8996 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Magnus Ihse Bursie
a360c92c70 8025715: Split CompileNativeLibraries.gmk
Reviewed-by: erikj
2013-10-16 20:24:46 +02:00
Oleg Pekhovskiy
f888e8419e 2228674: Fix failed for CR 7162144
Reviewed-by: art, anthony
2013-10-16 19:02:10 +04:00
Kumar Srinivasan
8a2b60ace2 8026500: [infra] remove extraneous docs in solaris images
Reviewed-by: erikj, mchung, tbell
2013-10-16 07:37:30 -07:00
Andrew Brygin
559aa38445 8026702: Fix for 8025429 breaks jdk build on windows
Reviewed-by: serb
2013-10-16 17:13:15 +04:00
Jennifer Godinez
bdd269bb9d 8015586: [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintToDir.java fails on MacOSX
Reviewed-by: prr, jchen
2013-10-15 14:24:49 -07:00
Johnny Chen
3b15010d41 8025429: [parfait] warnings from b107 for sun.java2d.cmm: JNI exception pending
Reviewed-by: prr, bae
2013-10-15 14:16:27 -07:00
Alexander Zvegintsev
6b7c3f5384 8025225: Window.setAlwaysOnTop documentation should be updated
Reviewed-by: anthony, art
2013-10-15 20:40:21 +04:00
Alexander Zvegintsev
88d5331a54 7059886: 6 JCK manual awt/Desktop tests fail with GTKLookAndFeel - GTK intialization issue
Reviewed-by: anthony, art
2013-10-15 20:37:39 +04:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
e54055bbb8 7165611: implement Full Debug Symbols on MacOS X hotspot
Add MacOS X FDS support to hotspot; add minimal MacOS X FDS import support to jdk; add MacOS X FDS support to install; add MacOS X FDS support to root.

Reviewed-by: erikj, sla, dholmes, rdurbin, tbell, ihse
2013-10-15 08:26:38 -07:00
Magnus Ihse Bursie
909a12e572 8001933: Move Gensrc*.gmk and Gendata*.gmk into separate directories
Reviewed-by: erikj, tbell
2013-10-15 13:06:45 +02:00
Mikael Auno
f99959f054 8009681: TEST_BUG: MethodExitReturnValuesTest.java may fail when there are unexpected background threads
Reviewed-by: sla, allwin
2013-10-15 12:53:54 +02:00
Dan Xu
bdb08c592d 7122887: JDK ignores Gnome3 proxy settings
Fix GConf and add to use GProxyResolver to handle network proxy resolution

Reviewed-by: chegar
2013-10-23 22:30:35 -07:00
Robert Field
80ce6f3ec5 8025868: Several lang/LMBD JCK tests fail with java.lang.BootstrapMethodError
Wildcard marker interfaces can cause duplicate implemented interfaces in generated lambda class

Reviewed-by: briangoetz
2013-10-23 15:16:35 -07:00
Mike Duigou
96e2b92fb1 8024688: further split Map and ConcurrentMap defaults eliminating looping from Map defaults, Map.merge fixes and doc fixes
Reviewed-by: psandoz, dholmes
2013-10-23 14:32:41 -07:00
Sean Coffey
d4ba44bc9d 8026405: javax/xml/ws/clientjar/TestWsImport.java failing on JDK 8 nightly aurora test runs
Reviewed-by: chegar
2013-10-23 20:51:14 +01:00
Robert Field
403003d3be 8027176: Remove redundant jdk/lambda/vm/DefaultMethodsTest.java
Reviewed-by: ksrini
2013-10-23 11:36:24 -07:00
Sean Coffey
41dccdf751 5036554: unmarshal error on CORBA alias type in CORBA any
Reviewed-by: chegar, smarks
2013-10-23 16:53:42 +01:00
Alexander Zuev
28f4ef62dd 8020802: Need an ability to create jar files that are invariant to the pack200 packing/unpacking
Reviewed-by: alanb, ksrini
2013-10-23 18:35:47 +04:00
Staffan Larsen
7108f683fc 8026789: Update test/java/lang/instrument/Re(transform|define)BigClass.sh test to use NMT for memory leak detection
Reviewed-by: dcubed
2013-10-23 15:55:31 +02:00
Chris Hegarty
28fc7fbaeb 8020758: HttpCookie constructor does not throw IAE when name contains a space
Reviewed-by: michaelm, msheppar
2013-10-23 14:38:22 +01:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
92bd2a8b2d 7112404: 2 tests in java/lang/management/ManagementFactory fails with G1 because expect non-zero pools
Reviewed-by: mchung, sjiang
2013-10-23 15:03:49 +02:00
Michael McMahon
b7d5f19fe0 8025734: Use literal IP address where possible in SocketPermission generated by HttpURLPermission
Reviewed-by: chegar
2013-10-23 11:00:12 +01:00
Erik Gahlin
eb1b9d5ad8 7105883: JDWP: agent crash if there exists a ThreadGroup with null name
Reviewed-by: sla, jbachorik
2013-10-23 10:50:34 +02:00
Weijun Wang
9132d85a65 8027026: Change keytool -genkeypair to use -keyalg RSA
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, mullan
2013-10-23 08:32:03 +08:00
Sean Mullan
6503bf1602 Merge 2013-10-22 19:43:42 -04:00
Anthony Scarpino
c7a8368f64 8025763: Provider does not override new Hashtable methods
Reviewed-by: mullan
2013-10-22 19:37:11 -04:00
Brian Goetz
46736337e0 8025909: Lambda Library Spec Updates
8024179: Document limitations and performance characteristics of stream sources and operations
8024138: (Spec clarification) Lambda Metafacory spec should state DMH constraint on implMethod

Co-authored-by: Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: mduigou
2013-10-22 15:12:22 -07:00
Stuart Marks
edcdc443e4 8026427: deprecate obsolete APIs from java.rmi
Reviewed-by: alanb, dfuchs
2013-10-22 14:51:08 -07:00
Michael Fang
19ee265b6b Merge 2013-10-22 14:37:40 -07:00
Michael Fang
fc1eac539e 6607048: clear extra l10n resource files in demo
Reviewed-by: naoto, yhuang
2013-10-22 14:36:43 -07:00
Michael Fang
1d8514b289 8026109: [ja] overtranslation of jarsigner in command line output
Reviewed-by: naoto
2013-10-22 14:26:22 -07:00
Roger Riggs
93dcac6266 8026982: javadoc errors in core libs
Cleanup of javadoc -Xlint errors

Reviewed-by: lancea, mduigou, darcy, mullan, mchung
2013-10-22 17:02:08 -04:00
Roger Riggs
f22752b55e Merge 2013-10-22 15:11:47 -04:00
Roger Riggs
92f2e33296 Merge 2013-10-22 15:06:27 -04:00
Joe Darcy
fbd299b074 8027062: Fix lint and doclint issues in java.lang.{ClassLoader, ClassValue, SecurityManager}
Reviewed-by: chegar, forax, alanb, mduigou
2013-10-22 12:04:30 -07:00
Roger Riggs
eeaf2206bb 8024686: Cleanup of java.time serialization source
Optimize serialized form of OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime; correct order of modifiers

Reviewed-by: sherman
2013-10-22 15:03:12 -04:00
Jason Uh
c6ac4eb557 8025287: NPE in api/java_security/cert/PKIXRevocationChecker/GeneralTests_GeneralTests
Reviewed-by: mullan
2013-10-22 11:57:38 -07:00
Brian Burkhalter
d2d0153dd6 7179567: JCK8 tests: api/java_net/URLClassLoader/index.html#Ctor3 failed with NPE
6445180: URLClassLoader does not describe the behavior of several methods with respect to null arguments

Document when a NPE will be thrown by URLClassLoader constructors, newInstance(), findClass(), and getPermissions().

Reviewed-by: alanb, mduigou, chegar, dholmes, jrose
2013-10-22 11:25:01 -07:00
Alexander Zuev
8c296952e1 8026873: tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java fails in jprt because of jmc.ini
Reviewed-by: ksrini
2013-10-22 22:18:52 +04:00
David Chase
2ebcd75a95 8026818: Defmeth failures with -mode invoke
Added test for IllegalAccessException -> IllegalAccessError path to check if root cause was AbstractMethodError

Reviewed-by: jrose
2013-10-22 12:57:59 -04:00
Brian Burkhalter
7ebab2dbcd 8026806: Incomplete test of getaddrinfo() return value could lead to incorrect exception for Windows Inet 6
Check getaddrinfo return value before calling WSAGetLastError.

Reviewed-by: alanb, dsamersoff
2013-10-22 10:44:22 -07:00
Alan Bateman
11d02a8031 7074436: (sc) SocketChannel can do short gathering writes when channel configured blocking (win)
Reviewed-by: chegar
2013-10-22 14:13:06 +01:00
Sean Mullan
3d8f3459a4 Merge 2013-10-22 09:06:42 -04:00
Tristan Yan
dc564c1a27 8017779: java/net/Authenticator/B4769350.java fails
Co-authored-by: Kurchi Subhra Hazra <kurchisubhra@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: chegar
2013-10-22 14:00:16 +01:00
Sean Mullan
766d35a814 Merge 2013-10-22 08:17:06 -04:00
Sean Mullan
3854742d69 8021191: Add isAuthorized check to limited doPrivileged methods
Reviewed-by: weijun, xuelei
2013-10-22 08:03:16 -04:00
Chris Dennis
ca4ee27ab5 8024833: (fc) FileChannel.map does not handle async close/interrupt correctly
Reviewed-by: alanb
2013-10-22 12:04:19 +01:00
Alan Bateman
36e36d288c 8021257: com.sun.corba.se.** should be on restricted package list
Co-authored-by: Mark Sheppard <mark.sheppard@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: chegar, coffeys, smarks, mullan
2013-10-22 11:43:04 +01:00
Andreas Lundblad
24b64e8c23 8004912: Repeating annotations - getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) is not working as expected for few inheritance scenarios
8019420: Repeatable non-inheritable annotation types are mishandled by Core Reflection

Reviewed-by: jfranck
2013-10-22 12:35:27 +02:00
Katja Kantserova
c8e5afcb70 8026962: Put java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean/LoadCounts.java into ProblemList.txt
Reviewed-by: sla, jbachorik
2013-10-22 10:57:40 +02:00