Lois Foltan
8163406: The fixup_module_list must be protected by Module_lock when inserting new entries
In java_lang_Class::create_mirror, restructure the check for adding a class to the fixup_module_list, guarded by Module_lock.
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, dholmes, zgu
2016-09-19 12:04:28 -04:00
Kim Barrett
8156500: Move Reference pending list into VM to prevent deadlocks
Move reference pending list and locking into VM
Co-authored-by: Per Liden <per.liden@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes, dcubed, mchung, plevart
2016-08-30 23:48:16 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8161445: [BACKOUT] MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries
Original change caused performance regression in microbenchmarks after GC
Reviewed-by: dholmes, ecaspole
2016-08-01 16:28:23 -04:00
Lois Foltan
8160487: JVM should validate a module by checking for an instance of java.lang.reflect.Module
Correct the checking of an instance of java.lang.reflect.Module to validate a module
Reviewed-by: alanb, coleenp, redestad
2016-07-28 09:57:49 -04:00
Derek White
8158946: btree009 fails with assert(s > 0) failed: Bad size calculated
Set oop_size before setting _klass
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes, kbarrett, tschatzl
2016-07-05 15:34:06 -04:00
Claes Redestad
8159590: Remove deprecated methods from jdk.internal.misc.VM
Reviewed-by: chegar, dholmes
2016-06-21 12:09:36 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8152271: MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries
Intern MemberNames in table instead of allocating new entries
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, sspitsyn, dholmes
2016-06-15 09:48:24 -04:00
Alejandro Murillo
2016-04-18 15:39:46 -07:00
Chris Hegarty
8137058: Clear out all non-Critical APIs from sun.reflect
Reviewed-by: alanb, jfranck, mchung
2016-04-15 16:19:15 +01:00
Brent Christian
8153123: Streamline StackWalker code
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dfuchs, mchung, redestad
2016-04-08 12:26:29 -07:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2016-03-23 23:36:29 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8144940: Broken hash in string table entry in closed/runtime/7158800/BadUtf8.java
Fix code broken with compact Strings.
Reviewed-by: iklam, thartmann, hseigel, jiangli
2016-03-22 13:32:18 -04:00
Alan Bateman
8142968: Module System implementation
Initial integration of JEP 200, JEP 260, JEP 261, and JEP 282
Co-authored-by: Alex Buckley <alex.buckley@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Karen Kinnear <karen.kinnear@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mandy Chung <mandy.chung@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mark Reinhold <mark.reinhold@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Harold Seigel <harold.seigel@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Lois Foltan <lois.foltan@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Calvin Cheung <calvin.cheung@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Christian Tornqvist <christian.tornqvist@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: George Triantafillou <george.triantafillou@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Igor Ignatyev <igor.ignatyev@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Ioi Lam <ioi.lam@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: James Laskey <james.laskey@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jean-Francois Denise <jean-francois.denise@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jiangli Zhou <jiangli.zhou@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Markus Gronlund <markus.gronlund@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Serguei Spitsyn <serguei.spitsyn@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Staffan Larsen <staffan.larsen@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sundararajan Athijegannathan <sundararajan.athijegannathan@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: acorn, ccheung, coleenp, ctornqvi, dholmes, dsimms, gtriantafill, iklam, jiangli, mgronlun, mseledtsov, cjplummer, sspitsyn, stefank, twisti, hseigel, lfoltan, alanb, mchung, dfazunen
2016-03-17 19:04:01 +00:00
Coleen Phillimore
8150778: Reduce Throwable.getStackTrace() calls to the JVM
Replace JVM_GetStackTraceDepth and JVM_GetStackTraceElement, with JVM_GetStackTraceElements that gets all the elements in the StackTraceElement[]
Reviewed-by: shade, mchung, dholmes, hseigel
2016-03-10 13:43:47 -05:00
Tobias Hartmann
2016-01-28 09:49:17 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
2016-01-14 16:26:38 -05:00
Christian Thalinger
8146246: JVMCICompiler::abort_on_pending_exception: assert(!thread->owns_locks()) failed: must release all locks when leaving VM
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn
2016-01-12 10:44:41 -10:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8146401: Clean up oop.hpp: add inline directives and fix header files
Reviewed-by: coleenp
2016-01-04 15:41:05 +01:00
Christian Thalinger
8145435: [JVMCI] some tests on Windows fail with: assert(!thread->is_Java_thread()) failed: must not be java thread
Reviewed-by: never, dnsimon, dholmes, coleenp
2015-12-23 07:27:42 -10:00
Christian Thalinger
8134994: use separate VMStructs databases for SA and JVMCI
Reviewed-by: kbarrett
2015-12-14 17:02:02 -10:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2015-11-30 19:38:51 +01:00
Mandy Chung
8143911: Reintegrate JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
Co-authored-by: Brent Christian <brent.christian@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Hamlin Li <huaming.li@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dfuchs, bchristi, psandoz, sspitsyn
2015-11-24 14:59:17 -08:00
Christian Tornqvist
8143931: Back out JDK-8140450
Reviewed-by: coleenp
2015-11-24 10:12:11 -08:00
Mandy Chung
8140450: Implement JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
Co-authored-by: Brent Christian <brent.christian@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Hamlin Li <huaming.li@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dfuchs, bchristi, psandoz, sspitsyn
2015-11-23 12:44:43 -08:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8139595: MethodHandles::remove_dependent_nmethod is not MT safe
Reviewed-by: jrose, coleenp
2015-11-18 03:03:43 +03:00
Nils Eliasson
2015-11-06 11:34:03 +01:00
Tobias Hartmann
8141132: JEP 254: Compact Strings
Adopt a more space-efficient internal representation for strings.
Co-authored-by: Brent Christian <brent.christian@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Vivek Deshpande <vivek.r.deshpande@intel.com>
Co-authored-by: Charlie Hunt <charlie.hunt@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Roger Riggs <roger.riggs@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Xueming Shen <xueming.shen@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Aleksey Shipilev <aleksey.shipilev@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sandhya Viswanathan <sandhya.viswanathan@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: alanb, bdelsart, coleenp, iklam, jiangli, jrose, kevinw, naoto, pliden, roland, smarks, twisti
2015-11-03 09:41:03 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8140274: methodHandles and constantPoolHandles should be passed as const references
Modified code to use const reference parameters
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, twisti
2015-10-23 16:48:38 -04:00
Christian Thalinger
8136421: JEP 243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface
Reviewed-by: ihse, alanb, roland, coleenp, iveresov, kvn, kbarrett
2015-10-08 12:49:30 -10:00
Vladimir Kempik
8048353: jstack -l crashes VM when a Java mirror for a primitive type is locked
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dcubed
2015-07-20 18:57:07 +03:00
Jiangli Zhou
8015086: add interned strings to the shared archive
Support saving interned strings in shared CDS archive.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, iklam, pliden
2015-06-12 17:29:14 -04:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8081320: Backout JDK-8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, coleenp
2015-05-29 17:04:21 +03:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, stefank, twisti
2015-05-21 18:22:33 +03:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8079205: CallSite dependency tracking is broken after sun.misc.Cleaner became automatically cleared
Reviewed-by: roland, psandoz, plevart, kbarrett, jrose
2015-05-15 19:23:11 +03:00
Bharadwaj Yadavalli
2015-04-30 18:14:58 -04:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8073705: more performance issues in class redefinition
Optimize the method pointer adjustments for prev klass versions and MNT
Reviewed-by: dcubed, coleenp
2015-04-27 19:51:00 -07:00
Stefan Karlsson
8077936: Remove the unused java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target_volatile
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, jrose
2015-04-17 10:46:41 +02:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8057967: CallSite dependency tracking scales devastatingly poorly
Reviewed-by: jrose, roland, plevart, shade
2015-04-17 18:17:06 +03:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8067662: "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.<init>
Use method cpref and klass version to provide meaningful methods name in stacktraces
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dcubed
2015-03-20 02:44:51 -07:00
Stefan Karlsson
8072911: Remove includes of oop.inline.hpp from .hpp files
Reviewed-by: brutisso, coleenp, jwilhelm, simonis, dholmes
2015-02-13 14:37:35 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8042235: redefining method used by multiple MethodHandles crashes VM
Note all MemberNames created on internal list for adjusting method entries.
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, dcubed, lfoltan
2014-11-19 13:02:11 -05:00
Aleksey Shipilev
8059677: Thread.getName() instantiates Strings
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes, sla
2014-11-13 01:57:09 +03:00
Coleen Phillimore
8049105: Move array component mirror to instance of java/lang/Class (hotspot part 2)
This removes component mirrors from arrayKlass metadata and the C2 intrinsic for them.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti, mgerdin
2014-08-28 11:29:09 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8048933: -XX:+TraceExceptions output should include the message
Add the exception detail message to the tracing output
Reviewed-by: minqi, dholmes
2014-07-09 22:37:48 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8047737: Move array component mirror to instance of java/lang/Class
Add field in java.lang.Class for componentType to simplify oop processing in JVM
Reviewed-by: fparain, twisti
2014-07-02 15:22:18 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
6642881: Improve performance of Class.getClassLoader()
Add classLoader to java/lang/Class instance for fast access
Reviewed-by: alanb, lfoltan, rriggs, vlivanov, twisti, jfranck
2014-06-19 14:49:33 -04:00
Lois Foltan
8041623: Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13, CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS use of class oop's copy constructor definitions causing error level diagnostic
Fix several minor compilation issues with volatile oops for CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS support.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, hseigel
2014-05-29 08:58:51 -04:00
Marcus Larsson
6664815: Eliminate redundant memcpy operation in jni_GetStringUTFRegion
Added support for target buffer in as_utf8_string(), minor refactoring of as_utf8 and added some internal VM testing
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dsimms, sla, dholmes
2014-04-03 14:54:42 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8028497: SIGSEGV at ClassLoaderData::oops_do(OopClosure*, KlassClosure*, bool)
Keep class in CLD::_klasses list and mirror created for CDS classes if OOM during restore_shareable_info(). This keeps pointers consistent for CMS.
Reviewed-by: ehelin, stefank, jmasa, iklam
2014-04-08 13:58:38 -04:00
Per Lidén
8029075: String deduplication in G1
Implementation of JEP 192, http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/192
Reviewed-by: brutisso, tschatzl, coleenp
2014-03-18 19:07:22 +01:00