Claes Redestad
8230043: Lazily load libverify
8230140: Remove unused mutex and monitor declarations
Reviewed-by: hseigel, erikj, alanb, dholmes
2019-10-07 16:55:24 +02:00
Claes Redestad
8231895: Avoid String allocations in JVM_FindLoadedClass
Reviewed-by: jiangli, dholmes, iklam
2019-10-07 12:06:47 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8231606: _method_ordering is not set during CDS dynamic dump time
Add the missing DynamicDumpSharedSpaces check in sort_methods(); replace the (DumpSharedSpaces || DynamicDumpSharedSpaces) with the Arguments::is_dumping_archive() function call.
Reviewed-by: iklam, coleenp, jiangli
2019-10-02 16:55:08 -07:00
Jatin Bhateja
8226721: Missing intrinsics for Math.ceil, floor, rint
Reviewed-by: neliasso, vlivanov, ecaspole
2019-10-01 11:43:10 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8231472: Clean up Monitor::_safepoint_check usage to Mutex::_safepoint_check
Change Monitor:: to Mutex:: when allocating a Mutex, and in mutexLocker.
Reviewed-by: rehn, dholmes
2019-09-27 07:56:02 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8213150: Add verification for locking by VMThread
Extend verification for all locking not just VMOperations, and fix CLDG lock to not be taken by VM thread.
Reviewed-by: rehn, dholmes
2019-09-24 10:12:56 -04:00
Lois Foltan
8230505: Replace JVM type comparisons to T_OBJECT and T_ARRAY with call to is_reference_type
Consistently use is_reference_type when comparing type for T_OBJECT or T_ARRAY.
Co-authored-by: John Rose <>
Reviewed-by: dlong, coleenp, hseigel
2019-09-23 14:49:04 -04:00
Ioi Lam
8231275: Remove null check in the beginning of SystemDictionary::load_shared_class()
Reviewed-by: ccheung, coleenp
2019-09-22 17:17:58 -07:00
Ioi Lam
8231125: Improve testing of parallel loading of shared classes by the boot class loader
Reviewed-by: ccheung, coleenp, dholmes
2019-09-22 17:16:35 -07:00
Evgeny Mandrikov
8066774: Rename the annotations arrays names in ClassFileParser
Reviewed-by: shade, coleenp, dholmes
2019-09-18 21:20:13 +02:00
Per Lidén
8230841: Remove oopDesc::equals()
Reviewed-by: rkennke, tschatzl
2019-09-17 09:51:02 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8186988: use log_warning() and log_error() instead of tty->print_cr for CDS warning and error messages
Reviewed-by: stuefe, iklam, dholmes
2019-09-12 09:59:19 -07:00
Ioi Lam
8230586: Encapsulate fields in filemap.hpp
Reviewed-by: ccheung
2019-09-11 18:31:25 -07:00
Leo Korinth
8230398: Remove NULL checks before FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kbarrett, tschatzl
2019-09-11 14:16:30 +02:00
Leo Korinth
8227168: Cleanup usage of NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes, kbarrett, tschatzl
2019-09-11 14:16:27 +02:00
Erik Österlund
8230401: ClassLoaderData::_keep_alive is read with wrong type in c2i entry barrier
Reviewed-by: zgu, tschatzl, iklam
2019-09-04 15:05:03 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8216977: ShowHiddenFrames use in java_lang_StackTraceElement::fill_in appears broken
Return NULL source file and negative line number for hidden frames.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, hseigel
2019-08-29 08:52:22 -04:00
Ioi Lam
8227370: Remove SharedPathsMiscInfo
Reviewed-by: ccheung, jiangli
2019-08-27 22:14:52 -07:00
Ioi Lam
8230168: Use ClasspathStream for FileMapInfo::create_path_array
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, fparain
2019-08-27 22:14:15 -07:00
Ioi Lam
8230011: Consolidate duplicated classpath parsing code in classLoader.cpp
Reviewed-by: ccheung, fparain
2019-08-23 10:39:34 -07:00
Kim Barrett
8227054: ServiceThread needs to know about all OopStorage objects
8227053: ServiceThread cleanup of OopStorage is missing some
OopStorages provides named access and iteration.
Reviewed-by: eosterlund, pliden, coleenp
2019-08-21 18:42:30 -04:00
Stefan Karlsson
8229838: Rename markOop files to markWord
Reviewed-by: dholmes, rehn
2019-08-19 11:30:03 +02:00
Andrew Dinn
8224974: Implement JEP 352
Non-Volatile Mapped Byte Buffers
Reviewed-by: alanb, kvn, bpb, gromero, darcy, shade, bulasevich, dchuyko
2019-08-20 10:11:53 +01:00
Shravya Rukmannagari
8225625: AES Electronic Codebook (ECB) encryption and decryption optimization using AVX512 + VAES instructions
AES-ECB encryption and decryption optimization for x86_64 architectures supporting AVX3+VAES
Co-authored-by: Smita Kamath <>
Reviewed-by: kvn, valeriep
2019-08-16 14:42:50 -07:00
Stefan Karlsson
8229258: Rework markOop and markOopDesc into a simpler mark word value carrier
Reviewed-by: rkennke, coleenp, kbarrett, dcubed
2019-08-06 10:48:21 +02:00
Mandy Chung
8193325: StackFrameInfo::getByteCodeIndex returns wrong value if bci > 32767
Reviewed-by: coleenp, fparain, shade, plevart
2019-08-15 13:41:30 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8228630: Remove always true parameter to NoSafepointVerifier
Also remove NoGCVerifier since NoSafepointVerifier covers GC checking when not already at a safepoint and is a stronger check.
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, dholmes
2019-07-31 06:54:50 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8227123: Assertion failure when setting SymbolTableSize larger than 2^17 (131,072)
Increase max size for SymbolTable and fix experimental option range. Fix option range test to include experimental options.
Reviewed-by: jiangli, dholmes, hseigel, gziemski
2019-07-30 09:56:18 -04:00
Christian Hagedorn
8071275: remove AbstractAssembler::update_delayed_values dead code
Removed dead code.
Reviewed-by: thartmann, mdoerr
2019-07-25 08:04:33 +02:00
Mandy Chung
8219774: Reexamine the initialization of LangReflectAccess shared secret at AccessibleObject::<clinit>
Reviewed-by: alanb
2019-07-23 20:03:03 -07:00
Kim Barrett
8227653: Add VM Global OopStorage
Replaced conditional JVMCI global storage with VM global storage.
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, lfoltan, kvn
2019-07-18 14:57:32 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8227766: CheckUnhandledOops is broken in MemAllocator
Save oop created in handle more eagerly, so CheckUnhandledOops doesn't bash it.
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, eosterlund
2019-07-18 07:06:33 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8222446: assert(C->env()->system_dictionary_modification_counter_changed()) failed: Must invalidate if TypeFuncs differ
Remove SystemDictionary::modification_counter optimization
Reviewed-by: dlong, eosterlund
2019-07-10 07:58:24 -04:00
Mikael Vidstedt
2019-07-05 11:01:31 -07:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8226409: Enable argument profiling for sun.misc.Unsafe.put*/get*
Reviewed-by: kvn
2019-07-05 12:55:54 +03:00
Claes Redestad
8225344: Avoid VM_EnableBiasedLocking VM operation during bootstrap if BiasedLockingStartupDelay is 0
Reviewed-by: dcubed, shade, dholmes
2019-07-01 12:16:58 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8211723: AppCDS: referring to a jar file in any way other than exactly how it was done during dumping doesn't work
Replaced os::file_name_strncmp() with os::same_files().
Reviewed-by: iklam, jiangli
2019-06-28 09:49:10 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8214822: Move ConcurrentHashTable VALUE parameter to CONFIG
Make VALUE parameter be included in CONFIG configuration, also remove BaseConfig
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kbarrett
2019-06-24 16:51:23 -04:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2019-06-20 02:10:53 +02:00
Harold Seigel
8226304: Obsolete the -XX:+FailOverToOldVerifier option
Change the option from deprecated to obsolete
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, coleenp
2019-06-19 13:34:31 -04:00
Harold Seigel
8225789: Empty method parameter type should generate ClassFormatError
Check for an empty name when verifying unqualified names
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, coleenp
2019-06-19 08:42:15 -04:00
Gerard Ziemski
8225310: JFR crashed in JfrPeriodicEventSet::requestProtectionDomainCacheTableStatistics()
Added lock around table usage
Reviewed-by: coleenp, hseigel
2019-06-18 12:39:29 -05:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2019-06-18 22:48:27 +02:00
Joe Darcy
8214546: Start of release updates for JDK 14
8214547: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_14
8214548: Add source 14 and target 14 to javac
8214549: Bump maximum recognized class file version to 58 for JDK 14
Reviewed-by: jjg, mikael, erikj, jlahoda, dholmes
2019-06-11 16:45:20 -07:00
Stefan Karlsson
8227175: ZGC: ZHeapIterator visits potentially dead objects
Reviewed-by: zgu, eosterlund
2019-06-10 13:04:12 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8224847: gc/stress/ fails with reserved greater than expected
Rehash threshold was too low for StringTable, and rehashed size table was too large.
Reviewed-by: rehn, gziemski
2019-06-11 07:31:47 -04:00
Harold Seigel
8224952: RI deviates from JVMS - non-zero minor_version for class files throws UnsupportedClassVersionError
Change the JVM to follow the JVM Spec and accept non-zero minor_version for appropriate older class file versions.
Reviewed-by: acorn, dholmes, iignatyev
2019-06-10 09:52:04 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8224151: Test vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/chain/chain007/ might hang with release binaries
Fix deadlock on ClassLoaderDataGraph_lock and g1 clear_claimed_marks.
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, lfoltan, eosterlund
2019-06-06 15:09:17 -04:00
Nick Gasson
8224853: CDS address sanitizer errors
Reviewed-by: iklam, dholmes
2019-06-04 17:56:16 +08:00
Igor Veresov
8223320: [AOT] jck test api/javax_script/ScriptEngine/PutGet.html fails when test classes are AOTed
Materialization of primitive boxes should use caches
Reviewed-by: kvn, never
2019-06-03 13:21:02 -07:00