Brian Burkhalter
8078672: Print and allow setting by Java property seeds used to initialize Random instances in java.lang numerics tests
Add ability to initial the random number generator from the system property "seed" and print to STDOUT the seed value actually used.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2015-04-29 16:34:49 -07:00
Joe Darcy
8078334: Mark regression tests using randomness
Reviewed-by: xuelei, alanb
2015-04-29 10:25:53 -07:00
Brian Burkhalter
8074460: Always print seeds used in [Splittable]Random instances in java.math tests
Create a utility class which creates a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) and retains the seed. Use this class in java.math tests which use a PRNG. Always print the seed value before the PRNG is used.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2015-03-06 16:00:58 -08:00
Brian Burkhalter
8066842: java.math.BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) produces incorrect result
Replace divWord() with non-truncating alternatives
Reviewed-by: psandoz, darcy
2015-02-11 17:20:39 -08:00
Robert Gibson
8057793: BigDecimal is no longer effectively immutable
Modify MutableBigInteger.divideAndRemainderBurnikelZiegler() to copy the instance (this) to a new MutableBigInteger to use as the dividend.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2014-09-15 13:05:04 -07:00
Lana Steuck
8029235: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository for 2013
Updated files with 2011, 2012 and 2013 years according to the file's last updated date
Reviewed-by: tbell, lancea, chegar
2013-12-26 12:04:16 -08:00
Brian Burkhalter
6378503: In java.math.BigDecimal, division by one returns zero
6446965: Using BigDecimal.divideToIntegralValue with extreme scales can lead to an incorrect result
Fix overflow of ints and ensure appropriate values passed to checkScaleNonZero()
Reviewed-by: darcy, martin
2013-08-23 14:15:54 -07:00
Brian Burkhalter
8022094: BigDecimal/CompareToTests and BigInteger/CompareToTests are incorrect
Fail test if errors; fix test values; port BigDecimal version to BigInteger
Reviewed-by: smarks, alanb
2013-08-02 11:10:41 -07:00
Brian Burkhalter
6480539: BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros() has no effect on zero itself ("0.0")
Make stripTrailingZeros() return BigDecimal.ZERO if the BigDecimal is numerically equal to zero.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2013-07-09 12:47:37 -07:00
David Katleman
8004982: JDK8 source with GPL header errors
Reviewed-by: ohair
2012-12-20 16:24:50 -08:00
Sergey Kuksenko
7082971: More performance tuning of BigDecimal and other java.math classes
Reviewed-by: darcy
2011-09-01 23:00:09 -07:00
Sergey Kuksenko
7036582: Improve test coverage of java.math.BigDecimal
Reviewed-by: darcy
2011-04-17 13:49:33 +01:00
Kelly O'Hair
6943119: Rebrand source copyright notices
Reviewed-by: darcy, weijun
2010-05-25 15:58:33 -07:00
Joe Darcy
6907177: Update jdk tests to remove unncessary -source and -target options
Reviewed-by: ohair
2009-12-03 18:19:10 -08:00
Xiaobin Lu
6876282: BigDecimal's divide(BigDecimal bd, RoundingFormat r) produces incorrect result
Reviewed-by: darcy
2009-08-27 18:00:16 -07:00
Xiaobin Lu
6850606: Regression from JDK 1.6.0_12
The returned result from multiply should be constructed by using valueOf to take care of the INFLATED case.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2009-06-20 13:34:06 -07:00
Xiaobin Lu
6806261: BigDecimal.longValueExact() method throws NullPointerException
Add various tests to test the change to 6622432
Reviewed-by: darcy
2009-05-24 16:35:32 -07:00
Xiaobin Lu
6622432: RFE: Performance improvements to java.math.BigDecimal
Reviewed-by: darcy
2009-05-24 16:29:57 -07:00
Joe Darcy
6601457: Move wrapper class tests from closed to open
6601458: Move java.math tests from closed to open
6740185: Move java/lang/annotations tests to open
6759433: Move Math and StrictMath regression tests from closed to open
Move some more regression tests to the open
Reviewed-by: jjg
2009-01-26 19:49:26 -08:00