Alan Bateman
8142968: Module System implementation
Initial integration of JEP 200, JEP 260, JEP 261, and JEP 282
Co-authored-by: Alex Buckley <>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan Gibbons <>
Co-authored-by: Karen Kinnear <>
Co-authored-by: Mandy Chung <>
Co-authored-by: Mark Reinhold <>
Co-authored-by: Harold Seigel <>
Co-authored-by: Lois Foltan <>
Co-authored-by: Calvin Cheung <>
Co-authored-by: Christian Tornqvist <>
Co-authored-by: Erik Joelsson <>
Co-authored-by: George Triantafillou <>
Co-authored-by: Igor Ignatyev <>
Co-authored-by: Ioi Lam <>
Co-authored-by: James Laskey <>
Co-authored-by: Jean-Francois Denise <>
Co-authored-by: Jiangli Zhou <>
Co-authored-by: Markus Gronlund <>
Co-authored-by: Serguei Spitsyn <>
Co-authored-by: Staffan Larsen <>
Co-authored-by: Sundararajan Athijegannathan <>
Reviewed-by: acorn, ccheung, coleenp, ctornqvi, dholmes, dsimms, gtriantafill, iklam, jiangli, mgronlun, mseledtsov, cjplummer, sspitsyn, stefank, twisti, hseigel, lfoltan, alanb, mchung, dfazunen
2016-03-17 19:04:01 +00:00
Markus Grönlund
8140485: Class load and creation cleanup
Reviewed-by: hseigel, coleenp, sspitsyn
2015-12-08 20:04:03 +01:00
Chris Hegarty
8140687: Move @Contended to the jdk.internal.vm.annotation package
Reviewed-by: alanb, dholmes, psandoz, shade
2015-11-24 11:49:44 +00:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8139116: Fixes for warning "format not a string literal"
Reviewed-by: ddmitriev, david, simonis
2015-10-09 16:39:37 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8140274: methodHandles and constantPoolHandles should be passed as const references
Modified code to use const reference parameters
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, twisti
2015-10-23 16:48:38 -04:00
Zoltan Majo
8076112: Add @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation to indicate methods for which Java Runtime has intrinsics
Annotate possibly intrinsified methods with @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate. Add checks omitted by intrinsics to the library code. Add CheckIntrinsics flags to check consistency of intrinsics.
Reviewed-by: jrose, kvn, thartmann, vlivanov, abuckley, darcy, ascarpino, briangoetz, alanb, aph, dnsimon
2015-07-03 07:25:03 +02:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2015-06-24 13:38:01 +02:00
Harold Seigel
Don't assert if class has a bad element_tag in an element_value structure of a RuntimeVisibleAnnotation attribute. Instead, ignore the attribute.
Reviewed-by: acorn, gtriantafill
2015-06-18 08:44:28 -04:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8074551: GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution
Reviewed-by: kvn
2015-06-11 14:19:40 +03:00
Stefan Karlsson
8073389: Remove the include of resourceArea.hpp from classFileParser.hpp
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes
2015-02-18 10:28:27 +01:00
Stefan Karlsson
8072911: Remove includes of oop.inline.hpp from .hpp files
Reviewed-by: brutisso, coleenp, jwilhelm, simonis, dholmes
2015-02-13 14:37:35 +01:00
Stefan Karlsson
8065634: Crash in InstanceKlass::clean_method_data when _method is NULL
Reviewed-by: coleenp, hseigel, poonam
2014-12-05 21:16:45 +01:00
Karen Kinnear
8043275: Fix interface initialization for default methods
Initialize interfaces that declare concrete instance methods.
Reviewed-by: kamg, coleenp, psandoz
2014-10-22 15:24:37 -07:00
Karen Kinnear
8037167: Better method signature resolution
Reviewed-by: mschoene, hseigel, lfoltan
2014-07-14 13:15:06 +04:00
David Chase
8037816: Fix for 8036122 breaks build with Xcode5/clang
Repaired or selectively disabled offending formats; future-proofed with additional checking
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose, stefank
2014-05-09 16:50:54 -04:00
Tobias Hartmann
8036956: remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag
The EnableInvokeDynamic flag and all support code is removed because it is not longer used in JDK 9.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2014-04-29 08:08:44 +02:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8001107: @Stable annotation for constant folding of lazily evaluated variables
Co-authored-by: John Rose <>
Reviewed-by: rbackman, twisti, kvn
2013-09-10 14:51:48 -07:00
Jiangli Zhou
8021948: Change InstanceKlass::_source_file_name and _generic_signature from Symbol* to constant pool indexes
Change InstanceKlass::_source_file_name and _generic_signature to u2 fields.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, iklam
2013-08-19 14:59:54 -04:00
Harold Seigel
8012695: Assertion message displays %u and %s text instead of actual values
USe err_msg() to create a proper assertion message.
Reviewed-by: twisti, coleenp, iklam
2013-04-24 09:00:04 -04:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8011972: Field can be erroneously marked as contended when @Contended annotation isn't present
Reviewed-by: kvn, kmo, shade
2013-04-11 09:08:15 -07:00
Christian Thalinger
7198429: need checked categorization of caller-sensitive methods in the JDK
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose
2013-03-25 17:13:26 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8003419: NPG: Clean up metadata created during class loading if failure
Store metadata on ClassFileParser instance to be cleaned up by destructor. This enabled some refactoring of the enormous parseClassFile function.
Reviewed-by: jmasa, acorn
2013-03-13 17:34:29 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8007320: NPG: move method annotations
Allocate method annotations and attach to ConstMethod if present
Reviewed-by: dcubed, jiangli, sspitsyn, iklam
2013-02-11 14:06:22 -05:00
Aleksey Shipilev
8003985: Support @Contended Annotation - JEP 142
HotSpot changes to support @Contended annotation.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, jrose
2013-01-14 15:17:47 +01:00
Joel Borggren-Franck
8004823: Add VM support for type annotation reflection
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp
2012-12-20 10:22:19 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8000662: NPG: nashorn ant clean test262 out-of-memory with Java heap
Add ClassLoaderData object for each anonymous class with metaspaces to allocate in.
Reviewed-by: twisti, jrose, stefank
2012-11-29 16:50:29 -05:00
Keith McGuigan
7200776: Implement default methods in interfaces
Add generic type analysis and default method selection algorithms
Reviewed-by: coleenp, acorn
2012-10-11 12:25:42 -04:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2012-10-12 09:22:52 -07:00
Christian Thalinger
8000740: remove LinkWellKnownClasses
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose
2012-10-11 14:46:20 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8000213: NPG: Should have renamed arrayKlass and typeArrayKlass
Capitalize these metadata types (and objArrayKlass)
Reviewed-by: stefank, twisti, kvn
2012-09-29 06:40:00 -04:00
Jon Masamitsu
6964458: Reimplement class meta-data storage to use native memory
Remove PermGen, allocate meta-data in metaspace linked to class loaders, rewrite GC walking, rewrite and rename metadata to be C++ classes
Co-authored-by: Stefan Karlsson <>
Co-authored-by: Mikael Gerdin <>
Co-authored-by: Tom Rodriguez <>
Reviewed-by: jmasa, stefank, never, coleenp, kvn, brutisso, mgerdin, dholmes, jrose, twisti, roland
2012-09-01 13:25:18 -04:00
Christian Thalinger
7023639: JSR 292 method handle invocation needs a fast path for compiled code
6984705: JSR 292 method handle creation should not go through JNI
Remove assembly code for JDK 7 chained method handles
Co-authored-by: John Rose <>
Co-authored-by: Michael Haupt <>
Reviewed-by: jrose, twisti, kvn, mhaupt
2012-07-24 10:51:00 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2012-07-17 11:16:13 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2012-07-16 19:50:52 -07:00
Michael Haupt
6711908: JVM needs direct access to some annotations
Add annotation extraction code to class file parser.
Reviewed-by: twisti, jrose, kvn
2012-07-12 00:39:53 -07:00
Jiangli Zhou
7178145: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table
Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
Reviewed-by: bdelsart, coleenp, kamg
2012-06-26 19:08:44 -04:00
Karen Kinnear
2012-04-01 17:04:26 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
7150058: Allocate symbols from null boot loader to an arena for NMT
Move symbol allocation to an arena so NMT doesn't have to track them at startup.
Reviewed-by: never, kamg, zgu
2012-03-23 11:16:05 -04:00
Jiangli Zhou
7109878: The instanceKlass EnclosingMethhod attribute fields can be folded into the _inner_class field
Fold instanceKlass::_enclosing_method_class_index and instanceKlass::_enclosing_method_method_index into the instanceKlass::_inner_classes array.
Reviewed-by: never, coleenp
2012-03-13 13:50:48 -04:00
Jiangli Zhou
7123315: instanceKlass::_static_oop_field_count and instanceKlass::_java_fields_count should be u2 type
Change instanceKlass::_static_oop_field_count and instanceKlass::_java_fields_count to u2 type.
Reviewed-by: never, bdelsart, dholmes
2011-12-28 12:15:57 -05:00
Tom Rodriguez
7086585: make Java field injection more flexible
Reviewed-by: jrose, twisti, kvn, coleenp
2011-09-10 17:29:02 -07:00
Christian Thalinger
6817525: turn on method handle functionality by default for JSR 292
After appropriate testing, we need to turn on EnableMethodHandles and EnableInvokeDynamic by default.
Reviewed-by: never, kvn, jrose, phh
2011-03-31 02:31:57 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
7017732: move static fields into Class to prepare for perm gen removal
Reviewed-by: kvn, coleenp, twisti, stefank
2011-03-18 16:00:34 -07:00
John R Rose
7012648: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names
Package and class renaming only; delete unused methods and classes
Reviewed-by: twisti
2011-03-11 22:34:57 -08:00
Coleen Phillimore
6990754: Use native memory and reference counting to implement SymbolTable
Move symbols from permgen into C heap and reference count them
Reviewed-by: never, acorn, jmasa, stefank
2011-01-27 16:11:27 -08:00
John R Rose
7001379: bootstrap method data needs to be moved from constant pool to a classfile attribute
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-12-03 15:53:57 -08:00
Stefan Karlsson
6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
Replaced MakeDeps and the includeDB files with more standardized solutions.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, kamg
2010-11-23 13:22:55 -08:00
John R Rose
6984311: JSR 292 needs optional bootstrap method parameters
Allow CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic nodes to have any number of extra operands.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-10-30 13:08:23 -07:00
Christian Thalinger
6994630: java/lang/instrument/ fails with -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic
The logic of ClassFileParser::java_dyn_MethodHandle_fix_pre needs to take care of an already changed vmentry signature.
Reviewed-by: never, jrose
2010-10-28 00:48:18 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
2010-06-04 17:44:51 -04:00