Mikael Vidstedt
8029233: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 hotspot repository for 2013
Copyright year updated for files modified during 2013
Reviewed-by: twisti, iveresov
2013-12-24 11:48:39 -08:00
Jiangli Zhou
7133260: AllocationProfiler uses space in metadata and doesn't seem to do anything useful
Remove -Xaprof and Klass::_alloc_count & ArrayKlass::_alloc_size.
Reviewed-by: stefank, coleenp
2013-07-03 17:26:59 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8016325: JVM hangs verifying system dictionary
Minimize redundant verifications of Klasses.
Reviewed-by: hseigel, jmasa
2013-06-24 18:55:46 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8003421: NPG: Move oops out of InstanceKlass into mirror
Inject protection_domain, signers, init_lock into java_lang_Class
Reviewed-by: stefank, dholmes, sla
2013-05-22 14:37:49 -04:00
Harold Seigel
8001471: Klass::cast() does nothing
Remove function Klass::cast() and calls to it.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp
2012-11-12 16:15:05 -05:00
Coleen Phillimore
8000213: NPG: Should have renamed arrayKlass and typeArrayKlass
Capitalize these metadata types (and objArrayKlass)
Reviewed-by: stefank, twisti, kvn
2012-09-29 06:40:00 -04:00
Jon Masamitsu
6964458: Reimplement class meta-data storage to use native memory
Remove PermGen, allocate meta-data in metaspace linked to class loaders, rewrite GC walking, rewrite and rename metadata to be C++ classes
Co-authored-by: Stefan Karlsson <stefan.karlsson@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Mikael Gerdin <mikael.gerdin@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Tom Rodriguez <tom.rodriguez@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: jmasa, stefank, never, coleenp, kvn, brutisso, mgerdin, dholmes, jrose, twisti, roland
2012-09-01 13:25:18 -04:00
Serguei Spitsyn
7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
The JVMTI ResourceExhausted events must be generated in all places where OOME is thrown
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, dcubed, dholmes, dsamersoff, jwilhelm, tonyp
2012-03-14 20:06:48 -07:00
Erik Trimble
7010070: Update all 2010 Oracle-changed OpenJDK files to have the proper copyright dates - second pass
Update the copyright to be 2010 on all changed files in OpenJDK
Reviewed-by: ohair
2011-04-05 14:12:31 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
6990754: Use native memory and reference counting to implement SymbolTable
Move symbols from permgen into C heap and reference count them
Reviewed-by: never, acorn, jmasa, stefank
2011-01-27 16:11:27 -08:00
Stefan Karlsson
6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
Replaced MakeDeps and the includeDB files with more standardized solutions.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, kamg
2010-11-23 13:22:55 -08:00
Bob Vandette
6953477: Increase portability and flexibility of building Hotspot
A collection of portability improvements including shared code support for PPC, ARM platforms, software floating point, cross compilation support and improvements in error crash detail.
Reviewed-by: phh, never, coleenp, dholmes
2010-08-03 08:13:38 -04:00
Erik Trimble
6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
Change all the Sun copyrights to Oracle copyright
Reviewed-by: ohair
2010-05-27 19:08:38 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
6914300: ciEnv should export all well known classes
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2010-01-06 14:22:39 -08:00
Xiomara Jayasena
6884624: Update copyright year
Update copyright for files that have been modified in 2009 through Septermber
Reviewed-by: tbell, ohair
2009-09-22 14:06:10 -07:00
Jeremy Manson
6850957: Honor -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError when array size exceeds VM limit
Call report_java_out_of_memory("Requested array size exceeds VM limit")
Reviewed-by: tbell, dholmes, alanb, ysr
2009-06-29 14:42:12 -07:00
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00