157 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jean Christophe Beyler
fd3378a73e 8213501: Deploy ExceptionJniWrapper for a few tests
Add more tests to be using the wrapper

Reviewed-by: phh, amenkov, sspitsyn, dholmes, cjplummer
2019-04-23 08:11:38 -07:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
66c817134f 8222299: [TESTBUG] move hotspot container tests to hotspot/containers
Moved the tests, updated relevant files

Reviewed-by: dholmes, iignatyev
2019-04-12 12:26:29 -07:00
Ioi Lam
e2ffa15762 8221351: Crash in KlassFactory::check_shared_class_file_load_hook
Reviewed-by: dholmes, ccheung
2019-03-29 08:42:32 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
3ed98222a7 8220744: Move RedefineTests to from runtime to serviceability
Move tests out of runtime to jvmti/RedefineClasses

Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, dcubed, cjplummer, hseigel, mseledtsov
2019-03-19 14:22:47 -04:00
Harold Seigel
871541b342 8220085: runtime/CompressedOops/UseCompressedOops.java times out on Windows intermittently
Increase the test's timeout to 480 and move it from tier1 to tier3.

Reviewed-by: lfoltan, mseledtsov
2019-03-08 08:19:16 -05:00
Sangheon Kim
b2f2e669c9 8217666: gc/nvdimm/* should not be included any tiers
Reviewed-by: iignatyev, lkorinth
2019-01-29 11:21:43 -08:00
Kishor Kharbas
d580e2eed2 8211425: Allocation of old generation of java heap on alternate memory devices - G1 GC
8202286: Allocation of old generation of Java heap on alternate memory devices

Enable an experimental feature in HotSpot JVM to allocate old generation of G1 GC on an alternative memory device, such as NV-DIMMs.

Reviewed-by: sangheki, sjohanss
2018-12-21 08:18:59 -08:00
Roman Kennke
8b62a2ee9d 8214259: Implementation: JEP 189: Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector (Experimental)
Co-authored-by: Christine Flood <chf@redhat.com>
Co-authored-by: Aleksey Shipilev <shade@redhat.com>
Co-authored-by: Roland Westrelin <rwestrel@redhat.com>
Co-authored-by: Zhenygu Gu <zgu@redhat.com>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Dinn <adinn@redhat.com>
Co-authored-by: Mario Torre <mtorre@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland, shade, coleenp, lmesnik, pliden, jgeorge, ihse, erikj
2018-12-10 15:47:44 +01:00
Thomas Schatzl
49efeb69ff 8212657: Implementation of JDK-8204089 Promptly Return Unused Committed Memory from G1
Issue optional, default enabled, concurrent cycles when the VM is idle to reclaim unused internal and Java heap memory.

Co-authored-by: Rodrigo Bruno <rbruno@gsd.inesc-id.pt>
Co-authored-by: Ruslan Synytsky <rs@jelastic.com>
Reviewed-by: sjohanss, sangheki
2018-12-10 10:25:27 +01:00
Igor Ignatyev
35871a8ca1 8213058: remove ExecuteInternalVMTests and VerboseInternalVMTests flags
Reviewed-by: erikj, dholmes, ihse
2018-11-02 16:27:55 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
daf3cd17c4 8211392: compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/Launcher.java times out in JDK12 CI
Use default compile threshold for these tests

Reviewed-by: thartmann
2018-10-03 10:38:30 -07:00
Mikael Vidstedt
8e53d1b5dc 8211350: Remove jprt support
Reviewed-by: dholmes, erikj, mchung, alanb, jjg
2018-10-02 22:36:08 -07:00
Christian Tornqvist
4805473049 8207855: Make applications/jcstress invoke tests in batches
Reviewed-by: kvn, iignatyev
2018-07-20 09:15:54 -04:00
Igor Ignatyev
4ab3ee9f6d 8206429: [REDO] 8202561 clean up TEST.groups
Reviewed-by: kvn, dholmes, ctornqvi
2018-07-05 20:00:04 -07:00
Felix Yang
0fdb83a54c 8206378: Backout JDK-8202561
Reviewed-by: dholmes
2018-07-05 13:22:44 +08:00
Igor Ignatyev
297b2fda0f 8202561: clean up TEST.groups file
Reviewed-by: kvn, iklam, epavlova
2018-06-28 10:51:02 -07:00
Ekaterina Pavlova
992c9ee022 8205207: Port Graal unit tests under jtreg
Reviewed-by: kvn, erikj, iignatyev
2018-06-28 17:07:34 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
69106b4333 8202554: Remove hotspot tests for javafx.* modules
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-06-27 15:15:11 -07:00
Leonid Mesnik
c83edf5ae6 8203491: [TESTBUG] Port heapdump tests into java
Reviewed-by: coleenp, jgeorge
2018-06-13 16:32:02 -07:00
Aleksey Shipilev
a1518ac9b2 8204180: Implementation: JEP 318: Epsilon, A No-Op Garbage Collector
Introduce Epsilon GC

Reviewed-by: rkennke, ihse, pliden, eosterlund, lmesnik, jgeorge, stefank
2018-06-12 15:03:00 +02:00
Leonid Mesnik
f8d429f9c1 8204103: Mark test serviceability/dcmd/compiler/CompilerQueueTest.java as intermittent and exclude it from tier1
Reviewed-by: kvn, jwilhelm
2018-06-05 02:15:37 +02:00
Igor Ignatyev
c4ec887262 8202812: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase compiler tests
Reviewed-by: kvn, mseledtsov
2018-06-01 15:48:55 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
2e0bda002d 8199371: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase JDWP tests
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, mseledtsov
2018-05-30 20:54:45 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
91cff962f9 8199380: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase AOD tests
Reviewed-by: erikj, sspitsyn
2018-05-30 16:18:56 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
59ac4c2629 8199383: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase JVMTI tests
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, erikj
2018-05-24 17:12:15 -07:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
6b45a75b88 8199255: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase default methods tests
Open sourced default method tests

Reviewed-by: ccheung, iignatyev, erikj
2018-05-23 17:09:49 -07:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
6fcf6a9b20 8199257: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase metaspace tests
Open sourced VM metaspace tests

Reviewed-by: coleenp, stuefe
2018-05-22 13:05:22 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
619bf3a01c 8199379: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase JDB tests
Reviewed-by: mseledtsov, sspitsyn
2018-05-22 10:08:04 -07:00
Leonid Mesnik
5dcd1ced4c 8199271: [TESTBUG] open source VM testbase stress tests
Reviewed-by: mseledtsov, sspitsyn, erikj
2018-05-17 16:21:27 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
072459a055 8199370: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase GC tests
Reviewed-by: erikj, ihse, ehelin
2018-05-17 14:52:47 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
01b0f9ea7d 8199384: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase MLVM tests
Reviewed-by: erikj, mseledtsov, vlivanov
2018-05-17 00:23:28 -07:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
8d586517f4 8199252: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase system dictionary tests
Opensourced the tests

Reviewed-by: iignatyev, gziemski
2018-05-16 16:43:11 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
f575533a17 8202392: [TESTBUG] open source vm testbase heapdump tests
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, mseledtsov
2018-05-15 11:28:29 -07:00
Leonid Mesnik
f25fbfe1d2 8202748: jtreg :hotspot_misc group shouldn't include vmTestbase tests
Reviewed-by: iignatyev, mseledtsov
2018-05-08 15:28:12 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
e48cfc709d 8199382: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase JDI tests
Reviewed-by: erikj, kvn, sspitsyn
2018-05-05 09:24:29 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
47bc94b60e 8199375: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase monitoring tests
Reviewed-by: kvn, ihse, sspitsyn
2018-05-02 16:43:56 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
b0268d4b00 8154204: [TESTBUG] Update DefaultUseWithClient test to handle client-less builds
Removed the DefaultUseWithClient.java test

Reviewed-by: hseigel, jiangli
2018-04-30 09:37:10 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
1b027ddfe9 8202273: [AOT] Graal does not support the CMS collector
Avoid running AOT and JVMCI tests with CMS

Reviewed-by: dcubed
2018-04-27 08:28:06 -07:00
Mikael Vidstedt
2dbc9735ac 8202169: Reduce ctw_2 duration by parallelizing CtwRunner invocations
Reviewed-by: kvn, iignatyev
2018-04-24 21:40:10 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
716ac034c4 8202037: Split slow ctw_1 tests
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-04-19 15:31:06 -07:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
f82560174b 8201430: [TESTBUG] Remove script from runtime/6626217
Reviewed-by: dholmes, mdoerr
2018-04-11 14:49:06 +02:00
Christian Tornqvist
0b26707d47 8201334: Move runtime/NMT/MallocStressTest.java to hotspot_tier3_runtime
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, mseledtsov, mikael
2018-04-10 08:13:06 -04:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
fc89e7ac24 8200126: [TESTBUG] Open source VM runtime signal tests
Open sourced the signal tests, updated make files and test groups accordingly

Reviewed-by: dholmes, ctornqvi, ihse
2018-04-03 08:56:46 -07:00
Leonid Mesnik
e3d3493329 8200187: Exclude 3 long-running tests from tier1
Reviewed-by: dholmes, cjplummer
2018-03-28 13:25:15 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
6b886727ca 8199212: [TESTBUG] don't run compiler/aot tests with -Xcomp
8199489: [TESTBUG] don't run CTW tests with -Xcomp

Reviewed-by: iignatyev, iveresov
2018-03-22 16:39:02 -07:00
Razvan Lupusoru
343cf9910d 8199421: Add support for vector popcount
Reviewed-by: kvn
2018-03-13 10:22:15 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
5b3ff5aaab 8198789: [TESTBUG] CTW of java.base and java.desktop takes long time
Move long running tests into separate CTW task

Reviewed-by: iignatyev, dlong
2018-03-02 15:02:26 -08:00
Christian Tornqvist
052e9233e2 8198551: Rename hotspot_tier1 test group to tier1
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, iignatyev
2018-02-22 14:58:01 -05:00
Jiangli Zhou
61e736cbae 8188791: Move AppCDS from closed repo to open repo
Co-authored-by: Mikhailo Seledtsov <mikhailo.seledtsov@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Calvin Cheung <calvin.cheung@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: dsamersoff, simonis, minqi
2017-11-27 20:21:34 -08:00
Mikhailo Seledtsov
eadfc06bd0 8189762: [TESTBUG] Create tests for JDK-8146115 container awareness and resource configuration
Created tests for the feature

Reviewed-by: bobv, iignatyev
2017-11-16 19:01:01 -08:00