Mikhail Lapshin
6690791: Even more ClassCasetException with TrayIcon
Event.getComponent() is used unstead of (Component)event.getSource()
Reviewed-by: peterz
2008-04-30 13:19:26 +04:00 |
Pavel Porvatov
6642612: JFileChooser approve buttons should use Open and Save text (GTK)
In FileChooser under GTK LaF "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons were made with the same size
Reviewed-by: peterz
2008-04-30 13:01:01 +04:00 |
Pavel Porvatov
6524424: JSlider Clicking In Tracks Behavior Inconsistent For Different Tick Spacings
JSlider should use minimal tick space in SnapToTicks mode
Reviewed-by: peterz
2008-04-30 12:32:05 +04:00 |
Pavel Porvatov
6614972: JSlider value should not change on right-click
WindowsSliderUI won't use the right mouse button for change slider position
Reviewed-by: alexp
2008-04-29 17:48:01 +04:00 |
Florian Brunner
6693507: There are unnecessary compilation warnings in the com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif package
Removed unnecessary castings and other warnings
Reviewed-by: peterz
2008-04-29 15:47:17 +04:00 |
Pavel Porvatov
6210674: FileChooser fails to load custom harddrive icon and gets NullPointerException
WindowsPlacesBar should use default icon for folders that doesn't have own icon
Reviewed-by: loneid
2008-04-29 13:49:13 +04:00 |
Pavel Porvatov
4252173: Inability to reuse the HorizontalSliderThumbIcon
Removed casting component to JSlider from MetalIconFactory
Reviewed-by: alexp
2008-04-28 17:17:45 +04:00 |
Mikhail Lapshin
6691503: Malicious applet can show always-on-top popup menu which has whole screen size
The fix for 6675802 is replaced by a try-catch clause that catches SequrityExceptions for applets.
Reviewed-by: alexp
2008-04-23 18:06:34 +04:00 |
Mikhail Lapshin
6675802: Regression: heavyweight popups cause SecurityExceptions in applets
The problem code in Popup class is surrounded by AccessController.doPrivileged()
Reviewed-by: alexp
2008-04-18 18:21:02 +04:00 |
Mikhail Lapshin
6612531: api/javax_swing/ScrollPaneLayout/index.html#xxxLayoutSize (ScrollPaneLayout2024) throws NPE
Added a check for the NPE
Reviewed-by: alexp
2008-04-14 16:41:00 +04:00 |
Kirill Kirichenko
6624717: Corrupted combo box, GTK L&F, Ubuntu 7.10
Reviewed-by: peterz
2008-04-11 16:25:17 +04:00 |
Peter Zhelezniakov
4765383: JTextArea.append(String) not thread safe
Several swing.text methods are not marked thread-safe anymore.
Reviewed-by: gsm
2008-04-07 13:07:04 +04:00 |
Peter Zhelezniakov
4714674: JEditorPane.setPage(url) blocks AWT thread when HTTP protocol is used
Both POST and GET can now be processed asynchronously; PageLoader refactored
Reviewed-by: gsm
2008-04-03 16:41:43 +04:00 |
Mark Reinhold
6669216: Add jcheck configuration directories
Reviewed-by: ohair, xdono
2008-02-29 20:04:01 -08:00 |
Xiomara Jayasena
Added tag jdk7-b24 for changeset 90ce3da70b43
2007-12-04 16:28:33 -08:00 |
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00 |