Kim Barrett
8326524: Rename agent_common.h
Reviewed-by: coleenp, sspitsyn, jwaters, dlong, lmesnik
2024-02-27 10:26:42 +00:00 |
Coleen Phillimore
8324681: Replace NULL with nullptr in HotSpot jtreg test native code files
Reviewed-by: kevinw, kbarrett, dholmes
2024-01-29 17:07:32 +00:00 |
Jean Christophe Beyler
8214149: Move out assignments when not using NSK*VERIFY macros
Move out the assignments from ifs
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, cjplummer
2018-11-21 10:46:45 -08:00 |
Jean Christophe Beyler
8210593: Clean up JNI_ENV_ARG and factorize the macros for vmTestbase/jvmti[N-R] tests
Remove JNI_ENV/JVMTI_ENV macros from N to R jvmti tests
Reviewed-by: amenkov, dholmes
2018-09-12 10:27:03 -07:00 |
Igor Ignatyev
8209611: use C++ compiler for hotspot tests
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, ihse, erikj, jcbeyler
2018-08-28 14:37:34 -07:00 |