Vladimir Kozlov
8012972: Incremental Inlining should support scalar replaced object in debug info
Store in _first_index not absolute index but an index relative to the last (youngest) jvms->_scloff value
Reviewed-by: roland, twisti
2013-08-23 11:41:37 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8014189: JVM crash with SEGV in ConnectionGraph::record_for_escape_analysis()
Add NULL checks and asserts for Type::make_ptr() returned value.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2013-05-09 17:28:04 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6934604: enable parts of EliminateAutoBox by default
Resurrected autobox elimination code and enabled part of it by default.
Reviewed-by: roland, twisti
2013-05-08 15:08:01 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8009460: C2compiler crash in machnode::in_regmask(unsigned int)
7121140 may not correctly break the Allocate -> MemBarStoreStore link
Reviewed-by: kvn
2013-03-06 10:28:38 +01:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6896617: Optimize sun.nio.cs.ISO_8859_1$Encode.encodeArrayLoop() on x86
Use SSE4.2 and AVX2 instructions for encodeArray intrinsic.
Reviewed-by: roland
2013-01-22 15:34:16 -08:00
Bharadwaj Yadavalli
7092905: C2: Keep track of the number of dead nodes
Keep an (almost) accurate running count of the reachable (live) flow graph nodes.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti, jrose, vlivanov
2012-11-27 17:24:15 -08:00
Roland Westrelin
7054512: Compress class pointers after perm gen removal
Support of compress class pointers in the compilers.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2012-10-09 10:11:38 +02:00
Bharadwaj Yadavalli
7193318: C2: remove number of inputs requirement from Node's new operator
Deleted placement new operator of Node - node(size_t, Compile *, int).
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2012-09-27 09:38:42 -07:00
Jon Masamitsu
6964458: Reimplement class meta-data storage to use native memory
Remove PermGen, allocate meta-data in metaspace linked to class loaders, rewrite GC walking, rewrite and rename metadata to be C++ classes
Co-authored-by: Stefan Karlsson <stefan.karlsson@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mikael Gerdin <mikael.gerdin@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Tom Rodriguez <tom.rodriguez@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: jmasa, stefank, never, coleenp, kvn, brutisso, mgerdin, dholmes, jrose, twisti, roland
2012-09-01 13:25:18 -04:00
Zhengyu Gu
6995781: Native Memory Tracking (Phase 1)
7151532: DCmd for hotspot native memory tracking
Implementation of native memory tracking phase 1, which tracks VM native memory usage, and related DCmd
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, fparain
2012-06-28 17:03:16 -04:00
Vlaidmir Ivanov
7173340: C2: code cleanup: use PhaseIterGVN::replace_edge(Node*, int, Node*) where applicable
Replace frequent C2 optimizer code patterns with new methods calls
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2012-06-12 16:23:31 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
Adjust the assert and code in eliminate_card_mark() method for case when stored value is NULL.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, never
2012-02-07 16:33:43 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7129618: assert(obj_node->eqv_uncast(obj),"");
Relax verification and locks elimination checks for new implementation (EliminateNestedLocks).
Reviewed-by: iveresov
2012-01-13 12:58:26 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Do not common BoxLock nodes and avoid creating phis of boxes.
Reviewed-by: never
2012-01-12 14:45:04 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
Compare uncasted object nodes.
Reviewed-by: never
2012-01-10 18:05:38 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Nested locks elimination done before lock nodes expansion by looking for outer locks of the same object.
Reviewed-by: never, twisti
2012-01-07 13:26:43 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7125879: assert(proj != NULL) failed: must be found
Leave i_o attached to slow allocation call when there are no i_o users after the call.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, twisti
2011-12-30 11:43:06 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7123954: Some CTW test crash with SIGSEGV
Correct Allocate expansion code to preserve i_o when only slow call is generated.
Reviewed-by: iveresov
2011-12-27 15:08:43 -08:00
Roland Westrelin
7121140: Allocation paths require explicit memory synchronization operations for RMO systems
Adds store store barrier after initialization of header and body of objects.
Reviewed-by: never, kvn
2011-12-20 16:56:50 +01:00
Stefan Karlsson
7118863: Move sizeof(klassOopDesc) into the *Klass::*_offset_in_bytes() functions
Moved sizeof(klassOopDesc), changed the return type to ByteSize and removed the _in_bytes suffix.
Reviewed-by: never, bdelsart, coleenp, jrose
2011-12-07 11:35:03 +01:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6890673: Eliminate allocations immediately after EA
Try to eliminate allocations and related locks immediately after escape analysis.
Reviewed-by: never
2011-11-16 09:13:57 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7081933: Use zeroing elimination optimization for large array
Don't zero new typeArray during runtime call if the allocation is followed by arraycopy into it.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2011-09-26 10:24:05 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7079329: Adjust allocation prefetching for T4
On T4 2 BIS instructions should be issued to prefetch 64 bytes
Reviewed-by: iveresov, phh, twisti
2011-08-16 16:59:46 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
7074017: Introduce MemBarAcquireLock/MemBarReleaseLock nodes for monitor enter/exit code paths
Replace MemBarAcquire/MemBarRelease nodes on the monitor enter/exit code paths with new MemBarAcquireLock/MemBarReleaseLock nodes
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2011-08-02 18:36:40 +02:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7044738: Loop unroll optimization causes incorrect result
Take into account memory dependencies when clonning nodes in clone_up_backedge_goo().
Reviewed-by: never
2011-06-28 15:24:29 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
7050280: assert(u->as_Unlock()->is_eliminated()) failed: sanity
Mark all associated (same box and obj) lock and unlock nodes for elimination if some of them marked already.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, never
2011-06-04 10:36:22 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
5091921: Sign flip issues in loop optimizer
Fix integer overflow problem in the code generated by loop optimizer.
Reviewed-by: never
2011-05-04 13:12:42 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
7029167: add support for conditional card marks
Reviewed-by: iveresov, kvn
2011-04-27 15:40:36 -07:00
Paul Hohensee
7003271: Hotspot should track cumulative Java heap bytes allocated on a per-thread basis
Track allocated bytes in Thread's, update on TLAB retirement and direct allocation in Eden and tenured, add JNI methods for ThreadMXBean.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, dholmes, ysr
2011-01-07 10:42:32 -05:00
Stefan Karlsson
6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
Replaced MakeDeps and the includeDB files with more standardized solutions.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, kamg
2010-11-23 13:22:55 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6969569: assert(is_static() && is_constant()) failed: illegal call to constant_value()
Add missing is_static guard.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-07-23 10:07:46 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6677629: PhaseIterGVN::subsume_node() should call hash_delete() and add_users_to_worklist()
Use replace_node() method instead of subsume_node().
Reviewed-by: jrose, never
2010-06-28 14:54:39 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6959430: Make sure raw loads have control edge
Check that raw loads have control edge
Reviewed-by: never, twisti
2010-06-15 18:07:27 -07:00
Erik Trimble
6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
Change all the Sun copyrights to Oracle copyright
Reviewed-by: ohair
2010-05-27 19:08:38 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6940726: Use BIS instruction for allocation prefetch on Sparc
Use BIS instruction for allocation prefetch on Sparc
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-04-07 12:39:27 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6895383: JCK test throws NPE for method compiled with Escape Analysis
Add missing checks for MemBar nodes in EA.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-12-09 16:40:45 -08:00
Tom Rodriguez
6892658: C2 should optimize some stringbuilder patterns
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2009-11-12 09:24:21 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6851742: (EA) allocation elimination doesn't work with UseG1GC
Fix eliminate_card_mark() to eliminate G1 pre/post barriers.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-07-16 14:10:42 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6788527: Server vm intermittently fails with assertion "live value must not be garbage" with fastdebug bits
Cache Jvmti and DTrace flags used by Compiler.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-05-08 10:44:20 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6711117: Assertion in 64bit server vm (flat != TypePtr::BOTTOM,"cannot alias-analyze an untyped ptr")
Delay a memory node transformation if its control or address on IGVN worklist.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-04-07 19:04:24 -07:00
Erik Trimble
2009-03-12 18:16:36 -07:00
Xiomara Jayasena
6814575: Update copyright year
Update copyright for files that have been modified in 2009, up to 03/09
Reviewed-by: katleman, tbell, ohair
2009-03-09 13:28:46 -07:00
Christian Thalinger
6810672: Comment typos
I have collected some typos I have found while looking at the code.
Reviewed-by: kvn, never
2009-02-27 13:27:09 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6809798: SafePointScalarObject node placed into incorrect block during GCM
Replace the control edge of a pinned node before scheduling.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-02-26 14:26:02 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6802499: EA: assert(false,"unknown node on this path")
Add missing checks for SCMemProj node in Escape analysis code.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-02-19 17:38:53 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6799693: Server compiler leads to data corruption when expression throws an Exception
Use merged memory state for an allocation's slow path.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-02-05 14:43:58 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6782820: Server VM fails with "unhandled implicit exception in compiled code"
Restore the code which sets a control edge for a klass load node.
Reviewed-by: never
2008-12-16 12:23:39 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6775880: EA +DeoptimizeALot: assert(mon_info->owner()->is_locked(),"object must be locked now")
Create new "eliminated" BoxLock node for monitor debug info when corresponding locks are eliminated.
Reviewed-by: never
2008-12-03 13:41:37 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6773078: UseCompressedOops: assert(kid == 0L || s->_leaf->in(0) == 0L,"internal operands have no control")
Don't set the control edge of a klass load node.
Reviewed-by: never
2008-11-18 14:47:36 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6462850: generate biased locking code in C2 ideal graph
Inline biased locking code in C2 ideal graph during macro nodes expansion
Reviewed-by: never
2008-11-07 09:29:38 -08:00