Kelly O'Hair
6482134: JDK 6 build error on Windows, Visual Studio .NET on Japanese locale
Fix scanning of cl.exe version output, removed CC_TYPE.
Reviewed-by: tbell
2008-04-01 15:14:53 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6501543: Username can have non-alphanumeric characters
User version string issues, including a L10n issue with month names.
Reviewed-by: tbell
2008-03-31 17:20:48 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6672405: OPENJDK build: jdk7/jdk/make/tools/freetypecheck leaves dirt behind
OpenJDK freetype sanity check cleanup.
Reviewed-by: tbell
2008-03-31 17:17:18 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6627817: Remove ^M characters in all files (Makefiles too)
Some files included the use of the ^M character, which has been deleted.
Reviewed-by: xdono
2008-03-25 14:40:43 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6611629: Avoid hardcoded cygwin paths for memory detection
Use free with sygwin, mem or systeminfo otherwise, to get MB_OF_MEMORY on windows.
Reviewed-by: tbell
2008-03-19 13:26:29 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6654458: /java/devtools findbugs doesn't work on windows
Changes to both ant and findbugs version checking.
Reviewed-by: tbell
2008-03-18 11:08:09 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6674232: OPENJDK=false is same as OPENJDK=true
OPENJDK should be empty (undefined) or "true".
Reviewed-by: tbell
2008-03-18 11:06:34 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6649672: Adjustments to OUTPUTDIR default and mkdirs to avoid empty directory clutter
OUTPUTDIR changes to make sure absolute path is correct.
Reviewed-by: xdono
2008-03-10 16:51:23 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6672777: Broken deploy build from jdk fix 6668781 for cygwin windows
Deploy workspace does not set BUILDDIR, uses it, assumes it is jdk/make.
Reviewed-by: xdono
2008-03-09 14:16:49 -07:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6628146: Exclude the .hgignore and .hgtags files from the source bundles
Just add to list of SCM files.
Reviewed-by: xdono
2008-03-06 11:37:14 -08:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6668781: Openjdk windows cygwin build failure: no rule to make linker_md.obj target
Use of GNU make vpath breaks on windows with C:/ style fullpaths
Reviewed-by: xdono
2008-03-04 09:52:54 -08:00 |
Kelly O'Hair
6654456: OpenJDK build problem with freetype makefiles
Ifdef test on OPENJDK before it gets set based on source tree contents
Reviewed-by: xdono
2008-03-04 09:47:43 -08:00 |
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00 |