Calvin Cheung
8216184: CDS/appCDS tests failed on Windows due to long path to a classlist file
Use os::open() instead of fopen()
Reviewed-by: iklam, dholmes
2019-01-11 14:05:57 -08:00
Mandy Chung
8211122: Reduce the number of internal classes made accessible to jdk.unsupported
Reviewed-by: alanb, dfuchs, kvn
2018-11-06 10:01:16 -08:00
Calvin Cheung
8209566: [TESTBUG] runtime/appcds/jigsaw/modulepath/ timeout on tier6 on sparc
Increased the timeout from 120s (default) to 240s
Reviewed-by: dcubed, mseledtsov
2018-10-29 11:05:45 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8211287: fails due to "Unable to map MiscData shared space at required address."
Catch the InvocationTargetException and rethrow exception based on the cause
Reviewed-by: jiangli, iklam
2018-10-02 20:52:40 -07:00
Ioi Lam
8209946: [TESTBUG] CDS tests should use "@run driver"
Reviewed-by: ccheung, jiangli, mseledtsov
2018-10-02 14:32:33 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
8210894: remove jdk/testlibrary/Asserts
Reviewed-by: serb
2018-09-21 14:50:06 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
8210112: remove jdk.testlibrary.ProcessTools
Reviewed-by: alanb, sspitsyn, jcbeyler
2018-09-07 14:01:52 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8207211: [TESTBUG] Remove excessive output from CDS/AppCDS tests
Changed the value of the property test.cds.copy.child.stdout to false so that stdout of child processes are logged in files. Each stdout and stderr file will have a unique name.
Reviewed-by: iklam
2018-08-23 09:35:09 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8203445: [TESTBUG] Remove appcds/jigsaw/limitmods/
Reviewed-by: jiangli
2018-06-04 08:56:41 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8203354: assert in ClassLoader::update_module_path_entry_list() could have incorrect message
Converting the assert in ClassLoader::update_module_path_entry_list() to a meaningful error message before aborting the CDS dump.
Reviewed-by: stuefe, iklam
2018-05-24 09:15:09 -07:00
Jiangli Zhou
8199807: AppCDS performs overly restrictive path matching check
8203377: Cleanup the usage of os::file_name_strcmp() in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check()
Relax CDS/AppCDS path check for modules image.
Reviewed-by: iklam, ccheung
2018-05-21 15:15:58 -04:00
Calvin Cheung
8202289: Non-empty directory in module path is not handled properly at CDS/AppCDS dump time
8202519: Crash during large AppCDS dump
Convert the source of a class into canonical form before comparing witha shared path table entry.
Reviewed-by: jiangli, iklam
2018-05-10 16:39:50 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8202130: [TESTBUG] Some appcds regression test cases fail with "Error: VM option 'PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit' is notproduct and is available only in debug version of VM"
Removed the PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit vm option from the tests
Reviewed-by: zgu
2018-05-01 17:28:03 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8197959: [TESTBUG] Some (App)CDS tests require modification due to the removal of the Java EE and CORBA modules
Reviewed-by: iklam, mseledtsov
2018-04-25 14:08:19 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8194812: Extend class-data sharing to support the module path
8199360: Rework the support for the 'ignored' module options in CDS
Reviewed-by: jiangli, lfoltan, iklam, mseledtsov
2018-04-10 11:43:40 -07:00
Ioi Lam
8179249: Improve process output analysis in CDS tests
Added new API, etc
Reviewed-by: mseledtsov
2018-02-14 07:08:25 -08:00
Calvin Cheung
8196124: [testbug] runtime/appcds/jigsaw/classpathtests/ passes despite of error
Create another archive with whitebox.jar in the -Xbootclasspath/a; check output from TestCommon.execCommon().
Reviewed-by: iklam, mseledtsov
2018-02-01 10:55:27 -08:00
Igor Ignatyev
8186635: ClassFileInstaller should be run as a driver
Reviewed-by: dholmes
2018-01-17 21:44:44 -08:00
Ioi Lam
8193672: [test] Enhance vm.cds property to check for all conditions required to run CDS tests
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dsamersoff, simonis
2017-12-04 08:59:47 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8191788: add jdk.internal.vm.compiler to --limit-modules if -Djvmci.Compiler=graal is in the command line
Skip tests which use --limit-modules when Graal is used as JIT compiler.
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, dholmes, ccheung, dnsimon
2017-12-13 11:59:55 -08:00
Jiangli Zhou
8188791: Move AppCDS from closed repo to open repo
Co-authored-by: Mikhailo Seledtsov <>
Co-authored-by: Calvin Cheung <>
Reviewed-by: dsamersoff, simonis, minqi
2017-11-27 20:21:34 -08:00