Christian Thalinger
6893081: method handle & invokedynamic code needs additional cleanup (post 6815692, 6858164)
During the work for 6829187 we have fixed a number of basic bugs which are logically grouped with 6815692 and 6858164 but which must be reviewed and pushed separately.
Reviewed-by: kvn, never
2010-01-04 18:38:08 +01:00
Tom Rodriguez
6892658: C2 should optimize some stringbuilder patterns
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2009-11-12 09:24:21 -08:00
Xiomara Jayasena
6862919: Update copyright year
Update copyright for files that have been modified in 2009, up to 07/09
Reviewed-by: tbell, ohair
2009-07-28 12:12:40 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6788527: Server vm intermittently fails with assertion "live value must not be garbage" with fastdebug bits
Cache Jvmti and DTrace flags used by Compiler.
Reviewed-by: never
2009-05-08 10:44:20 -07:00
John R Rose
6655646: dynamic languages need dynamically linked call sites
Invokedynamic instruction (JSR 292 RI)
Reviewed-by: twisti, never
2009-04-21 23:21:04 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
6384206: Phis which are later unneeded are impairing our ability to inline based on static types
Reviewed-by: rasbold, jrose
2008-09-17 12:59:52 -07:00
Xiomara Jayasena
6719955: Update copyright year
Update copyright year for files that have been modified in 2008
Reviewed-by: ohair, tbell
2008-07-02 12:55:16 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6703890: Compressed Oops: add LoadNKlass node to generate narrow oops (32-bits) compare instructions
Add LoadNKlass and CMoveN nodes, use CmpN and ConN nodes to generate narrow oops compare instructions.
Reviewed-by: never, rasbold
2008-05-21 13:46:23 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
6666343: Compile::has_loops not always set correctly
Compile::has_loops() should be set from inlined methods
Reviewed-by: kvn, rasbold
2008-03-18 11:17:37 -07:00
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00