Xin Liu
8165056: move JIT Compiler related files from runtime/ to compiler/ directory
Reviewed-by: kvn, coleenp, dholmes
2019-10-09 12:43:32 -07:00
Calvin Cheung
8231606: _method_ordering is not set during CDS dynamic dump time
Add the missing DynamicDumpSharedSpaces check in sort_methods(); replace the (DumpSharedSpaces || DynamicDumpSharedSpaces) with the Arguments::is_dumping_archive() function call.
Reviewed-by: iklam, coleenp, jiangli
2019-10-02 16:55:08 -07:00
Robbin Ehn
8226705: [REDO] Deoptimize with handshakes
Reviewed-by: eosterlund, dcubed, dlong, pchilanomate
2019-09-19 10:52:22 +02:00
Stefan Karlsson
8229258: Rework markOop and markOopDesc into a simpler mark word value carrier
Reviewed-by: rkennke, coleenp, kbarrett, dcubed
2019-08-06 10:48:21 +02:00
Martin Doerr
8229236: CriticalJNINatives: dll handling should be done in native thread state
Temporarily switch thread state from _thread_in_vm to _thread_in_native to execute I/O.
Reviewed-by: dlong, dholmes
2019-08-12 10:02:25 +02:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8227260: JNI upcalls should bypass class initialization barrier in c2i adapter
Reviewed-by: eosterlund, dholmes, mdoerr, dpochepk
2019-07-19 16:25:04 +03:00
Boris Ulasevich
8227632: Incorrect PrintCompilation message: made not compilable on levels 0 1 2 3 4
Fixing the message to print actual comp_level
Reviewed-by: dlong, kvn
2019-07-16 18:05:42 +03:00
Coleen Phillimore
8222446: assert(C->env()->system_dictionary_modification_counter_changed()) failed: Must invalidate if TypeFuncs differ
Remove SystemDictionary::modification_counter optimization
Reviewed-by: dlong, eosterlund
2019-07-10 07:58:24 -04:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
8226699: [BACKOUT] JDK-8221734 Deoptimize with handshakes
Reviewed-by: dholmes, rehn, dlong
2019-06-24 22:38:17 -04:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8225019: Update JVMCI
Reviewed-by: never, dlong
2019-06-04 12:44:53 -07:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8223213: Implement fast class initialization checks on x86-64
Reviewed-by: kvn, redestad, dholmes, mdoerr, coleenp
2019-05-30 13:39:13 +03:00
Robbin Ehn
8221734: Deoptimize with handshakes
Reviewed-by: dcubed, dholmes, pchilanomate, dlong, coleenp
2019-05-23 10:13:29 +02:00
Calvin Cheung
8207812: Implement Dynamic CDS Archive
Improve the usability of AppCDS
Co-authored-by: Ioi Lam <>
Co-authored-by: Jiangli Zhou <>
Reviewed-by: acorn, jiangli, mseledtsov
2019-05-17 08:29:55 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8223657: Remove unused THREAD argument from SymbolTable functions
Also made lookup and lookup_only functions private to SymbolTable. External callers use new_symbol or probe.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, gziemski
2019-05-14 11:29:18 -04:00
Stefan Karlsson
8223624: Cleanup includes of universe.hpp
Reviewed-by: coleenp, lkorinth
2019-05-09 14:28:30 +02:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8223171: Redundant nmethod dependencies for effectively final methods
Reviewed-by: dlong
2019-05-06 12:15:49 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8220623: [JVMCI] Update JVMCI to support JVMCI based Compiler compiled into shared library
Reviewed-by: dnsimon, never, stefank, rehn, neliasso, dholmes, kbarrett, coleenp
2019-05-01 12:31:29 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8222811: Consolidate MutexLockerEx and MutexLocker
Make MutexLocker be MutexLockerEx implementation, remove MutexLockerEx calls.
Reviewed-by: dcubed, dholmes, pliden, rehn
2019-04-25 10:56:31 -04:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8221470: Print methods in exception messages in java-like Syntax
Reviewed-by: dholmes, mdoerr, coleenp
2019-04-04 09:39:44 +02:00
Claes Redestad
8219860: Cleanup ClassFileParser::parse_linenumber_table
Reviewed-by: rehn, lfoltan, hseigel
2019-03-08 23:02:06 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8181171: Deleting method for RedefineClasses breaks ResolvedMethodName
8210457: JVM crash in ResolvedMethodTable::add_method(Handle)
Add a function to call NSME in ResolvedMethodTable to replace deleted methods.
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, dholmes, dcubed
2019-02-26 08:01:20 -05:00
Claes Redestad
8219229: Make ConstantPool::tag_at and release_tag_at_put inlineable
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp
2019-02-20 09:53:28 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8212949: Remove ConstantPoolCache::is_constantPoolCache
Remove relic of permgen, also is_constMethod too.
Reviewed-by: dholmes
2019-01-31 07:28:40 -05:00
Ioi Lam
8217424: Remove the idempotent parameter to Method::sort_methods
Reviewed-by: coleenp, shade
2019-01-22 12:37:35 -08:00
Coleen Phillimore
8209645: Split ClassLoaderData and ClassLoaderDataGraph into separate files
Reviewed-by: iklam, stuefe
2018-09-28 16:07:39 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8210861: Move assert to help diagnose rare RedefineStress crash
Assert that Method being marked on stack hasn't been missed by previous metadata walk
Reviewed-by: lfoltan
2018-09-18 16:11:36 -04:00
Thomas Schatzl
8208671: Runtime, JFR, Serviceability changes to allow enabling -Wreorder
Reviewed-by: dholmes, hseigel
2018-08-08 15:31:07 +02:00
Harold Seigel
8207779: Method::is_valid_method() compares 'this' with NULL
Add Method* parameter and make method static to avoid 'thi's comparison with NULL
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, coleenp
2018-07-30 16:35:54 -04:00
Igor Veresov
8204209: [Graal] Compilation fails during nmethod printing with "assert(bci == 0 || 0 <= bci && bci < code_size()) failed: illegal bci"
Tolerate JVMCI placeholder bcis
Reviewed-by: kvn, never, dlong
2018-06-22 15:58:32 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8204301: Make OrderAccess functions available to hpp rather than inline.hpp files
Move orderAccess.inline.hpp into orderAccess.hpp and remove os.hpp inclusion and conditional os::is_MP() for fence on x86 platforms
Reviewed-by: dholmes, hseigel
2018-06-06 10:45:40 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
8203837: Split nmethod unloading from inline cache cleaning
Refactor cleaning inline caches to after GC do_unloading.
Reviewed-by: thartmann, eosterlund
2018-05-02 11:28:49 -04:00
Stefan Karlsson
8200729: Conditional compilation of GCs
Reviewed-by: ehelin, coleenp, kvn, ihse
2018-05-04 11:41:35 +02:00
Ioi Lam
8199793: [Graal] runtime/CommandLine/ crashes with assertion "reference count underflow for symbol"
Remove Symbol::set_permanent to avoid possible race conditions
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes, thartmann
2018-03-26 17:40:54 -07:00
Stefan Karlsson
8200106: Move NoSafepointVerifier out from gcLocker.hpp
Reviewed-by: coleenp
2018-03-23 18:54:12 +01:00
Stefan Karlsson
8199275: Fix inclusions of allocation.inline.hpp
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kbarrett, dholmes
2018-03-08 09:56:29 +01:00
Coleen Phillimore
8198926: Move ClassLoaderData::_dependencies to ClassLoaderData::_handles
Move dependency creation and cleaned up logging
Reviewed-by: hseigel, jiangli
2018-03-06 17:15:16 -05:00
Harold Seigel
8191102: Incorrect include file use in classLoader.hpp
Move appropriate methods to <fiile>.inline.hpp files. Create <file>.inline.hpp files when needed.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes
2018-03-05 10:29:23 -05:00
Ioi Lam
8178351: Simplify MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_space and MetaspaceObj::is_shared
Use a single range check with MetaspaceObj::_shared_metaspace_{base,top}
Reviewed-by: jiangli, redestad, shade
2018-01-16 16:57:53 -08:00
Kim Barrett
8194406: Use Atomic::replace_if_null
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes
2018-01-04 18:18:18 -05:00
Roman Kennke
8171853: Remove Shark compiler
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kvn, erikj, ihse
2017-10-15 22:54:03 +02:00
Coleen Phillimore
8188220: Remove Atomic::*_ptr() uses and overloads from hotspot
With the new template functions these are unnecessary.
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, dholmes, eosterlund
2017-10-16 22:36:06 -04:00
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00