8213478: Reduce rebinds when applying repeated filters and conversions

Reviewed-by: vlivanov, jrose
This commit is contained in:
Claes Redestad 2018-11-11 21:24:46 +01:00
parent 2df435e191
commit eda5f09014
3 changed files with 198 additions and 101 deletions

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*;
@ -86,7 +88,8 @@ class LambdaFormEditor {
private static final boolean STRESS_TEST = false; // turn on to disable most packing
private static final int
@ -641,6 +644,104 @@ class LambdaFormEditor {
return putInCache(key, form);
* This creates a LF that will repeatedly invoke some unary filter function
* at each of the given positions. This allows fewer LFs and BMH species
* classes to be generated in typical cases compared to building up the form
* by reapplying of {@code filterArgumentForm(int,BasicType)}, and should do
* no worse in the worst case.
LambdaForm filterRepeatedArgumentForm(BasicType newType, int... argPositions) {
assert (argPositions.length > 1);
byte[] keyArgs = new byte[argPositions.length + 2];
keyArgs[0] = Transform.REPEAT_FILTER_ARGS;
keyArgs[argPositions.length + 1] = (byte)newType.ordinal();
for (int i = 0; i < argPositions.length; i++) {
keyArgs[i + 1] = (byte)argPositions[i];
Transform key = new Transform(keyArgs);
LambdaForm form = getInCache(key);
if (form != null) {
assert(form.arity == lambdaForm.arity &&
formParametersMatch(form, newType, argPositions));
return form;
BasicType oldType = lambdaForm.parameterType(argPositions[0]);
MethodType filterType = MethodType.methodType(oldType.basicTypeClass(),
form = makeRepeatedFilterForm(filterType, argPositions);
assert (formParametersMatch(form, newType, argPositions));
return putInCache(key, form);
private boolean formParametersMatch(LambdaForm form, BasicType newType, int... argPositions) {
for (int i : argPositions) {
if (form.parameterType(i) != newType) {
return false;
return true;
private LambdaForm makeRepeatedFilterForm(MethodType combinerType, int... positions) {
assert (combinerType.parameterCount() == 1 &&
combinerType == combinerType.basicType() &&
combinerType.returnType() != void.class);
LambdaFormBuffer buf = buffer();
BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData oldData = oldSpeciesData();
BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData newData = newSpeciesData(L_TYPE);
// The newly created LF will run with a different BMH.
// Switch over any pre-existing BMH field references to the new BMH class.
Name oldBaseAddress = lambdaForm.parameter(0); // BMH holding the values
buf.replaceFunctions(oldData.getterFunctions(), newData.getterFunctions(), oldBaseAddress);
Name newBaseAddress = oldBaseAddress.withConstraint(newData);
buf.renameParameter(0, newBaseAddress);
// Insert the new expressions at the end
int exprPos = lambdaForm.arity();
Name getCombiner = new Name(newData.getterFunction(oldData.fieldCount()), newBaseAddress);
buf.insertExpression(exprPos++, getCombiner);
// After inserting expressions, we insert parameters in order
// from lowest to highest, simplifying the calculation of where parameters
// and expressions are
var newParameters = new TreeMap<Name, Integer>(new Comparator<>() {
public int compare(Name n1, Name n2) {
return n1.index - n2.index;
// Insert combiner expressions in reverse order so that the invocation of
// the resulting form will invoke the combiners in left-to-right order
for (int i = positions.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int pos = positions[i];
assert (pos > 0 && pos <= MethodType.MAX_JVM_ARITY && pos < lambdaForm.arity);
Name newParameter = new Name(pos, basicType(combinerType.parameterType(0)));
Object[] combinerArgs = {getCombiner, newParameter};
Name callCombiner = new Name(combinerType, combinerArgs);
buf.insertExpression(exprPos++, callCombiner);
newParameters.put(newParameter, exprPos);
// Mix in new parameters from left to right in the buffer (this doesn't change
// execution order
int offset = 0;
for (var entry : newParameters.entrySet()) {
Name newParameter = entry.getKey();
int from = entry.getValue();
buf.insertParameter(newParameter.index() + 1 + offset, newParameter);
buf.replaceParameterByCopy(newParameter.index() + offset, from + offset);
return buf.endEdit();
private LambdaForm makeArgumentCombinationForm(int pos,
MethodType combinerType,
boolean keepArguments, boolean dropResult) {

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -257,14 +258,19 @@ import static jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.*;
private static int countNonNull(Object[] array) {
int count = 0;
for (Object x : array) {
if (x != null) ++count;
if (array != null) {
for (Object x : array) {
if (x != null) ++count;
return count;
static MethodHandle makePairwiseConvertByEditor(MethodHandle target, MethodType srcType,
boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
// In method types arguments start at index 0, while the LF
// editor have the MH receiver at position 0 - adjust appropriately.
final int MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET = 1;
Object[] convSpecs = computeValueConversions(srcType, target.type(), strict, monobox);
int convCount = countNonNull(convSpecs);
if (convCount == 0)
@ -272,27 +278,52 @@ import static jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.*;
MethodType basicSrcType = srcType.basicType();
MethodType midType = target.type().basicType();
BoundMethodHandle mh = target.rebind();
// FIXME: Reduce number of bindings when there is more than one Class conversion.
// FIXME: Reduce number of bindings when there are repeated conversions.
for (int i = 0; i < convSpecs.length-1; i++) {
// Match each unique conversion to the positions at which it is to be applied
var convSpecMap = new HashMap<Object, int[]>(((4 * convCount) / 3) + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < convSpecs.length - MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET; i++) {
Object convSpec = convSpecs[i];
if (convSpec == null) continue;
if (convSpec == null) continue;
int[] positions = convSpecMap.get(convSpec);
if (positions == null) {
positions = new int[] { i + MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET };
} else {
positions = Arrays.copyOf(positions, positions.length + 1);
positions[positions.length - 1] = i + MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET;
convSpecMap.put(convSpec, positions);
for (var entry : convSpecMap.entrySet()) {
Object convSpec = entry.getKey();
MethodHandle fn;
if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
fn = getConstantHandle(MH_cast).bindTo(convSpec);
} else {
fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
Class<?> newType = basicSrcType.parameterType(i);
if (--convCount == 0)
int[] positions = entry.getValue();
Class<?> newType = basicSrcType.parameterType(positions[0] - MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET);
BasicType newBasicType = BasicType.basicType(newType);
convCount -= positions.length;
if (convCount == 0) {
midType = srcType;
midType = midType.changeParameterType(i, newType);
LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterArgumentForm(1+i, BasicType.basicType(newType));
} else {
Class<?>[] ptypes = midType.ptypes().clone();
for (int pos : positions) {
ptypes[pos - 1] = newType;
midType = MethodType.makeImpl(midType.rtype(), ptypes, true);
LambdaForm form2;
if (positions.length > 1) {
form2 = mh.editor().filterRepeatedArgumentForm(newBasicType, positions);
} else {
form2 = mh.editor().filterArgumentForm(positions[0], newBasicType);
mh = mh.copyWithExtendL(midType, form2, fn);
mh = mh.rebind();
Object convSpec = convSpecs[convSpecs.length-1];
Object convSpec = convSpecs[convSpecs.length - 1];
if (convSpec != null) {
MethodHandle fn;
if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
@ -320,98 +351,18 @@ import static jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.*;
return mh;
static MethodHandle makePairwiseConvertIndirect(MethodHandle target, MethodType srcType,
boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
assert(target.type().parameterCount() == srcType.parameterCount());
// Calculate extra arguments (temporaries) required in the names array.
Object[] convSpecs = computeValueConversions(srcType, target.type(), strict, monobox);
final int INARG_COUNT = srcType.parameterCount();
int convCount = countNonNull(convSpecs);
boolean retConv = (convSpecs[INARG_COUNT] != null);
boolean retVoid = srcType.returnType() == void.class;
if (retConv && retVoid) {
convCount -= 1;
retConv = false;
final int IN_MH = 0;
final int INARG_BASE = 1;
final int NAME_LIMIT = INARG_LIMIT + convCount + 1;
final int RETURN_CONV = (!retConv ? -1 : NAME_LIMIT - 1);
final int OUT_CALL = (!retConv ? NAME_LIMIT : RETURN_CONV) - 1;
final int RESULT = (retVoid ? -1 : NAME_LIMIT - 1);
// Now build a LambdaForm.
MethodType lambdaType = srcType.basicType().invokerType();
Name[] names = arguments(NAME_LIMIT - INARG_LIMIT, lambdaType);
// Collect the arguments to the outgoing call, maybe with conversions:
final int OUTARG_BASE = 0; // target MH is Name.function, name Name.arguments[0]
Object[] outArgs = new Object[OUTARG_BASE + INARG_COUNT];
int nameCursor = INARG_LIMIT;
for (int i = 0; i < INARG_COUNT; i++) {
Object convSpec = convSpecs[i];
if (convSpec == null) {
// do nothing: difference is trivial
outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] = names[INARG_BASE + i];
Name conv;
if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
Class<?> convClass = (Class<?>) convSpec;
conv = new Name(getConstantHandle(MH_cast), convClass, names[INARG_BASE + i]);
} else {
MethodHandle fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
conv = new Name(fn, names[INARG_BASE + i]);
assert(names[nameCursor] == null);
names[nameCursor++] = conv;
assert(outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] == null);
outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] = conv;
// Build argument array for the call.
assert(nameCursor == OUT_CALL);
names[OUT_CALL] = new Name(target, outArgs);
Object convSpec = convSpecs[INARG_COUNT];
if (!retConv) {
assert(OUT_CALL == names.length-1);
} else {
Name conv;
if (convSpec == void.class) {
conv = new Name(LambdaForm.constantZero(BasicType.basicType(srcType.returnType())));
} else if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
Class<?> convClass = (Class<?>) convSpec;
conv = new Name(getConstantHandle(MH_cast), convClass, names[OUT_CALL]);
} else {
MethodHandle fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
if (fn.type().parameterCount() == 0)
conv = new Name(fn); // don't pass retval to void conversion
conv = new Name(fn, names[OUT_CALL]);
assert(names[RETURN_CONV] == null);
names[RETURN_CONV] = conv;
assert(RETURN_CONV == names.length-1);
LambdaForm form = new LambdaForm(lambdaType.parameterCount(), names, RESULT, Kind.CONVERT);
return SimpleMethodHandle.make(srcType, form);
static Object[] computeValueConversions(MethodType srcType, MethodType dstType,
boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
final int INARG_COUNT = srcType.parameterCount();
Object[] convSpecs = new Object[INARG_COUNT+1];
Object[] convSpecs = null;
for (int i = 0; i <= INARG_COUNT; i++) {
boolean isRet = (i == INARG_COUNT);
Class<?> src = isRet ? dstType.returnType() : srcType.parameterType(i);
Class<?> dst = isRet ? srcType.returnType() : dstType.parameterType(i);
if (!VerifyType.isNullConversion(src, dst, /*keepInterfaces=*/ strict)) {
if (convSpecs == null) {
convSpecs = new Object[INARG_COUNT + 1];
convSpecs[i] = valueConversion(src, dst, strict, monobox);

@ -3864,18 +3864,63 @@ assertEquals("XY", (String) f2.invokeExact("x", "y")); // XY
public static
MethodHandle filterArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle... filters) {
// In method types arguments start at index 0, while the LF
// editor have the MH receiver at position 0 - adjust appropriately.
final int MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET = 1;
filterArgumentsCheckArity(target, pos, filters);
MethodHandle adapter = target;
// keep track of currently matched filters, as to optimize repeated filters
int index = 0;
int[] positions = new int[filters.length];
MethodHandle filter = null;
// process filters in reverse order so that the invocation of
// the resulting adapter will invoke the filters in left-to-right order
for (int i = filters.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
MethodHandle filter = filters[i];
if (filter == null) continue; // ignore null elements of filters
adapter = filterArgument(adapter, pos + i, filter);
MethodHandle newFilter = filters[i];
if (newFilter == null) continue; // ignore null elements of filters
// flush changes on update
if (filter != newFilter) {
if (filter != null) {
if (index > 1) {
adapter = filterRepeatedArgument(adapter, filter, Arrays.copyOf(positions, index));
} else {
adapter = filterArgument(adapter, positions[0] - 1, filter);
filter = newFilter;
index = 0;
filterArgumentChecks(target, pos + i, newFilter);
positions[index++] = pos + i + MH_RECEIVER_OFFSET;
if (index > 1) {
adapter = filterRepeatedArgument(adapter, filter, Arrays.copyOf(positions, index));
} else if (index == 1) {
adapter = filterArgument(adapter, positions[0] - 1, filter);
return adapter;
private static MethodHandle filterRepeatedArgument(MethodHandle adapter, MethodHandle filter, int[] positions) {
MethodType targetType = adapter.type();
MethodType filterType = filter.type();
BoundMethodHandle result = adapter.rebind();
Class<?> newParamType = filterType.parameterType(0);
Class<?>[] ptypes = targetType.ptypes().clone();
for (int pos : positions) {
ptypes[pos - 1] = newParamType;
MethodType newType = MethodType.makeImpl(targetType.rtype(), ptypes, true);
LambdaForm lform = result.editor().filterRepeatedArgumentForm(BasicType.basicType(newParamType), positions);
return result.copyWithExtendL(newType, lform, filter);
/*non-public*/ static
MethodHandle filterArgument(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle filter) {
filterArgumentChecks(target, pos, filter);