Coleen Phillimore
7017009: Secondary out of c-heap memory error reporting out of memory
Use os::malloc() to allocate buffer to read elf symbols and check for null
Reviewed-by: zgu, phh, dsamersoff, dholmes, dcubed
2011-02-03 21:30:08 -05:00
Keith McGuigan
6766644: Redefinition of compiled method fails with assertion "Can not load classes with the Compiler thread"
Defer posting events from the compiler thread: use service thread
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes, never, dcubed
2011-02-02 14:38:01 -05:00
Bob Vandette
7016023: Enable building ARM and PPC from src/closed repository
Reviewed-by: dholmes, bdelsart
2011-02-02 11:35:26 -05:00
Coleen Phillimore
6990754: Use native memory and reference counting to implement SymbolTable
Move symbols from permgen into C heap and reference count them
Reviewed-by: never, acorn, jmasa, stefank
2011-01-27 16:11:27 -08:00
Antonios Printezis
6977804: G1: remove the zero-filling thread
This changeset removes the zero-filling thread from G1 and collapses the two free region lists we had before (the "free" and "unclean" lists) into one. The new free list uses the new heap region sets / lists abstractions that we'll ultimately use it to keep track of all regions in the heap. A heap region set was also introduced for the humongous regions. Finally, this change increases the concurrency between the thread that completes freeing regions (after a cleanup pause) and the rest of the system (before we'd have to wait for said thread to complete before allocating a new region). The changest also includes a lot of refactoring and code simplification.
Reviewed-by: jcoomes, johnc
2011-01-19 19:30:42 -05:00
Coleen Phillimore
7009828: Fix for 6938627 breaks visualvm monitoring when is defined
Change get_temp_directory() back to /tmp and %TEMP% like it always was and where the tools expect it to be.
Reviewed-by: phh, dcubed, kamg, alanb
2011-01-12 13:59:18 -08:00
Coleen Phillimore
6302804: Hotspot VM dies ungraceful death when C heap is exhausted in various places
Enhance the error reporting mechanism to help user to fix the problem rather than making it look like a VM error.
Reviewed-by: kvn, kamg
2011-01-03 14:09:11 -05:00
Coleen Phillimore
2010-12-16 09:31:55 -05:00
Zhengyu Gu
2010-12-11 13:46:36 -05:00
Zhengyu Gu
7003748: Decode C stack frames when symbols are presented (PhoneHome project)
Implemented in-process C native stack frame decoding when symbols are available.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, never
2010-12-11 13:20:56 -05:00
Igor Veresov
2010-12-08 17:50:49 -08:00
John R Rose
7001379: bootstrap method data needs to be moved from constant pool to a classfile attribute
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-12-03 15:53:57 -08:00
Christian Thalinger
6961690: load oops from constant table on SPARC
Oops should be loaded from the constant table of an nmethod instead of materializing them with a long code sequence.
Reviewed-by: never, kvn
2010-12-03 01:34:31 -08:00
Ivan P Krylov
6348631: remove the use of the HPI library from Hotspot
Move functions from hpi library to hotspot, communicate with licensees and open source community, check jdk for dependency, file CCC request
Reviewed-by: coleenp, acorn, dsamersoff
2010-12-01 18:26:32 -05:00
Stefan Karlsson
6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
Replaced MakeDeps and the includeDB files with more standardized solutions.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, kamg
2010-11-23 13:22:55 -08:00
John R Rose
6984311: JSR 292 needs optional bootstrap method parameters
Allow CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic nodes to have any number of extra operands.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-10-30 13:08:23 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
6970683: improvements to hs_err output
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose, dholmes, coleenp
2010-10-21 11:55:10 -07:00
Karen Kinnear
2010-10-13 11:46:46 -04:00
Keith McGuigan
6392697: Additional flag needed to supress Hotspot warning messages
Apply PrintJvmWarnings flag to all warnings
Reviewed-by: coleenp, phh
2010-10-12 10:57:33 -04:00
John Coomes
2010-10-08 09:29:09 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
6983240: guarantee((Solaris::min_stack_allowed >= (StackYellowPages+StackRedPages...) wrong
Min_stack_allowed is a compile time constant and Stack*Pages are settable
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kvn
2010-10-07 08:06:06 -07:00
Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna
6692906: CMS: parallel concurrent marking may be prone to hanging or stalling mutators for periods of time
Inserted missing yield(check)s in closures used during the work-stealing phase of parallel concurrent marking, a missing synchronous yield-request in the cms perm gen allocation path, and a terminator-terminator for the offer_termination invocation that monitors the yield status of the concurrent marking task. Elaborated some documentation comments and made some task queue termination loop flags configurable at start-up to aid debugging in the field.
Reviewed-by: jmasa, johnc, poonam
2010-09-29 16:17:02 -07:00
John Coomes
6423256: GC stacks should use a better data structure
6942771: SEGV in ParScanThreadState::take_from_overflow_stack
Reviewed-by: apetrusenko, ysr, pbk
2010-09-28 15:56:15 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2010-09-16 16:48:40 -07:00
Tomas Hurka
6765718: Indicate which thread throwing OOME when generating the heap dump at OOME
Emit a fake frame that makes it look like the thread is in the OutOfMemoryError zero-parameter constructor
Reviewed-by: dcubed
2010-09-11 08:18:31 +02:00
Pavel Tisnovsky
6934483: GCC 4.5 errors "suggest parentheses around something..." when compiling with -Werror and -Wall
These are minor changes fixing compile failure when -Wall -Werror flags are used under gcc 4.5.
Reviewed-by: twisti, kvn, rasbold
2010-09-09 05:24:11 -07:00
Jon Masamitsu
6984287: Regularize how GC parallel workers are specified
Associate number of GC workers with the workgang as opposed to the task.
Reviewed-by: johnc, ysr
2010-09-20 14:38:38 -07:00
Keith McGuigan
2010-09-07 11:38:09 -04:00
Igor Veresov
6953144: Tiered compilation
Infrastructure for tiered compilation support (interpreter + c1 + c2) for 32 and 64 bit. Simple tiered policy implementation.
Reviewed-by: kvn, never, phh, twisti
2010-09-03 17:51:07 -07:00
Ivan P Krylov
6979444: add command line option to print command line flags descriptions
Implementation of a nonproduct boolean flag XX:PrintFlagsWithComments
Reviewed-by: kamg, dholmes, dsamersoff
2010-08-31 03:14:00 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Reviewed-by: kvn
2010-08-27 17:33:49 -07:00
John Cuthbertson
2010-08-14 00:47:52 -07:00
Gary Benson
6976186: integrate Shark HotSpot changes
Shark is a JIT compiler for Zero that uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2010-08-11 05:51:21 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
2010-08-09 17:51:56 -07:00
John Coomes
6966222: G1: simplify TaskQueue overflow handling
Reviewed-by: tonyp, ysr
2010-08-09 05:41:05 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Added more checks into ResourceObj and growableArray to verify correctness of allocation type.
Reviewed-by: never, coleenp, dholmes
2010-08-03 15:55:03 -07:00
Bob Vandette
6953477: Increase portability and flexibility of building Hotspot
A collection of portability improvements including shared code support for PPC, ARM platforms, software floating point, cross compilation support and improvements in error crash detail.
Reviewed-by: phh, never, coleenp, dholmes
2010-08-03 08:13:38 -04:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6973308: Missing zero length check before repne scas in check_klass_subtype_slow_path()
Set Z = 0 (not equal) before repne_scan() to indicate that class was not found when RCX == 0.
Reviewed-by: never, phh
2010-07-30 10:21:15 -07:00
Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna
2010-07-23 14:31:15 -07:00
John Coomes
6962947: shared TaskQueue statistics
Reviewed-by: tonyp, ysr
2010-07-16 21:33:21 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
2010-07-16 08:29:42 -07:00
John R Rose
6964498: JSR 292 invokedynamic sites need local bootstrap methods
Add JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic records to constant pool to determine per-instruction BSMs.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2010-07-15 18:40:45 -07:00
John Coomes
6957084: simplify TaskQueue overflow handling
Reviewed-by: ysr, jmasa
2010-07-01 21:40:45 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6730276: JDI_REGRESSION tests fail with "Error: count must be non-zero" error on x86
Modify assembler code to check for 0 count for all copy routines.
Reviewed-by: never, ysr, jcoomes
2010-06-10 13:04:20 -07:00
John R Rose
6939203: JSR 292 needs method handle constants
Add new CP types CONSTANT_MethodHandle, CONSTANT_MethodType; extend 'ldc' bytecode.
Reviewed-by: twisti, never
2010-06-09 18:50:45 -07:00
John R Rose
2010-06-02 22:45:42 -07:00
Erik Trimble
6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
Change all the Sun copyrights to Oracle copyright
Reviewed-by: ohair
2010-05-27 19:08:38 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6916623: Align object to 16 bytes to use Compressed Oops with java heap up to 64Gb
Added new product ObjectAlignmentInBytes flag to control object alignment.
Reviewed-by: twisti, ysr, iveresov
2010-05-27 18:01:56 -07:00
John Coomes
6951319: enable solaris builds using Sun Studio 12 update 1
Reviewed-by: kamg, ysr, dholmes, johnc
2010-05-18 11:02:18 -07:00
John Coomes
6888954: argument formatting for assert() and friends
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti, apetrusenko, never, dcubed
2010-04-22 13:23:15 -07:00