5432 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Andrew Brygin
e7e3187500 8074954: ImageInputStreamImpl.readShort/readInt do not behave correctly at EOF
Reviewed-by: prr, serb
2015-03-23 11:19:41 +03:00
Semyon Sadetsky
ca998d2d4c 4473075: JTable header rendering problem (after setting preferred size)
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb
2015-03-18 15:03:16 +04:00
Yuri Nesterenko
7b4b132f80 8074807: Fix some tests unnecessary using internal API
Reviewed-by: azvegint, alexsch
2015-03-18 10:30:22 +03:00
Phil Race
391adb65e0 Merge 2015-03-17 14:38:54 -07:00
Phil Race
9dbd9dd373 Merge 2015-03-17 12:30:53 -07:00
Xueming Shen
f3a2e4480d 8074678: JCK test java_util/regex/MatchResult/index.html starts failing after JDK-8071479
To add non-match sanity check

Reviewed-by: psandoz
2015-03-17 09:54:36 -07:00
Semyon Sadetsky
72f3a466e0 8040328: JSlider has wrong preferred size with Synth LAF
Reviewed-by: alexsch, ant
2015-03-17 14:38:22 +04:00
Alejandro Murillo
d898b500d9 Merge 2015-03-16 14:27:36 -07:00
Amy Lu
b8770ac035 8075111: Mark testFlatMappingClose (from CollectorsTest) as serialization hostile
Reviewed-by: psandoz
2015-03-16 10:24:16 +01:00
Aggelos Biboudis
cb566c6ce5 8067969: Optimize Stream.count for SIZED Streams
Reviewed-by: psandoz, chegar
2015-03-16 10:19:49 +01:00
Brian Burkhalter
6290291b27 8075110: (prefs) CodePointZeroPrefsTest fails on certain platforms
Contrain test to the Linux and Solaris OS families

Reviewed-by: darcy
2015-03-13 15:03:42 -07:00
Brian Burkhalter
17f8ee8cf0 8073214: javadoc of Properties methods should specify NullPointerExceptions
Add test for null parameter and corresponding throws clause to load() methods

Reviewed-by: darcy
2015-03-13 14:54:40 -07:00
Jamil Nimeh
a55dd41fc7 8074064: OCSPResponse.SingleResponse objects do not parse singleExtensions
Reviewed-by: mullan, vinnie
2015-03-13 09:32:54 -07:00
Frank Yuan
827d9d3928 8061293: Update javax/xml tests to remove references of jre dir
Reviewed-by: lancea, mkos
2015-03-13 15:50:39 +03:00
Alejandro Murillo
d9955b1c00 Merge 2015-03-12 19:51:36 -07:00
Sergey Bylokhov
3c9eab317a 8074668: [macosx] Mac 10.10: Application run with splash screen has focus issues
Reviewed-by: prr, ant, alexsch
2015-03-12 08:57:51 -07:00
Phil Race
cac7e38c8d Merge 2015-03-11 08:30:40 -07:00
Masayoshi Okutsu
6a297b5c2b 8074791: Long-form date format incorrect month string for Finnish locale
Reviewed-by: naoto
2015-03-11 14:33:14 +09:00
Igor Ignatyev
5a48602086 Merge 2015-03-10 21:58:55 +00:00
Alexander Kulyakhtin
d24e1db13a 8072754: com/sun/jdi/NativeInstanceFilter.java requires adjustments to work with module boundaries
The tests uses sun.misc.Version to check if the JVM version is greater than a certain version. For the JDK 9 the condition is always true and the usage of sun.misc.Version thus can be eliminated.

Reviewed-by: alanb, sla
2015-03-11 00:45:02 +03:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
533ff2194f Merge 2015-03-10 19:43:45 +00:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
996a61cf68 8049696: com/sun/jdi/RunToExit fails with "ConnectException: Connection refused"
Reviewed-by: sla
2015-03-10 20:25:48 +01:00
Nakul Natu
741e72173c 8066436: Minimize can cause window to disappear on osx
Reviewed-by: serb, azvegint
2015-03-10 21:48:37 +03:00
Alexander Zvegintsev
8bc60ff868 8056151: Switching to GTK L&F on-the-fly leads to X Window System error RenderBadPicture
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb
2015-03-10 15:39:26 +03:00
Jaroslav Bachorik
1c5857f8dd 6712222: Race condition in java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dfuchs
2015-03-10 09:37:56 +01:00
Phil Race
6cd9e14e45 Merge 2015-03-09 09:49:31 -07:00
Kumar Srinivasan
64c0d97630 8074373: NMT is not enabled if NMT option is specified after class path specifiers
Reviewed-by: dholmes
2015-03-07 15:21:36 -08:00
Xueming Shen
011b337a51 8074406: DateTimeFormatter.appendZoneOrOffsetId() fails to resolve a ZoneOffset for OffsetDateTime
To support resolve OffsetDateTime from DTF.appendZoneOrOffset()

Reviewed-by: rriggs
2015-03-07 10:11:03 -08:00
Brian Burkhalter
f9a9e68c05 8074460: Always print seeds used in [Splittable]Random instances in java.math tests
Create a utility class which creates a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) and retains the seed. Use this class in java.math tests which use a PRNG. Always print the seed value before the PRNG is used.

Reviewed-by: darcy
2015-03-06 16:00:58 -08:00
Anton Nashatyrev
2bb8334014 8072900: Mouse events are captured by the wrong menu in OS X
Reviewed-by: serb, alexp
2015-03-06 16:38:54 +03:00
Alejandro Murillo
90a9d497fa Merge 2015-03-06 04:58:53 -08:00
Zaiyao Liu
02614afbd1 8044193: Need to add known answer tests for AES cipher
Added more tests for AES cipher using known test vectors.

Reviewed-by: valeriep
2015-03-06 00:49:38 +00:00
Chris Hegarty
9e0c46f629 8005226: java/rmi/transport/pinClientSocketFactory/PinClientSocketFactory.java fails intermittently
Reviewed-by: rriggs, smarks
2015-03-05 17:04:47 +00:00
Chris Hegarty
0ade1fd974 8068260: java/io/Serializable/clearHandleTable/ClearHandleTable.java timed out
Reviewed-by: rriggs, smarks
2015-03-05 09:38:45 +00:00
Yuri Nesterenko
0803af98c7 8074092: Newly introduced unnecessary dependencies on internal API in client regtests
Reviewed-by: serb, azvegint
2015-03-05 11:07:48 +03:00
Alejandro Murillo
f245610f7f Merge 2015-03-10 14:20:06 -07:00
Alejandro Murillo
8b283998c2 Merge 2015-03-10 14:09:19 -07:00
Joe Darcy
8db87d223f 8074870: Really add javax/xml/jaxp/testng/validation to othervm.dirs in TEST.ROOT
Reviewed-by: rriggs
2015-03-10 13:55:47 -07:00
Roger Riggs
367a429ff4 8058464: (process spec) ProcessBuilder.redirectXXX throws unspecified NPE
Add a class level spec for null arguments throwing NPE in ProcessBuilder

Reviewed-by: martin, alanb
2015-03-10 16:44:45 -04:00
Joe Darcy
24bf7ba966 8074714: Add javax/xml/jaxp/testng/validation to othervm.dirs in TEST.ROOT
Reviewed-by: lancea
2015-03-09 17:37:34 -07:00
Brian Burkhalter
bd61d670c3 8073445: (fs) FileSystem.getPathMatcher(...) should check syntax component without regard to case
Change String equals() to equalsIgnoreCase() where needed.

Reviewed-by: alanb
2015-03-04 15:05:41 -08:00
Zaiyao Liu
fae048d0e2 8048610: Implement regression test for bug fix of 4686632 in JCE
Reviewed-by: weijun
2015-03-04 16:26:49 +08:00
Zaiyao Liu
7b95618234 8050371: More MessageDigest tests
Reviewed-by: xuelei
2015-03-04 08:10:23 +00:00
Amanda Jiang
a1f3c2d2fe 8048360: Test signed jar files
Reviewed-by: weijun
2015-03-04 10:12:25 +08:00
Phil Race
aa51e477d4 Merge 2015-03-03 10:39:40 -08:00
Phil Race
9f78b4347e Merge 2015-03-03 08:49:13 -08:00
Prasanta Sadhukhan
3ca192f3b3 8039345: Strange behaviour of per-pixel translucency on linux
Reviewed-by: prr, azvegint
2015-03-03 17:50:01 +03:00
Alejandro Murillo
1b7e7fdf70 Merge 2015-03-03 06:23:50 -08:00
Paul Sandoz
0405de7fca 8071479: Stream and lambdafication improvements to j.u.regex.Matcher
Reviewed-by: smarks, briangoetz, sherman
2015-03-03 12:30:48 +01:00
Daniel Fuchs
9b5f69fa24 8074032: Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).toEpochMilli() can throw arithmetic overflow in toEpochMilli()
Instant.toEpochMilli() now takes into account the sign of the 'seconds' field.

Reviewed-by: rriggs, scolebourne
2015-03-02 14:46:10 +01:00