Rachna Goel
8146750: java.time.Month.getDisplayName() return incorrect narrow names with JRE provider on locale de,de_DE,en_US
Reviewed-by: okutsu, rriggs, naoto, peytoia
2016-10-21 11:33:37 +09:00
Ramanand Patil
8166875: (tz) Support tzdata2016g
Reviewed-by: martin, okutsu
2016-10-05 16:39:13 +05:30
Alexandre Iline
8148859: Fix module dependences for java/time tests
Reviewed-by: alanb, rriggs
2016-09-06 17:07:06 -04:00
Ivan Gerasimov
8164366: ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds() does not reject invalid input
Reviewed-by: scolebourne, ntv, coffeys
2016-08-22 22:16:54 +03:00
Nadeesh TV
8066806: java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter cannot parse an offset with single digit hour
Added support for single digit hour in offset
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-07-28 10:28:21 +00:00
Naoto Sato
8043387: java/time/test/java/util/TestFormatter.java failed
Reviewed-by: sherman
2016-06-15 09:24:16 -07:00
Ramanand Patil
8151876: (tz) Support tzdata2016d
Reviewed-by: okutsu, coffeys
2016-06-01 14:33:44 +01:00
Rachna Goel
8145136: Upgrade CLDR locale data
Reviewed-by: naoto, okutsu, peytoia
2016-05-31 13:00:48 +09:00
Bhanu Prakash Gopularam
8156718: Need tests for IsoFields getFrom for unsupported non-Iso Temporal fields
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-05-25 09:14:55 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8155823: Add date-time patterns 'v' and 'vvvv'
Addded necessary methodss
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-05-13 18:58:32 +00:00
Bhanu Prakash Gopularam
8062804: IsoFields WEEK_BASED_YEAR and QUARTER_OF_YEAR too lenient
Addded the necessary chck in IsoFields WEEK_BASED_YEAR and QUARTER_OF_YEAR
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-05-11 10:28:23 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8079628: java.time: DateTimeFormatter containing "DD" fails on 3-digit day-of-year value`
Change the definition of 'DD' to match with CLDR
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-05-08 07:46:19 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8148949: DateTimeFormatter pattern letters 'A','n','N'
Changed the definition of pattern letters 'A','n','N' because it does not match the definition of CLDR
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-05-06 12:48:19 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8031085: DateTimeFormatter won't parse dates with custom format "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"
Changed the FractionPrinterParser to subclass of NumberPrinterParser to make it participate in adjacent value parsing
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-04-25 09:37:43 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8148947: DateTimeFormatter pattern letter 'g'
Handled 'g' in the required places
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-04-22 05:46:54 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8154050: java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter can't parse localized zone-offset
Corrected the mistake in calculating parse end position
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-04-21 17:51:18 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8148849: Truncating Duration
Introduce a new method to truncatedTo()
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-04-13 10:41:27 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8030864: Add an efficient getDateTimeMillis method to java.time
Added epochSecond method in Chronology and overided it in IsoChronology
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-04-06 07:20:37 +00:00
Nadeesh TV
8032051: "ZonedDateTime" class "parse" method fails with short time zone offset ("+01")
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-03-21 14:24:11 -04:00
Roger Riggs
8085887: java.time.format.FormatStyle.LONG or FULL causes unchecked exception
8076528: LocalTime.format() throws exception when FormatStyle is LONG or FULL
Reviewed-by: sherman, scolebourne
2016-03-16 13:16:14 -04:00
Nadeesh TV
8146747: java.time.Duration.toNanos() and toMillis() exception on negative durations
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-02-08 09:56:26 -05:00
Ramanand Patil
8147912: test "parseWithZoneWithoutOffset" of java/time/tck/java/time/format/TCKDTFParsedInstant.java fail on de_DE locale
Even though hardcoded data is not preferred in compatibility test cases, this case was exception. English is provided as the default locale data for DateTimeFormatter in this testcase.
Reviewed-by: okutsu, scolebourne
2016-02-02 13:55:44 +05:30
Roger Riggs
8143016: java/time/test/java/time/TestClock_System.java failed intermittently
Reviewed-by: lancea, scolebourne
2016-02-01 14:50:06 -05:00
Tagir F. Valeev
8146218: Add LocalDate.datesUntil method producing Stream<LocalDate
Reviewed-by: scolebourne, rriggs, sherman
2016-02-01 10:02:40 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8068803: Performance of LocalDate.plusDays could be better
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-01-11 11:39:12 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8145166: Duration.toString violates specification
Correct Duration.toString method
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2016-01-05 10:09:48 -05:00
Ramanand Patil
8066982: ZonedDateTime.parse() returns wrong ZoneOffset around DST fall transition
In Parsed.java the method resolveInstant() is altered such that, the offset (if present) will be given priority over zone.
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-12-25 16:43:37 +03:00
Nadeesh TV
8143413: add toEpochSecond methods for efficient access
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-12-23 13:19:58 -05:00
Roger Riggs
8032510: Add java.time.Duration.dividedBy(Duration)
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-12-16 13:00:29 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8142936: Add java.time.Duration methods for days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-12-09 15:27:21 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8071919: Add java.time.Clock.tickMillis(ZoneId zone) method
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, rriggs, scolebourne
2015-11-17 11:06:46 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8072746: LocalDate.isEra() should return IsoEra not Era
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-11-17 10:44:22 -05:00
Roger Riggs
8133079: java.time LocalDate and LocalTime ofInstant() factory methods
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-11-16 15:28:55 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8054978: java.time.Duration.parse() fails for negative duration with 0 seconds and nanos
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-11-13 11:52:56 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8138664: ZonedDateTime parse error for any date using 'GMT0' ZoneID - Java Bug System
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne, sherman
2015-11-10 14:12:53 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8066571: UnsupportedTemporalTypeException is thrown not only in the case of unsupported temporal - Java Bug System
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-11-10 14:11:50 -05:00
Nadeesh TV
8134928: java.time.Instant.truncatedTo(TemporalUnit unit) is truncating up if the year < 1970
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-10-20 13:10:28 -04:00
Roger Riggs
8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Reviewed-by: lancea, chegar, simonis, dfuchs, igerasim
2015-08-06 14:35:04 -04:00
Naoto Sato
8129881: JDK-8008577 breaks Nashorn test
8130845: Change to CLDR Locale data in JDK 9 b71 causes SimpleDateFormat parsing errors
8132125: German (Switzerland) formatting broken if CLDR Locale Data is used
Reviewed-by: tbell, okutsu
2015-08-03 21:47:50 -07:00
Naoto Sato
8008577: Use CLDR Locale Data by Default
Reviewed-by: erikj, okutsu
2015-06-24 16:42:11 -07:00
Peter Levart
8079063: ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of should throw IAE for non-zero nanoseconds
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-06-04 10:58:17 +02:00
Roger Riggs
8081022: java/time/test/java/time/format/TestZoneTextPrinterParser.java fails by timeout on slow device
Reduce number of iterations to 8 instead of 50
Reviewed-by: naoto
2015-05-27 15:57:10 -04:00
Roger Riggs
8078369: [testbug] java/time/tck/java/time/TCKOffsetTime[now] fails on slow devices
Increase the tolerance between successive calls to now() to 20sec
Reviewed-by: scolebourne, sherman, dfuchs
2015-04-27 16:31:47 -04:00
Xueming Shen
8077640: DateTimeFormatter does not parse/accept the era.toString() result from MinguoEra/ThaiBuddhistEra
To parse and accept the era.toString() for era parsing in lenient/smart mode
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2015-04-13 11:15:41 -07:00
Xueming Shen
8074406: DateTimeFormatter.appendZoneOrOffsetId() fails to resolve a ZoneOffset for OffsetDateTime
To support resolve OffsetDateTime from DTF.appendZoneOrOffset()
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2015-03-07 10:11:03 -08:00
Daniel Fuchs
8074032: Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).toEpochMilli() can throw arithmetic overflow in toEpochMilli()
Instant.toEpochMilli() now takes into account the sign of the 'seconds' field.
Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-03-02 14:46:10 +01:00
Daniel Fuchs
8073394: Clock.systemUTC() should return a constant
Clock.systemUTC() now returns SystemClock.UTC
Reviewed-by: scolebourne, rriggs, plevart, lancea
2015-02-24 21:51:45 +01:00
Roger Riggs
8067800: Unexpected DateTimeException in the java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology.isLeapYear
Check the year range consistently with other Hijrah date years
Reviewed-by: lancea, scolebourne
2015-02-06 17:29:11 -05:00
Roger Riggs
8068278: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException instead of DateTimeException in j.t.chrono.JapaneseChronology.eraOf()
Corrected era range check
Reviewed-by: mchung, lancea
2015-02-03 14:39:57 -05:00
Daniel Fuchs
8068730: Increase the precision of the implementation of java.time.Clock.systemUTC()
Changes the implementation of java.time.Clock.systemUTC() to take advantage of the maximum resolution of the underlying native clock on which System.currentTimeMillis() is based.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, rriggs, scolebourne, sla
2015-01-28 17:48:59 +01:00