Christian Thalinger
7085860: JSR 292: implement CallSite.setTargetNormal and setTargetVolatile as native methods
Reviewed-by: jrose, never
2011-11-02 02:03:30 -07:00 |
Alan Bateman
7089131: test/java/lang/invoke/ does not compile
Reviewed-by: darcy, jrose
2011-09-10 14:55:14 +01:00 |
John R Rose
7058651: JSR 292 unit tests need a refresh
Enhancements to unit tests.
Reviewed-by: never, twisti
2011-07-16 15:44:33 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7058630: JSR 292 method handle proxy violates contract for Object methods
Reviewed-by: never, twisti
2011-07-16 15:40:13 -07:00 |
John R Rose
2011-07-13 01:40:55 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7054590: (JSR-292) MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance() accepts private/protected nested interfaces
Fix non-compliant logic in MethodHandleProxies, fix invalid private classes in MethodHandlesTest
Reviewed-by: twisti, never
2011-06-14 22:47:12 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7052202: JSR 292: Crash in sun.invoke.util.ValueConversions.fillArray
Fix corner cases involving MethodHandles.permuteArguments with long or double argument lists.
Reviewed-by: twisti, never
2011-06-14 22:47:09 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7051206: JSR 292 method name SwitchPoint.isValid is misleading to unwary users; should be hasBeenInvalidated
Reviewed-by: kvn, never, ysr
2011-06-03 11:20:20 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7049122: java/lang/invoke/ with MAX_ARITY=255 in -Xcomp mode overflows code cache
Reduce the scope of the unit test (mark high water mark of testing with @ignore tags)
Reviewed-by: never
2011-06-01 23:56:51 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7050328: (jsr-292) findConstructor throws ExceptionInInitializerError if run under SecurityManager
Wrap system property and reflection accesses under doPrivileged. Ensure constant pool linkage bypasses the SM as specified.
Reviewed-by: kvn, never
2011-06-01 23:56:47 -07:00 |
John Coomes
2011-05-27 19:03:03 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
API code changes and javadoc changes following JSR 292 Public Review comments, through PFD
Reviewed-by: never
2011-05-26 17:37:36 -07:00 |
David Katleman
7044486: open jdk repos have files with incorrect copyright headers, which can end up in src bundles
Reviewed-by: ohair, trims
2011-05-25 13:32:36 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7044892: JSR 292: API entry points sometimes throw the wrong exceptions or doesn't throw the expected one
Point-fixes for 7038847, 7038860, 7042656, 7042829, 7041853, and several other reports
Reviewed-by: never, kvn
2011-05-17 19:48:19 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7032850: MethodHandle.invokeGeneric throws unspecified RuntimeException if parameterized method is called
Implement invocation corner cases, including correct type conversions and interface type enforcement.
Reviewed-by: never
2011-05-17 19:48:14 -07:00 |
John R Rose
6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
Integrate JDK code with JVM-supplied ricochet frames.
Reviewed-by: never, twisti
2011-05-12 19:27:49 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
Rename invokeGeneric to invoke
Reviewed-by: never, twisti
2011-05-12 19:27:33 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7019529: JSR292: java/dyn/ depends on sub-test execution order
Test should not use static variables, because they may contain stale values.
Reviewed-by: twisti
2011-04-09 21:38:40 -07:00 |
John R Rose
6817525: turn on method handle functionality by default for JSR 292
JVM bug 6817525 requires changes to some JDK unit tests; update test invocation flags and "Indify" snapshot
Reviewed-by: kvn, twisti
2011-04-07 22:07:06 -07:00 |
John R Rose
7012648: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names
Package and class renaming only; delete unused methods and classes; add @since tags; no code changes
Reviewed-by: twisti
2011-03-23 23:02:31 -07:00 |