Thomas Stuefe
8202073: MetaspaceAllocationTest gtest shall lock during space creation
Reviewed-by: coleenp
2018-04-23 16:25:16 +02:00
Martin Doerr
8198756: Lazy allocation of compiler threads
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-04-18 11:19:32 +02:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8201850: [AOT] vm crash when run test compiler/aot/fingerprint/
Set AOT specific compressed oop shift value before CDS archive load
Reviewed-by: iklam, jiangli
2018-04-20 14:30:57 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
8202037: Split slow ctw_1 tests
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-04-19 15:31:06 -07:00
Christoph Langer
8202000: AIX build broken after JDK-8195099
Reviewed-by: goetz, stuefe, mbaesken
2018-04-19 12:12:05 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8201505: Use WeakHandle for ProtectionDomainCacheTable and ResolvedMethodTable
8193524: Redefining a method that removes use of 1 or more lambda expressions causes the JVM to hang
Remove oop pointers from runtime data structures.
Co-authored-by: Lois Foltan <>
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, stefank
2018-04-18 12:06:53 -04:00
Thomas Schatzl
8201596: java.lang.ref.Reference processing total time logging broken
Fix "Reference Processing" and add "Weak Processing" time
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, sangheki
2018-04-18 11:36:48 +02:00
Thomas Schatzl
8201487: Do not rebalance reference processing queues if not doing parallel reference processing
Reviewed-by: sangheki, kbarrett
2018-04-18 11:36:48 +02:00
Robbin Ehn
8195099: Concurrent safe-memory-reclamation mechanism
This implement a globalcounter with RCU semantics.
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, dcubed, eosterlund, gziemski, mlarsson, kbarrett, dholmes
2018-04-18 09:25:51 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8197972: Always verify non-system classes during CDS dump time
Use -Verify:remote even if the user specifies -Xverify:none during CDS dump time
Reviewed-by: iklam, mseledtsov, jiangli
2018-04-17 16:19:48 -07:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8201430: [TESTBUG] Remove script from runtime/6626217
Reviewed-by: dholmes, mdoerr
2018-04-11 14:49:06 +02:00
Alex Menkov
8200195: serviceability/jvmti/FieldAccessWatch/ crashes with "assert(thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_native) failed: coming from wrong thread state"
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, cjplummer
2018-04-10 15:33:11 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8194812: Extend class-data sharing to support the module path
8199360: Rework the support for the 'ignored' module options in CDS
Reviewed-by: jiangli, lfoltan, iklam, mseledtsov
2018-04-10 11:43:40 -07:00
Christian Tornqvist
8201334: Move runtime/NMT/ to hotspot_tier3_runtime
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, mseledtsov, mikael
2018-04-10 08:13:06 -04:00
Roman Kennke
8199735: Mark word updates need to use Access API
Reviewed-by: shade, eosterlund
2018-04-05 10:54:53 +02:00
Kim Barrett
8200697: Add utility for spin wait with fallback to yield/sleep
Added SpinYield utility class.
Co-authored-by: Robbin Ehn <>
Reviewed-by: dcubed, coleenp, dholmes
2018-04-09 01:22:37 -04:00
Harold Seigel
8198908: Add JVM support for preview features
Add new major and minor version checks
Reviewed-by: dholmes, lfoltan
2018-04-06 09:59:48 -04:00
Stefan Karlsson
8201212: Remove INCLUDE_ALL_GCS from OopStorage files
Reviewed-by: kbarrett
2018-04-06 11:37:33 +02:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2018-04-06 03:53:28 +02:00
Gary Adams
8199782: Fix compilation warnings detected by Solaris Developer Studio 12.6
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, dholmes, ihse
2018-04-05 11:18:39 -07:00
Harold Seigel
8200261: Regression with JVM anonymous class
Restore resolved anonymous class when creating a new constantpool because of overpass methods
Reviewed-by: coleenp, lfoltan
2018-04-05 13:19:25 -04:00
Sean Mullan
8193032: Remove terminally deprecated SecurityManager APIs
Remove the checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboardAccess, checkAwtEventQueueAccess, and checkMemberAccess methods.
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, kcr
2018-04-04 11:26:10 -04:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
8200126: [TESTBUG] Open source VM runtime signal tests
Open sourced the signal tests, updated make files and test groups accordingly
Reviewed-by: dholmes, ctornqvi, ihse
2018-04-03 08:56:46 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8200461: MeetIncompatibleInterfaceArrays test fails with -Xcomp
Add requires to run test only in Xmixed mode.
Reviewed-by: simonis
2018-03-30 07:47:20 -07:00
Thomas Stuefe
8191101: Show register content in hs-err file on assert
Reviewed-by: adinn, clanger, simonis
2018-03-30 06:31:16 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8200078: [Graal] runtime/appcds/ crashes in visit_all_interfaces
Stop CDS dumping right away when an OOM due to insufficient metaspace is encountered
Reviewed-by: iklam, mseledtsov
2018-03-29 21:48:38 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8200391: clean up test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList.txt (compiler related)
Reviewed-by: mseledtsov
2018-03-29 09:52:53 -07:00
Volker Simonis
8200360: MeetIncompatibleInterfaceArrays fails with " must be compiled at tier 0 !"
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2018-03-29 14:50:25 +02:00
Leonid Mesnik
8200187: Exclude 3 long-running tests from tier1
Reviewed-by: dholmes, cjplummer
2018-03-28 13:25:15 -07:00
Leonid Mesnik
8200091: [TESTBUG] Update jittester for jdk11
Reviewed-by: iignatyev
2018-03-28 13:38:08 -07:00
Alex Menkov
8198393: Instrumentation.retransformClasses() throws NullPointerException when handling a zero-length array
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, cjplummer
2018-03-28 12:10:24 -07:00
Thomas Schatzl
8197573: Remove concurrent cleanup and secondary free list handling
Remove secondary free list and all associated functionality, moving the cleanup work into the Cleanup pause instead.
Reviewed-by: sangheki, sjohanss
2018-03-28 16:39:32 +02:00
Per Lidén
8199925: Break out GC selection logic from GCArguments to GCConfig
Reviewed-by: eosterlund, rkennke
2018-03-28 11:38:47 +02:00
Per Lidén
8199918: Shorten names of CollectedHeap::Name members
Reviewed-by: shade, eosterlund
2018-03-28 11:38:47 +02:00
Volker Simonis
8198915: [Graal] 3rd testcase of compiler/types/ takes more than 10 mins
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2018-03-28 11:27:35 +02:00
Tobias Hartmann
8200227: [Graal] Test times out with Graal due to low compile threshold
Removed unnecessary VM options from test to avoid timeouts with Graal.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-03-27 11:13:11 +02:00
Thomas Schatzl
8193067: gc/g1/ still unstable
Fix number of gc threads and heap waste percentage to trigger mixed gcs reproducibly
Reviewed-by: sjohanss, pliden
2018-03-27 11:05:01 +02:00
Alex Menkov
8049695: nsk/jdb/options/connect/connect003 fails with "Launched jdb could not attach to debuggee during 300000 milliseconds"
Reviewed-by: dholmes, sspitsyn, cjplummer
2018-03-26 09:27:24 -07:00
Thomas Schatzl
8196485: FromCardCache default card index can cause crashes
The default value of -1 for 32 bit card indices is a regular card value at the border of 2TB heap addresses in the from card cache, so G1 may loose remembered set entries. Extend from card cache entries to 64 bits.
Co-authored-by: Jarkko Miettinen <>
Reviewed-by: shade, sjohanss
2018-03-26 16:51:43 +02:00
Thomas Schatzl
8180415: Rebuild remembered sets during the concurrent cycle
In general maintain remembered sets of old regions only from the start of the concurrent cycle to the mixed gc they are used, at most until the end of the mixed phase.
Reviewed-by: sjohanss, sangheki
2018-03-26 16:51:43 +02:00
Per Lidén
8199850: Move parsing of VerifyGCType to G1
Reviewed-by: sjohanss, tschatzl
2018-03-26 12:44:39 +02:00
Jesper Wilhelmsson
2018-03-24 01:08:35 +01:00
Jan Lahoda
8200135: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ is failing after JDK-8194978
Adjusting the expected number of exception table entries to the recent changes in javac.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-03-28 10:24:26 +02:00
Roland Westrelin
8193130: Bad graph when unrolled loop bounds conflicts with range checks
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2018-03-22 20:21:19 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8199212: [TESTBUG] don't run compiler/aot tests with -Xcomp
8199489: [TESTBUG] don't run CTW tests with -Xcomp
Reviewed-by: iignatyev, iveresov
2018-03-22 16:39:02 -07:00
Tobias Hartmann
8199777: Deprecate -XX:+AggressiveOpts
Deprecate -XX:+AggressiveOpts and remove it from testing.
Reviewed-by: kvn, dholmes, shade
2018-03-22 08:39:51 +01:00
Ekaterina Pavlova
8200071: Fix test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList-graal.txt
Reviewed-by: iignatyev
2018-03-21 13:30:03 -07:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
8199880: runtime/appcds/condy/ missing at requires vm.cds
Added at requires vm.cds
Reviewed-by: dcubed, jiangli
2018-03-21 13:18:06 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8196294: LoopStripMiningIterShortLoop is set to zero by default
Reviewed-by: shade, thartmann, kvn
2018-03-21 10:05:36 +01:00
George Triantafillou
8194054: [TESTBUG] Test runtime/CommandLine/OptionsValidation/ failed with -1073740940 (FFFFFFFFC0000374)
Reviewed-by: stsmirno, coleenp
2018-03-21 11:27:29 -04:00