Vladimir Kozlov
6791178: Specialize for zero as the compressed oop vm heap base
Use zero based compressed oops if java heap is below 32gb and unscaled compressed oops if java heap is below 4gb.
Reviewed-by: never, twisti, jcoomes, coleenp
2009-03-12 10:37:46 -07:00
Christian Thalinger
6797305: Add LoadUB and LoadUI opcode class
Add a LoadUB (unsigned byte) and LoadUI (unsigned int) opcode class so we have these load optimizations in the first place and do not need to handle them in the matcher.
Reviewed-by: never, kvn
2009-03-09 03:17:11 -07:00
John R Rose
6812831: factor duplicated assembly code for megamorphic invokeinterface (for 6655638)
Code in vtableStubs and templateTable moved into MacroAssembler.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2009-03-06 21:36:50 -08:00
John R Rose
6812678: macro assembler needs delayed binding of a few constants (for 6655638)
Minor assembler enhancements preparing for method handles
Reviewed-by: kvn
2009-03-04 09:58:39 -08:00
Tom Rodriguez
6811384: MacroAssembler::serialize_memory may touch next page on amd64
Reviewed-by: kvn, phh, twisti
2009-03-01 20:49:46 -08:00
Coleen Phillimore
6791168: Fix invalid code in bytecodeInterpreter that can cause gcc ICE
Fix compilation errors from latest gcc in CC_INTERP including offending missing void* cast.
Reviewed-by: xlu
2009-01-13 14:41:44 -05:00
Xiaobin Lu
6787106: Hotspot 32 bit build fails on platforms having different definitions for intptr_t & int32_t
Avoid casting between int32_t and intptr_t specifically for MasmAssembler::movptr in 32 bit platforms.
Reviewed-by: jrose, kvn
2008-12-24 13:06:09 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6462850: generate biased locking code in C2 ideal graph
Inline biased locking code in C2 ideal graph during macro nodes expansion
Reviewed-by: never
2008-11-07 09:29:38 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6532536: Optimize arraycopy stubs for Intel cpus
Use SSE2 movdqu in arraycopy stubs on newest Intel's cpus
Reviewed-by: rasbold
2008-10-14 15:10:26 -07:00
Andrey Petrusenko
2008-09-17 16:49:18 +04:00
Tom Rodriguez
5108146: Merge i486 and amd64 cpu directories
6459804: Want client (c1) compiler for x86_64 (amd64) for faster start-up
Reviewed-by: kvn
2008-08-27 00:21:55 -07:00