Mandy Chung
8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
Reviewed-by: jjg, alanb, erikj
2015-05-27 13:25:18 -07:00
Alexander Kulyakhtin
8076543: Add @modules as needed to the langtools tests
Reviewed-by: jjg, shurailine
2015-05-21 11:41:04 -07:00
Jonathan Gibbons
8050429: Update/cleanup ToolBox
Reviewed-by: vromero
2014-08-13 13:20:31 -07:00
Robert Field
8037404: javac NPE or VerifyError for code with constructor reference of inner class
8047341: lambda reference to inner class in base class causes LambdaConversionException
8044748: JVM cannot access constructor though ::new reference although can call it directly
8044737: Lambda: NPE while obtaining method reference through lambda expression
Revamp and simplify handling of complex method references
Reviewed-by: dlsmith, vromero
2014-06-24 00:43:46 -07:00
Jan Lahoda
8027142: Invokedynamic instructions don't get line number table entries
When emitting invokedynamic instruction, write pendingStatPos, if set, into the LineNumberTable. Invokedynamic itself does not set the pendingStatPos.
Reviewed-by: jjg, jrose, ksrini, vromero
2013-11-09 15:24:38 +01:00
Jan Lahoda
8026861: Wrong LineNumberTable for variable declarations in lambdas
Setting or correcting positions for many trees produced by LambdaToMethod.
Reviewed-by: vromero, rfield
2013-10-23 07:50:04 +02:00
Jan Lahoda
8027191: Fix for JDK-8026861 refers to an incorrect bug number
Reverting changeset e7c8a164d7bd, so that it can be applied again with a correct bug number
Reviewed-by: jjg
2013-10-23 23:02:17 +02:00
Jan Lahoda
8026508: Invokedynamic instructions don't get line number table entries
Setting or correcting positions for many trees produced by LambdaToMethod.
Reviewed-by: vromero, rfield
2013-10-23 07:50:04 +02:00
Robert Field
8023668: Desugar serializable lambda bodies using more robust naming scheme
Lambda / bridged method-reference naming overhaul
Reviewed-by: ksrini, briangoetz
2013-10-22 16:53:21 -07:00
Vicente Romero
8019486: javac, generates erroneous LVT for a test case with lambda code
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
2013-08-08 11:49:16 +01:00