Anton Tarasov
6522725: Component in a minimized Frame has focus and receives key events
XAWT: a window natively focused may request focus in it only synthetically
Reviewed-by: son
2008-04-09 09:37:07 +04:00
Anton Tarasov
6607170: Focus not set by requestFocus
Fixing/refactoring focus auto-transfer mechanism.
Reviewed-by: son
2008-04-08 13:32:30 +04:00
Dmitry Cherepanov
6619458: testcase depends on a file with the name te{st.html
Using test.html instead of te{st.html in reg test
Reviewed-by: son
2008-04-03 15:00:21 +04:00
Anthony Petrov
6681889: JSN security test headline/noWarningApp failed with NPE exception
The java.awt.Component.changeSupportLock field should be initialized in the readObject() method.
Reviewed-by: son, art
2008-04-01 17:38:46 +04:00
Andrei Dmitriev
2008-03-27 12:31:18 +03:00
Anton Tarasov
6616792: five AWT focus regression tests should be fixed
Fixed/refactored the tests.
Reviewed-by: volk
2008-03-26 17:38:26 +03:00
Anton Tarasov
6609607: test/closed/java/awt/Focus/AppletInitialFocusTest should be rewritten
Using Refactoring.
Reviewed-by: volk
2008-03-26 16:56:40 +03:00
Anton Tarasov
6680135: A number of test/closed/java/awt/Focus/* tests should be opened
The tests moved from the closed repository.
Reviewed-by: son
2008-03-26 16:20:01 +03:00
Anton Tarasov
2008-03-25 18:14:15 +03:00
Andrei Dmitriev
6255653: REGRESSION: Override isLightweight() causes access violation in awt.dll
Verufy that the component to restack is a HW component by checking for instanceof WComponentPeer
Reviewed-by: son, anthony
2008-03-25 16:23:09 +03:00
Andrei Dmitriev
6610244: modal dialog closes with fatal error if -Xcheck:jni is set
Obtain WWindowPeer class every time it is required
Reviewed-by: art
2008-03-25 15:16:03 +03:00
Anton Tarasov
6637607: 1st char. is discarded after a modal dialogue shows up and disappears
Reset consuming next KEY_TYPED on every subsequent KEY_PRESS.
Reviewed-by: son
2008-03-24 15:51:26 +03:00
Anton Tarasov
6598089: JDK 7: AWT often goes into busy loop when showing dialog
Preventing focus from getting in an endless loop.
Reviewed-by: son
2008-03-20 18:06:41 +03:00
Anthony Petrov
6581927: REG : Non focusable frame can be minimized to very small & Frame icon can be seen on frame buttons
The SWP_NOSENDCHANGING flag should not be passed to the ::SetWindowPos() WinAPI function when we receive the WM_MOUSEMOVE message while manually handling the resizing of non-focusable frames.
Reviewed-by: son, ant
2008-03-18 15:07:42 +03:00
Anthony Petrov
6637796: setBounds doesn't enlarge Component
Added the areBoundsValid() method that verifies whether the current bounds of the component are valid. Using the isValid() method for this purpose previously was incorrect.
Reviewed-by: son, art
2008-03-18 14:20:28 +03:00
Dmitry Cherepanov
6578583: Regression: Modality is broken in windows vista home premium from jdk1.7 b02 onwards
WS_DISABLED style should be used to fix some modality bugs
Reviewed-by: art, son
2008-03-14 22:00:33 +03:00
Dmitry Cherepanov
6524352: support for high-resolution mouse wheel
Added support for high-resolution mouse wheel
Reviewed-by: dav, son
2008-03-14 20:40:09 +03:00
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00