Jesper Wilhelmsson
8182299: Enable disabled clang warnings, build on OSX 10 + Xcode 8
8182656: Make the required changes in GC code to build on OSX 10 + Xcode 8
8182657: Make the required changes in Runtime code to build on OSX 10 + Xcode 8
8182658: Make the required changes in Compiler code to build on OSX 10 + Xcode 8
Co-authored-by: Paul Hohensee <>
Reviewed-by: jwilhelm, ehelin, phh
2017-07-06 01:50:26 +02:00
Rahul Raghavan
8175345: Reported null pointer dereference defect groups
Added required explicit NULL checks
Reviewed-by: thartmann, kvn
2017-03-09 00:16:51 -08:00
Roland Westrelin
8170470: superword may miss reductions
Reviewed-by: kvn
2016-11-30 12:07:17 -08:00
Tobias Hartmann
8159016: Over-unrolled loop is partially removed
Prevent over-unrolling of loops by computing upper bound for trip count.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2016-06-27 10:10:11 +02:00
Tobias Hartmann
8159715: Fix for 8072422 is incorrect
Fixed several issues introduced by 8072422.
Reviewed-by: zmajo, kvn
2016-06-20 09:32:44 +02:00
Aleksey Shipilev
8157726: VarHandles/Unsafe should support sub-word atomic ops
Reviewed-by: psandoz, vlivanov, lagergren
2016-06-15 11:21:36 +03:00
Tobias Hartmann
8154763: Crash with "assert(RangeCheckElimination)" if RangeCheckElimination is disabled
Disable multiversioning if range check elimination is turned off.
Reviewed-by: mcberg, kvn
2016-04-25 10:51:44 +02:00
Michael Berg
8151573: Multiversioning for range check elimination
Range check elimination in post loops
Reviewed-by: kvn
2016-04-05 10:34:05 -07:00
Zoltan Majo
8072422: Cleanup: Remove some unused flags/code in loop optimizations
Remove unused flags, change test using them.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2016-04-04 12:52:11 +02:00
Zoltan Majo
8148754: C2 loop unrolling fails due to unexpected graph shape
Check if graph shape is appropriate for optimization, bail out optimization if not.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti, shade, dnsimon
2016-03-21 09:51:20 +01:00
Aleksey Shipilev
8148146: Integrate new internal Unsafe entry points, and basic intrinsic support for VarHandles
Reviewed-by: psandoz, kvn, jrose, adinn, simonis, coleenp
2016-02-23 22:09:41 +03:00
Michael Berg
8149421: Vectorized Post Loops
Add vectorised post loop for counted loops with vectors.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2016-02-12 16:12:15 -08:00
Roland Westrelin
8137049: Code quality: reducing an trivial integer loop does not produce an optimal code
Canonicalized if shape not recognized by empty loop detection code
Reviewed-by: kvn, shade
2016-01-29 17:18:35 +01:00
Roland Westrelin
8147645: get_ctrl_no_update() code is wrong
Array.fill intrinsification code doesn't mark replaced control as dead
Reviewed-by: kvn
2016-02-03 10:58:50 +01:00
Tobias Hartmann
6675699: need comprehensive fix for unconstrained ConvI2L with narrowed type
Emit CastII to make narrow ConvI2L dependent on the corresponding range check.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
2016-01-18 08:40:25 +01:00
Andrew Haley
8145096: Undefined behaviour in HotSpot
Fix some integer overflows
Reviewed-by: jrose, kvn, kbarrett, adinn, iklam
2015-12-21 16:58:29 +00:00
Tobias Hartmann
8145754: PhaseIdealLoop::is_scaled_iv_plus_offset() does not match AddI
Is_scaled_iv_plus_offset() should handle AddI nodes with scaled iv as second input.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2015-12-21 10:14:26 +01:00
Christian Thalinger
8140424: don't prefix developer and notproduct flag variables with CONST_ in product builds
Reviewed-by: goetz, stefank
2015-11-11 16:32:17 -10:00
Roland Westrelin
8137168: Replace IfNode with a new RangeCheckNode for range checks
New RangeCheckNode to enable optimization of explicit library level range checks
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2015-11-09 11:28:31 +01:00
Tobias Hartmann
8141132: JEP 254: Compact Strings
Adopt a more space-efficient internal representation for strings.
Co-authored-by: Brent Christian <>
Co-authored-by: Vivek Deshpande <>
Co-authored-by: Charlie Hunt <>
Co-authored-by: Vladimir Kozlov <>
Co-authored-by: Roger Riggs <>
Co-authored-by: Xueming Shen <>
Co-authored-by: Aleksey Shipilev <>
Co-authored-by: Sandhya Viswanathan <>
Reviewed-by: alanb, bdelsart, coleenp, iklam, jiangli, jrose, kevinw, naoto, pliden, roland, smarks, twisti
2015-11-03 09:41:03 +01:00
Vlad Ureche
8011858: Use Compile::live_nodes() instead of Compile::unique() in appropriate places
Reviewed-by: kvn, vlivanov
2015-08-10 10:39:19 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8129920: Vectorized loop unrolling
Optimize loop opts for vectorizible loops.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
2015-07-10 11:59:09 -07:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8086069: Adapt runtime calls to recent intrinsics to pass ints as long
Remove CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs from shared code and push functionality to native wrapper. Less optimal but more flexible.
Reviewed-by: jrose, kvn
2015-06-29 15:30:55 +02:00
Michael Berg
8080325: SuperWord loop unrolling analysis
Determine loop unroll factor based on supported vectors sizes.
Reviewed-by: roland, kvn
2015-06-16 16:10:36 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8085832: Optimize main and post loop out when pre loop is found empty
Eliminate main loop and post loop if pre loop becomes empty
Reviewed-by: kvn, mcberg
2015-05-12 14:26:31 +02:00
Roland Westrelin
8078866: compiler/eliminateAutobox/6934604/ assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed
Bail out from range check elimination if pre loop is not found
Reviewed-by: kvn
2015-06-04 16:19:22 +02:00
Roland Westrelin
8080976: Unexpected AIOOB thrown from 1.9.0-ea-b64 on (regression)
Loop variant use in reduction should prevent vectorization
Reviewed-by: kvn, mcberg
2015-05-29 16:09:16 +02:00
Jan Civlin
8076284: Improve vectorization of parallel streams
Improve vectorization of java/util/stream/Streams$RangeIntSpliterator::forEachRemaining() method and enable loop vectorization in a given method on demand.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2015-05-05 12:33:57 -07:00
Michael C Berg
8074981: Integer/FP scalar reduction optimization
Add scalar reduction optimization to C2 to take advantage of vector instructions in modern x86 CPUs.
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2015-04-01 18:07:50 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8073184: Compile of java.lang.Integer::getChars fails with LoopLimitCheck = false after 8054478
CastII that guards counted loops confuses range check elimination with LoopLimitCheck off
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
2015-02-24 15:23:05 +01:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8068864: C2 failed: modified node is not on IGVN._worklist
Use igvn.replace_input_of() instead of set_req().
Reviewed-by: iveresov, vlivanov
2015-01-14 17:27:00 -08:00
Roland Westrelin
8054478: C2: Incorrectly compiled char[] array access crashes JVM
Dead backbranch in main loop results in erroneous array access
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
2014-11-13 09:19:46 +01:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8058148: MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
2014-11-24 07:29:03 -08:00
Tobias Hartmann
8053915: bigapps assert failure in C2: modified node is not on IGVN._worklist
Add modified node to the IGVN worklist in 'PhaseIdealLoop::do_range_check'.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
2014-07-31 08:39:47 +02:00
Tobias Hartmann
8040213: C2 does not put all modified nodes on IGVN worklist
Verification code is added that checks if modified nodes are put on the IGVN worklist and modified nodes are processed by 'PhaseIterGVN::transform_old()'
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose
2014-07-25 10:06:17 +02:00
Tobias Hartmann
8034812: remove IDX_INIT macro hack in Node class
The IDX_INIT macro used by Node::Node(...) to retrieve the Compile object is removed and replaced by a call to Compile::current(). The Node constructor, new operator and all calls to it are adapted accordingly.
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose, iveresov, goetz
2014-06-02 08:07:29 +02:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8039050: Crash in C2 compiler at Node::rematerialize
Added missing calls to record_for_igvn() in loop opts. Added verification of def-use domination.
Reviewed-by: iveresov
2014-04-15 14:34:48 -07:00
Morris Meyer
8001532: C2 node files refactoring
Split C2 node files into cast, convert, countbits, intrinsic, move, narrowptr and opaquenode classes
Reviewed-by: kvn, morris
2014-04-01 09:05:20 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8031320: Use Intel RTM instructions for locks
Use RTM for inflated locks and stack locks.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, twisti, roland, dcubed
2014-03-20 17:49:27 -07:00
Rickard Bäckman
8027754: Enable loop optimizations for loops with MathExact inside
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
2014-01-23 12:08:28 +01:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2014-01-28 12:25:34 -08:00
Mikael Vidstedt
8029233: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 hotspot repository for 2013
Copyright year updated for files modified during 2013
Reviewed-by: twisti, iveresov
2013-12-24 11:48:39 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2013-11-21 12:30:35 -08:00
Vladimir Kozlov
2013-11-05 17:38:04 -08:00
Igor Veresov
8017065: C2 allows safepoint checks to leak into G1 pre-barriers
Make all raw loads strictly respect control dependencies, make sure RCE doesn't move raw loads, add verification of G1 pre-barriers.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
2013-11-05 01:57:18 -08:00
Rickard Bäckman
8027444: mathExact: assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
Reviewed-by: duke
2013-10-30 13:14:09 +01:00
Rickard Bäckman
8024924: Intrinsify java.lang.Math.addExact
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2013-09-27 08:39:19 +02:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8024342: PPC64 (part 111): Support for C calling conventions that require 64-bit ints
Some platforms, as ppc and s390x/zArch require that 32-bit ints are passed as 64-bit values to C functions. This change adds support to adapt the signature and to issue proper casts to c2-compiled stubs. The functions are used in generate_native_wrapper(). Adapt signature used by the compiler as in PhaseIdealLoop::intrinsify_fill().
Reviewed-by: kvn
2013-09-18 14:34:56 -07:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8022993: Convert MAX_UNROLL constant to LoopMaxUnroll C2 flag
Replace MAX_UNROLL constant with new C2 LoopMaxUnroll flag.
Reviewed-by: roland
2013-08-14 10:21:26 -07:00
Morris Meyer
8009181: [parfait] Null pointer deference in hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/loopTransform.cpp
Add guarantee() to insert_pre_post_loops()
Reviewed-by: kvn
2013-03-20 07:05:40 -07:00