8788 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Prasanta Sadhukhan
e8524e46ea 8172558: [PIT][TEST_BUG] Bad filename for javax/swing/JTable/8133919/DrawGridLinesTest.java
Reviewed-by: yan, alexsch
2017-01-12 11:58:01 -08:00
Dmitry Markov
c22c710135 8171909: [PIT] on Windows, failure of java/awt/Dialog/DialogAboveFrame/DialogAboveFrameTest.java
Reviewed-by: yan, serb
2017-01-12 22:01:15 +03:00
Hamlin Li
6ec0f2129e 8030950: TEST_BUG: java/rmi/registry/classPathCodebase/ClassPathCodebase.java failing intermittently
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2017-01-12 10:10:32 -08:00
Michael McMahon
c89c526762 8163449: Allow per protocol setting for URLConnection defaultUseCaches
Reviewed-by: chegar, dfuchs
2017-01-12 18:02:48 +00:00
Claes Redestad
a004b7fb9e 8166365: Small immutable collections should provide optimized implementations when possible
Reviewed-by: smarks, psandoz, attila
2017-01-12 13:38:27 +01:00
Chris Hegarty
186fec9a8a 8168149: Examine the behavior of jmod command-line options - repeating vs last one wins
Reviewed-by: mchung
2017-01-12 11:41:51 +00:00
Prem Balakrishnan
700685ceaf 8172559: [PIT][TEST_BUG] Move @test to be 1st annotation in java/awt/image/Raster/TestChildRasterOp.java
Reviewed-by: aghaisas, psadhukhan
2017-01-12 12:21:47 +05:30
Hamlin Li
4ec1878401 8172314: java/rmi/registry/altSecurityManager/AltSecurityManager.java fails with "port in use"
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2017-01-11 19:36:11 -08:00
Felix Yang
4a253dcdec 8075884: check runtime usage tests with multi-release jar files
Reviewed-by: psandoz
2017-01-11 08:53:59 -08:00
Sergei Kovalev
60a77d0b84 8171958: Several tests from java/time/test/java/time/format requiring jdk.localedata for execution
Reviewed-by: naoto
2017-01-11 13:10:03 +03:00
Aleksei Efimov
4cd655c1f6 8159058: SAXParseException when sending soap message
Reviewed-by: lancea
2017-01-10 22:17:02 +03:00
Phil Race
a1bcba5bcd Merge 2017-01-09 11:57:06 -08:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
a68e4067d9 Merge 2017-01-09 15:10:25 +01:00
Hamlin Li
9e8cb18419 8030175: java/rmi/registry/altSecurityManager/AltSecurityManager.java fails due to timeout
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2017-01-08 23:15:57 -08:00
Prem Balakrishnan
1f91d8a2d6 8172009: [TEST_BUG] increase timeout in java/awt/print/PaintSetEnabledDeadlock/PaintSetEnabledDeadlock.java
Reviewed-by: aghaisas, psadhukhan
2017-01-06 15:31:19 +05:30
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
e546b078a6 8129988: JSSE should create a single instance of the cacerts KeyStore
Reviewed-by: mullan
2017-01-06 02:03:47 +00:00
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
ad76f31ded 8172273: SSLEngine.unwrap fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Reviewed-by: wetmore
2017-01-06 01:09:03 +00:00
Christian Tornqvist
68447bd8a3 8172188: JDI tests fail due to "permission denied" when creating temp file
Reviewed-by: hseigel, mseledtsov
2017-01-05 16:46:28 -05:00
Prasanta Sadhukhan
3f949228a6 8170579: The "Banner page" checkbox is disabled
Reviewed-by: prr, pnarayanan
2017-01-02 15:09:52 +05:30
Dmitry Markov
6d8af8ad7e 8171952: [macosx] AWT_Modality/Automated/ModalExclusion/NoExclusion/ModelessDialog test fails as DummyButton on Dialog did not gain focus when clicked
Reviewed-by: ssadetsky, serb
2016-12-29 19:47:39 +03:00
Dmitry Markov
0a07e55fa4 8171949: [macosx] AWT_ZoomFrame Automated tests fail with error: The bitwise mask Frame.ICONIFIED is not setwhen the frame is in ICONIFIED state
Reviewed-by: ssadetsky, serb
2016-12-28 21:33:15 +03:00
Semyon Sadetsky
63d3e42189 8167652: Making a frame/dialog resizeble/unresizeble shifts its position on Unity
Reviewed-by: azvegint, serb
2016-12-28 12:43:57 +03:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
dc6818c0c9 Merge 2016-12-27 22:34:05 +01:00
Dmitry Fazunenko
fff8c7e7da 8171441: tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java doesn't report names of tools which failed checks
Reviewed-by: stsmirno, iignatyev, anazarov
2016-12-27 16:24:37 +03:00
Ujwal Vangapally
367c06b7f8 8170861: Remove DcmdMBeanPermissionsTest.java from ProblemList
Removed DcmdMBeanPermissionsTest.java from ProblemList

Reviewed-by: dholmes, fparain
2016-12-23 12:15:21 +05:30
Phil Race
346828e1c4 Merge 2016-12-22 11:00:49 -08:00
Phil Race
cac1551c20 Merge 2016-12-22 09:30:58 -08:00
Prasanta Sadhukhan
ba4736cba3 8170349: The printed content is beyond the borders
Reviewed-by: alexsch, aniyogi
2016-12-22 18:30:27 +05:30
Alexander Scherbatiy
803735d547 8133919: [macosx] JTable grid lines are incorrectly positioned on HiDPI display
Reviewed-by: serb
2016-12-22 12:17:56 +03:00
Alexander Scherbatiy
4d06c5d6fa 8169922: SwingMark/TextArea: 2-7% regression on Linux, Mac, Windows in 9-b143
Reviewed-by: flar, serb
2016-12-22 12:09:34 +03:00
Sibabrata Sahoo
3312369cf5 8161232: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java test fails timeout
AsyncSSLSocketClose.java test fails timeout

Reviewed-by: xuelei
2016-12-21 23:57:12 -08:00
Rachna Goel
716457d7f5 8167143: CLDR timezone parsing does not work for all locales
Reviewed-by: naoto
2016-12-22 06:05:31 +00:00
Hamlin Li
6a35fe0f1b 8073080: TEST_BUG: sun/rmi/transport/tcp/DeadCachedConnection.java fails due to "ConnectException: Connection refused to host"
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2016-12-21 18:34:34 -08:00
Doug Lea
1414335f71 8170484: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-12
Reviewed-by: martin, smarks, psandoz
2016-12-21 14:26:52 -08:00
Doug Lea
bdab1d842f 8171051: LinkedBlockingQueue spliterator needs to support node self-linking
Reviewed-by: martin, smarks, psandoz
2016-12-21 14:22:53 -08:00
Nadeesh TV
8f9235fc56 8145633: Adjacent value parsing not supported for Localized Patterns
Enhance the localized weekfields to take part in adjacent value parsing

Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-12-21 18:45:34 +00:00
Athijegannathan Sundararajan
6802af0822 8170618: jmod should validate if any exported or open package is missing
Reviewed-by: jlaskey, chegar
2016-12-21 20:16:29 +05:30
Maksim Khramov
4c934b1e6a 8154314: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/datatransfer/DragImage/MultiResolutionDragImageTest.java
Reviewed-by: ssadetsky, serb
2016-12-21 17:34:41 +03:00
John Jiang
f75520730b 8168935: sun/security/ssl/SSLContextImpl/TrustTrustedCert.java failed Intermittently
TrustTrustedCert.java uses SSLSocketTemplate to avoid timeout failure

Reviewed-by: xuelei
2016-12-20 23:09:27 -08:00
Amy Lu
1dbd8833de 8171824: Remove OpenNonIntegralNumberOfSampleframes.java and ServerIdentityTest.java from ProblemList
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2016-12-21 12:15:11 +08:00
Hamlin Li
7f0e764477 8029360: java/rmi/transport/dgcDeadLock/DGCDeadLock.java failing intermittently
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2016-12-20 17:34:11 -08:00
Adam Petcher
85d15e6128 8170876: NPE in JCE engine classes with java.security.debug=provider
Reviewed-by: mullan
2016-12-20 17:13:34 -05:00
Brian Burkhalter
2cae845615 8148023: File.createTempFile is not adhering to the contract regarding file name lengths
Truncate the prefix, suffix, random characters per the specification

Reviewed-by: rriggs
2016-12-20 11:46:09 -08:00
Weijun Wang
cfb01751b1 8170732: GssKrb5Client sends non-zero buffer size when qop is "auth"
Reviewed-by: xuelei
2017-01-05 23:19:26 +08:00
Weijun Wang
c104608e37 8172017: Two tests sun/security/krb5/auto/ReplayCacheTestProc.java and rcache_usemd5.sh fail on Solaris
Reviewed-by: mullan
2017-01-05 22:37:52 +08:00
Peter Levart
5ada754c71 8172190: Re-apply the fix for bugs 8062389, 8029459, 8061950
Final fix for 8062389: Class.getMethod() is inconsistent with Class.getMethods() results, 8029459: getMethods returns methods that are not members of the class, 8061950: Class.getMethods() exhibits quadratic time complexity

Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, psandoz, dfuchs, darcy, redestad
2017-01-05 08:51:03 +01:00
Paul Sandoz
94d019e9ba 8172201: Replace assert of return type in VarHandle.AccessMode with test
Reviewed-by: mchung
2017-01-04 17:20:41 -08:00
Joe Darcy
ea8bb5ad41 8172200: Mark StressLoopback.java as intermittently failing
Reviewed-by: lancea, bpb, rriggs
2017-01-04 10:20:12 -08:00
Mandy Chung
5a7ecc5b78 8172215: java launcher no longer accepts -cp "" empty string
Reviewed-by: alanb, dholmes, psandoz
2017-01-04 09:50:21 -08:00
Adam Petcher
a6067413b8 8172003: getInstance() with unknown provider throws NPE
Reviewed-by: mullan
2017-01-04 08:06:15 -05:00