6729594: par compact - remove unused block table implementation

Reviewed-by: tonyp, jmasa, apetrusenko
This commit is contained in:
John Coomes 2008-09-30 13:15:27 -07:00
parent f2851186bb
commit e98b7ce059
3 changed files with 0 additions and 718 deletions

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@ -36,15 +36,6 @@ const size_t ParallelCompactData::RegionSizeOffsetMask = RegionSize - 1;
const size_t ParallelCompactData::RegionAddrOffsetMask = RegionSizeBytes - 1;
const size_t ParallelCompactData::RegionAddrMask = ~RegionAddrOffsetMask;
// 32-bit: 128 words covers 4 bitmap words
// 64-bit: 128 words covers 2 bitmap words
const size_t ParallelCompactData::Log2BlockSize = 7; // 128 words
const size_t ParallelCompactData::BlockSize = (size_t)1 << Log2BlockSize;
const size_t ParallelCompactData::BlockOffsetMask = BlockSize - 1;
const size_t ParallelCompactData::BlockMask = ~BlockOffsetMask;
const size_t ParallelCompactData::BlocksPerRegion = RegionSize / BlockSize;
const ParallelCompactData::RegionData::region_sz_t
ParallelCompactData::RegionData::dc_shift = 27;
@ -63,10 +54,6 @@ ParallelCompactData::RegionData::dc_claimed = 0x8U << dc_shift;
const ParallelCompactData::RegionData::region_sz_t
ParallelCompactData::RegionData::dc_completed = 0xcU << dc_shift;
#ifdef ASSERT
short ParallelCompactData::BlockData::_cur_phase = 0;
SpaceInfo PSParallelCompact::_space_info[PSParallelCompact::last_space_id];
bool PSParallelCompact::_print_phases = false;
@ -290,10 +277,6 @@ ParallelCompactData::ParallelCompactData()
_region_vspace = 0;
_region_data = 0;
_region_count = 0;
_block_vspace = 0;
_block_data = 0;
_block_count = 0;
bool ParallelCompactData::initialize(MemRegion covered_region)
@ -309,12 +292,6 @@ bool ParallelCompactData::initialize(MemRegion covered_region)
bool result = initialize_region_data(region_size);
// Initialize the block data if it will be used for updating pointers, or if
// this is a debug build.
if (!UseParallelOldGCRegionPointerCalc || trueInDebug) {
result = result && initialize_block_data(region_size);
return result;
@ -356,39 +333,16 @@ bool ParallelCompactData::initialize_region_data(size_t region_size)
return false;
bool ParallelCompactData::initialize_block_data(size_t region_size)
const size_t count = (region_size + BlockOffsetMask) >> Log2BlockSize;
_block_vspace = create_vspace(count, sizeof(BlockData));
if (_block_vspace != 0) {
_block_data = (BlockData*)_block_vspace->reserved_low_addr();
_block_count = count;
return true;
return false;
void ParallelCompactData::clear()
if (_block_data) {
memset(_block_data, 0, _block_vspace->committed_size());
memset(_region_data, 0, _region_vspace->committed_size());
void ParallelCompactData::clear_range(size_t beg_region, size_t end_region) {
assert(beg_region <= _region_count, "beg_region out of range");
assert(end_region <= _region_count, "end_region out of range");
assert(RegionSize % BlockSize == 0, "RegionSize not a multiple of BlockSize");
const size_t region_cnt = end_region - beg_region;
if (_block_data) {
const size_t blocks_per_region = RegionSize / BlockSize;
const size_t beg_block = beg_region * blocks_per_region;
const size_t block_cnt = region_cnt * blocks_per_region;
memset(_block_data + beg_block, 0, block_cnt * sizeof(BlockData));
memset(_region_data + beg_region, 0, region_cnt * sizeof(RegionData));
@ -565,40 +519,7 @@ bool ParallelCompactData::summarize(HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
return true;
bool ParallelCompactData::partial_obj_ends_in_block(size_t block_index) {
HeapWord* block_addr = block_to_addr(block_index);
HeapWord* block_end_addr = block_addr + BlockSize;
size_t region_index = addr_to_region_idx(block_addr);
HeapWord* partial_obj_end_addr = partial_obj_end(region_index);
// An object that ends at the end of the block, ends
// in the block (the last word of the object is to
// the left of the end).
if ((block_addr < partial_obj_end_addr) &&
(partial_obj_end_addr <= block_end_addr)) {
return true;
return false;
HeapWord* ParallelCompactData::calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr) {
HeapWord* result = NULL;
if (UseParallelOldGCRegionPointerCalc) {
result = region_calc_new_pointer(addr);
} else {
result = block_calc_new_pointer(addr);
return result;
// This method is overly complicated (expensive) to be called
// for every reference.
// Try to restructure this so that a NULL is returned if
// the object is dead. But don't wast the cycles to explicitly check
// that it is dead since only live objects should be passed in.
HeapWord* ParallelCompactData::region_calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr) {
assert(addr != NULL, "Should detect NULL oop earlier");
assert(PSParallelCompact::gc_heap()->is_in(addr), "addr not in heap");
#ifdef ASSERT
@ -641,50 +562,6 @@ HeapWord* ParallelCompactData::region_calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr) {
return result;
HeapWord* ParallelCompactData::block_calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr) {
assert(addr != NULL, "Should detect NULL oop earlier");
assert(PSParallelCompact::gc_heap()->is_in(addr), "addr not in heap");
#ifdef ASSERT
if (PSParallelCompact::mark_bitmap()->is_unmarked(addr)) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("calc_new_pointer:: addr " PTR_FORMAT, addr);
assert(PSParallelCompact::mark_bitmap()->is_marked(addr), "obj not marked");
// Region covering the object.
size_t region_index = addr_to_region_idx(addr);
const RegionData* const region_ptr = region(region_index);
HeapWord* const region_addr = region_align_down(addr);
assert(addr < region_addr + RegionSize, "Region does not cover object");
assert(addr_to_region_ptr(region_addr) == region_ptr, "sanity check");
HeapWord* result = region_ptr->destination();
// If all the data in the region is live, then the new location of the object
// can be calculated from the destination of the region plus the offset of the
// object in the region.
if (region_ptr->data_size() == RegionSize) {
result += pointer_delta(addr, region_addr);
return result;
// The new location of the object is
// region destination +
// block offset +
// sizes of the live objects in the Block that are to the left of addr
const size_t block_offset = addr_to_block_ptr(addr)->offset();
HeapWord* const search_start = region_addr + block_offset;
const ParMarkBitMap* bitmap = PSParallelCompact::mark_bitmap();
size_t live_to_left = bitmap->live_words_in_range(search_start, oop(addr));
result += block_offset + live_to_left;
assert(result <= addr, "object cannot move to the right");
assert(result == region_calc_new_pointer(addr), "Should match");
return result;
klassOop ParallelCompactData::calc_new_klass(klassOop old_klass) {
klassOop updated_klass;
if (PSParallelCompact::should_update_klass(old_klass)) {
@ -709,7 +586,6 @@ void ParallelCompactData::verify_clear(const PSVirtualSpace* vspace)
void ParallelCompactData::verify_clear()
#endif // #ifdef ASSERT
@ -1581,18 +1457,6 @@ void PSParallelCompact::summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm,
// Fill in the block data after any changes to the regions have
// been made.
#ifdef ASSERT
summarize_blocks(cm, perm_space_id);
summarize_blocks(cm, old_space_id);
if (!UseParallelOldGCRegionPointerCalc) {
summarize_blocks(cm, perm_space_id);
summarize_blocks(cm, old_space_id);
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
tty->print_cr("summary_phase: after final summarization");
@ -1603,222 +1467,6 @@ void PSParallelCompact::summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm,
// Fill in the BlockData.
// Iterate over the spaces and within each space iterate over
// the regions and fill in the BlockData for each region.
void PSParallelCompact::summarize_blocks(ParCompactionManager* cm,
SpaceId first_compaction_space_id) {
#if 0
for (SpaceId cur_space_id = first_compaction_space_id;
cur_space_id != last_space_id;
cur_space_id = next_compaction_space_id(cur_space_id)) {
// Iterate over the regions in the space
size_t start_region_index =
BitBlockUpdateClosure bbu(mark_bitmap(),
// Iterate over blocks.
for (size_t region_index = start_region_index;
region_index < _summary_data.region_count() &&
_summary_data.region_to_addr(region_index) <
region_index++) {
// Reset the closure for the new region. Note that the closure
// maintains some data that does not get reset for each region
// so a new instance of the closure is no appropriate.
// Start the iteration with the first live object. This
// may return the end of the region. That is acceptable since
// it will properly limit the iterations.
ParMarkBitMap::idx_t left_offset = mark_bitmap()->addr_to_bit(
// End the iteration at the end of the region.
HeapWord* region_addr = _summary_data.region_to_addr(region_index);
HeapWord* region_end = region_addr + ParallelCompactData::RegionSize;
ParMarkBitMap::idx_t right_offset =
// Blocks that have not objects starting in them can be
// skipped because their data will never be used.
if (left_offset < right_offset) {
// Iterate through the objects in the region.
ParMarkBitMap::idx_t last_offset =
mark_bitmap()->pair_iterate(&bbu, left_offset, right_offset);
// If last_offset is less than right_offset, then the iterations
// terminated while it was looking for an end bit. "last_offset"
// is then the offset for the last start bit. In this situation
// the "offset" field for the next block to the right (_cur_block + 1)
// will not have been update although there may be live data
// to the left of the region.
size_t cur_block_plus_1 = bbu.cur_block() + 1;
HeapWord* cur_block_plus_1_addr =
_summary_data.block_to_addr(bbu.cur_block()) +
HeapWord* last_offset_addr = mark_bitmap()->bit_to_addr(last_offset);
#if 1 // This code works. The else doesn't but should. Why does it?
// The current block (cur_block()) has already been updated.
// The last block that may need to be updated is either the
// next block (current block + 1) or the block where the
// last object starts (which can be greater than the
// next block if there were no objects found in intervening
// blocks).
size_t last_block =
MAX2(bbu.cur_block() + 1,
// The current block has already been updated. The only block
// that remains to be updated is the block where the last
// object in the region starts.
size_t last_block = _summary_data.addr_to_block_idx(last_offset_addr);
assert((last_block == _summary_data.block_count()) ||
(_summary_data.block(last_block)->raw_offset() == 0),
"Should not have been set");
// Is the last block still in the current region? If still
// in this region, update the last block (the counting that
// included the current block is meant for the offset of the last
// block). If not in this region, do nothing. Should not
// update a block in the next region.
if (ParallelCompactData::region_contains_block(bbu.region_index(),
last_block)) {
if (last_offset < right_offset) {
// The last object started in this region but ends beyond
// this region. Update the block for this last object.
assert(mark_bitmap()->is_marked(last_offset), "Should be marked");
// No end bit was found. The closure takes care of
// the cases where
// an objects crosses over into the next block
// an objects starts and ends in the next block
// It does not handle the case where an object is
// the first object in a later block and extends
// past the end of the region (i.e., the closure
// only handles complete objects that are in the range
// it is given). That object is handed back here
// for any special consideration necessary.
// Is the first bit in the last block a start or end bit?
// If the partial object ends in the last block L,
// then the 1st bit in L may be an end bit.
// Else does the last object start in a block after the current
// block? A block AA will already have been updated if an
// object ends in the next block AA+1. An object found to end in
// the AA+1 is the trigger that updates AA. Objects are being
// counted in the current block for updaing a following
// block. An object may start in later block
// block but may extend beyond the last block in the region.
// Updates are only done when the end of an object has been
// found. If the last object (covered by block L) starts
// beyond the current block, then no object ends in L (otherwise
// L would be the current block). So the first bit in L is
// a start bit.
// Else the last objects start in the current block and ends
// beyond the region. The current block has already been
// updated and there is no later block (with an object
// starting in it) that needs to be updated.
if (_summary_data.partial_obj_ends_in_block(last_block)) {
} else if (last_offset_addr >= cur_block_plus_1_addr) {
// The start of the object is on a later block
// (to the right of the current block and there are no
// complete live objects to the left of this last object
// within the region.
// The first bit in the block is for the start of the
// last object.
} else {
// The start of the last object was found in
// the current region (which has already
// been updated).
assert(bbu.cur_block() ==
"Should be a block already processed");
#ifdef ASSERT
// Is there enough block information to find this object?
// The destination of the region has not been set so the
// values returned by calc_new_pointer() and
// block_calc_new_pointer() will only be
// offsets. But they should agree.
HeapWord* moved_obj_with_regions =
HeapWord* moved_obj_with_blocks =
assert(moved_obj_with_regions == moved_obj_with_blocks,
"Block calculation is wrong");
} else if (last_block < _summary_data.block_count()) {
// Iterations ended looking for a start bit (but
// did not run off the end of the block table).
#ifdef ASSERT
// Is there enough block information to find this object?
HeapWord* left_offset_addr = mark_bitmap()->bit_to_addr(left_offset);
HeapWord* moved_obj_with_regions =
HeapWord* moved_obj_with_blocks =
assert(moved_obj_with_regions == moved_obj_with_blocks,
"Block calculation is wrong");
// Is there another block after the end of this region?
#ifdef ASSERT
if (last_block < _summary_data.block_count()) {
// No object may have been found in a block. If that
// block is at the end of the region, the iteration will
// terminate without incrementing the current block so
// that the current block is not the last block in the
// region. That situation precludes asserting that the
// current block is the last block in the region. Assert
// the lesser condition that the current block does not
// exceed the region.
assert(_summary_data.block_to_addr(last_block) <=
(_summary_data.region_to_addr(region_index) +
"Region and block inconsistency");
assert(last_offset <= right_offset, "Iteration over ran end");
#ifdef ASSERT
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
if (_summary_data.region(region_index)->partial_obj_size() == 1) {
size_t first_block =
region_index / ParallelCompactData::BlocksPerRegion;
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("first_block " PTR_FORMAT
" _offset " PTR_FORMAT
"_first_is_start_bit %d",
#endif // #if 0
// This method should contain all heap-specific policy for invoking a full
// collection. invoke_no_policy() will only attempt to compact the heap; it
// will do nothing further. If we need to bail out for policy reasons, scavenge
@ -1858,15 +1506,6 @@ bool ParallelCompactData::region_contains(size_t region_index, HeapWord* addr) {
return region_index == addr_region_index;
bool ParallelCompactData::region_contains_block(size_t region_index,
size_t block_index) {
size_t first_block_in_region = region_index * BlocksPerRegion;
size_t last_block_in_region = (region_index + 1) * BlocksPerRegion - 1;
return (first_block_in_region <= block_index) &&
(block_index <= last_block_in_region);
// This method contains no policy. You should probably
// be calling invoke() instead.
void PSParallelCompact::invoke_no_policy(bool maximum_heap_compaction) {
@ -3339,172 +2978,6 @@ UpdateOnlyClosure::do_addr(HeapWord* addr, size_t words) {
return ParMarkBitMap::incomplete;
BitBlockUpdateClosure::BitBlockUpdateClosure(ParMarkBitMap* mbm,
ParCompactionManager* cm,
size_t region_index) :
ParMarkBitMapClosure(mbm, cm),
_cur_block(0) {
_region_start =
_region_end =
PSParallelCompact::summary_data().region_to_addr(region_index) +
_region_index = region_index;
_cur_block =
bool BitBlockUpdateClosure::region_contains_cur_block() {
return ParallelCompactData::region_contains_block(_region_index, _cur_block);
void BitBlockUpdateClosure::reset_region(size_t region_index) {
ParallelCompactData& sd = PSParallelCompact::summary_data();
_region_index = region_index;
_live_data_left = 0;
_region_start = sd.region_to_addr(region_index);
_region_end = sd.region_to_addr(region_index) + ParallelCompactData::RegionSize;
// The first block in this region
size_t first_block = sd.addr_to_block_idx(_region_start);
size_t partial_live_size = sd.region(region_index)->partial_obj_size();
// Set the offset to 0. By definition it should have that value
// but it may have been written while processing an earlier region.
if (partial_live_size == 0) {
// No live object extends onto the region. The first bit
// in the bit map for the first region must be a start bit.
// Although there may not be any marked bits, it is safe
// to set it as a start bit.
} else if (sd.partial_obj_ends_in_block(first_block)) {
} else {
// The partial object extends beyond the first block.
// There is no object starting in the first block
// so the offset and bit parity are not needed.
// Set the the bit parity to start bit so assertions
// work when not bit is found.
_cur_block = first_block;
#ifdef ASSERT
if (sd.block(first_block)->first_is_start_bit()) {
"Partial object cannot end in first block");
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
if (partial_live_size == 1) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("first_block " PTR_FORMAT
" _offset " PTR_FORMAT
" _first_is_start_bit %d",
// This method is called when a object has been found (both beginning
// and end of the object) in the range of iteration. This method is
// calculating the words of live data to the left of a block. That live
// data includes any object starting to the left of the block (i.e.,
// the live-data-to-the-left of block AAA will include the full size
// of any object entering AAA).
BitBlockUpdateClosure::do_addr(HeapWord* addr, size_t words) {
// add the size to the block data.
HeapWord* obj = addr;
ParallelCompactData& sd = PSParallelCompact::summary_data();
assert(bitmap()->obj_size(obj) == words, "bad size");
assert(_region_start <= obj, "object is not in region");
assert(obj + words <= _region_end, "object is not in region");
// Update the live data to the left
size_t prev_live_data_left = _live_data_left;
_live_data_left = _live_data_left + words;
// Is this object in the current block.
size_t block_of_obj = sd.addr_to_block_idx(obj);
size_t block_of_obj_last = sd.addr_to_block_idx(obj + words - 1);
HeapWord* block_of_obj_last_addr = sd.block_to_addr(block_of_obj_last);
if (_cur_block < block_of_obj) {
// No object crossed the block boundary and this object was found
// on the other side of the block boundary. Update the offset for
// the new block with the data size that does not include this object.
// The first bit in block_of_obj is a start bit except in the
// case where the partial object for the region extends into
// this block.
if (sd.partial_obj_ends_in_block(block_of_obj)) {
} else {
// Does this object pass beyond the its block?
if (block_of_obj < block_of_obj_last) {
// Object crosses block boundary. Two blocks need to be udpated:
// the current block where the object started
// the block where the object ends
// The offset for blocks with no objects starting in them
// (e.g., blocks between _cur_block and block_of_obj_last)
// should not be needed.
// Note that block_of_obj_last may be in another region. If so,
// it should be overwritten later. This is a problem (writting
// into a block in a later region) for parallel execution.
assert(obj < block_of_obj_last_addr,
"Object should start in previous block");
// obj is crossing into block_of_obj_last so the first bit
// is and end bit.
_cur_block = block_of_obj_last;
} else {
// _first_is_start_bit has already been set correctly
// in the if-then-else above so don't reset it here.
_cur_block = block_of_obj;
} else {
// The current block only changes if the object extends beyound
// the block it starts in.
// The object starts in the current block.
// Does this object pass beyond the end of it?
if (block_of_obj < block_of_obj_last) {
// Object crosses block boundary.
// See note above on possible blocks between block_of_obj and
// block_of_obj_last
assert(obj < block_of_obj_last_addr,
"Object should start in previous block");
_cur_block = block_of_obj_last;
// Return incomplete if there are more blocks to be done.
if (region_contains_cur_block()) {
return ParMarkBitMap::incomplete;
return ParMarkBitMap::complete;
// Verify the new location using the forwarding pointer
// from MarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase2(). Set the mark_word
// to the initial value.
@ -3577,12 +3050,3 @@ PSParallelCompact::next_compaction_space_id(SpaceId id) {
return last_space_id;
// Here temporarily for debugging
#ifdef ASSERT
size_t ParallelCompactData::block_idx(BlockData* block) {
size_t index = pointer_delta(block,
PSParallelCompact::summary_data()._block_data, sizeof(BlockData));
return index;

View File

@ -87,13 +87,6 @@ public:
// Mask for the bits in a pointer to get the address of the start of a region.
static const size_t RegionAddrMask;
static const size_t Log2BlockSize;
static const size_t BlockSize;
static const size_t BlockOffsetMask;
static const size_t BlockMask;
static const size_t BlocksPerRegion;
class RegionData
@ -216,72 +209,6 @@ public:
// 'Blocks' allow shorter sections of the bitmap to be searched. Each Block
// holds an offset, which is the amount of live data in the Region to the left
// of the first live object in the Block. This amount of live data will
// include any object extending into the block. The first block in
// a region does not include any partial object extending into the
// the region.
// The offset also encodes the
// 'parity' of the first 1 bit in the Block: a positive offset means the
// first 1 bit marks the start of an object, a negative offset means the first
// 1 bit marks the end of an object.
class BlockData
typedef short int blk_ofs_t;
blk_ofs_t offset() const { return _offset >= 0 ? _offset : -_offset; }
blk_ofs_t raw_offset() const { return _offset; }
void set_first_is_start_bit(bool v) { _first_is_start_bit = v; }
#if 0
// The need for this method was anticipated but it is
// never actually used. Do not include it for now. If
// it is needed, consider the problem of what is passed
// as "v". To avoid warning errors the method set_start_bit_offset()
// was changed to take a size_t as the parameter and to do the
// check for the possible overflow. Doing the cast in these
// methods better limits the potential problems because of
// the size of the field to this class.
void set_raw_offset(blk_ofs_t v) { _offset = v; }
void set_start_bit_offset(size_t val) {
assert(val >= 0, "sanity");
_offset = (blk_ofs_t) val;
assert(val == (size_t) _offset, "Value is too large");
_first_is_start_bit = true;
void set_end_bit_offset(size_t val) {
assert(val >= 0, "sanity");
_offset = (blk_ofs_t) val;
assert(val == (size_t) _offset, "Value is too large");
_offset = - _offset;
_first_is_start_bit = false;
bool first_is_start_bit() {
assert(_set_phase > 0, "Not initialized");
return _first_is_start_bit;
bool first_is_end_bit() {
assert(_set_phase > 0, "Not initialized");
return !_first_is_start_bit;
blk_ofs_t _offset;
// This is temporary until the mark_bitmap is separated into
// a start bit array and an end bit array.
bool _first_is_start_bit;
#ifdef ASSERT
short _set_phase;
static short _cur_phase;
static void set_cur_phase(short v) { _cur_phase = v; }
bool initialize(MemRegion covered_region);
@ -295,12 +222,6 @@ public:
// Returns true if the given address is contained within the region
bool region_contains(size_t region_index, HeapWord* addr);
size_t block_count() const { return _block_count; }
inline BlockData* block(size_t n) const;
// Returns true if the given block is in the given region.
static bool region_contains_block(size_t region_index, size_t block_index);
void add_obj(HeapWord* addr, size_t len);
void add_obj(oop p, size_t len) { add_obj((HeapWord*)p, len); }
@ -334,15 +255,6 @@ public:
inline HeapWord* region_align_up(HeapWord* addr) const;
inline bool is_region_aligned(HeapWord* addr) const;
// Analogous to region_offset() for blocks.
size_t block_offset(const HeapWord* addr) const;
size_t addr_to_block_idx(const HeapWord* addr) const;
size_t addr_to_block_idx(const oop obj) const {
return addr_to_block_idx((HeapWord*) obj);
inline BlockData* addr_to_block_ptr(const HeapWord* addr) const;
inline HeapWord* block_to_addr(size_t block) const;
// Return the address one past the end of the partial object.
HeapWord* partial_obj_end(size_t region_idx) const;
@ -350,12 +262,6 @@ public:
// the compaction.
HeapWord* calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr);
// Same as calc_new_pointer() using blocks.
HeapWord* block_calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr);
// Same as calc_new_pointer() using regions.
HeapWord* region_calc_new_pointer(HeapWord* addr);
HeapWord* calc_new_pointer(oop p) {
return calc_new_pointer((HeapWord*) p);
@ -363,21 +269,12 @@ public:
// Return the updated address for the given klass
klassOop calc_new_klass(klassOop);
// Given a block returns true if the partial object for the
// corresponding region ends in the block. Returns false, otherwise
// If there is no partial object, returns false.
bool partial_obj_ends_in_block(size_t block_index);
// Returns the block index for the block
static size_t block_idx(BlockData* block);
#ifdef ASSERT
void verify_clear(const PSVirtualSpace* vspace);
void verify_clear();
#endif // #ifdef ASSERT
bool initialize_block_data(size_t region_size);
bool initialize_region_data(size_t region_size);
PSVirtualSpace* create_vspace(size_t count, size_t element_size);
@ -390,10 +287,6 @@ private:
PSVirtualSpace* _region_vspace;
RegionData* _region_data;
size_t _region_count;
PSVirtualSpace* _block_vspace;
BlockData* _block_data;
size_t _block_count;
inline uint
@ -502,12 +395,6 @@ ParallelCompactData::region(const RegionData* const region_ptr) const
return pointer_delta(region_ptr, _region_data, sizeof(RegionData));
inline ParallelCompactData::BlockData*
ParallelCompactData::block(size_t n) const {
assert(n < block_count(), "bad arg");
return _block_data + n;
inline size_t
ParallelCompactData::region_offset(const HeapWord* addr) const
@ -574,35 +461,6 @@ ParallelCompactData::is_region_aligned(HeapWord* addr) const
return region_offset(addr) == 0;
inline size_t
ParallelCompactData::block_offset(const HeapWord* addr) const
assert(addr >= _region_start, "bad addr");
assert(addr <= _region_end, "bad addr");
return pointer_delta(addr, _region_start) & BlockOffsetMask;
inline size_t
ParallelCompactData::addr_to_block_idx(const HeapWord* addr) const
assert(addr >= _region_start, "bad addr");
assert(addr <= _region_end, "bad addr");
return pointer_delta(addr, _region_start) >> Log2BlockSize;
inline ParallelCompactData::BlockData*
ParallelCompactData::addr_to_block_ptr(const HeapWord* addr) const
return block(addr_to_block_idx(addr));
inline HeapWord*
ParallelCompactData::block_to_addr(size_t block) const
assert(block < _block_count, "block out of range");
return _region_start + (block << Log2BlockSize);
// Abstract closure for use with ParMarkBitMap::iterate(), which will invoke the
// do_addr() method.
@ -688,35 +546,6 @@ inline void ParMarkBitMapClosure::decrement_words_remaining(size_t words) {
_words_remaining -= words;
// Closure for updating the block data during the summary phase.
class BitBlockUpdateClosure: public ParMarkBitMapClosure {
// ParallelCompactData::BlockData::blk_ofs_t _live_data_left;
size_t _live_data_left;
size_t _cur_block;
HeapWord* _region_start;
HeapWord* _region_end;
size_t _region_index;
BitBlockUpdateClosure(ParMarkBitMap* mbm,
ParCompactionManager* cm,
size_t region_index);
size_t cur_block() { return _cur_block; }
size_t region_index() { return _region_index; }
size_t live_data_left() { return _live_data_left; }
// Returns true the first bit in the current block (cur_block) is
// a start bit.
// Returns true if the current block is within the region for the closure;
bool region_contains_cur_block();
// Set the region index and related region values for
// a new region.
void reset_region(size_t region_index);
virtual IterationStatus do_addr(HeapWord* addr, size_t words);
// The UseParallelOldGC collector is a stop-the-world garbage collector that
// does parts of the collection using parallel threads. The collection includes
// the tenured generation and the young generation. The permanent generation is
@ -809,7 +638,6 @@ class PSParallelCompact : AllStatic {
// Convenient access to type names.
typedef ParMarkBitMap::idx_t idx_t;
typedef ParallelCompactData::RegionData RegionData;
typedef ParallelCompactData::BlockData BlockData;
typedef enum {
perm_space_id, old_space_id, eden_space_id,
@ -1014,12 +842,6 @@ class PSParallelCompact : AllStatic {
static void summarize_space(SpaceId id, bool maximum_compaction);
static void summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm, bool maximum_compaction);
static bool block_first_offset(size_t block_index, idx_t* block_offset_ptr);
// Fill in the BlockData
static void summarize_blocks(ParCompactionManager* cm,
SpaceId first_compaction_space_id);
// The space that is compacted after space_id.
static SpaceId next_compaction_space_id(SpaceId space_id);

View File

@ -1157,10 +1157,6 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
"In the Parallel Old garbage collector use parallel dense" \
" prefix update") \
develop(bool, UseParallelOldGCRegionPointerCalc, true, \
"In the Parallel Old garbage collector use regions to calculate" \
"new object locations") \
product(uintx, HeapMaximumCompactionInterval, 20, \
"How often should we maximally compact the heap (not allowing " \
"any dead space)") \