Weijun Wang
8267184: Add -Djava.security.manager=allow to tests calling System.setSecurityManager
Co-authored-by: Lance Andersen <lancea@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Weijun Wang <weijun@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: dholmes, alanb, dfuchs, mchung, mullan, prr
2021-05-24 16:55:55 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
8266646: Add more diagnostic to java/lang/System/LoggerFinder/modules
Reviewed-by: naoto, iris, bpb, lancea
2021-05-07 12:56:49 +00:00
Naoto Sato
8265989: System property for the native character encoding name
Reviewed-by: iris, joehw, rriggs
2021-05-04 17:30:14 +00:00
Christoph Langer
8262018: Wrong format in SAP copyright header of OsVersionTest
Reviewed-by: mdoerr
2021-02-19 14:44:53 +00:00
Christoph Langer
8261753: Test java/lang/System/OsVersionTest.java still failing on BigSur patch versions after JDK-8253702
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2021-02-16 12:57:59 +00:00
Mikael Vidstedt
8244224: Implementation of JEP 381: Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports
Reviewed-by: alanb, bchristi, dcubed, dfuchs, eosterlund, erikj, glaubitz, ihse, iignatyev, jjiang, kbarrett, ksrini, kvn, naoto, prr, rriggs, serb, sspitsyn, stefank, tschatzl, valeriep, weijun, weijun
2020-05-20 17:33:37 -07:00
Stefan Karlsson
8244078: ProcessTools executeTestJvm and createJavaProcessBuilder have inconsistent handling of test.*.opts
Reviewed-by: dholmes, cjplummer
2020-05-04 21:20:39 +02:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8185139: [Graal] Tests which set too restrictive security manager fail with Graal
Tests should also check default policy
Reviewed-by: mchung, dfuchs, alanb, mullan
2019-06-21 13:04:14 -07:00
Daniel Fuchs
8195716: BootstrapLoggerTest : Executor still alive
Make sure the test joins the active executor thread before waiting for the executor to be GC'ed.
Reviewed-by: mchung, martin
2019-02-01 14:15:49 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
8213402: [Testbug] java/lang/System/LoggerFinder/internal/PlatformLoggerBridgeTest creates an invalid nest relationship
The failing tests are refactored to make the custom logger finder class a top-level class.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, mchung
2018-12-19 11:48:34 +01:00
Roger Riggs
4947890: Minimize JNI upcalls in system-properties initialization
Reviewed-by: erikj, mchung, bchristi, ihse, coleenp, stuefe
2018-11-28 15:53:49 -05:00
Roger Riggs
8185496: Improve performance of system properties initialization in initPhase1
8213424: VersionProps duplicate and skipped initialization
Reviewed-by: mchung, redestad, dholmes
2018-11-09 13:28:16 -05:00
Daniel Fuchs
8213301: Fix legal headers in jdk logging tests
Reviewed-by: chegar, mchung
2018-11-05 11:20:47 +00:00
Sean Mullan
8191053: Provide a mechanism to make system's security manager immutable
Make System.setSecurityManager optional to support and add new disallow and allow options to the java.security.manager system property
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, rriggs, smarks
2018-10-10 16:25:40 -04:00
Igor Ignatyev
8182404: remove jdk.testlibrary.JDKToolFinder and JDKToolLauncher
Reviewed-by: amenkov, jcbeyler, alanb
2018-09-10 14:23:37 -07:00
Igor Ignatyev
8210112: remove jdk.testlibrary.ProcessTools
Reviewed-by: alanb, sspitsyn, jcbeyler
2018-09-07 14:01:52 -07:00
Roger Riggs
8206495: Redundant System.setProperty(null) tests
Reviewed-by: mchung, lancea
2018-07-06 15:22:07 -04:00
Brent Christian
8204565: (spec) Document java.{vm.}?specification.version system properties' relation to $FEATURE
Reviewed-by: mchung
2018-06-12 14:08:24 -07:00
Mandy Chung
8198249: Remove deprecated Runtime::runFinalizersOnExit and System::runFinalizersOnExit
Reviewed-by: dholmes, alanb, smarks
2018-02-23 12:10:56 -08:00
Amy Lu
8195981: Move some tests to OpenJDK for jdk_lang test group
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung
2018-02-05 11:12:09 +08:00
Amy Lu
8194959: Correct test tag to move bugid from @test to @bug
Reviewed-by: sundar
2018-01-12 14:09:50 +08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8191788: add jdk.internal.vm.compiler to --limit-modules if -Djvmci.Compiler=graal is in the command line
Skip tests which use --limit-modules when Graal is used as JIT compiler.
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, dholmes, ccheung, dnsimon
2017-12-13 11:59:55 -08:00
Naoto Sato
8189291: Test policy should extend the default system policy
Reviewed-by: mchung
2017-10-24 08:56:30 -07:00
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00