8144919: Implement missing member handler for BeansLinker
Reviewed-by: lagergren, mhaupt, sundar
This commit is contained in:
@ -349,31 +349,52 @@ abstract class AbstractJavaLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
throws Exception {
final CallSiteDescriptor callSiteDescriptor = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory;
final LinkerServices directLinkerServices;
if (linkerServices instanceof LinkerServicesWithMissingMemberHandlerFactory) {
final LinkerServicesWithMissingMemberHandlerFactory lswmmhf = ((LinkerServicesWithMissingMemberHandlerFactory)linkerServices);
missingMemberHandlerFactory = lswmmhf.missingMemberHandlerFactory;
directLinkerServices = lswmmhf.linkerServices;
} else {
missingMemberHandlerFactory = null;
directLinkerServices = linkerServices;
// Handle NamedOperation(CALL_METHOD, name) separately
final Operation operation = callSiteDescriptor.getOperation();
if (operation instanceof NamedOperation) {
final NamedOperation namedOperation = (NamedOperation)operation;
if (namedOperation.getBaseOperation() == StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD) {
return createGuardedDynamicMethodInvocation(callSiteDescriptor,
linkerServices, namedOperation.getName().toString(), methods);
final GuardedInvocation inv =
directLinkerServices, namedOperation.getName().toString(), methods);
if (inv == null) {
return createNoSuchMemberHandler(missingMemberHandlerFactory,
request, directLinkerServices).getGuardedInvocation();
return inv;
final GuardedInvocationComponent gic = getGuardedInvocationComponent(
new ComponentLinkRequest(request, linkerServices));
new ComponentLinkRequest(request, directLinkerServices,
return gic != null ? gic.getGuardedInvocation() : null;
static final class ComponentLinkRequest {
final LinkRequest linkRequest;
final LinkerServices linkerServices;
final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory;
final List<Operation> operations;
final Object name;
ComponentLinkRequest(final LinkRequest linkRequest,
final LinkerServices linkerServices) {
final LinkerServices linkerServices,
final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory) {
this.linkRequest = linkRequest;
this.linkerServices = linkerServices;
this.missingMemberHandlerFactory = missingMemberHandlerFactory;
final Operation operation = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor().getOperation();
this.operations = Arrays.asList(
@ -383,9 +404,11 @@ abstract class AbstractJavaLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
private ComponentLinkRequest(final LinkRequest linkRequest,
final LinkerServices linkerServices,
final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory,
final List<Operation> operations, final Object name) {
this.linkRequest = linkRequest;
this.linkerServices = linkerServices;
this.missingMemberHandlerFactory = missingMemberHandlerFactory;
this.operations = operations;
this.name = name;
@ -396,6 +419,7 @@ abstract class AbstractJavaLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
ComponentLinkRequest popOperations() {
return new ComponentLinkRequest(linkRequest, linkerServices,
operations.subList(1, operations.size()), name);
@ -416,7 +440,8 @@ abstract class AbstractJavaLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
GuardedInvocationComponent getNextComponent(final ComponentLinkRequest req) throws Exception {
if (req.operations.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return createNoSuchMemberHandler(req.missingMemberHandlerFactory,
req.linkRequest, req.linkerServices);
final GuardedInvocationComponent gic = getGuardedInvocationComponent(req);
if (gic != null) {
@ -425,6 +450,22 @@ abstract class AbstractJavaLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
return getNextComponent(req.popOperations());
private GuardedInvocationComponent createNoSuchMemberHandler(
final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory,
final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
if (missingMemberHandlerFactory == null) {
return null;
final MethodHandle handler = missingMemberHandlerFactory.createMissingMemberHandler(linkRequest, linkerServices);
if (handler == null) {
return null;
final MethodType type = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor().getMethodType();
// The returned handler is allowed to differ in return type.
assert handler.type().changeReturnType(type.returnType()).equals(type);
return getClassGuardedInvocationComponent(handler, type);
static final <T> List<T> pop(final List<T> l) {
return l.subList(1, l.size());
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import jdk.dynalink.CallSiteDescriptor;
@ -162,12 +163,27 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
private static final MethodHandle LIST_GUARD = Guards.getInstanceOfGuard(List.class);
private static final MethodHandle MAP_GUARD = Guards.getInstanceOfGuard(Map.class);
private static final MethodHandle NULL_GETTER_1;
private static final MethodHandle NULL_GETTER_2;
static {
final MethodHandle constantNull = MethodHandles.constant(Object.class, null);
NULL_GETTER_1 = dropObjectArguments(constantNull, 1);
NULL_GETTER_2 = dropObjectArguments(constantNull, 2);
private static MethodHandle dropObjectArguments(final MethodHandle m, final int n) {
return MethodHandles.dropArguments(m, 0, Collections.nCopies(n, Object.class));
private enum CollectionType {
private GuardedInvocationComponent getElementGetter(final ComponentLinkRequest req) throws Exception {
final CallSiteDescriptor callSiteDescriptor = req.getDescriptor();
final Object name = req.name;
final boolean isFixedKey = name != null;
assertParameterCount(callSiteDescriptor, isFixedKey ? 1 : 2);
final LinkerServices linkerServices = req.linkerServices;
final MethodType callSiteType = callSiteDescriptor.getMethodType();
final Class<?> declaredType = callSiteType.parameterType(0);
@ -207,13 +223,14 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
// Convert the key to a number if we're working with a list or array
final Object typedName;
final Object name = req.name;
if(collectionType != CollectionType.MAP && name != null) {
typedName = convertKeyToInteger(name, linkerServices);
if(typedName == null) {
// key is not numeric, it can never succeed
if (collectionType != CollectionType.MAP && isFixedKey) {
final Integer integer = convertKeyToInteger(name, linkerServices);
if (integer == null || integer.intValue() < 0) {
// key is not a non-negative integer, it can never address an
// array or list element
return nextComponent;
typedName = integer;
} else {
typedName = name;
@ -222,30 +239,33 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
final Binder binder = new Binder(linkerServices, callSiteType, typedName);
final MethodHandle invocation = gi.getInvocation();
if(nextComponent == null) {
return gic.replaceInvocation(binder.bind(invocation));
final MethodHandle checkGuard;
switch(collectionType) {
case LIST:
checkGuard = convertArgToInt(RANGE_CHECK_LIST, linkerServices, callSiteDescriptor);
checkGuard = convertArgToNumber(RANGE_CHECK_LIST, linkerServices, callSiteDescriptor);
case MAP:
// TODO: A more complex solution could be devised for maps, one where we do a get() first, and fold it
// into a GWT that tests if it returned null, and if it did, do another GWT with containsKey()
// that returns constant null (on true), or falls back to next component (on false)
checkGuard = linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(CONTAINS_MAP);
case ARRAY:
checkGuard = convertArgToInt(RANGE_CHECK_ARRAY, linkerServices, callSiteDescriptor);
checkGuard = convertArgToNumber(RANGE_CHECK_ARRAY, linkerServices, callSiteDescriptor);
throw new AssertionError();
// If there's no next component, produce a fixed null-returning one
final GuardedInvocationComponent finalNextComponent;
if (nextComponent != null) {
finalNextComponent = nextComponent;
} else {
final MethodHandle nullGetterHandle = isFixedKey ? NULL_GETTER_1 : NULL_GETTER_2;
finalNextComponent = createGuardedInvocationComponentAsType(nullGetterHandle, callSiteType, linkerServices);
final MethodPair matchedInvocations = matchReturnTypes(binder.bind(invocation),
return nextComponent.compose(matchedInvocations.guardWithTest(binder.bindTest(checkGuard)), gi.getGuard(),
return finalNextComponent.compose(matchedInvocations.guardWithTest(binder.bindTest(checkGuard)), gi.getGuard(),
gic.getValidatorClass(), gic.getValidationType());
@ -254,6 +274,11 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
return new GuardedInvocationComponent(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(invocation));
private static GuardedInvocationComponent createGuardedInvocationComponentAsType(
final MethodHandle invocation, final MethodType fromType, final LinkerServices linkerServices) {
return new GuardedInvocationComponent(linkerServices.asType(invocation, fromType));
private static GuardedInvocationComponent createInternalFilteredGuardedInvocationComponent(
final MethodHandle invocation, final MethodHandle guard, final Class<?> validatorClass,
final ValidationType validationType, final LinkerServices linkerServices) {
@ -307,7 +332,7 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
return intIndex;
private static MethodHandle convertArgToInt(final MethodHandle mh, final LinkerServices ls, final CallSiteDescriptor desc) {
private static MethodHandle convertArgToNumber(final MethodHandle mh, final LinkerServices ls, final CallSiteDescriptor desc) {
final Class<?> sourceType = desc.getMethodType().parameterType(1);
if(TypeUtilities.isMethodInvocationConvertible(sourceType, Number.class)) {
return mh;
@ -363,14 +388,10 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
final Number n = (Number)index;
final int intIndex = n.intValue();
final double doubleValue = n.doubleValue();
if(intIndex != doubleValue && !Double.isInfinite(doubleValue)) { // let infinite trigger IOOBE
if (intIndex != n.doubleValue()) {
return false;
if(0 <= intIndex && intIndex < Array.getLength(array)) {
return true;
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array index out of range: " + n);
return 0 <= intIndex && intIndex < Array.getLength(array);
@ -380,14 +401,14 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
final Number n = (Number)index;
final int intIndex = n.intValue();
final double doubleValue = n.doubleValue();
if(intIndex != doubleValue && !Double.isInfinite(doubleValue)) { // let infinite trigger IOOBE
if (intIndex != n.doubleValue()) {
return false;
if(0 <= intIndex && intIndex < list.size()) {
return true;
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + n + ", Size: " + list.size());
return 0 <= intIndex && intIndex < list.size();
private static void noOpSetter() {
private static final MethodHandle SET_LIST_ELEMENT = Lookup.PUBLIC.findVirtual(List.class, "set",
@ -396,8 +417,19 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
private static final MethodHandle PUT_MAP_ELEMENT = Lookup.PUBLIC.findVirtual(Map.class, "put",
MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Object.class));
private static final MethodHandle NO_OP_SETTER_2;
private static final MethodHandle NO_OP_SETTER_3;
static {
final MethodHandle noOpSetter = Lookup.findOwnStatic(MethodHandles.lookup(), "noOpSetter", void.class);
NO_OP_SETTER_2 = dropObjectArguments(noOpSetter, 2);
NO_OP_SETTER_3 = dropObjectArguments(noOpSetter, 3);
private GuardedInvocationComponent getElementSetter(final ComponentLinkRequest req) throws Exception {
final CallSiteDescriptor callSiteDescriptor = req.getDescriptor();
final Object name = req.name;
final boolean isFixedKey = name != null;
assertParameterCount(callSiteDescriptor, isFixedKey ? 2 : 3);
final LinkerServices linkerServices = req.linkerServices;
final MethodType callSiteType = callSiteDescriptor.getMethodType();
final Class<?> declaredType = callSiteType.parameterType(0);
@ -446,13 +478,14 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
// Convert the key to a number if we're working with a list or array
final Object typedName;
final Object name = req.name;
if(collectionType != CollectionType.MAP && name != null) {
typedName = convertKeyToInteger(name, linkerServices);
if(typedName == null) {
// key is not numeric, it can never succeed
if (collectionType != CollectionType.MAP && isFixedKey) {
final Integer integer = convertKeyToInteger(name, linkerServices);
if (integer == null || integer.intValue() < 0) {
// key is not a non-negative integer, it can never address an
// array or list element
return nextComponent;
typedName = integer;
} else {
typedName = name;
@ -461,16 +494,27 @@ class BeanLinker extends AbstractJavaLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicL
final Binder binder = new Binder(linkerServices, callSiteType, typedName);
final MethodHandle invocation = gi.getInvocation();
if(nextComponent == null) {
if (collectionType == CollectionType.MAP) {
assert nextComponent == null;
return gic.replaceInvocation(binder.bind(invocation));
assert collectionType == CollectionType.LIST || collectionType == CollectionType.ARRAY;
final MethodHandle checkGuard = convertArgToInt(collectionType == CollectionType.LIST ? RANGE_CHECK_LIST :
final MethodHandle checkGuard = convertArgToNumber(collectionType == CollectionType.LIST ? RANGE_CHECK_LIST :
RANGE_CHECK_ARRAY, linkerServices, callSiteDescriptor);
// If there's no next component, produce a no-op one.
final GuardedInvocationComponent finalNextComponent;
if (nextComponent != null) {
finalNextComponent = nextComponent;
} else {
final MethodHandle noOpSetterHandle = isFixedKey ? NO_OP_SETTER_2 : NO_OP_SETTER_3;
finalNextComponent = createGuardedInvocationComponentAsType(noOpSetterHandle, callSiteType, linkerServices);
final MethodPair matchedInvocations = matchReturnTypes(binder.bind(invocation),
return nextComponent.compose(matchedInvocations.guardWithTest(binder.bindTest(checkGuard)), gi.getGuard(),
return finalNextComponent.compose(matchedInvocations.guardWithTest(binder.bindTest(checkGuard)), gi.getGuard(),
gic.getValidatorClass(), gic.getValidationType());
@ -146,7 +146,11 @@ import jdk.dynalink.linker.TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker;
* are otherwise public and link requests have call site descriptors carrying
* full-strength {@link Lookup} objects and not weakened lookups or the public
* lookup.</p>
* <p>The class also exposes various static methods for discovery of available
* <p><strong>The behavior for handling missing members</strong> can be
* customized by passing a {@link MissingMemberHandlerFactory} to the
* {@link BeansLinker#BeansLinker(MissingMemberHandlerFactory) constructor}.
* </p>
* <p>The class also exposes various methods for discovery of available
* property and method names on classes and class instances, as well as access
* to per-class linkers using the {@link #getLinkerForClass(Class)}
* method.</p>
@ -164,10 +168,27 @@ public class BeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
private final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory;
* Creates a new beans linker.
* Creates a new beans linker. Equivalent to
* {@link BeansLinker#BeansLinker(MissingMemberHandlerFactory)} with
* {@code null} passed as the missing member handler factory, resulting in
* the default behavior for linking and evaluating missing members.
public BeansLinker() {
* Creates a new beans linker with the specified factory for creating
* missing member handlers. The passed factory can be null if the default
* behavior is adequate. See {@link MissingMemberHandlerFactory} for details.
* @param missingMemberHandlerFactory a factory for creating handlers for
* operations on missing members.
public BeansLinker(final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory) {
this.missingMemberHandlerFactory = missingMemberHandlerFactory;
@ -178,7 +199,37 @@ public class BeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
* @param clazz the class
* @return a bean linker for that class
public static TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker getLinkerForClass(final Class<?> clazz) {
public TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker getLinkerForClass(final Class<?> clazz) {
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker staticLinker = getStaticLinkerForClass(clazz);
if (missingMemberHandlerFactory == null) {
return staticLinker;
return new NoSuchMemberHandlerBindingLinker(staticLinker, missingMemberHandlerFactory);
private static class NoSuchMemberHandlerBindingLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker {
private final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker;
private final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory;
NoSuchMemberHandlerBindingLinker(final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker, final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory) {
this.linker = linker;
this.missingMemberHandlerFactory = missingMemberHandlerFactory;
public boolean canLinkType(final Class<?> type) {
return linker.canLinkType(type);
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
return linker.getGuardedInvocation(linkRequest,
linkerServices, missingMemberHandlerFactory));
static TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker getStaticLinkerForClass(final Class<?> clazz) {
return linkers.get(clazz);
@ -234,7 +285,7 @@ public class BeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
* @return a set of names of all readable instance properties of a class.
public static Set<String> getReadableInstancePropertyNames(final Class<?> clazz) {
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker = getLinkerForClass(clazz);
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker = getStaticLinkerForClass(clazz);
if(linker instanceof BeanLinker) {
return ((BeanLinker)linker).getReadablePropertyNames();
@ -247,7 +298,7 @@ public class BeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
* @return a set of names of all writable instance properties of a class.
public static Set<String> getWritableInstancePropertyNames(final Class<?> clazz) {
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker = getLinkerForClass(clazz);
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker = getStaticLinkerForClass(clazz);
if(linker instanceof BeanLinker) {
return ((BeanLinker)linker).getWritablePropertyNames();
@ -260,7 +311,7 @@ public class BeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
* @return a set of names of all instance methods of a class.
public static Set<String> getInstanceMethodNames(final Class<?> clazz) {
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker = getLinkerForClass(clazz);
final TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker linker = getStaticLinkerForClass(clazz);
if(linker instanceof BeanLinker) {
return ((BeanLinker)linker).getMethodNames();
@ -302,6 +353,8 @@ public class BeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
// Can't operate on null
return null;
return getLinkerForClass(receiver.getClass()).getGuardedInvocation(request, linkerServices);
return getLinkerForClass(receiver.getClass()).getGuardedInvocation(request,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.dynalink.beans;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.ConversionComparator.Comparison;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocation;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkerServices;
final class LinkerServicesWithMissingMemberHandlerFactory implements LinkerServices {
final LinkerServices linkerServices;
final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory;
static LinkerServices get(final LinkerServices linkerServices, final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory) {
if (missingMemberHandlerFactory == null) {
return linkerServices;
return new LinkerServicesWithMissingMemberHandlerFactory(linkerServices, missingMemberHandlerFactory);
private LinkerServicesWithMissingMemberHandlerFactory(final LinkerServices linkerServices, final MissingMemberHandlerFactory missingMemberHandlerFactory) {
this.linkerServices = linkerServices;
this.missingMemberHandlerFactory = missingMemberHandlerFactory;
public MethodHandle asType(final MethodHandle handle, final MethodType fromType) {
return linkerServices.asType(handle, fromType);
public MethodHandle getTypeConverter(final Class<?> sourceType, final Class<?> targetType) {
return linkerServices.getTypeConverter(sourceType, targetType);
public boolean canConvert(final Class<?> from, final Class<?> to) {
return linkerServices.canConvert(from, to);
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest) throws Exception {
return linkerServices.getGuardedInvocation(linkRequest);
public Comparison compareConversion(final Class<?> sourceType, final Class<?> targetType1, final Class<?> targetType2) {
return linkerServices.compareConversion(sourceType, targetType1, targetType2);
public MethodHandle filterInternalObjects(final MethodHandle target) {
return linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(target);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.dynalink.beans;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory;
import jdk.dynalink.NamedOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.NoSuchDynamicMethodException;
import jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkerServices;
* A factory for creating method handles for linking missing member behavior
* in {@link BeansLinker}. BeansLinker links these method handles into guarded
* invocations for link requests specifying {@code GET_*} and {@code SET_*}
* {@link StandardOperation}s when it is either certain or possible that the
* requested member (property, method, or element) is missing. They will be
* linked both for {@link NamedOperation named} and unnamed operations. The
* implementer must ensure that the parameter types of the returned method
* handle match the parameter types of the call site described in the link
* request. The return types can differ, though, to allow
* {@link DynamicLinkerFactory#setPrelinkTransformer(jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocationTransformer)}
* late return type transformations}. It is allowed to return {@code null} for a
* method handle if the default behavior is sufficient.
* <h2>Default missing member behavior</h2>
* When a {@link BeansLinker} is configured without a missing member handler
* factory, or the factory returns {@code null} for a particular handler
* creation invocation, the default behavior is used. The default behavior is to
* return {@code null} from
* {@link BeansLinker#getGuardedInvocation(LinkRequest, LinkerServices)} when it
* can be determined at link time that the linked operation will never address
* an existing member. This lets the {@code DynamicLinker} attempt the next
* linker if there is one, or ultimately fail the link request with
* {@link NoSuchDynamicMethodException}. For other cases (typically all unnamed
* member operations as well as most named operations on collection elements)
* {@code BeansLinker} will produce a conditional linkage that will return
* {@code null} when invoked at runtime with a name that does not match any
* member for getters and silently ignore the passed values for setters.
* <h2>Implementing exception-throwing behavior</h2>
* Note that if the language-specific behavior for an operation on a missing
* member is to throw an exception then the factory should produce a method
* handle that throws the exception when invoked, and must not throw an
* exception itself, as the linkage for the missing member is often conditional.
* @see BeansLinker#BeansLinker(MissingMemberHandlerFactory)
public interface MissingMemberHandlerFactory {
* Returns a method handle suitable for implementing missing member behavior
* for a particular link request. See the class description for details.
* @param linkRequest the current link request
* @param linkerServices the current link services
* @return a method handle that can be invoked if the property, element, or
* method being addressed by an operation is missing. The return value can
* be null.
* @throws Exception if the operation fails for any reason. Please observe
* the class documentation notes for implementing exception-throwing
* missing member behavior.
public MethodHandle createMissingMemberHandler(LinkRequest linkRequest, LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception;
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ public final class NativeObject {
final MethodType getterType = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, clazz);
final MethodType setterType = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, clazz, Object.class);
final GuardingDynamicLinker linker = BeansLinker.getLinkerForClass(clazz);
final GuardingDynamicLinker linker = Bootstrap.getBeanLinkerForClass(clazz);
final List<AccessorProperty> properties = new ArrayList<>(propertyNames.size() + methodNames.size());
for(final String methodName: methodNames) {
@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ public final class Undefined extends DefaultPropertyAccess {
public static GuardedInvocation lookup(final CallSiteDescriptor desc) {
final StandardOperation op = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getFirstStandardOperation(desc);
if (op == null) {
return null;
switch (op) {
case CALL:
case NEW:
@ -40,10 +40,11 @@ import jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory;
import jdk.dynalink.beans.BeansLinker;
import jdk.dynalink.beans.StaticClass;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocation;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocationTransformer;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardingDynamicLinker;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkerServices;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.MethodTypeConversionStrategy;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.support.TypeUtilities;
import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.Call;
@ -67,6 +68,24 @@ public final class Bootstrap {
private static final MethodHandle VOID_TO_OBJECT = MH.constant(Object.class, ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED);
private static final BeansLinker beansLinker = new BeansLinker(Bootstrap::createMissingMemberHandler);
private static final GuardingDynamicLinker[] prioritizedLinkers;
private static final GuardingDynamicLinker[] fallbackLinkers;
static {
final NashornBeansLinker nashornBeansLinker = new NashornBeansLinker(beansLinker);
prioritizedLinkers = new GuardingDynamicLinker[] {
new NashornLinker(),
new NashornPrimitiveLinker(),
new NashornStaticClassLinker(beansLinker),
new BoundCallableLinker(),
new JavaSuperAdapterLinker(beansLinker),
new JSObjectLinker(nashornBeansLinker),
new BrowserJSObjectLinker(nashornBeansLinker),
new ReflectionCheckLinker()
fallbackLinkers = new GuardingDynamicLinker[] {nashornBeansLinker, new NashornBottomLinker() };
// do not create me!!
private Bootstrap() {
@ -81,31 +100,14 @@ public final class Bootstrap {
public static DynamicLinker createDynamicLinker(final ClassLoader appLoader,
final int unstableRelinkThreshold) {
final DynamicLinkerFactory factory = new DynamicLinkerFactory();
final NashornBeansLinker nashornBeansLinker = new NashornBeansLinker();
new NashornLinker(),
new NashornPrimitiveLinker(),
new NashornStaticClassLinker(),
new BoundCallableLinker(),
new JavaSuperAdapterLinker(),
new JSObjectLinker(nashornBeansLinker),
new BrowserJSObjectLinker(nashornBeansLinker),
new ReflectionCheckLinker());
factory.setFallbackLinkers(nashornBeansLinker, new NashornBottomLinker());
factory.setPrelinkTransformer(new GuardedInvocationTransformer() {
public GuardedInvocation filter(final GuardedInvocation inv, final LinkRequest request, final LinkerServices linkerServices) {
final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
return OptimisticReturnFilters.filterOptimisticReturnValue(inv, desc).asType(linkerServices, desc.getMethodType());
factory.setAutoConversionStrategy(new MethodTypeConversionStrategy() {
public MethodHandle asType(final MethodHandle target, final MethodType newType) {
return unboxReturnType(target, newType);
factory.setPrelinkTransformer((inv, request, linkerServices) -> {
final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
return OptimisticReturnFilters.filterOptimisticReturnValue(inv, desc).asType(linkerServices, desc.getMethodType());
@ -114,6 +116,15 @@ public final class Bootstrap {
return factory.createLinker();
* Returns a dynamic linker for the specific Java class using beans semantics.
* @param clazz the Java class
* @return a dynamic linker for the specific Java class using beans semantics.
public static TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker getBeanLinkerForClass(final Class<?> clazz) {
return beansLinker.getLinkerForClass(clazz);
* Returns if the given object is a "callable"
* @param obj object to be checked for callability
@ -475,4 +486,14 @@ public final class Bootstrap {
return target;
private static MethodHandle createMissingMemberHandler(
final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
if (BrowserJSObjectLinker.canLinkTypeStatic(linkRequest.getReceiver().getClass())) {
// Don't create missing member handlers for the browser JS objects as they
// have their own logic.
return null;
return NashornBottomLinker.linkMissingBeanMember(linkRequest, linkerServices);
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.lookup.Lookup.EMPTY_GETTER;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.JavaAdapterBytecodeGenerator.SUPER_PREFIX;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
@ -62,6 +61,12 @@ final class JavaSuperAdapterLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker {
IS_ADAPTER_OF_CLASS = lookup.findOwnStatic("isAdapterOfClass", boolean.class, Class.class, Object.class);
private final BeansLinker beansLinker;
JavaSuperAdapterLinker(final BeansLinker beansLinker) {
this.beansLinker = beansLinker;
public boolean canLinkType(final Class<?> type) {
return type == JavaSuperAdapter.class;
@ -101,17 +106,13 @@ final class JavaSuperAdapterLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker {
// Delegate to BeansLinker
final GuardedInvocation guardedInv = NashornBeansLinker.getGuardedInvocation(
BeansLinker.getLinkerForClass(adapterClass), linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDescriptor, args),
beansLinker, linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDescriptor, args),
// Even for non-existent methods, Bootstrap's BeansLinker will link a
// noSuchMember handler.
assert guardedInv != null;
final MethodHandle guard = IS_ADAPTER_OF_CLASS.bindTo(adapterClass);
if(guardedInv == null) {
// Short circuit the lookup here for non-existent methods by linking an empty getter. If we just returned
// null instead, BeansLinker would find final methods on the JavaSuperAdapter instead: getClass() and
// wait().
return new GuardedInvocation(MethodHandles.dropArguments(EMPTY_GETTER, 1,type.parameterList().subList(1,
type.parameterCount())), guard).asType(descriptor);
final MethodHandle invocation = guardedInv.getInvocation();
final MethodType invType = invocation.type();
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ final class JavaSuperAdapterLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker {
private static Object bindDynamicMethod(final Object dynamicMethod, final Object boundThis) {
return dynamicMethod == null ? ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED : Bootstrap.bindCallable(dynamicMethod, boundThis, null);
return dynamicMethod == ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED ? ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED : Bootstrap.bindCallable(dynamicMethod, boundThis, null);
@ -85,7 +85,11 @@ public class NashornBeansLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker {
private final BeansLinker beansLinker = new BeansLinker();
private final BeansLinker beansLinker;
NashornBeansLinker(final BeansLinker beansLinker) {
this.beansLinker = beansLinker;
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
@ -27,26 +27,27 @@ package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.lookup.Lookup.MH;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType.GET_UNDEFINED;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType.TYPE_OBJECT_INDEX;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import jdk.dynalink.CallSiteDescriptor;
import jdk.dynalink.NamedOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.Operation;
import jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.beans.BeansLinker;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocation;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardingDynamicLinker;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardingTypeConverterFactory;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkerServices;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.support.Guards;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.support.Lookup;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException;
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ final class NashornBottomLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker, GuardingTypeCo
// this point is a generic Java bean. Therefore, reaching here with a ScriptObject is a Nashorn bug.
assert isExpectedObject(self) : "Couldn't link " + linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor() + " for " + self.getClass().getName();
return linkBean(linkRequest, linkerServices);
return linkBean(linkRequest);
private static final MethodHandle EMPTY_PROP_GETTER =
@ -85,7 +86,18 @@ final class NashornBottomLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker, GuardingTypeCo
private static final MethodHandle EMPTY_ELEM_SETTER =
MH.dropArguments(EMPTY_PROP_SETTER, 0, Object.class);
private static GuardedInvocation linkBean(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
private static final MethodHandle THROW_NO_SUCH_FUNCTION;
private static final MethodHandle THROW_STRICT_PROPERTY_SETTER;
private static final MethodHandle THROW_OPTIMISTIC_UNDEFINED;
static {
final Lookup lookup = new Lookup(MethodHandles.lookup());
THROW_NO_SUCH_FUNCTION = lookup.findOwnStatic("throwNoSuchFunction", Object.class, Object.class, Object.class);
THROW_STRICT_PROPERTY_SETTER = lookup.findOwnStatic("throwStrictPropertySetter", void.class, Object.class, Object.class);
THROW_OPTIMISTIC_UNDEFINED = lookup.findOwnStatic("throwOptimisticUndefined", Object.class, int.class);
private static GuardedInvocation linkBean(final LinkRequest linkRequest) throws Exception {
final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
switch (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getFirstStandardOperation(desc)) {
@ -105,35 +117,79 @@ final class NashornBottomLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker, GuardingTypeCo
throw typeError("no.method.matches.args", ScriptRuntime.safeToString(self));
throw typeError("not.a.function", NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getFunctionErrorMessage(desc, self));
throw typeError("no.such.function", getArgument(linkRequest), ScriptRuntime.safeToString(self));
// evaluate to undefined, later on Undefined will take care of throwing TypeError
return getInvocation(MH.dropArguments(GET_UNDEFINED.get(TYPE_OBJECT_INDEX), 0, Object.class), self, linkerServices, desc);
if(NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isOptimistic(desc)) {
throw new UnwarrantedOptimismException(UNDEFINED, NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getProgramPoint(desc), Type.OBJECT);
if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getOperand(desc) != null) {
return getInvocation(EMPTY_PROP_GETTER, self, linkerServices, desc);
return getInvocation(EMPTY_ELEM_GETTER, self, linkerServices, desc);
final boolean strict = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isStrict(desc);
if (strict) {
throw typeError("cant.set.property", getArgument(linkRequest), ScriptRuntime.safeToString(self));
if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getOperand(desc) != null) {
return getInvocation(EMPTY_PROP_SETTER, self, linkerServices, desc);
return getInvocation(EMPTY_ELEM_SETTER, self, linkerServices, desc);
// Everything else is supposed to have been already handled by Bootstrap.beansLinker
// delegating to linkNoSuchBeanMember
throw new AssertionError("unknown call type " + desc);
static MethodHandle linkMissingBeanMember(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
final StandardOperation op = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getFirstStandardOperation(desc);
if (op != null) {
final String operand = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getOperand(desc);
switch (op) {
return adaptThrower(bindOperand(THROW_NO_SUCH_FUNCTION, operand), desc);
if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isOptimistic(desc)) {
return adaptThrower(MethodHandles.insertArguments(THROW_OPTIMISTIC_UNDEFINED, 0, NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getProgramPoint(desc)), desc);
if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getOperand(desc) != null) {
return getInvocation(EMPTY_PROP_GETTER, linkerServices, desc);
return getInvocation(EMPTY_ELEM_GETTER, linkerServices, desc);
final boolean strict = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isStrict(desc);
if (strict) {
return adaptThrower(bindOperand(THROW_STRICT_PROPERTY_SETTER, operand), desc);
if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getOperand(desc) != null) {
return getInvocation(EMPTY_PROP_SETTER, linkerServices, desc);
return getInvocation(EMPTY_ELEM_SETTER, linkerServices, desc);
throw new AssertionError("unknown call type " + desc);
private static MethodHandle bindOperand(final MethodHandle handle, final String operand) {
return operand == null ? handle : MethodHandles.insertArguments(handle, 1, operand);
private static MethodHandle adaptThrower(final MethodHandle handle, final CallSiteDescriptor desc) {
final MethodType targetType = desc.getMethodType();
final int paramCount = handle.type().parameterCount();
return MethodHandles
.dropArguments(handle, paramCount, targetType.parameterList().subList(paramCount, targetType.parameterCount()))
private static Object throwNoSuchFunction(final Object self, final Object name) {
throw createTypeError(self, name, "no.such.function");
private static void throwStrictPropertySetter(final Object self, final Object name) {
throw createTypeError(self, name, "cant.set.property");
private static ECMAException createTypeError(final Object self, final Object name, final String msg) {
return typeError(msg, String.valueOf(name), ScriptRuntime.safeToString(self));
private static Object throwOptimisticUndefined(final int programPoint) {
throw new UnwarrantedOptimismException(UNDEFINED, programPoint, Type.OBJECT);
public GuardedInvocation convertToType(final Class<?> sourceType, final Class<?> targetType, final Supplier<MethodHandles.Lookup> lookupSupplier) throws Exception {
final GuardedInvocation gi = convertToTypeNoCast(sourceType, targetType);
@ -158,8 +214,8 @@ final class NashornBottomLinker implements GuardingDynamicLinker, GuardingTypeCo
return null;
private static GuardedInvocation getInvocation(final MethodHandle handle, final Object self, final LinkerServices linkerServices, final CallSiteDescriptor desc) {
return Bootstrap.asTypeSafeReturn(new GuardedInvocation(handle, Guards.getClassGuard(self.getClass())), linkerServices, desc);
private static MethodHandle getInvocation(final MethodHandle handle, final LinkerServices linkerServices, final CallSiteDescriptor desc) {
return linkerServices.asTypeLosslessReturn(handle, desc.getMethodType());
// Used solely in an assertion to figure out if the object we get here is something we in fact expect. Objects
@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors;
* </pre>
final class NashornStaticClassLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker {
private static final GuardingDynamicLinker staticClassLinker = BeansLinker.getLinkerForClass(StaticClass.class);
private final GuardingDynamicLinker staticClassLinker;
NashornStaticClassLinker(final BeansLinker beansLinker) {
this.staticClassLinker = beansLinker.getLinkerForClass(StaticClass.class);
public boolean canLinkType(final Class<?> type) {
@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ final class NashornStaticClassLinker implements TypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker {
return delegate(linkerServices, request);
private static GuardedInvocation delegate(final LinkerServices linkerServices, final LinkRequest request) throws Exception {
private GuardedInvocation delegate(final LinkerServices linkerServices, final LinkRequest request) throws Exception {
return NashornBeansLinker.getGuardedInvocation(staticClassLinker, request, linkerServices);
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
[jdk.dynalink.beans.SimpleDynamicMethod java.lang.String(char[],int,int)]
TypeError: null is not a function
TypeError: null is not a function
TypeError: null is not a function
TypeError: Java.type("java.lang.Object")["()xxxxx"] is not a function
TypeError: Java.type("java.lang.Object")["("] is not a function
TypeError: Java.type("java.lang.Object")[")"] is not a function
TypeError: Constructor [jdk.dynalink.beans.SimpleDynamicMethod java.lang.String(char[],int,int)] requires "new".
TypeError: null is not a function
TypeError: null is not a function
TypeError: Java.type("java.lang.Runnable")["()"] is not a function
TypeError: Java.type("java.lang.Runnable")["(int)"] is not a function
java.lang.InstantiationException: java.io.InputStream
@ -29,12 +29,13 @@
// Make sure index access on Java objects is working as expected.
var map = new java.util.HashMap();
var map = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
map["foo"] = "bar";
map[1] = 2;
map[false] = true;
map[null] = 0;
map["a"] = null;
@ -49,10 +50,12 @@ print(typeof map["foo"], map["foo"]);
print(typeof map[1], map[1]);
print(typeof map[false], map[false]);
print(typeof map[null], map[null]);
print(typeof map["a"], map["a"]);
print("map.foo=" + map.foo);
print("map.false=" + map.false);
print("map.null=" + map.null);
print("map.a=" + map.a);
map.foo = "baz";
@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
{null=0, 1=2, false=true, foo=bar}
object null
{foo=bar, 1=2, false=true, null=0, a=null}
string foo
number 1
boolean false
string foo
object null
string a
string bar
number 2
boolean true
number 0
{null=0, 1=2, false=true, foo=baz}
object null
{foo=baz, 1=2, false=true, null=0, a=null}
@ -54,15 +54,14 @@ print("l['blah']=" + l['blah']) // non-number indices don't retrieve anything...
var size_name = "size"
print("l[size_name]()=" + l[size_name]()) // ... but existing methods can be accessed with []
expectException(2) // Java lists don't auto-expand to accommodate new indices
expectException(java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) // Dynalink will throw IOOBE
expectException(java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) // Dynalink will throw IOOBE
// All illegal indices, even those out of bounds, return undefined
print("l[2]=" + l[2]);
print("l[-1]=" + l[-1]);
print("l[2.1]=" + l[2.1]);
print("l[-1.1]=" + l[-1.1]);
print("l[Infinity]=" + l[Infinity]);
print("l[-Infinity]=" + l[-Infinity]);
print("l[NaN]=" + l[NaN]);
function expectException(index) {
try {
l[index] = "x"
print("Not caught out-of-bounds assignment for " + index)
} catch(e) {
l[1.1]="b"; // should be no-op
print("l[0]=" + l[0]);
@ -9,9 +9,14 @@ bar
--for each end--
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 2
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: Infinity, Size: 2
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: -Infinity, Size: 2
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ print("m.empty = " + m.empty) // prints "false"
print("m['empty'] = " + m['empty'])
print("m[empty_key] = " + m[empty_key]) // prints "foo"
print("m.bwah = " + m.bwah) // prints "null"
print("m['bwah'] = " + m['bwah']) // prints "null"
print("m.bwah = " + m.bwah) // prints "undefined"
print("m['bwah'] = " + m['bwah']) // prints "undefined"
m.put("twonk", "ding")
print("m.twonk = " + m.twonk) // prints "ding"
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ m = {empty=foo}
m.empty = false
m['empty'] = foo
m[empty_key] = foo
m.bwah = null
m['bwah'] = null
m.bwah = undefined
m['bwah'] = undefined
m.twonk = ding
m['twonk'] = ding
@ -24,7 +24,17 @@
package jdk.dynalink.beans.test;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.CALL;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.GET_ELEMENT;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.GET_LENGTH;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.GET_METHOD;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.NEW;
import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.SET_ELEMENT;
import java.lang.invoke.CallSite;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.security.AccessControlException;
@ -38,7 +48,6 @@ import jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory;
import jdk.dynalink.NamedOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.NoSuchDynamicMethodException;
import jdk.dynalink.Operation;
import jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.beans.BeansLinker;
import jdk.dynalink.beans.StaticClass;
import jdk.dynalink.support.SimpleRelinkableCallSite;
@ -72,9 +81,80 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
return createCallSite(publicLookup, new NamedOperation(op, name), mt);
private static final MethodHandle throwArrayIndexOutOfBounds = findThrower("throwArrayIndexOutOfBounds");
private static final MethodHandle throwIndexOutOfBounds = findThrower("throwIndexOutOfBounds");
private static final MethodHandle findThrower(final String name) {
try {
return MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(BeanLinkerTest.class, name,
MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Object.class));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
Assert.fail("Unexpected exception", e);
return null;
private static Object throwArrayIndexOutOfBounds(final Object receiver, final Object index) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(String.valueOf(index));
private static Object throwIndexOutOfBounds(final Object receiver, final Object index) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.valueOf(index));
public void initLinker() {
final DynamicLinkerFactory factory = new DynamicLinkerFactory();
factory.setFallbackLinkers(new BeansLinker((req, services) -> {
// This is a MissingMemberHandlerFactory that creates a missing
// member handler for element getters and setters that throw an
// ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when applied to an array and an
// IndexOutOfBoundsException when applied to a list.
final CallSiteDescriptor desc = req.getCallSiteDescriptor();
final Operation op = desc.getOperation();
final Operation baseOp = NamedOperation.getBaseOperation(op);
if (baseOp != GET_ELEMENT && baseOp != SET_ELEMENT) {
// We only handle GET_ELEMENT and SET_ELEMENT.
return null;
final Object receiver = req.getReceiver();
final Class<?> clazz = receiver.getClass();
final MethodHandle throwerHandle;
if (clazz.isArray()) {
throwerHandle = throwArrayIndexOutOfBounds;
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
throwerHandle = throwIndexOutOfBounds;
} else {
Assert.fail("Unexpected receiver type " + clazz.getName());
return null;
final Object name = NamedOperation.getName(op);
final MethodHandle nameBoundHandle;
if (name == null) {
nameBoundHandle = throwerHandle;
} else {
// If the operation is for a fixed index, bind it
nameBoundHandle = MethodHandles.insertArguments(throwerHandle, 1, name);
final MethodType callSiteType = desc.getMethodType();
final MethodHandle arityMatchedHandle;
if (baseOp == SET_ELEMENT) {
// Drop "value" parameter for a setter
final int handleArity = nameBoundHandle.type().parameterCount();
arityMatchedHandle = MethodHandles.dropArguments(nameBoundHandle,
handleArity, callSiteType.parameterType(handleArity));
} else {
arityMatchedHandle = nameBoundHandle;
return arityMatchedHandle.asType(callSiteType);
this.linker = factory.createLinker();
@ -86,7 +166,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getPropertyTest(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_PROPERTY, mt);
Assert.assertEquals(cs.getTarget().invoke(new Object(), "class"), Object.class);
Assert.assertEquals(cs.getTarget().invoke(new Date(), "class"), Date.class);
@ -94,14 +174,14 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getPropertyNegativeTest(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_PROPERTY, mt);
Assert.assertNull(cs.getTarget().invoke(new Object(), "DOES_NOT_EXIST"));
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getPropertyTest2(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY, "class", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_PROPERTY, "class", mt);
Assert.assertEquals(cs.getTarget().invoke(new Object()), Object.class);
Assert.assertEquals(cs.getTarget().invoke(new Date()), Date.class);
@ -109,12 +189,12 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getPropertyNegativeTest2(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY, "DOES_NOT_EXIST", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_PROPERTY, "DOES_NOT_EXIST", mt);
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(new Object());
throw new RuntimeException("Expected NoSuchDynamicMethodException");
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
Assert.assertTrue(th instanceof NoSuchDynamicMethodException);
@ -122,7 +202,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getLengthPropertyTest(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_PROPERTY, mt);
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke(new int[10], "length"), 10);
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke(new String[33], "length"), 33);
@ -131,7 +211,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getlengthTest(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_LENGTH, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_LENGTH, mt);
final int[] arr = {23, 42};
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke((Object) arr), 2);
@ -151,21 +231,21 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void getElementTest(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class, int.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_ELEMENT, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_ELEMENT, mt);
final int[] arr = {23, 42};
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, 0), 23);
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, 1), 42);
try {
int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, -1);
final int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, -1);
throw new RuntimeException("expected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
try {
int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, arr.length);
final int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, arr.length);
throw new RuntimeException("expected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
final List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
@ -176,22 +256,22 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke(list, 1), (int) list.get(1));
Assert.assertEquals((int) cs.getTarget().invoke(list, 2), (int) list.get(2));
try {
int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(list, -1);
final int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(list, -1);
throw new RuntimeException("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
try {
int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(list, list.size());
final int x = (int) cs.getTarget().invoke(list, list.size());
throw new RuntimeException("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void setElementTest(final boolean publicLookup) throws Throwable {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object.class, int.class, int.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.SET_ELEMENT, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, SET_ELEMENT, mt);
final int[] arr = {23, 42};
cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, 0, 0);
@ -202,13 +282,13 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, -1, 12);
throw new RuntimeException("expected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(arr, arr.length, 20);
throw new RuntimeException("expected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
final List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
@ -223,25 +303,25 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(list, -1, 343);
throw new RuntimeException("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(list, list.size(), 43543);
throw new RuntimeException("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void newObjectTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.NEW, mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, NEW, mt);
Object obj = null;
try {
obj = cs.getTarget().invoke(StaticClass.forClass(Date.class));
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -251,12 +331,12 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void staticPropertyTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Class.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_PROPERTY, "static", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_PROPERTY, "static", mt);
Object obj = null;
try {
obj = cs.getTarget().invoke(Object.class);
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -265,7 +345,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
try {
obj = cs.getTarget().invoke(Date.class);
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -274,7 +354,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
try {
obj = cs.getTarget().invoke(Object[].class);
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -285,14 +365,14 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void instanceMethodCallTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_METHOD, "getClass", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_METHOD, "getClass", mt);
final MethodType mt2 = MethodType.methodType(Class.class, Object.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs2 = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL, mt2);
final CallSite cs2 = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL, mt2);
Object method = null;
try {
method = cs.getTarget().invoke(new Date());
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -301,7 +381,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
Class clz = null;
try {
clz = (Class) cs2.getTarget().invoke(method, new Date());
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -311,11 +391,11 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void instanceMethodCallTest2(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Class.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD, "getClass", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL_METHOD, "getClass", mt);
Class clz = null;
try {
clz = (Class) cs.getTarget().invoke(new Date());
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -325,14 +405,14 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void staticMethodCallTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, StaticClass.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.GET_METHOD, "getProperty", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, GET_METHOD, "getProperty", mt);
final MethodType mt2 = MethodType.methodType(String.class, Object.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs2 = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL, mt2);
final CallSite cs2 = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL, mt2);
Object method = null;
try {
method = cs.getTarget().invoke(StaticClass.forClass(System.class));
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
@ -342,7 +422,7 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
String str = null;
try {
str = (String) cs2.getTarget().invoke(method, null, "os.name");
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
Assert.assertEquals(str, System.getProperty("os.name"));
@ -351,12 +431,12 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void staticMethodCallTest2(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(String.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD, "getProperty", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL_METHOD, "getProperty", mt);
String str = null;
try {
str = (String) cs.getTarget().invoke(StaticClass.forClass(System.class), "os.name");
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
throw new RuntimeException(th);
Assert.assertEquals(str, System.getProperty("os.name"));
@ -366,12 +446,12 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void systemGetenvTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD, "getenv", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL_METHOD, "getenv", mt);
try {
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here in any case!");
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
Assert.assertTrue(th instanceof SecurityException);
@ -380,12 +460,12 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void systemGetPropertyTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(String.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD, "getProperty", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL_METHOD, "getProperty", mt);
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(StaticClass.forClass(System.class), "java.home");
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here in any case!");
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
Assert.assertTrue(th instanceof SecurityException);
@ -394,12 +474,12 @@ public class BeanLinkerTest {
@Test(dataProvider = "flags")
public void systemLoadLibraryTest(final boolean publicLookup) {
final MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object.class, String.class);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, StandardOperation.CALL_METHOD, "loadLibrary", mt);
final CallSite cs = createCallSite(publicLookup, CALL_METHOD, "loadLibrary", mt);
try {
cs.getTarget().invoke(StaticClass.forClass(System.class), "foo");
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here in any case!");
} catch (Throwable th) {
} catch (final Throwable th) {
if (publicLookup) {
Assert.assertTrue(th instanceof IllegalAccessError);
} else {
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.SET_PROPERTY;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import jdk.dynalink.CallSiteDescriptor;
import jdk.dynalink.CompositeOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory;
import jdk.dynalink.NamedOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.NoSuchDynamicMethodException;
import jdk.dynalink.Operation;
import jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation;
import jdk.dynalink.support.SimpleRelinkableCallSite;
@ -207,6 +209,30 @@ public class BeansLinkerTest {
Assert.assertEquals("element2", map.get("name"));
public static void testMissingMembersAtLinkTime() {
testPermutations(GETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> expectNoSuchDynamicMethodException(()-> call(named("foo", op), new Object())));
testPermutations(SETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> expectNoSuchDynamicMethodException(()-> call(named("foo", op), new Object(), "newValue")));
public static void testMissingMembersAtRunTime() {
call(GET_ELEMENT, new ArrayList<>(), "foo");
Stream.of(new HashMap(), new ArrayList(), new Object[0]).forEach((receiver) -> {
testPermutations(GETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> { System.err.println(op + " " + receiver.getClass().getName()); Assert.assertNull(call(op, receiver, "foo"));});
// No assertion for the setter; we just expect it to silently succeed
testPermutations(SETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> call(op, receiver, "foo", "newValue"));
private static void expectNoSuchDynamicMethodException(final Runnable r) {
try {
Assert.fail("Should've thrown NoSuchDynamicMethodException");
} catch(final NoSuchDynamicMethodException e) {
private static Operation[] GETTER_PERMUTATIONS = new Operation[] {
@ -240,6 +266,10 @@ public class BeansLinkerTest {
testPermutationsWithFilter(ops, (op)->regex.matcher(op.toString()).matches(), expectedCount, test);
private static void testPermutations(final Operation[] ops, final Consumer<Operation> test) {
testPermutationsWithFilter(ops, (op)->true, ops.length, test);
private static void testPermutationsWithFilter(final Operation[] ops, final Predicate<Operation> filter, final int expectedCount, final Consumer<Operation> test) {
final int[] counter = new int[1];
Stream.of(ops).filter(filter).forEach((op)-> { counter[0]++; test.accept(op); });
@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class CallerSensitiveTest {
public void testCallerSensitive() {
new BeansLinker().getLinkerForClass(ClassLoaderAware.class);
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.internal.dynalink.beans.test;
import jdk.dynalink.beans.BeansLinker;
import jdk.nashorn.test.models.ClassLoaderAware;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class CallerSensitiveTest {
public void testCallerSensitive() {
Reference in New Issue
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