Robbin Ehn
8219436: Safepoint logs correction and misc
Reviewed-by: mdoerr, coleenp
2019-02-22 14:20:06 +01:00
Robbin Ehn
8203469: Faster safepoints
Reviewed-by: dcubed, pchilanomate, dholmes, acorn, coleenp, eosterlund
2019-02-15 14:15:10 +01:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
8217659: monitor_logging updates from Async Monitor Deflation project
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp, rehn
2019-01-31 11:19:58 -05:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
8217658: baseline_cleanups from Async Monitor Deflation project
Baseline_cleanups from Async Monitor Deflation project plus a couple of misc others.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, rehn
2019-01-29 14:09:38 -05:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
8202415: Incorrect time logged for monitor deflation
Add support for "deflating per-thread idle monitors" log mesgs.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp
2018-11-27 18:35:16 -05:00
Boris Ulasevich
8213410: UseCompressedOops requirement check fails fails on 32-bit system
Reviewed-by: dholmes
2018-11-16 19:29:20 +03:00
Leonid Mesnik
8209920: runtime/logging/ fail with OOME with ZGC
Reviewed-by: pliden
2018-08-27 12:45:31 -07:00
Leonid Mesnik
8209150: [TESTBUG] Add logging to verify JDK-8197901 to a different test
Reviewed-by: coleenp, mseledtsov
2018-08-23 16:47:53 -07:00
Lois Foltan
8202605: Standardize on ClassLoaderData::loader_name() throughout the VM to obtain a class loader's name
Introduced ClassLoaderData::name() and ClassLoaderData::name_and_id() for use when obtaining a class loader's name.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, goetz, mchung, stuefe
2018-06-19 07:54:11 -04:00
Stefan Karlsson
8204168: Increase small heap sizes in tests to accommodate ZGC
Reviewed-by: pliden, ehelin
2018-06-05 15:56:21 +02:00
Stefan Karlsson
8204167: Filter out tests requiring compressed oops when CompressedOops is disabled
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kbarrett
2018-06-05 15:56:17 +02:00
Stefan Karlsson
8204165: Filter out tests requiring class unloading when ClassUnloading is disabled
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kbarrett
2018-06-05 15:56:14 +02:00
Stefan Karlsson
8204160: BiasedLockingTest needs -XX:+UseBiasedLocking
Reviewed-by: eosterlund, dholmes
2018-06-05 15:56:07 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8203960: [TESTBUG] runtime/logging/ failed when running in CDS mode
Added an interface with a default method. The InnerClass implements the interface.
Reviewed-by: iklam, dholmes
2018-05-31 11:41:25 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8198926: Move ClassLoaderData::_dependencies to ClassLoaderData::_handles
Move dependency creation and cleaned up logging
Reviewed-by: hseigel, jiangli
2018-03-06 17:15:16 -05:00
Martin Doerr
8194258: PPC64 safepoint mechanism: Fix initialization on AIX and support SIGTRAP
Use mmap on AIX to allocate protected page. Use trap instructions for polling if UseSIGTRAP is enabled.
Reviewed-by: rehn, goetz
2018-01-10 11:09:55 +01:00
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00