Doug Lea
8169748: LinkedTransferQueue bulk remove is O(n^2)
8172023: Concurrent spliterators fail to handle exhaustion properly
Reviewed-by: martin, psandoz, smarks
2017-02-03 13:24:59 -08:00 |
Doug Lea
8171051: LinkedBlockingQueue spliterator needs to support node self-linking
Reviewed-by: martin, smarks, psandoz
2016-12-21 14:22:53 -08:00 |
Doug Lea
8143577: optimize ArrayList.removeIf
8169679: ArrayList.subList().iterator().forEachRemaining() off-by-one-error
8167202: ArrayDeque improvements
8164793: new ArrayDeque(2**N) allocates backing array of size 2**(N+1)
8169739: LinkedBlockingDeque spliterator needs to support node self-linking
8169738: CopyOnWriteArrayList subList needs more synchronization
Reviewed-by: martin, smarks, psandoz, forax
2016-11-28 23:36:11 -08:00 |
Doug Lea
8150416: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-03
Reviewed-by: martin, psandoz
2016-03-03 10:46:22 -08:00 |
Doug Lea
8146467: Integrate JSR 166 jck tests into JDK repo
Reviewed-by: martin, psandoz, chegar, fyuan, jjg
2016-01-29 11:44:19 -08:00 |