Nadeesh TV
8017187: [TEST BUG] [macosx] After click "test",the case failed automatically with thrown exception in the log since jdk8b75
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb
2015-08-18 20:42:02 +03:00
Anton Nashatyrev
8072900: Mouse events are captured by the wrong menu in OS X
Reviewed-by: serb, alexp
2015-03-06 16:38:54 +03:00
Mario Torre
8072905: Fix copyright year for test from JDK-8071705
Test was pushed with wrong copyright year
Reviewed-by: alexsch
2015-02-16 10:34:52 +01:00
Mario Torre
8071705: Java application menu misbehaves when running multiple screen stacked vertically
JMenu miscalculates the position of the Popup origin when on multiple monitors stacked vertically
Reviewed-by: alexsch
2015-02-11 07:54:39 +01:00
Yuri Nesterenko
8063107: Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2
8064573: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/ is asocial pressing VK_LEFT and not releasing
8064575: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/ 100 times press keys and never releases
8064809: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/ contains a lot of keyPress and not a single keyRelease
Reviewed-by: alexsch, pchelko
2014-11-21 16:11:03 +03:00
Konstantin Shefov
7105030: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] The tests never finishes
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb
2013-06-10 16:44:40 +04:00
Alexander Scherbatiy
8009221: [macosx] Two closed/javax/swing regression tests fail on MacOSX
Reviewed-by: serb, alexp
2013-03-15 17:02:24 +04:00