Yang Zhang
8243155: AArch64: Add support for SqrtVF
Reviewed-by: aph
2020-04-29 09:58:09 +08:00
Sandhya Viswanathan
8222074: Enhance auto vectorization for x86
Reviewed-by: kvn, vlivanov
2019-05-07 13:33:27 -07:00
Yang Zhang
8213134: AArch64: vector shift failed with MaxVectorSize=8
Add vshiftcnt instructions for vector64 and add vsra/vsrl instructions to AArch64 backend. To detect shift failures, MaxVectorSize options are added to jtreg test cases.
Reviewed-by: aph, kvn
2018-11-28 16:22:03 +08:00
Stefan Karlsson
8204168: Increase small heap sizes in tests to accommodate ZGC
Reviewed-by: pliden, ehelin
2018-06-05 15:56:21 +02:00
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00