8074988: Reduce boilerplate in Setup* macro definitions

Reviewed-by: tbell, ihse
This commit is contained in:
Erik Joelsson 2015-03-12 12:13:23 +01:00
parent 9cfe6a95d0
commit e755ea9a60
10 changed files with 112 additions and 124 deletions

@ -88,15 +88,8 @@ endef
define SetupIdlCompilation
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupIdlCompilation, please update IdlCompilation.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupIdlCompilationInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupIdlCompilationInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupIdlCompilation($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupIdlCompilation, please update IdlCompilation.gmk))
SetupIdlCompilation = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupIdlCompilationBody
# Find all existing java files and existing class files.
$$(call MakeDir,$$($1_BIN))

# FLAGS:=Flags to be supplied to javac
# SERVER_DIR:=Use a javac server (-XDserver) and store the server related files here
# SERVER_JVM:=Use this JVM for the server. Defaults to the JVM above.
define SetupJavaCompiler
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupJavaCompiler, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupJavaCompilerInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupJavaCompilerInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupJavaCompiler($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupJavaCompiler, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
SetupJavaCompiler = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupJavaCompilerBody
# The port file contains the tcp/ip on which the server listens
# and the cookie necessary to talk to the server.
@ -84,10 +76,11 @@ endef
# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,
# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.
# Parameter 2 is a list of dependencies for the jar target. If left empty,
# dependencies are searched using SRCS, which should not be empty.
# Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:
# DEPENDENCIES:=List of dependencies for the jar target. If left empty,
# dependencies are calculated automatically from the source files found.
# For this to work, the source files must exist when the makefile is
# parsed.
# SRCS:=List of directories in where to find files to add to archive
# SUFFIXES:=File suffixes to include in jar
# INCLUDES:=List of directories/packages in SRCS that should be included
@ -102,17 +95,8 @@ endef
# added to the archive.
# EXTRA_MANIFEST_ATTR:=Extra attribute to add to manifest.
define SetupArchive
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupArchive, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupArchiveInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupArchiveInner
# NOTE: $2 is dependencies, not a named argument!
$(foreach i,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupArchive($1),<dependencies>,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL),trace), $(info *[2] <dependencies> = $(strip $2)))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupArchive, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
SetupArchive = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupArchiveBody
$1_JARMAIN:=$(strip $$($1_JARMAIN))
$1_JARNAME:=$$(notdir $$($1_JAR))
@ -171,29 +155,27 @@ define SetupArchiveInner
# When this macro is run in the same makefile as the java compilation, dependencies are
# transfered in make variables. When the macro is run in a different makefile than the
# java compilation, the dependencies need to be found in the filesystem.
ifneq (,$2)
ifeq ($$($1_DEPENDENCIES), )
# Add all source roots to the find cache since we are likely going to run find
# on these more than once. The cache will only be updated if necessary.
$$(eval $$(call FillCacheFind, $$($1_FIND_LIST)))
$1_DEPS:=$$(filter $$(addprefix %,$$($1_SUFFIXES)), \
$1_DEPENDENCIES:=$$(filter $$(addprefix %,$$($1_SUFFIXES)), \
$$(call CacheFind,$$($1_SRCS)))
$1_DEPS:=$$(filter $$(addsuffix %,$$($1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS)),$$($1_DEPS))
$1_DEPENDENCIES:=$$(filter $$(addsuffix %,$$($1_GREP_INCLUDE_PATTERNS)),$$($1_DEPENDENCIES))
$1_DEPS:=$$(filter-out $$(addsuffix %,$$($1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS)),$$($1_DEPS))
$1_DEPENDENCIES:=$$(filter-out $$(addsuffix %,$$($1_GREP_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS)),$$($1_DEPENDENCIES))
# Look for EXTRA_FILES in all SRCS dirs and as absolute paths.
$1_DEPS+=$$(wildcard $$(foreach src, $$($1_SRCS), \
$1_DEPENDENCIES+=$$(wildcard $$(foreach src, $$($1_SRCS), \
$$(addprefix $$(src)/, $$($1_EXTRA_FILES))) $$($1_EXTRA_FILES))
ifeq (,$$($1_SKIP_METAINF))
$1_DEPS+=$$(call CacheFind,$$(wildcard $$(addsuffix /META-INF,$$($1_SRCS))))
$1_DEPENDENCIES+=$$(call CacheFind,$$(wildcard $$(addsuffix /META-INF,$$($1_SRCS))))
# The dependency list should never be empty
ifeq ($$(strip $$($1_DEPS)), )
ifeq ($$(strip $$($1_DEPENDENCIES)), )
$$(warning No dependencies found for $1)
@ -288,7 +270,7 @@ define SetupArchiveInner
$1_VARDEPS_FILE := $$(call DependOnVariable, $1_VARDEPS, $$(dir $$($1_JAR))_the.$$($1_JARNAME).vardeps)
# Here is the rule that creates/updates the jar file.
$$($1_JAR) : $$($1_DEPS) $$($1_MANIFEST) $$($1_VARDEPS_FILE)
$$($1_JAR) : $$($1_DEPENDENCIES) $$($1_MANIFEST) $$($1_VARDEPS_FILE)
$(MKDIR) -p $$($1_BIN)
@ -429,15 +411,8 @@ endef
# HEADERS:=path to directory where all generated c-headers are written.
# DEPENDS:=Extra dependecy
# DISABLE_SJAVAC:=Explicitly disable the use of sjavac for this compilation unit.
define SetupJavaCompilation
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupJavaCompilation, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupJavaCompilationInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupJavaCompilationInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupJavaCompilation($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupJavaCompilation, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
SetupJavaCompilation = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupJavaCompilationBody
# Verify arguments
ifeq ($$($1_BIN),)
@ -653,7 +628,8 @@ define SetupJavaCompilationInner
$1_SUFFIXES:=.class $$($1_CLEAN) $$($1_COPY)
$$(eval $$(call SetupArchive,ARCHIVE_$1,$$($1), \
$$(eval $$(call SetupArchive,ARCHIVE_$1, \
SRCS:=$$($1_BIN), \

@ -374,28 +374,70 @@ endef
# Make sure logging is setup for everyone that includes MakeBase.gmk.
$(eval $(call SetupLogging))
# This is to be called by all SetupFoo macros
define LogSetupMacroEntry
$(if $(30),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to LogSetupMacroEntry, please update MakeBase.gmk))
$(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL),debug trace), $(info $1 $(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,$(if $(strip $($i)),$(NEWLINE) $(strip [$i] $($i))))))
# Creates a sequence of increasing numbers (inclusive).
# Param 1 - starting number
# Param 2 - ending number
sequence = \
$(wordlist $1, $2, $(strip \
$(eval SEQUENCE_COUNT :=) \
$(call _sequence-do,$(strip $2))))
# Support macro for all SetupFoo macros.
define EvalDebugWrapper
$(if $(DEBUG_$1),
$(info -------- <<< Begin expansion of $1)
$(info $2)
$(info -------- >>> End expansion of $1)
_sequence-do = \
$(if $(word $1, $(SEQUENCE_COUNT)),, \
$(eval SEQUENCE_COUNT += .) \
$(words $(SEQUENCE_COUNT)) \
$(call _sequence-do,$1))
PARAM_SEQUENCE := $(call sequence, 2, $(MAX_PARAMS))
# Template for creating a macro taking named parameters. To use it, assign the
# template to a variable with the name you want for your macro, using '='
# assignment. Then define a macro body with the suffix "Body". The Body macro
# should take 1 parameter which should be a unique string for that invocation
# of the macro.
# Ex:
# SetupFoo = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
# define SetupFooBody
# # do something
# # access parameters as $$($1_BAR)
# endef
# Call it like this
# $(eval $(call SetupFoo, BUILD_SOMETHING, \
# BAR := some parameter value, \
# ))
define NamedParamsMacroTemplate
$(if $($(MAX_PARAMS)),$(error Internal makefile error: \
Too many named arguments to macro, please update MAX_PARAMS in MakeBase.gmk))
# Iterate over 2 3 4... and evaluate the named parameters with $1_ as prefix
$(foreach i,$(PARAM_SEQUENCE), $(if $(strip $($i)),\
$(strip $1)_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
# Debug print all named parameter names and values
$(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL),debug trace), \
$(info $0 $(strip $1) $(foreach i,$(PARAM_SEQUENCE), \
$(if $(strip $($i)),$(NEWLINE) $(strip [$i] $(if $(filter $(LOG_LEVEL), trace), \
$($i), $(wordlist 1, 20, $($(i))) $(if $(word 21, $($(i))), ...)))))))
$(if $(DEBUG_$(strip $1)),
$(info -------- <<< Begin expansion of $(strip $1)) \
$(info $(call $(0)Body,$(strip $1))) \
$(info -------- >>> End expansion of $(strip $1)) \
$(call $(0)Body,$(strip $1))
# Make directory without forking mkdir if not needed
MakeDir = \
$(strip $(if $(subst $(wildcard $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9),,$(strip $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9)),\
$(shell $(MKDIR) -p $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9)))
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS),solaris)
# On Solaris, if the target is a symlink and exists, cp won't overwrite.
# Cp has to operate in recursive mode to allow for -P flag, to preserve soft links. If the
@ -437,6 +479,7 @@ else
# Convenience functions for working around make's limitations with $(filter ).
containing = \
$(strip $(foreach v,$(strip $2),$(if $(findstring $(strip $1),$v),$v)))
@ -457,8 +500,9 @@ equals = \
$(and $(findstring $(strip $1),$(strip $2)),\
$(findstring $(strip $2),$(strip $1)))
ifneq ($(DISABLE_CACHE_FIND), true)
# In Cygwin, finds are very costly, both because of expensive forks and because
# of bad file system caching. Find is used extensively in $(shell) commands to
# find source files. This makes rerunning make with no or few changes rather
@ -544,16 +588,8 @@ endef
# FLATTEN : Set to flatten the directory structure in the DEST dir.
# MACRO : Optionally override the default macro used for making the copy.
# Default is 'install-file'
define SetupCopyFiles
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupCopyFiles, please update MakeBase.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupCopyFilesInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupCopyFilesInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupCopyFiles($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)
$(if $(7),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupCopyFiles, please update MakeBase.gmk))
SetupCopyFiles = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupCopyFilesBody
ifeq ($$($1_MACRO), )
$1_MACRO := install-file

@ -195,15 +195,8 @@ endef
# LDEXE the linker to use for linking executables, default is $(LDEXE)
# OPTIMIZATION sets optimization level to NONE, LOW, HIGH, HIGHEST
# DISABLED_WARNINGS_<toolchain> Disable the given warnings for the specified toolchain
define SetupNativeCompilation
$(if $(30),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupNativeCompilation, please update NativeCompilation.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupNativeCompilationInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15),$(16),$(17),$(18),$(19),$(20),$(21),$(22),$(23),$(24),$(25),$(26),$(27),$(28),$(29)))
define SetupNativeCompilationInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupNativeCompilation($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15),$(16),$(17),$(18),$(19),$(20),$(21),$(22),$(23),$(24),$(25),$(26),$(27),$(28),$(29))
$(if $(30),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupNativeCompilation, please update NativeCompilation.gmk))
SetupNativeCompilation = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupNativeCompilationBody
ifneq (,$$($1_BIN))
$$(error BIN has been replaced with OBJECT_DIR)

@ -37,15 +37,8 @@
# RUN_IIOP:=Set to run rmic with -iiop
# RUN_IIOP_STDPKG:=Set to run rmic with -iiop -standardPackage
# KEEP_GENERATED:=Set to keep generated sources around
define SetupRMICompilation
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupRMICompilation, please update RMICompilation.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupRMICompilationInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupRMICompilationInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupRMICompilation($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupRMICompilation, please update RMICompilation.gmk))
SetupRMICompilation = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupRMICompilationBody
$1_DEP_FILE := $$($1_STUB_CLASSES_DIR)/_the.$1_rmic.generated

@ -46,15 +46,8 @@ include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/Tools.gmk
# TYPE Must be either PROGRAM or LIBRARY.
# SOURCE_DIRS A list of source directories to search
# OUTPUT_DIR Where to put the resulting files
define SetupTestFilesCompilation
$(if $(27),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupTestFilesCompilation, please update BuildJTRegNative.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupTestFilesCompilationInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15),$(16),$(17),$(18),$(19),$(20),$(21),$(22),$(23),$(24),$(25),$(26)))
define SetupTestFilesCompilationInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupTestFileCompilation($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15),$(16),$(17),$(18),$(19),$(20),$(21),$(22),$(23),$(24),$(25),$(26))
$(if $(27),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupTestFilesCompilation, please update BuildJTRegNative.gmk))
SetupTestFilesCompilation = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupTestFilesCompilationBody
# Check for duplicate base file names. That would have failed later anyhow, but
# this gives a better error message.

@ -77,15 +77,8 @@ endef
# processed first, and replacements will be done on the included fragments as well.
# If neither is present, the files will just be copied without modifications.
define SetupTextFileProcessing
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupTextFileProcessing, please update TextFileProcessing.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupTextFileProcessingInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupTextFileProcessingInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupTextFileProcessing($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupTextFileProcessing, please update TextFileProcessing.gmk))
SetupTextFileProcessing = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupTextFileProcessingBody
ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_FILES),)
ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_DIRS),)

@ -45,15 +45,8 @@ endif
# ZIP_OPTIONS extra options to pass to zip
define SetupZipArchive
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupZipArchive, please update ZipArchive.gmk))
$(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupZipArchiveInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
define SetupZipArchiveInner
$(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
$(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupZipArchive($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
$(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupZipArchive, please update JavaCompilation.gmk))
SetupZipArchive = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupZipArchiveBody
# To avoid running find over too large sets of files, which causes make to crash
# on some configurations (cygwin), use INCLUDES and INCLUDE_FILES to build a set

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar1_created: $(DEPS)
$(TOUCH) $@
$(eval $(call SetupArchive,BUILD_JAR1, \
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar1_created, \
DEPENDENCIES := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar1_created, \
JAR := $(JAR1_FILE)))
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar2_created: $(DEPS)
$(TOUCH) $@
$(eval $(call SetupArchive,BUILD_JAR2, \
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar2_created, \
DEPENDENCIES := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar2_created, \
JAR := $(JAR2_FILE)))
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar3_created: $(DEPS)
$(TOUCH) $@
$(eval $(call SetupArchive,BUILD_JAR3, \
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar3_created, \
DEPENDENCIES := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar3_created, \
EXTRA_FILES := extra-file \
dir2/file$$$$foo.dollar \

@ -182,5 +182,23 @@ endif
TEST_TARGETS += test-vardep
# Test sequence
ifneq ($(call sequence, 1, 1), 1)
$(error Sequence 1, 1 should be "1", but was $(call sequence, 1, 1))
ifneq ($(call sequence, 2, 3), 2 3)
$(error Sequence 2, 3 should be "2 3", but was $(call sequence, 2, 3))
ifneq ($(call sequence, 4, 9), 4 5 6 7 8 9)
$(error Sequence 4, 9 should be "4 5 6 7 8 9", but was $(call sequence, 4, 9))
ifneq ($(call sequence, 5, 15), 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
$(error Sequence 5, 15 should be "5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15", \
but was $(call sequence, 5, 15))