8217362: Emergency dump does not work when disk=false is set

Reviewed-by: egahlin, ysuenaga
This commit is contained in:
Yasumasa Suenaga 2019-03-25 15:37:06 +01:00 committed by Markus Grönlund
parent efe03d5a90
commit ec1f61711b
5 changed files with 315 additions and 328 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -46,13 +46,9 @@ bool JfrChunkWriter::initialize() {
return _chunkstate != NULL;
static fio_fd open_existing(const char* path) {
return os::open(path, O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
static fio_fd open_chunk(const char* path) {
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
return path != NULL ? open_existing(path) : invalid_fd;
return path != NULL ? os::open(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE) : invalid_fd;
bool JfrChunkWriter::open() {

@ -24,17 +24,315 @@
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
#include "jfr/jni/jfrJavaSupport.hpp"
#include "jfr/leakprofiler/leakProfiler.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrEmergencyDump.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/service/jfrPostBox.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/service/jfrRecorderService.hpp"
#include "jfr/utilities/jfrTypes.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
static const char vm_error_filename_fmt[] = "hs_err_pid%p.jfr";
static const char vm_oom_filename_fmt[] = "hs_oom_pid%p.jfr";
static const char vm_soe_filename_fmt[] = "hs_soe_pid%p.jfr";
static const char chunk_file_jfr_ext[] = ".jfr";
static const size_t iso8601_len = 19; // "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS"
static fio_fd open_exclusivly(const char* path) {
return os::open(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
static int file_sort(const char** const file1, const char** file2) {
assert(NULL != *file1 && NULL != *file2, "invariant");
int cmp = strncmp(*file1, *file2, iso8601_len);
if (0 == cmp) {
const char* const dot1 = strchr(*file1, '.');
assert(NULL != dot1, "invariant");
const char* const dot2 = strchr(*file2, '.');
assert(NULL != dot2, "invariant");
ptrdiff_t file1_len = dot1 - *file1;
ptrdiff_t file2_len = dot2 - *file2;
if (file1_len < file2_len) {
return -1;
if (file1_len > file2_len) {
return 1;
assert(file1_len == file2_len, "invariant");
cmp = strncmp(*file1, *file2, file1_len);
assert(cmp != 0, "invariant");
return cmp;
static void iso8601_to_date_time(char* iso8601_str) {
assert(iso8601_str != NULL, "invariant");
assert(strlen(iso8601_str) == iso8601_len, "invariant");
for (size_t i = 0; i < iso8601_len; ++i) {
switch (iso8601_str[i]) {
case 'T':
case '-':
case ':':
iso8601_str[i] = '_';
static void date_time(char* buffer, size_t buffer_len) {
assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant");
assert(buffer_len >= iso8601_len, "buffer too small");
os::iso8601_time(buffer, buffer_len);
assert(strlen(buffer) >= iso8601_len + 1, "invariant");
buffer[iso8601_len] = '\0';
static int64_t file_size(fio_fd fd) {
assert(fd != invalid_fd, "invariant");
const int64_t current_offset = os::current_file_offset(fd);
const int64_t size = os::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
os::seek_to_file_offset(fd, current_offset);
return size;
class RepositoryIterator : public StackObj {
const char* const _repo;
const size_t _repository_len;
GrowableArray<const char*>* _files;
const char* const fully_qualified(const char* entry) const;
mutable int _iterator;
RepositoryIterator(const char* repository, size_t repository_len);
~RepositoryIterator() {}
const char* const filter(const char* entry) const;
bool has_next() const;
const char* const next() const;
const char* const RepositoryIterator::fully_qualified(const char* entry) const {
assert(NULL != entry, "invariant");
char* file_path_entry = NULL;
// only use files that have content, not placeholders
const char* const file_separator = os::file_separator();
if (NULL != file_separator) {
const size_t entry_len = strlen(entry);
const size_t file_separator_length = strlen(file_separator);
const size_t file_path_entry_length = _repository_len + file_separator_length + entry_len;
file_path_entry = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, file_path_entry_length + 1);
if (NULL == file_path_entry) {
return NULL;
int position = 0;
position += jio_snprintf(&file_path_entry[position], _repository_len + 1, "%s", _repo);
position += jio_snprintf(&file_path_entry[position], file_separator_length + 1, "%s", os::file_separator());
position += jio_snprintf(&file_path_entry[position], entry_len + 1, "%s", entry);
file_path_entry[position] = '\0';
assert((size_t)position == file_path_entry_length, "invariant");
assert(strlen(file_path_entry) == (size_t)position, "invariant");
return file_path_entry;
const char* const RepositoryIterator::filter(const char* entry) const {
if (entry == NULL) {
return NULL;
const size_t entry_len = strlen(entry);
if (entry_len <= 2) {
// for "." and ".."
return NULL;
char* entry_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, entry_len + 1);
if (entry_name == NULL) {
return NULL;
strncpy(entry_name, entry, entry_len + 1);
const char* const fully_qualified_path_entry = fully_qualified(entry_name);
if (NULL == fully_qualified_path_entry) {
return NULL;
const fio_fd entry_fd = open_exclusivly(fully_qualified_path_entry);
if (invalid_fd == entry_fd) {
return NULL;
const int64_t entry_size = file_size(entry_fd);
if (0 == entry_size) {
return NULL;
return entry_name;
RepositoryIterator::RepositoryIterator(const char* repository, size_t repository_len) :
_iterator(0) {
if (NULL != _repo) {
assert(strlen(_repo) == _repository_len, "invariant");
_files = new GrowableArray<const char*>(10);
DIR* dirp = os::opendir(_repo);
if (dirp == NULL) {
log_error(jfr, system)("Unable to open repository %s", _repo);
struct dirent* dentry;
while ((dentry = os::readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
const char* const entry_path = filter(dentry->d_name);
if (NULL != entry_path) {
if (_files->length() > 1) {
bool RepositoryIterator::has_next() const {
return (_files != NULL && _iterator < _files->length());
const char* const RepositoryIterator::next() const {
return _iterator >= _files->length() ? NULL : fully_qualified(_files->at(_iterator++));
static void write_emergency_file(fio_fd emergency_fd, const RepositoryIterator& iterator) {
assert(emergency_fd != invalid_fd, "invariant");
const size_t size_of_file_copy_block = 1 * M; // 1 mb
jbyte* const file_copy_block = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(jbyte, size_of_file_copy_block);
if (file_copy_block == NULL) {
while (iterator.has_next()) {
fio_fd current_fd = invalid_fd;
const char* const fqn = iterator.next();
if (fqn != NULL) {
current_fd = open_exclusivly(fqn);
if (current_fd != invalid_fd) {
const int64_t current_filesize = file_size(current_fd);
assert(current_filesize > 0, "invariant");
int64_t bytes_read = 0;
int64_t bytes_written = 0;
while (bytes_read < current_filesize) {
const ssize_t read_result = os::read_at(current_fd, file_copy_block, size_of_file_copy_block, bytes_read);
if (-1 == read_result) {
log_info(jfr)( // For user, should not be "jfr, system"
"Unable to recover JFR data");
bytes_read += (int64_t)read_result;
assert(bytes_read - bytes_written <= (int64_t)size_of_file_copy_block, "invariant");
bytes_written += (int64_t)os::write(emergency_fd, file_copy_block, bytes_read - bytes_written);
assert(bytes_read == bytes_written, "invariant");
static const char* create_emergency_dump_path() {
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
if (NULL == buffer) {
return NULL;
const char* const cwd = os::get_current_directory(buffer, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
if (NULL == cwd) {
return NULL;
size_t pos = strlen(cwd);
const int fsep_len = jio_snprintf(&buffer[pos], JVM_MAXPATHLEN - pos, "%s", os::file_separator());
const char* filename_fmt = NULL;
// fetch specific error cause
switch (JfrJavaSupport::cause()) {
case JfrJavaSupport::OUT_OF_MEMORY:
filename_fmt = vm_oom_filename_fmt;
case JfrJavaSupport::STACK_OVERFLOW:
filename_fmt = vm_soe_filename_fmt;
filename_fmt = vm_error_filename_fmt;
char* emergency_dump_path = NULL;
pos += fsep_len;
if (Arguments::copy_expand_pid(filename_fmt, strlen(filename_fmt), &buffer[pos], JVM_MAXPATHLEN - pos)) {
const size_t emergency_filename_length = strlen(buffer);
emergency_dump_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, emergency_filename_length + 1);
if (NULL == emergency_dump_path) {
return NULL;
strncpy(emergency_dump_path, buffer, emergency_filename_length + 1);
if (emergency_dump_path != NULL) {
log_info(jfr)( // For user, should not be "jfr, system"
"Attempting to recover JFR data, emergency jfr file: %s", emergency_dump_path);
return emergency_dump_path;
// Caller needs ResourceMark
static const char* create_emergency_chunk_path(const char* repository_path) {
assert(repository_path != NULL, "invariant");
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
const size_t repository_path_len = strlen(repository_path);
// date time
char date_time_buffer[32] = { 0 };
date_time(date_time_buffer, sizeof(date_time_buffer));
size_t date_time_len = strlen(date_time_buffer);
size_t chunkname_max_len = repository_path_len // repository_base_path
+ 1 // "/"
+ date_time_len // date_time
+ strlen(chunk_file_jfr_ext) // .jfr
+ 1;
char* chunk_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, chunkname_max_len);
if (chunk_path == NULL) {
return NULL;
// append the individual substrings
jio_snprintf(chunk_path, chunkname_max_len, "%s%s%s%s", repository_path_len, os::file_separator(), date_time_buffer, chunk_file_jfr_ext);
return chunk_path;
static fio_fd emergency_dump_file_descriptor() {
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
ResourceMark rm;
const char* const emergency_dump_path = create_emergency_dump_path();
return emergency_dump_path != NULL ? open_exclusivly(emergency_dump_path) : invalid_fd;
const char* JfrEmergencyDump::build_dump_path(const char* repository_path) {
return repository_path == NULL ? create_emergency_dump_path() : create_emergency_chunk_path(repository_path);
void JfrEmergencyDump::on_vm_error(const char* repository_path) {
assert(repository_path != NULL, "invariant");
ResourceMark rm;
MutexLockerEx stream_lock(JfrStream_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
const fio_fd emergency_fd = emergency_dump_file_descriptor();
if (emergency_fd != invalid_fd) {
RepositoryIterator iterator(repository_path, strlen(repository_path));
write_emergency_file(emergency_fd, iterator);
* We are just about to exit the VM, so we will be very aggressive

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
class JfrEmergencyDump : AllStatic {
static void on_vm_shutdown(bool exception_handler);
static void on_vm_error(const char* repository_path);
static const char* build_dump_path(const char* repository_path);

@ -28,12 +28,11 @@
#include "jfr/recorder/jfrRecorder.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrChunkState.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrChunkWriter.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrEmergencyDump.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrRepository.hpp"
#include "jfr/recorder/service/jfrPostBox.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
static JfrRepository* _instance = NULL;
@ -84,321 +83,13 @@ void JfrRepository::destroy() {
_instance = NULL;
static const char vm_error_filename_fmt[] = "hs_err_pid%p.jfr";
static const char vm_oom_filename_fmt[] = "hs_oom_pid%p.jfr";
static const char vm_soe_filename_fmt[] = "hs_soe_pid%p.jfr";
static const char chunk_file_jfr_ext[] = ".jfr";
static const size_t iso8601_len = 19; // "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS"
static fio_fd open_exclusivly(const char* path) {
return os::open(path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
static fio_fd open_existing(const char* path) {
return os::open(path, O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
static int file_sort(const char** const file1, const char** file2) {
assert(NULL != *file1 && NULL != *file2, "invariant");
int cmp = strncmp(*file1, *file2, iso8601_len);
if (0 == cmp) {
const char* const dot1 = strchr(*file1, '.');
assert(NULL != dot1, "invariant");
const char* const dot2 = strchr(*file2, '.');
assert(NULL != dot2, "invariant");
ptrdiff_t file1_len = dot1 - *file1;
ptrdiff_t file2_len = dot2 - *file2;
if (file1_len < file2_len) {
return -1;
if (file1_len > file2_len) {
return 1;
assert(file1_len == file2_len, "invariant");
cmp = strncmp(*file1, *file2, file1_len);
assert(cmp != 0, "invariant");
return cmp;
static void iso8601_to_date_time(char* iso8601_str) {
assert(iso8601_str != NULL, "invariant");
assert(strlen(iso8601_str) == iso8601_len, "invariant");
for (size_t i = 0; i < iso8601_len; ++i) {
switch(iso8601_str[i]) {
case 'T' :
case '-' :
case ':' :
iso8601_str[i] = '_';
static void date_time(char* buffer, size_t buffer_len) {
assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant");
assert(buffer_len >= iso8601_len, "buffer too small");
os::iso8601_time(buffer, buffer_len);
assert(strlen(buffer) >= iso8601_len + 1, "invariant");
buffer[iso8601_len] = '\0';
static int64_t file_size(fio_fd fd) {
assert(fd != invalid_fd, "invariant");
const int64_t current_offset = os::current_file_offset(fd);
const int64_t size = os::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
os::seek_to_file_offset(fd, current_offset);
return size;
class RepositoryIterator : public StackObj {
const char* const _repo;
const size_t _repository_len;
GrowableArray<const char*>* _files;
const char* const fully_qualified(const char* entry) const;
mutable int _iterator;
RepositoryIterator(const char* repository, size_t repository_len);
~RepositoryIterator() {}
debug_only(void print_repository_files() const;)
const char* const filter(const char* entry) const;
bool has_next() const;
const char* const next() const;
const char* const RepositoryIterator::fully_qualified(const char* entry) const {
assert(NULL != entry, "invariant");
char* file_path_entry = NULL;
// only use files that have content, not placeholders
const char* const file_separator = os::file_separator();
if (NULL != file_separator) {
const size_t entry_len = strlen(entry);
const size_t file_separator_length = strlen(file_separator);
const size_t file_path_entry_length = _repository_len + file_separator_length + entry_len;
file_path_entry = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, file_path_entry_length + 1);
if (NULL == file_path_entry) {
return NULL;
int position = 0;
position += jio_snprintf(&file_path_entry[position], _repository_len + 1, "%s", _repo);
position += jio_snprintf(&file_path_entry[position], file_separator_length + 1, "%s", os::file_separator());
position += jio_snprintf(&file_path_entry[position], entry_len + 1, "%s", entry);
file_path_entry[position] = '\0';
assert((size_t)position == file_path_entry_length, "invariant");
assert(strlen(file_path_entry) == (size_t)position, "invariant");
return file_path_entry;
const char* const RepositoryIterator::filter(const char* entry) const {
if (entry == NULL) {
return NULL;
const size_t entry_len = strlen(entry);
if (entry_len <= 2) {
// for "." and ".."
return NULL;
char* entry_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, entry_len + 1);
if (entry_name == NULL) {
return NULL;
strncpy(entry_name, entry, entry_len + 1);
const char* const fully_qualified_path_entry = fully_qualified(entry_name);
if (NULL == fully_qualified_path_entry) {
return NULL;
const fio_fd entry_fd = open_existing(fully_qualified_path_entry);
if (invalid_fd == entry_fd) {
return NULL;
const int64_t entry_size = file_size(entry_fd);
if (0 == entry_size) {
return NULL;
return entry_name;
RepositoryIterator::RepositoryIterator(const char* repository, size_t repository_len) :
_iterator(0) {
if (NULL != _repo) {
assert(strlen(_repo) == _repository_len, "invariant");
_files = new GrowableArray<const char*>(10);
DIR* dirp = os::opendir(_repo);
if (dirp == NULL) {
log_error(jfr, system)("Unable to open repository %s", _repo);
struct dirent* dentry;
while ((dentry = os::readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
const char* const entry_path = filter(dentry->d_name);
if (NULL != entry_path) {
if (_files->length() > 1) {
#ifdef ASSERT
void RepositoryIterator::print_repository_files() const {
while (has_next()) {
log_error(jfr, system)( "%s", next());
bool RepositoryIterator::has_next() const {
return (_files != NULL && _iterator < _files->length());
const char* const RepositoryIterator::next() const {
return _iterator >= _files->length() ? NULL : fully_qualified(_files->at(_iterator++));
static void write_emergency_file(fio_fd emergency_fd, const RepositoryIterator& iterator) {
assert(emergency_fd != invalid_fd, "invariant");
const size_t size_of_file_copy_block = 1 * M; // 1 mb
jbyte* const file_copy_block = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(jbyte, size_of_file_copy_block);
if (file_copy_block == NULL) {
int64_t bytes_written_total = 0;
while (iterator.has_next()) {
fio_fd current_fd = invalid_fd;
const char* const fqn = iterator.next();
if (fqn != NULL) {
current_fd = open_existing(fqn);
if (current_fd != invalid_fd) {
const int64_t current_filesize = file_size(current_fd);
assert(current_filesize > 0, "invariant");
int64_t bytes_read = 0;
int64_t bytes_written = 0;
while (bytes_read < current_filesize) {
const ssize_t read_result = os::read_at(current_fd, file_copy_block, size_of_file_copy_block, bytes_read);
if (-1 == read_result) {
log_info(jfr) ( // For user, should not be "jfr, system"
"Unable to recover JFR data");
bytes_read += (int64_t)read_result;
assert(bytes_read - bytes_written <= (int64_t)size_of_file_copy_block, "invariant");
bytes_written += (int64_t)os::write(emergency_fd, file_copy_block, bytes_read - bytes_written);
assert(bytes_read == bytes_written, "invariant");
bytes_written_total += bytes_written;
static const char* create_emergency_dump_path() {
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
if (NULL == buffer) {
return NULL;
const char* const cwd = os::get_current_directory(buffer, O_BUFLEN);
if (NULL == cwd) {
return NULL;
size_t pos = strlen(cwd);
const int fsep_len = jio_snprintf(&buffer[pos], O_BUFLEN - pos, "%s", os::file_separator());
const char* filename_fmt = NULL;
// fetch specific error cause
switch (JfrJavaSupport::cause()) {
case JfrJavaSupport::OUT_OF_MEMORY:
filename_fmt = vm_oom_filename_fmt;
case JfrJavaSupport::STACK_OVERFLOW:
filename_fmt = vm_soe_filename_fmt;
filename_fmt = vm_error_filename_fmt;
char* emergency_dump_path = NULL;
pos += fsep_len;
if (Arguments::copy_expand_pid(filename_fmt, strlen(filename_fmt), &buffer[pos], O_BUFLEN - pos)) {
const size_t emergency_filename_length = strlen(buffer);
emergency_dump_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, emergency_filename_length + 1);
if (NULL == emergency_dump_path) {
return NULL;
strncpy(emergency_dump_path, buffer, emergency_filename_length + 1);
return emergency_dump_path;
// Caller needs ResourceMark
static const char* create_emergency_chunk_path(const char* repository_base, size_t repository_len) {
assert(repository_base != NULL, "invariant");
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
// date time
char date_time_buffer[32] = {0};
date_time(date_time_buffer, sizeof(date_time_buffer));
size_t date_time_len = strlen(date_time_buffer);
size_t chunkname_max_len = repository_len // repository_base
+ 1 // "/"
+ date_time_len // date_time
+ strlen(chunk_file_jfr_ext) // .jfr
+ 1;
char* chunk_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, chunkname_max_len);
if (chunk_path == NULL) {
return NULL;
// append the individual substrings
jio_snprintf(chunk_path, chunkname_max_len, "%s%s%s%s", repository_base, os::file_separator(), date_time_buffer, chunk_file_jfr_ext);
return chunk_path;
static fio_fd emergency_dump_file() {
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
ResourceMark rm;
const char* const emergency_dump_path = create_emergency_dump_path();
if (emergency_dump_path == NULL) {
return invalid_fd;
const fio_fd fd = open_exclusivly(emergency_dump_path);
if (fd != invalid_fd) {
log_info(jfr)( // For user, should not be "jfr, system"
"Attempting to recover JFR data, emergency jfr file: %s", emergency_dump_path);
return fd;
static const char* emergency_path(const char* repository, size_t repository_len) {
return repository == NULL ? create_emergency_dump_path() : create_emergency_chunk_path(repository, repository_len);
void JfrRepository::on_vm_error() {
assert(!JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
const char* path = _path;
if (path == NULL) {
if (_path == NULL) {
// completed already
ResourceMark rm;
MutexLockerEx stream_lock(JfrStream_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
const fio_fd emergency_fd = emergency_dump_file();
if (emergency_fd != invalid_fd) {
RepositoryIterator iterator(path, strlen(path));
write_emergency_file(emergency_fd, iterator);
bool JfrRepository::set_path(const char* path) {
@ -467,10 +158,7 @@ bool JfrRepository::open_chunk(bool vm_error /* false */) {
assert(JfrStream_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
if (vm_error) {
ResourceMark rm;
const char* repository_path = _path;
const size_t repository_path_len = repository_path != NULL ? strlen(repository_path) : 0;
const char* const path = emergency_path(repository_path, repository_path_len);
return _chunkwriter->open();

@ -77,22 +77,25 @@ public class TestDumpOnCrash {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
verify(runProcess(CrasherIllegalAccess.class.getName(), ""));
verify(runProcess(CrasherHalt.class.getName(), ""));
verify(runProcess(CrasherIllegalAccess.class.getName(), "", true));
verify(runProcess(CrasherIllegalAccess.class.getName(), "", false));
verify(runProcess(CrasherHalt.class.getName(), "", true));
verify(runProcess(CrasherHalt.class.getName(), "", false));
// Verification is excluded for the test case below until 8219680 is fixed
long pid = runProcess(CrasherSig.class.getName(), "FPE");
long pid = runProcess(CrasherSig.class.getName(), "FPE", true);
// @ignore 8219680
// verify(pid);
private static long runProcess(String crasher, String signal) throws Exception {
private static long runProcess(String crasher, String signal, boolean disk) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Test case for crasher " + crasher);
final String flightRecordingOptions = "dumponexit=true,disk=" + Boolean.toString(disk);
Process p = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder(true,
"-XX:StartFlightRecording=" + flightRecordingOptions,