Harold Seigel
8214840: runtime/NMT/MallocStressTest.java timed out
Add volatile to declaration of static field shared by multiple threads
Reviewed-by: dcubed, dholmes, coleenp
2018-12-07 08:16:50 -05:00 |
Harold Seigel
8204525: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/MallocStressTest.java ran out of java heap
Handle OutOfMemoryError exception to prevent test aborting
Reviewed-by: zgu, dholmes
2018-11-26 09:46:20 -05:00 |
Zhengyu Gu
8214124: [TESTBUG] Bugs in runtime/NMT/MallocStressTest.java
Fix possible negative size and index that can cause the test to fail
Reviewed-by: stuefe, shade
2018-11-20 20:09:11 -05:00 |
Vladimir Kozlov
8199212: [TESTBUG] don't run compiler/aot tests with -Xcomp
8199489: [TESTBUG] don't run CTW tests with -Xcomp
Reviewed-by: iignatyev, iveresov
2018-03-22 16:39:02 -07:00 |
Igor Ignatyev
8186635: ClassFileInstaller should be run as a driver
Reviewed-by: dholmes
2018-01-17 21:44:44 -08:00 |
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00 |