Vladimir Kozlov
8209023: fix 2 compiler tests to avoid JDK-8208690
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dcubed
2018-08-06 18:49:51 -07:00 |
Stefan Karlsson
8204168: Increase small heap sizes in tests to accommodate ZGC
Reviewed-by: pliden, ehelin
2018-06-05 15:56:21 +02:00 |
Boris Ulasevich
8203431: TestFloatsOnStackDeopt.java throws java.lang.LinkageError: loader <bootstrap> attempted duplicate class definition for java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLL
Reviewed-by: redestad
2018-05-22 14:54:55 +02:00 |
Boris Ulasevich
8202710: AARCH64: sporadic jtreg test fail
Reviewed-by: aph, dsamersoff
2018-05-18 13:23:28 +03:00 |
Dmitry Chuyko
8191129: AARCH64: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
Reviewed-by: vlivanov
2017-12-01 18:20:00 +03:00 |
Rahul Raghavan
8191313: compiler/runtime/SpreadNullArg.java fails in tier1
Corrected SpreadNullArg.java test to expect NullPointerException after 8157246 fix
Reviewed-by: dcubed, mchung
2017-11-26 09:05:13 -08:00 |
Dean Long
8190817: deopt special-case for _return_register_finalizer is confusing and leads to bugs
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, dpochepk
2017-11-21 09:04:42 -08:00 |
Jamsheed Mohammed C M
8167409: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
The tmp reg used to break the shuffling cycle (handled in ComputeMoveOrder) is set to 64 bit.
Reviewed-by: dlong
2017-11-06 04:14:22 -08:00 |
Jamsheed Mohammed C M
8167408: Invalid critical JNI function lookup
Made correction to arg_size calculation in NativeLookup::lookup_critical_entry
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dlong, mdoerr, vlivanov
2017-11-06 00:30:36 -08:00 |
Jamsheed Mohammed C M
8168712: [AOT] assert(false) failed: DEBUG MESSAGE: InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_base: last_sp != NULL
Skip the assert for this specific case, as it is not an issue.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dlong, kvn
2017-10-24 06:06:56 -07:00 |
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00 |