Andrey Nazarov
8040129: Implement classfile tests for SourceFile attribute
Reviewed-by: shurailine, jjg
2014-05-07 14:22:14 -07:00
Dan Smith
8033718: Inference ignores capture variable as upper bound
Split Types.lowerBound into two methods; fix bugs in inference handling of capture variables.
Reviewed-by: vromero
2014-05-06 15:46:09 -06:00
Jonathan Gibbons
8042358: some tests have placeholder bugid 1234567
Reviewed-by: mduigou
2014-05-02 16:41:10 -07:00
Paul Govereau
8033437: javac, inconsistent generic types behaviour when compiling together vs. separate
Co-authored-by: Vicente Romero <>
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-05-02 22:35:23 +01:00
Vicente Romero
8030741: Inference: implement eager resolution of return types, consistent with JDK-8028800
Reviewed-by: dlsmith, jjg
2014-05-01 20:36:11 +01:00
Robert Field
8029852: Bad code generated (VerifyError) when lambda instantiates enclosing local class and has captured variables
8029725: Lambda reference to containing local class causes javac infinite recursion
Reviewed-by: vromero, jlahoda, dlsmith
2014-04-30 23:02:14 -07:00
Robert Field
8036942: javac generates incorrect exception table for multi-catch statements inside a lambda
Union type info lost and also union type is not processed by TreeMaker.Type -- address by using existing tree, thus by-passing such issues.
Reviewed-by: vromero, jlahoda
2014-04-30 18:19:23 -07:00
Andrey Nazarov
8040097: Implement classfile tests for LocalVariableTable and LocalVariableTypeTable attribute
Reviewed-by: jjg, shurailine, emc
2014-04-30 13:48:37 -07:00
Paul Govereau
8030046: javac incorrectly handles absolute paths in manifest classpath
Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2014-04-21 17:57:47 -04:00
Vicente Romero
8029102: Enhance compiler warnings for Lambda
Reviewed-by: briangoetz, jjg, jlahoda, ahgross
2014-04-28 14:48:51 +01:00
Paul Govereau
8039026: Definitely unassigned field can be accessed
Reviewed-by: vromero, jlahoda
2014-04-25 22:00:58 +01:00
Jan Lahoda
8039250: Test tools/javac/classfiles/InnerClasses/ fails
The test should only analyze classfiles.
Reviewed-by: vromero
2014-04-23 11:28:09 +02:00
Paul Govereau
8034245: Refactor TopLevel tree node
Added JCPackageDecl to JCTree to store package-level information.
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda
2014-04-22 17:07:54 -04:00
Paul Govereau
8038023: Compiler crash ClassCastException
Add additional checks on results of ClassReader.readPool
Reviewed-by: vromero
2014-04-22 19:52:15 +01:00
Andreas Lundblad
8035063: Option handling in sjavac needs to be rewritten
Option handling code rewritten. Exclusion / inclusion patterns changed from package to directories.
Reviewed-by: jjg, jfranck
2014-04-22 16:51:10 +02:00
Vicente Romero
8029718: Should always use lambda body structure to disambiguate overload resolution
Reviewed-by: dlsmith, jjg, jlahoda
2014-04-21 22:51:49 +01:00
Vicente Romero
8029002: javac should take multiple upper bounds into account in incorporation
Reviewed-by: dlsmith, jjg
2014-04-18 17:50:30 +01:00
Jan Lahoda
8038788: javac behaves incorrectly for annotations after method type parameters in some cases
Reviewed-by: jjg, emc
2014-04-18 11:53:34 +02:00
Kumar Srinivasan
8037484: [javadoc] fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: endPosTable already set
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-04-16 18:15:48 -07:00
Kumar Srinivasan
8039251: Test tools/javadoc/6964914/ fails
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-04-16 18:36:43 -07:00
Robert Field
8038420: Lambda returning post-increment generates wrong code
Reviewed-by: vromero, jlahoda
2014-04-15 15:55:24 -07:00
Robert Field
8037935: Javac -- final local String var referenced in binary/unary op in lambda produces code that does not verify
Remove over-zealous Attr optimization breaking lambdas
Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2014-04-15 15:52:52 -07:00
Jan Lahoda
8039079: Test tools/javac/processing/environment/round/ fails
Ensuring the test passes in both samevm and othervm modes.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2014-04-15 18:58:47 +02:00
Paul Govereau
8015499: javac, Gen is generating extra checkcast instructions in some corner cases
Reviewed-by: vromero, jjg
2014-04-09 17:41:27 +01:00
Jan Lahoda
8039466: Tests failing in langtools repository
Fixing tests broken by JDK-8038455.
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-04-08 23:33:50 +02:00
Jan Lahoda
8038455: Use single Context for all rounds of annotation processing
One set of javac services, as well as created ClassSymbols, is reused for all rounds of processing now.
Reviewed-by: jjg, jfranck, darcy, vromero
2014-04-08 14:06:11 +02:00
Paul Govereau
8023945: javac wrongly allows a subclass of an anonymous class
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-04-04 19:13:53 -04:00
Paul Govereau
8034933: Update documentation for Types.directSupertypes to clarify behavior
Reviewed-by: darcy
2014-04-01 23:52:10 -07:00
Ivan Gerasimov
8034044: Class.getModifiers() returns "static" for anonymous classes
Javac sets ACC_STATIC bit for anonymous classes which contradicts the JLS
Reviewed-by: jfranck
2014-04-02 10:05:16 +04:00
Alexander Zuev
8031425: Two langtools/javac tests fail by timeout on Windows
Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2014-04-01 10:00:43 -07:00
Jan Lahoda
8035890: jdk8 javac -source 7 compiles test case it should not
Ensuring source level checks are performed in two additional cases related to type annotations, adding specialized error message for annotations after method type parameters.
Reviewed-by: jfranck, jjg
2014-03-31 21:27:25 +02:00
Jonathan Gibbons
8035104: reorder class file attributes in javap listing
Reviewed-by: ksrini
2014-03-26 17:50:33 -07:00
Alexander Zuev
8035956: javac, incomplete error message
Reviewed-by: vromero
2014-03-26 10:47:30 -07:00
Joel Borggrén-Franck
8038080: annotation processors don't visit declaration parameter annotations
Co-authored-by: Liam Miller-Cushon <>
Reviewed-by: darcy
2014-03-26 12:18:11 +01:00
Alexander Zuev
7118295: javac does not explicitly close -Xstdout file
Reviewed-by: ksrini, jjg
2014-03-20 15:13:26 +04:00
Paul Govereau
8025505: Constant folding deficiency
Provide constant folding of equality tests involving constant and null.
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-03-19 17:39:28 -04:00
Paul Govereau
6898851: Compiling against this corrupt class file causes a stacktrace from javac
Added check for index out-of-bounds erros in ClassReader
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-03-19 11:34:27 -04:00
Paul Govereau
8036007: javac crashes when encountering an unresolvable interface
Reviewed-by: vromero, jlahoda
2014-03-18 22:12:46 +00:00
Dan Smith
8034980: Fix @summary tag of test/tools/javac/parser/
Reviewed-by: vromero
2014-03-17 14:03:59 -06:00
Vicente Romero
8034924: Incorrect inheritance of inaccessible static method
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda
2014-03-13 20:13:43 +00:00
Joe Darcy
8036842: Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in javac tests, part 2
Reviewed-by: jjg, sogoel
2014-03-07 13:30:23 -08:00
Jan Lahoda
8034854: outer_class_info_index of synthetic class is not zero
Auxiliary synthetic anonymous classes should not have an outer class specified in the InnerClasses attribute.
Reviewed-by: vromero, jjg, abuckley
2014-03-07 13:35:56 +01:00
Paul Govereau
8034091: There is no records in LineNumberTable attribute for ternary operator ?: splitted to several lines
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-03-06 13:50:12 -05:00
Neil Toda
8031670: Remove unneeded -source options in javadoc tests
Reviewed-by: jjg, darcy, vromero
2014-03-06 16:15:02 -08:00
Jan Lahoda
8031383: Error recovery in JavacParser could be improved
Improving error recovery in JavacParser by avoiding artificial nextToken in JavacParser.reportSyntaxError.
Co-authored-by: Dusan Balek <>
Reviewed-by: jjg, jfranck
2014-02-28 20:25:24 +01:00
Paul Govereau
8035972: missing test file for 8034048
Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2014-02-27 11:47:39 -08:00
Paul Govereau
6533516: Warning needed for file with future time stamps
Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero
2014-02-26 18:05:02 -08:00
Jan Lahoda
6411385: Trees.getPath does not work for constructors
Enhancing TestTrees test to ensure proper function of Trees.getPath/getTree, fixing cases where getTree did not work properly.
Co-authored-by: Dusan Balek <>
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-02-21 10:35:19 +01:00
Jonathan Gibbons
8035364: An extra space in the comments of constant pool entries
Reviewed-by: ksrini
2014-02-19 15:05:19 -08:00
Kumar Srinivasan
8031545: [javac] refactor and cleanup
Reviewed-by: jjg
2014-02-15 16:37:19 -08:00