Martin Balao
8220513: Wrapper Key may get deleted when closing sessions in SunPKCS11 crypto provider
Do not close the session holding the Wrapper Key while in use. Delete the Wrapper Key when no longer needed.
Reviewed-by: valeriep
2019-04-15 15:52:38 -03:00 |
Valerie Peng
8213008: Cipher with UNWRAP_MODE should support the generation of an AES key type
Replaced CKK_GENERIC_SECRET with alorithm-specific key type in P11RSACipher unwrap impl
Reviewed-by: ascarpino
2019-03-11 23:48:32 +00:00 |
Valerie Peng
8183107: PKCS11 regression regarding checkKeySize
Changed key size check in PKCS11 provider to only enforce positive return values
Reviewed-by: jnimeh
2019-02-27 19:37:51 +00:00 |
Valerie Peng
8216597: SIGBUS in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_getNativeKeyInfo after JDK-6913047
Changed variable declaration type to byte* from long* to fix SIGBUS error
Reviewed-by: ascarpino
2019-02-20 19:16:45 +00:00 |
Sean Coffey
8218553: Enhance keystore load debug output
Reviewed-by: weijun
2019-02-07 12:09:17 +00:00 |
Martin Balao
8217088: Disable JDK-6913047 fix (SunPKCS11 memory leak) after JDK-8216597 (SIGBUS error in getNativeKeyInfo)
Disable JDK-6913047 fix (SunPKCS11 memory leak) temporarily until JDK-8216597 (SIGBUS error in getNativeKeyInfo) is fixed.
Reviewed-by: mullan
2019-01-15 19:24:07 -03:00 |
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2019-01-15 22:54:09 +01:00 |
Martin Balao
6913047: Long term memory leak when using PKCS11 and JCE exceeds 32 bit process address space
Extract cryptographic keys within NSS PKCS11 software tokens for memory management purposes.
Reviewed-by: valeriep
2018-11-29 13:36:23 -03:00 |
Martin Balao
8213154: Update copyright headers of files in src tree that are missing Classpath exception
Reviewed-by: andrew
2018-11-08 18:10:15 -03:00 |
Mikael Vidstedt
8210912: Build error in src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/native/libj2pkcs11/p11_convert.c after JDK-8029661
Reviewed-by: mullan
2018-09-19 09:24:40 -07:00 |
Martin Balao
8029661: Support TLS v1.2 algorithm in SunPKCS11 provider
TLS v1.2 algorithms for key and MAC derivation added to SunPKCS11 crypto provider.
Reviewed-by: valeriep
2018-09-12 13:09:51 +02:00 |
Jamil Nimeh
8206295: More reliable p11 transactions
Reviewed-by: valeriep, mschoene, rhalade
2018-08-15 09:36:32 -07:00 |
Anthony Scarpino
8204196: integer cleanup
Reviewed-by: xuelei
2018-07-20 09:55:15 -07:00 |
Martin Balao
8195607: sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/ failed with "NSS initialization failed" on NSS 3.34.1
Reviewed-by: valeriep, weijun
2018-06-26 08:10:45 +08:00 |
Martin Balao
8203182: Release session if initialization of SunPKCS11 Signature fails
Ensure session is properly released in P11Signature class
Reviewed-by: valeriep
2018-06-01 19:46:31 +00:00 |
Valerie Peng
8146293: Add support for RSASSA-PSS Signature algorithm
Add RSASSA-PSS key and signature support to SunRsaSign provider
Reviewed-by: wetmore
2018-05-21 23:40:52 +00:00 |
Valerie Peng
8197441: Signature#initSign/initVerify for an invalid private/public key fails with ClassCastException for SunPKCS11 provider
Rethrow ClassCastException with InvalidKeyException
Reviewed-by: ascarpino
2018-04-13 18:07:58 +00:00 |
Adam Petcher
8185292: Stricter key generation
Reviewed-by: mullan
2017-10-24 09:58:27 -04:00 |
Martin Balao
8165996: PKCS11 using NSS throws an error regarding secmod.db when NSS uses sqlite
Reviewed-by: weijun
2017-12-13 01:29:58 +08:00 |
Valerie Peng
8181048: Refactor existing providers to refer to the same constants for default values for key length
Reviewed-by: mullan, ahgross
2017-07-13 20:41:59 +00:00 |
Weijun Wang
8148371: Remove policytool
Reviewed-by: erikj, alanb, mullan
2017-09-21 16:29:18 +08:00 |
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00 |