Igor Ignatyev
8176176: fix @modules in jdk_svc tests
Reviewed-by: shurailine, sspitsyn
2017-03-15 22:48:59 -07:00
Alan Bateman
2016-12-01 11:16:23 +00:00
Alan Bateman
8169069: Module system implementation refresh (11/2016)
Co-authored-by: Mandy Chung <mandy.chung@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Claes Redestad <claes.redestad@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mark Reinhold <mark.reinhold@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: plevart, chegar, psandoz, mchung, alanb, dfuchs, naoto, coffeys, weijun
2016-12-01 08:57:53 +00:00
Mandy Chung
8169909: java agent fails to add to class path when the initial module is a named module
Reviewed-by: alanb
2016-11-20 07:57:57 -08:00
Chris Plummer
8167001: [TESTBUG] java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/TestDaemonThread.java fails when run by jprt
Force classpath to be added to subprocesses
Reviewed-by: dholmes, sspitsyn
2016-10-18 12:36:20 -07:00
Chris Plummer
8161225: Assert failure in JVMTI GetNamedModule at JPLISAgent.c line: 792
Made the assert less restrictive.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dcubed, sspitsyn
2016-09-21 12:53:07 -07:00
Alejandro Murillo
2016-09-16 10:57:21 -07:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8160950: Agent JAR added to app class loader rather than system class loader when running with -Djava.system.class.loader
Add agent JAR to the custom system class loader
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, dholmes
2016-09-12 15:00:58 -07:00
Alexander Kulyakhtin
8139368: -javaagent and -Dcom.sun.management need to add to the initial set of modules to resolve
A new test for the -javaagent option
Reviewed-by: mchung, alanb
2016-09-09 15:16:22 +03:00
Alejandro Murillo
2016-08-31 13:50:02 -07:00
Alexandre Iline
8164982: Fix legal notices in java/lang, java/net, java/util tests
Reviewed-by: darcy, iris
2016-08-31 09:46:50 -07:00
Robbin Ehn
8158628: test/java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java: Error occurred during initialization of VM: Failed to start tracing backend
Reviewed-by: sla, gtriantafill
2016-08-24 20:51:37 +02:00
Robbin Ehn
8164208: Update tests with redefine classes UL options and tags
Reviewed-by: coleenp, gtriantafill
2016-08-24 20:38:22 +02:00
Mandy Chung
8136930: Simplify use of module-system options by custom launchers
Reviewed-by: alanb, ksrini, henryjen, sundar
2016-08-10 15:51:25 -07:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8159147: Add ClassLoader parameter to new ClassFileTransformer transform method
Add ClassLoader parameter to new ClassFileTransformer transform method
Reviewed-by: alanb, dholmes, dcubed, mchung
2016-07-09 21:41:14 -07:00
Alexandre Iline
8158855: Fix remaining module dependences in java/lang
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, amlu
2016-06-15 10:25:25 -07:00
Alejandro Murillo
2016-05-14 09:11:07 -07:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8156147: NPE in InstrumentationImpl.transform when loading classes from -Xbootclasspath/a
Use the jdk.internal.loader.Bootloader if the loader argument is null
Reviewed-by: alanb
2016-05-06 12:45:04 -07:00
Max Ockner
8154110: Update class* and safepoint* logging subsystems
Refactored logging tags in class and safepoint subsystems.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, rehn, hseigel
2016-04-29 22:39:44 -04:00
Alan Bateman
8142968: Module System implementation
Initial integration of JEP 200, JEP 260, JEP 261, and JEP 282
Co-authored-by: Alex Buckley <alex.buckley@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Karen Kinnear <karen.kinnear@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mandy Chung <mandy.chung@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mark Reinhold <mark.reinhold@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Alexandr Scherbatiy <alexandr.scherbatiy@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Amy Lu <amy.lu@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Calvin Cheung <calvin.cheung@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Harold Seigel <harold.seigel@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jaroslav Bachorik <jaroslav.bachorik@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jean-Francois Denise <jean-francois.denise@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Jan Lahoda <jan.lahoda@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: James Laskey <james.laskey@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Lois Foltan <lois.foltan@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Miroslav Kos <miroslav.kos@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Huaming Li <huaming.li@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sean Mullan <sean.mullan@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Naoto Sato <naoto.sato@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Masayoshi Okutsu <masayoshi.okutsu@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Peter Levart <peter.levart@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Philip Race <philip.race@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Claes Redestad <claes.redestad@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergey Bylokhov <sergey.bylokhov@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Alexandre Iline <alexandre.iline@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Volker Simonis <volker.simonis@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Staffan Larsen <staffan.larsen@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Stuart Marks <stuart.marks@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Semyon Sadetsky <semyon.sadetsky@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Serguei Spitsyn <serguei.spitsyn@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sundararajan Athijegannathan <sundararajan.athijegannathan@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Valerie Peng <valerie.peng@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Vincent Ryan <vincent.x.ryan@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Weijun Wang <weijun.wang@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuri Nesterenko <yuri.nesterenko@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Yekaterina Kantserova <yekaterina.kantserova@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Kulyakthin <alexander.kulyakhtin@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Felix Yang <felix.yang@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Andrei Eremeev <andrei.eremeev@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Frank Yuan <frank.yuan@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergei Pikalev <sergei.pikalev@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sibabrata Sahoo <sibabrata.sahoo@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Tiantian Du <tiantian.du@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Sha Jiang <sha.jiang@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, naoto, rriggs, psandoz, plevart, mullan, ascarpino, vinnie, prr, sherman, dfuchs, mhaupt
2016-03-17 19:04:16 +00:00
Alejandro Murillo
2016-03-05 20:46:44 -08:00
Markus Grönlund
8151100: Test java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java can't attempt to do CheckIntrinsics
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, ddmitriev, egahlin
2016-03-03 12:34:55 +01:00
Alexandre Iline
8150998: Fix module dependences in java/lang tests
Reviewed-by: mchung
2016-03-03 15:13:55 -08:00
Max Ockner
8079408: Reimplement TraceClassLoading, TraceClassUnloading, and TraceClassLoaderData with Unified Logging
TraceClassLoading, TraceClassUnloading, and TraceClassLoaderData have been reimplemented using Unified logging.
Reviewed-by: iklam, coleenp, dholmes, jiangli, hseigel, rprotacio
2016-02-02 17:14:00 -05:00
Alexandre Iline
8140336: Add @modules for exported dependencies to jdk_core tests
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung
2015-10-27 20:06:02 -07:00
Martin Buchholz
8136583: Core libraries should use blessed modifier order
Run blessed-modifier-order script (see bug)
Reviewed-by: psandoz, chegar, alanb, plevart
2015-09-15 21:56:04 -07:00
Katja Kantserova
8132094: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
Reviewed-by: jbachorik, sspitsyn
2015-07-22 09:51:40 +02:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
8132059: com/sun/jdi/BreakpointTest.java fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad line number
Reviewed-by: dcubed
2015-07-21 18:38:09 +02:00
Katja Kantserova
8075658: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
Reviewed-by: jbachorik, olagneau, darcy
2015-07-20 13:14:47 +02:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
8046869: Several java/lang/instrument/PremainClass/* tests fail due to timeout
Reviewed-by: sla
2015-05-13 10:17:38 +02:00
Katja Kantserova
8078896: Add @modules as needed to the jdk_svc tests
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung
2015-05-07 09:11:49 +02:00
Alejandro Murillo
2015-05-01 03:56:04 -07:00
Joe Darcy
8078334: Mark regression tests using randomness
Reviewed-by: xuelei, alanb
2015-04-29 10:25:53 -07:00
Shanliang Jiang
8042901: Allow com.sun.management to be in a different module to java.lang.management
Reviewed-by: mchung, dfuchs, erikj, jbachorik
2015-04-17 09:40:02 +02:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8067662: "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.<init>
Update java/lang/instrument/RedefineMethodInBacktrace.sh test to cover the hotspot fix
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dcubed
2015-03-20 01:59:08 -07:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8046246: the constantPoolCacheOopDesc::adjust_method_entries() used in RedefineClasses does not scale
Add new test java/lang/instrument/ManyMethodsBenchmarkAgent.java
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dcubed
2015-02-25 01:02:04 -08:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8068162: jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
Enable the test: java/lang/instrument/IsModifiableClassAgent.java
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dcubed
2015-01-26 15:46:47 -08:00
Alexander Kulyakthin
8068242: Quarantine the test IsModifiableClassAgent.java
Quarantine the test
Reviewed-by: hseigel, jbachorik, dsamersoff
2014-12-27 07:09:32 -08:00
Yumin Qi
8038468: java/lang/instrument/ParallelTransformerLoader.sh fails with ClassCircularityError
Add check null for loader in transform to avoid when loading a class in callback handler for boot loader, CFLH set early enough to catch classes needed during class loading, i.e. sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader$2 seen in the failure.
Reviewed-by: acorn, sspitsyn
2014-11-26 15:33:43 -08:00
Mattias Tobiasson
8061960: java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/TestDaemonThread.java regularly fails due to exceeded timeout
Move timeout parameter to correct place on command line
Reviewed-by: jbachorik
2014-10-28 11:45:31 +01:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
8056143: interrupted java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/LowMemoryTest.java leaves running process
Reviewed-by: sla, dholmes
2014-10-17 10:53:30 +02:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
8037082: java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java failing
Reviewed-by: sla
2014-08-25 18:17:24 +02:00
Staffan Larsen
8055677: java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh RetransformBigClass.sh start failing after JDK-8055012
Write dcmd output to separate files so it does not confuse the output.
Reviewed-by: ctornqvi, mgronlun
2014-08-21 13:09:28 +02:00
Christian Tornqvist
8055012: [TESTBUG] NMTHelper fails to parse NMT output
Fixed the regular expression to parse the slightly changed output format of the new NMT implementation
Reviewed-by: olagneau, sla
2014-08-19 06:56:59 -07:00
Serguei Spitsyn
8048185: [TESTBUG] need a JTREG test for the fix of JDK-8042796 (OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found)
Need to integrate the jtreg unit test for the fixed bug JDK-8042796
Reviewed-by: dcubed, coleenp
2014-06-26 03:26:20 -07:00
Katja Kantserova
8043520: Serviceability tests using @library failing with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Reviewed-by: sla, egahlin
2014-05-22 11:05:36 +02:00
Katja Kantserova
8034960: Serviceability tests using @library failing with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Reviewed-by: sla, alanb
2014-05-09 15:24:57 +02:00
Brent Christian
6835233: Fedora 9 jdk regression test failed: java/lang/instrument/ParallelTransformerLoader.sh
Remove @ignore from ParallelTransformerLoader.sh
Reviewed-by: alanb, sla, smarks
2014-02-28 10:27:54 -08:00
Lana Steuck
8029235: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository for 2013
Updated files with 2011, 2012 and 2013 years according to the file's last updated date
Reviewed-by: tbell, lancea, chegar
2013-12-26 12:04:16 -08:00
Sunny Chan
7142035: assert in j.l.instrument agents during shutdown when daemon thread is running
Reviewed-by: sla
2014-01-28 09:33:39 -05:00