Alan Bateman
8003846: Override mechanism for currency data should not require creating in java.home
Reviewed-by: naoto
2012-12-02 16:37:31 +00:00
Xueming Shen
8004212: java.util.Base64 methods decodeArray and decodeBuffer should return the number of bytes written
To return the length instead of position
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-12-01 11:36:25 -08:00
Kurchi Subhra Hazra
7197662: (prefs) java/util/prefs/ fails by timeout or by "couldn't get file lock"
Set -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot to current working directory of user in the prefs tests
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, weijun, dxu
2012-11-30 12:00:07 -08:00
Staffan Larsen
7155168: java/util/TimeZone/ expected Asia/Tokyo
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-11-30 08:17:02 +01:00
Jim Gish
8003380: Compiler warnings in logging test code
Use generics, suppress warnings where appropriate, remove unused imports, etc.
Reviewed-by: lancea, chegar
2012-11-29 12:28:02 +00:00
Xueming Shen
8004088: hg push for bug#4235519 failed to push all files
Pushed all base64 files
Reviewed-by: alanb, mduigou
2012-11-27 22:07:11 -08:00
David Buck
7198904: (alt-rt) TreeMap.clone is broken
Test case for cr7198904. Issue only found in OracleJDK, but test case is valid for OpenJDK as well
Reviewed-by: mduigou, dholmes
2012-11-20 21:35:18 -08:00
Naoto Sato
7199750: Loading sequence of service provider is changed
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-11-15 20:17:05 -08:00
Jim Gish
6244047: impossible to specify directories to logging FileHandler unless they exist
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-11-15 13:46:45 +00:00
Masayoshi Okutsu
8000986: Split java.util.spi.CalendarDataProvider into week parameters and field names portions
Reviewed-by: naoto
2012-11-12 11:12:29 +09:00
Naoto Sato
8001205: Calendar.getDisplayName(...): Returns null when provider is SPI but there is no SPI implementation
8001562: Collator.getAvailableLocales() doesn't return all locales for which localized instances are available
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-11-07 15:08:28 -08:00
Alan Bateman
7197491: update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository
Reviewed-by: chegar, ksrini
2012-11-02 15:50:11 +00:00
Naoto Sato
8001440: CLDR adapter: Invalid number extension in language tag causes exception in NumberFormat.format()
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-11-01 13:28:47 -07:00
Naoto Sato
8000997: Multiple locale sensitive services cannot be loaded
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-10-29 10:42:41 -07:00
Jim Gish
7159567: inconsistent configuration of MemoryHandler
Reviewed-by: mchung, alanb
2012-10-25 15:04:09 -07:00
Naoto Sato
8001046: java/util/PluggableLocale/ failing
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-10-17 13:22:39 -07:00
Paul Sandoz
7198496: (sl) ServiceLoader.load(Class, null) behavior differs from spec
Reviewed-by: dholmes, alanb
2012-10-17 20:34:04 +01:00
Neil Richards
8000955: Hashtable.Entry.hashCode() does not conform to Map.Entry.hashCode() defined behaviour
Reviewed-by: mduigou, alanb
2012-10-17 13:35:22 +01:00
Alan Bateman
8000685: (props) Properties.storeToXML/loadFromXML should only require UTF-8 and UTF-16 to be supported
Reviewed-by: mchung, chegar
2012-10-17 11:43:56 +01:00
Kurchi Subhra Hazra
7198073: (prefs) user prefs not saved [macosx]
Using class member field to get node instead of argument
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-10-16 15:23:17 -07:00
Naoto Sato
8000245: SimpleDateFormat.format(date, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) doesn't work as expected with custom extensions
8000273: java.util.Locale.getDisplayVariant(Locale l) isn't transferred to the custom service provider
8000615: JRE adapter: timezone name of en_US is changed when extension directory is added
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-10-16 10:59:21 -07:00
Jim Gish
7146552: java/util/logging/ failing intermittently
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung
2012-10-13 10:15:57 +01:00
Naoto Sato
7200341: DateFormatSymbols.hashCode() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in some circumstances
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-10-09 09:59:05 -07:00
Alan Bateman
8000354: (props) Properties.storeToXML/loadFromXML need to allow for alternative implementations
Reviewed-by: mchung, forax
2012-10-06 13:56:16 +01:00
Naoto Sato
7198834: HOST Adapter: one extra empty space in the end of the pattern string
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-10-05 09:57:50 -07:00
Naoto Sato
7196799: CLDR adapter can not be invoked when region code is specified in Locale
7197573: java/util/Locale/ failed
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-10-04 10:04:56 -07:00
Paul Sandoz
7197642: (sl) ServiceLoader.load(null) doesn't throw NPE
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-10-02 10:36:05 +01:00
Yuka Kamiya
7069824: Support for BCP47 locale matching
Reviewed-by: naoto, okutsu
2012-09-28 14:14:26 +09:00
Mike Duigou
7199249: TEST_BUG : Add /othervm to @run main with -D definitions
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-09-18 11:04:12 -07:00
Mike Duigou
7198988: re-order paramaters for @run
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-09-17 11:36:10 -07:00
Mike Duigou
7189926: Reduce test size for default run. Add additional run enabling alternative hashing
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-09-11 07:42:02 -07:00
Sean Coffey
7180362: RFE: Implement date cutover functionality for file
Reviewed-by: naoto
2012-09-07 21:22:37 +01:00
Naoto Sato
6336885: RFE: Locale Data Deployment Enhancements
4609153: Provide locale data for Indic locales
5104387: Support for gl_ES locale (galician language)
6337471: desktop/system locale preferences support
7056139: (cal) SPI support for locale-dependent Calendar parameters
7058206: Provide CalendarData SPI for week params and display field value names
7073852: Support multiple scripts for digits and decimal symbols per locale
7079560: [Fmt-Da] Context dependent month names support in SimpleDateFormat
7171324: getAvailableLocales() of locale sensitive services should return the actual availability of locales
7151414: (cal) Support calendar type identification
7168528: LocaleServiceProvider needs to be aware of Locale extensions
7171372: (cal) locale's default Calendar should be created if unknown calendar is specified
JEP 127: Improve Locale Data Packaging and Adopt Unicode CLDR Data (part 1 w/o packaging changes. by Naoto Sato and Masayoshi Okutsu)
Reviewed-by: erikj, sherman, peytoia
2012-08-21 11:00:30 -07:00
Alan Bateman
7192275: Minimize LogManager dependencies on java.beans
Reduce dependency to PropertyChangeListener and PropertyChangeEvent. Also add basic test coverage.
Reviewed-by: dcubed, dsamersoff, mchung
2012-08-19 13:03:00 +01:00
Xueming Shen
7189363: Regex Pattern compilation buggy for special sequences
Fixed the incorrect implementation in expr(...)
Reviewed-by: psandoz, alanb
2012-08-09 10:15:26 -07:00
Xueming Shen
7188852: Move implementation of De/Inflater.getBytesRead/Writtten() to java from native
Re-implemented getBytesRead/Writtten() at java level
Reviewed-by: andrew, alanb
2012-08-03 13:40:03 -07:00
Kurchi Subhra Hazra
7160252: (prefs) NodeAddedEvent was not delivered when new node add when new Node
Change native code to convey to Java code whether a new node was added
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar
2012-07-13 16:02:26 -07:00
Doug Lea
7161229: PriorityBlockingQueue keeps hard reference to last removed element
Reviewed-by: dholmes, forax, alanb
2012-06-27 01:36:28 -04:00
Masayoshi Okutsu
6380549: (rb) ResourceBundle.Control global binding support
Reviewed-by: naoto
2012-06-19 16:21:17 +09:00
Mike Duigou
7175758: Improve unit test of Map iterators and Iterator.remove()
Adds additional tests of Map iterators and Iterator.remove()
Reviewed-by: lancea
2012-06-15 13:01:38 -07:00
Diego Belfer
7164256: EnumMap clone doesn't clear the entrySet keeping a reference to the original Map
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, forax, mduigou
2012-06-07 12:31:45 +01:00
Mike Duigou
7173432: Handle null key at HashMap resize
If the key to be inserted into a HashMap is null and the table needs to be resized as part of the insertion then addEntry will try to recalculate the hash of a null key. This will fail with an NPE.
Reviewed-by: darcy
2012-06-01 00:05:21 -07:00
Mike Duigou
7126277: Alternative String hashing implementation
All of the hashing based Map implementations: HashMap, Hashtable, LinkedHashMap, WeakHashMap and ConcurrentHashMap are modified to use an enhanced hashing algorithm for string keys when the capacity of the hash table has ever grown beyond 512 entries. The enhanced hashing implementation uses the murmur3 hashing algorithm along with random hash seeds and index masks. These enhancements mitigate cases where colliding String hash values could result in a performance bottleneck.
Reviewed-by: alanb, forax, dl
2012-05-30 22:18:37 -07:00
Charles Lee
7172177: test/java/util/TimeZone/ failing on all platforms
Reviewed-by: alanb, okutsu
2012-05-29 09:42:09 +08:00
Deven You
7094176: (tz) Incorrect TimeZone display name when DST not applicable / disabled
Reviewed-by: okutsu
2012-05-25 13:28:40 +08:00
Mike Duigou
7071826: Avoid benign race condition in initialization of UUID
Avoids mostly benign but sometimes expensive race condition on initialization of UUID.numberGenerator which is used by UUID.randomUUID()
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar
2012-05-11 11:31:46 -07:00
Kurchi Subhra Hazra
7165118: (prefs) AbstractPreferences.remove(null) does not throw NPE
Insert null argument check in AbstractPreferences.remove()
Reviewed-by: dholmes, chegar, alanb
2012-05-09 11:14:22 -07:00
Xueming Shen
7014640: To add a metachar \R for line ending and character classes for vertical/horizontal ws \v \V \h \H
Added propsoed constructs
Reviewed-by: alanb
2012-05-08 10:57:13 -07:00
David Holmes
7103570: AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater does not work when SecurityManager is installed
Perform class.getField inside a doPrivileged block
Reviewed-by: chegar, psandoz
2012-05-08 02:59:10 -04:00
Kurchi Subhra Hazra
7160242: (prefs) Preferences.remove(null) does not throw NPE [macosx]
Insert null check of argument in remove()'s implementation
Reviewed-by: forax, chegar, alanb
2012-04-25 12:31:31 -07:00