9 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sean Mullan
db85090553 8338411: Implement JEP 486: Permanently Disable the Security Manager
Co-authored-by: Sean Mullan <mullan@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Alan Bateman <alanb@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Weijun Wang <weijun@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Aleksei Efimov <aefimov@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Brian Burkhalter <bpb@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Fuchs <dfuchs@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Harshitha Onkar <honkar@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Joe Wang <joehw@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Jorn Vernee <jvernee@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Justin Lu <jlu@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Kevin Walls <kevinw@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Lance Andersen <lancea@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Naoto Sato <naoto@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Roger Riggs <rriggs@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Brent Christian <bchristi@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Stuart Marks <smarks@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Ian Graves <igraves@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Phil Race <prr@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Erik Gahlin <egahlin@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Jaikiran Pai <jpai@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: kevinw, aivanov, rriggs, lancea, coffeys, dfuchs, ihse, erikj, cjplummer, coleenp, naoto, mchung, prr, weijun, joehw, azvegint, psadhukhan, bchristi, sundar, attila
2024-11-12 17:16:15 +00:00
Doug Lea
cc25d8b12b 8319662: ForkJoinPool trims worker threads too slowly
8319498: ForkJoinPool.invoke(ForkJoinTask) does not specify behavior when task throws checked exception

Reviewed-by: alanb
2023-12-06 16:12:59 +00:00
Alan Bateman
9583e3657e 8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview)
Co-authored-by: Ron Pressler <rpressler@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Alan Bateman <alanb@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Erik Österlund <eosterlund@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Haley <aph@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Rickard Bäckman <rbackman@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Markus Grönlund <mgronlun@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Leonid Mesnik <lmesnik@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Serguei Spitsyn <sspitsyn@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Chris Plummer <cjplummer@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Coleen Phillimore <coleenp@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Robbin Ehn <rehn@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Karlsson <stefank@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Thomas Schatzl <tschatzl@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Sergey Kuksenko <skuksenko@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: lancea, eosterlund, rehn, sspitsyn, stefank, tschatzl, dfuchs, lmesnik, dcubed, kevinw, amenkov, dlong, mchung, psandoz, bpb, coleenp, smarks, egahlin, mseledtsov, coffeys, darcy
2022-05-07 08:06:16 +00:00
David Holmes
2e542e33b8 8274349: ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with 1 CPU
Co-authored-by: Doug Lea <dl@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: shade, martin
2021-10-04 23:14:12 +00:00
Martin Buchholz
81e9e6a7fc 8260461: Modernize jsr166 tck tests
Reviewed-by: dl
2021-01-28 18:06:55 +00:00
Martin Buchholz
270014ab4e 8234131: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2021-01
8257671: ThreadPoolExecutor.Discard*Policy: rejected tasks are not cancelled

Reviewed-by: alanb, prappo, dl
2021-01-09 21:59:27 +00:00
Doug Lea
53d3a4f50c 8211283: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-11
Reviewed-by: martin, chegar
2018-11-28 15:25:14 -08:00
Doug Lea
f9b19eb874 8195590: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-02
Reviewed-by: martin, psandoz, dholmes
2018-02-10 09:23:41 -08:00
Erik Joelsson
3789983e89 8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00