " ==> " PTR_FORMAT,
p2i(obj), p2i(archived_oop));
} else {
log_error(cds, heap)(
"Cannot allocate space for object " PTR_FORMAT " in archived heap region",
log_debug(cds, heap)("Archived heap object " PTR_FORMAT " ==> " PTR_FORMAT,
p2i(obj), p2i(archived_oop));
return archived_oop;

@ -296,6 +296,11 @@ void ConstantPool::archive_resolved_references(Thread* THREAD) {
oop archived = MetaspaceShared::archive_heap_object(rr, THREAD);
// If the resolved references array is not archived (too large),
// the 'archived' object is NULL. No need to explicitly check
// the return value of archive_heap_object here. At runtime, the
// resolved references will be created using the normal process
// when there is no archived value.

@ -137,5 +137,17 @@ public class ArchivedIntegerCacheTest {
// Test case 6)
// - Cache is too large to archive
output = TestCommon.dump(appJar,
"Cannot archive the sub-graph referenced from [Ljava.lang.Integer; object");