Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna
6800586: -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps is using mt-unsafe localtime function
Replaced localtime() with localtime_r() on Solaris and Linux.
Reviewed-by: apetrusenko, dholmes, jmasa
2009-02-09 12:26:05 -08:00
Coleen Phillimore
6727377: VM stack guard pages on Windows should PAGE_READWRITE not PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
Make reguard_stack change access to RW, not execute and use os::protect_memory with the new parameter when change needed to X.
Reviewed-by: acorn, jcoomes
2008-12-10 15:14:29 -08:00
Antonios Printezis
2008-08-21 23:36:31 -04:00
Keith McGuigan
6721093: -XX:AppendRatio=N not supported
Add mechanism to ignore unsupported flags for a set period of time
Reviewed-by: acorn, never, coleenp
2008-07-28 14:07:44 -04:00
Coleen Phillimore
6716785: implicit null checks not triggering with CompressedOops
Allocate alignment-sized page(s) below java heap so that memory accesses at heap_base+1page give signal and cause an implicit null check
Reviewed-by: kvn, jmasa, phh, jcoomes
2008-07-19 17:38:22 -04:00
Xiomara Jayasena
6719955: Update copyright year
Update copyright year for files that have been modified in 2008
Reviewed-by: ohair, tbell
2008-07-02 12:55:16 -07:00
Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna
6711316: Open source the Garbage-First garbage collector
First mercurial integration of the code for the Garbage-First garbage collector.
Reviewed-by: apetrusenko, iveresov, jmasa, sgoldman, tonyp, ysr
2008-06-05 15:57:56 -07:00
Igor Veresov
6684395: Port NUMA-aware allocator to linux
NUMA-aware allocator port to Linux
Reviewed-by: jmasa, apetrusenko
2008-04-29 13:51:26 +04:00
John Coomes
6642862: Code cache allocation fails with large pages after 6588638
Reviewed-by: apetrusenko
2008-03-28 23:35:42 -07:00
Steve Bohne
6667833: Remove CacheTimeMillis
Remove -XX:+CacheTimeMillis option and associated functionality
Reviewed-by: acorn, never
2008-03-19 09:58:01 -04:00
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00