8329955: Class-File API ClassPrinter does not print bootstrap methods arguments
Reviewed-by: briangoetz
This commit is contained in:
@ -817,13 +817,15 @@ public final class ClassPrinterImpl {
"owner", inv.owner().name().stringValue(),
"method name", inv.name().stringValue(),
"method type", inv.type().stringValue()));
case InvokeDynamicInstruction invd -> in.with(leafs(
case InvokeDynamicInstruction invd -> {
"name", invd.name().stringValue(),
"descriptor", invd.type().stringValue(),
"kind", invd.bootstrapMethod().kind().name(),
"owner", invd.bootstrapMethod().owner().descriptorString(),
"method name", invd.bootstrapMethod().methodName(),
"invocation type", invd.bootstrapMethod().invocationType().descriptorString()));
"bootstrap method", invd.bootstrapMethod().kind().name()
+ " " + Util.toInternalName(invd.bootstrapMethod().owner())
+ "::" + invd.bootstrapMethod().methodName()));
in.with(list("arguments", "arg", invd.bootstrapArgs().stream()));
case NewObjectInstruction newo -> in.with(leaf(
"type", newo.className().name().stringValue()));
case NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction newa -> in.with(leafs(
@ -884,12 +886,15 @@ public final class ClassPrinterImpl {
bm -> {
var mh = bm.bootstrapMethod();
var mref = mh.reference();
return map("bm",
var bmNode = new MapNodeImpl(FLOW, "bm");
"index", bm.bsmIndex(),
"kind", DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.valueOf(mh.kind(),
mref instanceof InterfaceMethodRefEntry).name(),
"owner", mref.owner().name().stringValue(),
"name", mref.nameAndType().name().stringValue(),
"type", mref.nameAndType().type().stringValue());
"owner", mref.owner().asInternalName(),
"name", mref.nameAndType().name().stringValue()));
bmNode.with(list("args", "arg", bm.arguments().stream().map(LoadableConstantEntry::constantValue)));
return bmNode;
case ConstantValueAttribute cva ->
nodes.add(leaf("constant value", cva.constant().constantValue()));
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ import java.util.Optional;
import java.lang.classfile.*;
import java.lang.classfile.attribute.*;
import java.lang.classfile.components.ClassPrinter;
import java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc;
import java.lang.constant.DynamicCallSiteDesc;
import java.lang.constant.MethodHandleDesc;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
@ -98,6 +101,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
ClassDesc.of("Boo"), List.of())));
MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.STATIC, ClassDesc.of("Phoo"), "phee", MethodTypeDesc.of(ClassDesc.of("Boo"))),
"bootstrap argument 1",
"bootstrap argument 2"));
}, catchb -> catchb.catching(ClassDesc.of("Phee"), cb -> {
@ -121,7 +130,7 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
flags: [PUBLIC]
superclass: Boo
interfaces: [Phee, Phoo]
attributes: [SourceFile, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod, Synthetic, Signature, Deprecated, NestHost, NestMembers, Record, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations, PermittedSubclasses]
attributes: [SourceFile, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod, Synthetic, Signature, Deprecated, NestHost, NestMembers, Record, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations, PermittedSubclasses, BootstrapMethods]
constant pool:
1: {tag: Utf8, value: Foo}
2: {tag: Class, class name index: 1, class internal name: Foo}
@ -133,68 +142,81 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
8: {tag: Utf8, value: (ZLjava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Void;}
9: {tag: Utf8, value: variable}
10: {tag: Utf8, value: LPhoo;}
11: {tag: Utf8, value: Phee}
12: {tag: Class, class name index: 11, class internal name: Phee}
13: {tag: Utf8, value: Phoo}
14: {tag: Class, class name index: 13, class internal name: Phoo}
15: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeVisibleAnnotations}
16: {tag: Utf8, value: flfl}
17: {tag: Float, value: 0.0}
18: {tag: Utf8, value: frfl}
19: {tag: Float, value: 1.0}
20: {tag: Utf8, value: AnnotationDefault}
21: {tag: Integer, value: 1}
22: {tag: Integer, value: 12}
23: {tag: Integer, value: 99}
24: {tag: Utf8, value: LPhee;}
25: {tag: Double, value: 1.3}
27: {tag: Utf8, value: LBoo;}
28: {tag: Utf8, value: BOO}
29: {tag: Float, value: 3.7}
30: {tag: Integer, value: 33}
31: {tag: Long, value: 3333}
33: {tag: Integer, value: 25}
34: {tag: Utf8, value: param}
35: {tag: Integer, value: 3}
36: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations}
37: {tag: Float, value: 22.0}
38: {tag: Float, value: 11.0}
39: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations}
40: {tag: Float, value: '-22.0'}
41: {tag: Float, value: '-11.0'}
42: {tag: Utf8, value: Exceptions}
43: {tag: Utf8, value: Bee}
44: {tag: Class, class name index: 43, class internal name: Bee}
45: {tag: Utf8, value: Code}
46: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations}
47: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations}
48: {tag: Utf8, value: LFee;}
49: {tag: Utf8, value: yes}
50: {tag: Integer, value: 0}
51: {tag: Utf8, value: LocalVariableTable}
52: {tag: Utf8, value: LocalVariableTypeTable}
53: {tag: Utf8, value: LineNumberTable}
54: {tag: Utf8, value: StackMapTable}
55: {tag: Utf8, value: SourceFile}
56: {tag: Utf8, value: Foo.java}
57: {tag: Utf8, value: InnerClasses}
58: {tag: Utf8, value: InnerName}
59: {tag: Utf8, value: EnclosingMethod}
60: {tag: Utf8, value: enclosingMethod}
61: {tag: Utf8, value: (Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;}
62: {tag: NameAndType, name index: 60, type index: 61, name: enclosingMethod, type: (Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;}
63: {tag: Utf8, value: Synthetic}
64: {tag: Utf8, value: Signature}
65: {tag: Utf8, value: LBoo;LPhee;LPhoo;}
66: {tag: Utf8, value: Deprecated}
67: {tag: Utf8, value: NestHost}
68: {tag: Utf8, value: NestMembers}
69: {tag: Utf8, value: Record}
70: {tag: Utf8, value: fee}
71: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations}
72: {tag: Float, value: 2.0}
73: {tag: Float, value: 3.0}
74: {tag: Utf8, value: PermittedSubclasses}
11: {tag: Utf8, value: Phoo}
12: {tag: Class, class name index: 11, class internal name: Phoo}
13: {tag: Utf8, value: phee}
14: {tag: Utf8, value: ()LBoo;}
15: {tag: NameAndType, name index: 13, type index: 14, name: phee, type: ()LBoo;}
16: {tag: Methodref, owner index: 12, name and type index: 15, owner: Phoo, name: phee, type: ()LBoo;}
17: {tag: MethodHandle, reference kind: STATIC, reference index: 16, owner: Phoo, name: phee, type: ()LBoo;}
18: {tag: Utf8, value: bootstrap argument 1}
19: {tag: String, value index: 18, value: bootstrap argument 1}
20: {tag: Utf8, value: bootstrap argument 2}
21: {tag: String, value index: 20, value: bootstrap argument 2}
22: {tag: Utf8, value: intfMethod}
23: {tag: NameAndType, name index: 22, type index: 14, name: intfMethod, type: ()LBoo;}
24: {tag: InvokeDynamic, bootstrap method handle index: 17, bootstrap method arguments indexes: [19, 21], name and type index: 23, name: intfMethod, type: ()LBoo;}
25: {tag: Utf8, value: Phee}
26: {tag: Class, class name index: 25, class internal name: Phee}
27: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeVisibleAnnotations}
28: {tag: Utf8, value: flfl}
29: {tag: Float, value: 0.0}
30: {tag: Utf8, value: frfl}
31: {tag: Float, value: 1.0}
32: {tag: Utf8, value: AnnotationDefault}
33: {tag: Integer, value: 1}
34: {tag: Integer, value: 12}
35: {tag: Integer, value: 99}
36: {tag: Utf8, value: LPhee;}
37: {tag: Double, value: 1.3}
39: {tag: Utf8, value: LBoo;}
40: {tag: Utf8, value: BOO}
41: {tag: Float, value: 3.7}
42: {tag: Integer, value: 33}
43: {tag: Long, value: 3333}
45: {tag: Integer, value: 25}
46: {tag: Utf8, value: param}
47: {tag: Integer, value: 3}
48: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations}
49: {tag: Float, value: 22.0}
50: {tag: Float, value: 11.0}
51: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations}
52: {tag: Float, value: '-22.0'}
53: {tag: Float, value: '-11.0'}
54: {tag: Utf8, value: Exceptions}
55: {tag: Utf8, value: Bee}
56: {tag: Class, class name index: 55, class internal name: Bee}
57: {tag: Utf8, value: Code}
58: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations}
59: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations}
60: {tag: Utf8, value: LFee;}
61: {tag: Utf8, value: yes}
62: {tag: Integer, value: 0}
63: {tag: Utf8, value: LocalVariableTable}
64: {tag: Utf8, value: LocalVariableTypeTable}
65: {tag: Utf8, value: LineNumberTable}
66: {tag: Utf8, value: StackMapTable}
67: {tag: Utf8, value: SourceFile}
68: {tag: Utf8, value: Foo.java}
69: {tag: Utf8, value: InnerClasses}
70: {tag: Utf8, value: InnerName}
71: {tag: Utf8, value: EnclosingMethod}
72: {tag: Utf8, value: enclosingMethod}
73: {tag: Utf8, value: (Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;}
74: {tag: NameAndType, name index: 72, type index: 73, name: enclosingMethod, type: (Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;}
75: {tag: Utf8, value: Synthetic}
76: {tag: Utf8, value: Signature}
77: {tag: Utf8, value: LBoo;LPhee;LPhoo;}
78: {tag: Utf8, value: Deprecated}
79: {tag: Utf8, value: NestHost}
80: {tag: Utf8, value: NestMembers}
81: {tag: Utf8, value: Record}
82: {tag: Utf8, value: fee}
83: {tag: Utf8, value: RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations}
84: {tag: Float, value: 2.0}
85: {tag: Float, value: 3.0}
86: {tag: Utf8, value: PermittedSubclasses}
87: {tag: Utf8, value: BootstrapMethods}
source file: Foo.java
inner classes:
- {inner class: Phee, outer class: Phoo, inner name: InnerName, flags: [PROTECTED]}
@ -213,6 +235,8 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
invisible annotations:
- {annotation class: LPhoo;, values: [{name: flfl, value: {float: 2.0}}, {name: frfl, value: {float: 3.0}}]}
permitted subclasses: [Boo, Phoo]
bootstrap methods:
- {index: 0, kind: STATIC, owner: Phoo, name: phee, args: [bootstrap argument 1, bootstrap argument 2]}
- field name: f
flags: [PRIVATE]
@ -236,35 +260,36 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
max locals: 3
attributes: [RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations, RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations, LocalVariableTable, LocalVariableTypeTable, LineNumberTable, StackMapTable]
local variables:
- {start: 0, end: 7, slot: 2, name: variable, type: LPhoo;}
- {start: 0, end: 12, slot: 2, name: variable, type: LPhoo;}
local variable types:
- {start: 0, end: 7, slot: 2, name: variable, signature: LPhoo;}
- {start: 0, end: 12, slot: 2, name: variable, signature: LPhoo;}
line numbers:
- {start: 0, line number: 1}
- {start: 1, line number: 2}
- {start: 6, line number: 3}
- {start: 7, line number: 4}
- {start: 12, line number: 4}
stack map frames:
6: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: []}
7: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
12: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
invisible type annotations:
- {annotation class: LBoo;, target info: FIELD, values: []}
visible type annotations:
- {annotation class: LFee;, target info: FIELD, values: [{name: yes, value: {boolean: false}}]}
//stack map frame @0: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: []}
//try block 1 start: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, catch type: Phee}
//try block 1 start: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, catch type: Phee}
0: {opcode: ILOAD_1, slot: 1}
1: {opcode: IFEQ, target: 6}
4: {opcode: ALOAD_2, slot: 2, type: LPhoo;, variable name: variable}
5: {opcode: ATHROW}
//stack map frame @6: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: []}
6: {opcode: RETURN}
//stack map frame @7: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
//try block 1 end: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, catch type: Phee}
//exception handler 1 start: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, catch type: Phee}
7: {opcode: ATHROW}
6: {opcode: INVOKEDYNAMIC, name: intfMethod, descriptor: ()LBoo;, bootstrap method: STATIC Phoo::phee, arguments: [bootstrap argument 1, bootstrap argument 2]}
11: {opcode: RETURN}
//stack map frame @12: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
//try block 1 end: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, catch type: Phee}
//exception handler 1 start: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, catch type: Phee}
12: {opcode: ATHROW}
exception handlers:
handler 1: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, type: Phee}
handler 1: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, type: Phee}
@ -279,10 +304,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
flags: [PUBLIC]
superclass: Boo
interfaces: [Phee, Phoo]
attributes: [SourceFile, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod, Synthetic, Signature, Deprecated, NestHost, NestMembers, Record, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations, PermittedSubclasses]
attributes: [SourceFile, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod, Synthetic, Signature, Deprecated, NestHost, NestMembers, Record, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations, PermittedSubclasses, BootstrapMethods]
nest host: Phee
nest members: [Phoo, Boo, Bee]
permitted subclasses: [Boo, Phoo]
bootstrap methods:
- {index: 0, kind: STATIC, owner: Phoo, name: phee, args: [bootstrap argument 1, bootstrap argument 2]}
- field name: f
flags: [PRIVATE]
@ -299,21 +326,22 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
attributes: [RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations, RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations, LocalVariableTable, LocalVariableTypeTable, LineNumberTable, StackMapTable]
stack map frames:
6: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: []}
7: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
12: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
//stack map frame @0: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: []}
//try block 1 start: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, catch type: Phee}
//try block 1 start: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, catch type: Phee}
0: {opcode: ILOAD_1, slot: 1}
1: {opcode: IFEQ, target: 6}
4: {opcode: ALOAD_2, slot: 2}
5: {opcode: ATHROW}
//stack map frame @6: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: []}
6: {opcode: RETURN}
//stack map frame @7: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
//try block 1 end: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, catch type: Phee}
//exception handler 1 start: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, catch type: Phee}
7: {opcode: ATHROW}
6: {opcode: INVOKEDYNAMIC, name: intfMethod, descriptor: ()LBoo;, bootstrap method: STATIC Phoo::phee, arguments: [bootstrap argument 1, bootstrap argument 2]}
11: {opcode: RETURN}
//stack map frame @12: {locals: [Foo, int, java/lang/Throwable], stack: [Phee]}
//try block 1 end: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, catch type: Phee}
//exception handler 1 start: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, catch type: Phee}
12: {opcode: ATHROW}
exception handlers:
handler 1: {start: 0, end: 7, handler: 7, type: Phee}
handler 1: {start: 0, end: 12, handler: 12, type: Phee}
@ -328,7 +356,7 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
flags: [PUBLIC]
superclass: Boo
interfaces: [Phee, Phoo]
attributes: [SourceFile, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod, Synthetic, Signature, Deprecated, NestHost, NestMembers, Record, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations, PermittedSubclasses]
attributes: [SourceFile, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod, Synthetic, Signature, Deprecated, NestHost, NestMembers, Record, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations, PermittedSubclasses, BootstrapMethods]
- field name: f
flags: [PRIVATE]
@ -353,7 +381,7 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"flags": ["PUBLIC"],
"superclass": "Boo",
"interfaces": ["Phee", "Phoo"],
"attributes": ["SourceFile", "InnerClasses", "EnclosingMethod", "Synthetic", "Signature", "Deprecated", "NestHost", "NestMembers", "Record", "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", "PermittedSubclasses"],
"attributes": ["SourceFile", "InnerClasses", "EnclosingMethod", "Synthetic", "Signature", "Deprecated", "NestHost", "NestMembers", "Record", "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", "PermittedSubclasses", "BootstrapMethods"],
"constant pool": {
"1": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Foo"},
"2": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 1, "class internal name": "Foo"},
@ -365,68 +393,81 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"8": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "(ZLjava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Void;"},
"9": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "variable"},
"10": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LPhoo;"},
"11": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Phee"},
"12": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 11, "class internal name": "Phee"},
"13": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Phoo"},
"14": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 13, "class internal name": "Phoo"},
"15": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"},
"16": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "flfl"},
"17": {"tag": "Float", "value": "0.0"},
"18": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "frfl"},
"19": {"tag": "Float", "value": "1.0"},
"20": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "AnnotationDefault"},
"21": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "1"},
"22": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "12"},
"23": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "99"},
"24": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LPhee;"},
"25": {"tag": "Double", "value": "1.3"},
"27": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LBoo;"},
"28": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "BOO"},
"29": {"tag": "Float", "value": "3.7"},
"30": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "33"},
"31": {"tag": "Long", "value": "3333"},
"33": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "25"},
"34": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "param"},
"35": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "3"},
"36": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"},
"37": {"tag": "Float", "value": "22.0"},
"38": {"tag": "Float", "value": "11.0"},
"39": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"},
"40": {"tag": "Float", "value": "-22.0"},
"41": {"tag": "Float", "value": "-11.0"},
"42": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Exceptions"},
"43": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Bee"},
"44": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 43, "class internal name": "Bee"},
"45": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Code"},
"46": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"},
"47": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"},
"48": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LFee;"},
"49": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "yes"},
"50": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "0"},
"51": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LocalVariableTable"},
"52": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LocalVariableTypeTable"},
"53": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LineNumberTable"},
"54": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "StackMapTable"},
"55": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "SourceFile"},
"56": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Foo.java"},
"57": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "InnerClasses"},
"58": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "InnerName"},
"59": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "EnclosingMethod"},
"60": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "enclosingMethod"},
"61": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "(Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;"},
"62": {"tag": "NameAndType", "name index": 60, "type index": 61, "name": "enclosingMethod", "type": "(Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;"},
"63": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Synthetic"},
"64": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Signature"},
"65": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LBoo;LPhee;LPhoo;"},
"66": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Deprecated"},
"67": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "NestHost"},
"68": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "NestMembers"},
"69": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Record"},
"70": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "fee"},
"71": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"},
"72": {"tag": "Float", "value": "2.0"},
"73": {"tag": "Float", "value": "3.0"},
"74": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "PermittedSubclasses"}},
"11": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Phoo"},
"12": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 11, "class internal name": "Phoo"},
"13": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "phee"},
"14": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "()LBoo;"},
"15": {"tag": "NameAndType", "name index": 13, "type index": 14, "name": "phee", "type": "()LBoo;"},
"16": {"tag": "Methodref", "owner index": 12, "name and type index": 15, "owner": "Phoo", "name": "phee", "type": "()LBoo;"},
"17": {"tag": "MethodHandle", "reference kind": "STATIC", "reference index": 16, "owner": "Phoo", "name": "phee", "type": "()LBoo;"},
"18": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "bootstrap argument 1"},
"19": {"tag": "String", "value index": 18, "value": "bootstrap argument 1"},
"20": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "bootstrap argument 2"},
"21": {"tag": "String", "value index": 20, "value": "bootstrap argument 2"},
"22": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "intfMethod"},
"23": {"tag": "NameAndType", "name index": 22, "type index": 14, "name": "intfMethod", "type": "()LBoo;"},
"24": {"tag": "InvokeDynamic", "bootstrap method handle index": 17, "bootstrap method arguments indexes": [19, 21], "name and type index": 23, "name": "intfMethod", "type": "()LBoo;"},
"25": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Phee"},
"26": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 25, "class internal name": "Phee"},
"27": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"},
"28": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "flfl"},
"29": {"tag": "Float", "value": "0.0"},
"30": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "frfl"},
"31": {"tag": "Float", "value": "1.0"},
"32": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "AnnotationDefault"},
"33": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "1"},
"34": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "12"},
"35": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "99"},
"36": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LPhee;"},
"37": {"tag": "Double", "value": "1.3"},
"39": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LBoo;"},
"40": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "BOO"},
"41": {"tag": "Float", "value": "3.7"},
"42": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "33"},
"43": {"tag": "Long", "value": "3333"},
"45": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "25"},
"46": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "param"},
"47": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "3"},
"48": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"},
"49": {"tag": "Float", "value": "22.0"},
"50": {"tag": "Float", "value": "11.0"},
"51": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"},
"52": {"tag": "Float", "value": "-22.0"},
"53": {"tag": "Float", "value": "-11.0"},
"54": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Exceptions"},
"55": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Bee"},
"56": {"tag": "Class", "class name index": 55, "class internal name": "Bee"},
"57": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Code"},
"58": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"},
"59": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"},
"60": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LFee;"},
"61": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "yes"},
"62": {"tag": "Integer", "value": "0"},
"63": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LocalVariableTable"},
"64": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LocalVariableTypeTable"},
"65": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LineNumberTable"},
"66": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "StackMapTable"},
"67": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "SourceFile"},
"68": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Foo.java"},
"69": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "InnerClasses"},
"70": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "InnerName"},
"71": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "EnclosingMethod"},
"72": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "enclosingMethod"},
"73": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "(Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;"},
"74": {"tag": "NameAndType", "name index": 72, "type index": 73, "name": "enclosingMethod", "type": "(Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/Double;"},
"75": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Synthetic"},
"76": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Signature"},
"77": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "LBoo;LPhee;LPhoo;"},
"78": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Deprecated"},
"79": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "NestHost"},
"80": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "NestMembers"},
"81": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "Record"},
"82": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "fee"},
"83": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"},
"84": {"tag": "Float", "value": "2.0"},
"85": {"tag": "Float", "value": "3.0"},
"86": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "PermittedSubclasses"},
"87": {"tag": "Utf8", "value": "BootstrapMethods"}},
"source file": "Foo.java",
"inner classes": [
{"inner class": "Phee", "outer class": "Phoo", "inner name": "InnerName", "flags": ["PROTECTED"]},
@ -445,6 +486,8 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"invisible annotations": [
{"annotation class": "LPhoo;", "values": [{"name": "flfl", "value": {"float": "2.0"}}, {"name": "frfl", "value": {"float": "3.0"}}]}],
"permitted subclasses": ["Boo", "Phoo"],
"bootstrap methods": [
{"index": 0, "kind": "STATIC", "owner": "Phoo", "name": "phee", "args": ["bootstrap argument 1", "bootstrap argument 2"]}],
"fields": [
{ "field name": "f",
"flags": ["PRIVATE"],
@ -468,35 +511,36 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"max locals": 3,
"attributes": ["RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations", "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations", "LocalVariableTable", "LocalVariableTypeTable", "LineNumberTable", "StackMapTable"],
"local variables": [
{"start": 0, "end": 7, "slot": 2, "name": "variable", "type": "LPhoo;"}],
{"start": 0, "end": 12, "slot": 2, "name": "variable", "type": "LPhoo;"}],
"local variable types": [
{"start": 0, "end": 7, "slot": 2, "name": "variable", "signature": "LPhoo;"}],
{"start": 0, "end": 12, "slot": 2, "name": "variable", "signature": "LPhoo;"}],
"line numbers": [
{"start": 0, "line number": 1},
{"start": 1, "line number": 2},
{"start": 6, "line number": 3},
{"start": 7, "line number": 4}],
{"start": 12, "line number": 4}],
"stack map frames": {
"6": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": []},
"7": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]}},
"12": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]}},
"invisible type annotations": [
{"annotation class": "LBoo;", "target info": "FIELD", "values": []}],
"visible type annotations": [
{"annotation class": "LFee;", "target info": "FIELD", "values": [{"name": "yes", "value": {"boolean": "false"}}]}],
"//stack map frame @0": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": []},
"//try block 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "catch type": "Phee"},
"//try block 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "catch type": "Phee"},
"0": {"opcode": "ILOAD_1", "slot": 1},
"1": {"opcode": "IFEQ", "target": 6},
"4": {"opcode": "ALOAD_2", "slot": 2, "type": "LPhoo;", "variable name": "variable"},
"5": {"opcode": "ATHROW"},
"//stack map frame @6": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": []},
"6": {"opcode": "RETURN"},
"//stack map frame @7": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]},
"//try block 1 end": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "catch type": "Phee"},
"//exception handler 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "catch type": "Phee"},
"7": {"opcode": "ATHROW"},
"6": {"opcode": "INVOKEDYNAMIC", "name": "intfMethod", "descriptor": "()LBoo;", "bootstrap method": "STATIC Phoo::phee", "arguments": ["bootstrap argument 1", "bootstrap argument 2"]},
"11": {"opcode": "RETURN"},
"//stack map frame @12": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]},
"//try block 1 end": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "catch type": "Phee"},
"//exception handler 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "catch type": "Phee"},
"12": {"opcode": "ATHROW"},
"exception handlers": {
"handler 1": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "type": "Phee"}}}}]}
"handler 1": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "type": "Phee"}}}}]}
@ -511,10 +555,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"flags": ["PUBLIC"],
"superclass": "Boo",
"interfaces": ["Phee", "Phoo"],
"attributes": ["SourceFile", "InnerClasses", "EnclosingMethod", "Synthetic", "Signature", "Deprecated", "NestHost", "NestMembers", "Record", "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", "PermittedSubclasses"],
"attributes": ["SourceFile", "InnerClasses", "EnclosingMethod", "Synthetic", "Signature", "Deprecated", "NestHost", "NestMembers", "Record", "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", "PermittedSubclasses", "BootstrapMethods"],
"nest host": "Phee",
"nest members": ["Phoo", "Boo", "Bee"],
"permitted subclasses": ["Boo", "Phoo"],
"bootstrap methods": [
{"index": 0, "kind": "STATIC", "owner": "Phoo", "name": "phee", "args": ["bootstrap argument 1", "bootstrap argument 2"]}],
"fields": [
{ "field name": "f",
"flags": ["PRIVATE"],
@ -531,21 +577,22 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"attributes": ["RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations", "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations", "LocalVariableTable", "LocalVariableTypeTable", "LineNumberTable", "StackMapTable"],
"stack map frames": {
"6": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": []},
"7": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]}},
"12": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]}},
"//stack map frame @0": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": []},
"//try block 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "catch type": "Phee"},
"//try block 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "catch type": "Phee"},
"0": {"opcode": "ILOAD_1", "slot": 1},
"1": {"opcode": "IFEQ", "target": 6},
"4": {"opcode": "ALOAD_2", "slot": 2},
"5": {"opcode": "ATHROW"},
"//stack map frame @6": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": []},
"6": {"opcode": "RETURN"},
"//stack map frame @7": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]},
"//try block 1 end": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "catch type": "Phee"},
"//exception handler 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "catch type": "Phee"},
"7": {"opcode": "ATHROW"},
"6": {"opcode": "INVOKEDYNAMIC", "name": "intfMethod", "descriptor": "()LBoo;", "bootstrap method": "STATIC Phoo::phee", "arguments": ["bootstrap argument 1", "bootstrap argument 2"]},
"11": {"opcode": "RETURN"},
"//stack map frame @12": {"locals": ["Foo", "int", "java/lang/Throwable"], "stack": ["Phee"]},
"//try block 1 end": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "catch type": "Phee"},
"//exception handler 1 start": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "catch type": "Phee"},
"12": {"opcode": "ATHROW"},
"exception handlers": {
"handler 1": {"start": 0, "end": 7, "handler": 7, "type": "Phee"}}}}]}
"handler 1": {"start": 0, "end": 12, "handler": 12, "type": "Phee"}}}}]}
@ -560,7 +607,7 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
"flags": ["PUBLIC"],
"superclass": "Boo",
"interfaces": ["Phee", "Phoo"],
"attributes": ["SourceFile", "InnerClasses", "EnclosingMethod", "Synthetic", "Signature", "Deprecated", "NestHost", "NestMembers", "Record", "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", "PermittedSubclasses"],
"attributes": ["SourceFile", "InnerClasses", "EnclosingMethod", "Synthetic", "Signature", "Deprecated", "NestHost", "NestMembers", "Record", "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", "PermittedSubclasses", "BootstrapMethods"],
"fields": [
{ "field name": "f",
"flags": ["PRIVATE"],
@ -587,7 +634,7 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
@ -599,68 +646,81 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
<_18><tag>Utf8</tag><value>bootstrap argument 1</value></_18>
<_19><tag>String</tag><value_index>18</value_index><value>bootstrap argument 1</value></_19>
<_20><tag>Utf8</tag><value>bootstrap argument 2</value></_20>
<_21><tag>String</tag><value_index>20</value_index><value>bootstrap argument 2</value></_21>
@ -680,6 +740,8 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
<bm><index>0</index><kind>STATIC</kind><owner>Phoo</owner><name>phee</name><args><arg>bootstrap argument 1</arg><arg>bootstrap argument 2</arg></args></bm></bootstrap_methods>
@ -705,35 +767,36 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
<_6><opcode>INVOKEDYNAMIC</opcode><name>intfMethod</name><descriptor>()LBoo;</descriptor><bootstrap_method>STATIC Phoo::phee</bootstrap_method><arguments><arg>bootstrap argument 1</arg><arg>bootstrap argument 2</arg></arguments></_6>
@ -750,10 +813,12 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
<bm><index>0</index><kind>STATIC</kind><owner>Phoo</owner><name>phee</name><args><arg>bootstrap argument 1</arg><arg>bootstrap argument 2</arg></args></bm></bootstrap_methods>
@ -772,21 +837,22 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
<_6><opcode>INVOKEDYNAMIC</opcode><name>intfMethod</name><descriptor>()LBoo;</descriptor><bootstrap_method>STATIC Phoo::phee</bootstrap_method><arguments><arg>bootstrap argument 1</arg><arg>bootstrap argument 2</arg></arguments></_6>
@ -803,7 +869,7 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
@ -822,19 +888,19 @@ class ClassPrinterTest {
void testWalkTraceAll() throws IOException {
var node = ClassPrinter.toTree(getClassModel(), ClassPrinter.Verbosity.TRACE_ALL);
assertEquals(node.walk().count(), 509);
assertEquals(node.walk().count(), 588);
void testWalkCriticalAttributes() throws IOException {
var node = ClassPrinter.toTree(getClassModel(), ClassPrinter.Verbosity.CRITICAL_ATTRIBUTES);
assertEquals(node.walk().count(), 128);
assertEquals(node.walk().count(), 146);
void testWalkMembersOnly() throws IOException {
var node = ClassPrinter.toTree(getClassModel(), ClassPrinter.Verbosity.MEMBERS_ONLY);
assertEquals(node.walk().count(), 41);
assertEquals(node.walk().count(), 42);
private static void assertOut(StringBuilder out, String expected) {
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