Evan Whelan
8133686: HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields and URLConnection.getRequestProperties methods return field values in reverse order
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2021-09-09 10:23:12 +00:00
Roger Riggs
8259493: [test] Use HexFormat instead of adhoc hex utilities in network code and locale SoftKeys
Reviewed-by: lancea, naoto
2021-01-08 21:31:37 +00:00
Charlie Gracie
8251361: Potential race between Logger configuration and GCs in HttpURLConWithProxy test
Keep a static reference to the logger to prevent its inadvertent garbage collection while the test is running.
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2020-08-10 19:21:50 +01:00
Ravi Reddy
8183369: RFC unconformity of HttpURLConnection with proxy
HttpURLConnection retried with proxy if the connection fails on first attempt as per RFC
Reviewed-by: chegar, dfuchs, vtewari
2020-03-05 03:27:17 -05:00
Julia Boes
8231632: HttpURLConnection::usingProxy could specify that it may lazily evaluate the fact
Modified method description to disambiguate when false is returned and altered implementation
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, chegar, vtewari
2019-11-01 12:57:01 +00:00
Chris Hegarty
8231504: Update networking tests to avoid implicit dependency on the system proxies
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2019-09-27 09:55:35 +01:00
Jaikiran Pai
8223714: HTTPSetAuthenticatorTest could be made more resilient
HTTPTestServer (in the test infrastructure) will no longer stop accepting requests if a previous request processing failed
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2019-08-30 17:22:55 +05:30
Jaikiran Pai
8230220: java/net/HttpURLConnection/HttpURLProxySelectionTest.java fails intermittently
Fix the test to use volatile on members which are accessed across threads
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2019-08-27 16:17:40 +05:30
Jaikiran Pai
8177648: getResponseCode() throws IllegalArgumentException caused by protocol error while following redirect
Reviewed-by: michaelm, chegar, dfuchs
2019-08-26 12:25:49 +01:00
Daniel Fuchs
8191169: java/net/Authenticator/B4769350.java failed intermittently
Fixed a race condition in AuthenticationInfo when serializeAuth=true
Reviewed-by: chegar, michaelm
2019-08-19 11:14:50 +01:00
Daniel Fuchs
8227539: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 20
Update some tests to stop using the wildcard address.
Reviewed-by: michaelm
2019-07-10 22:33:23 +02:00
Daniel Fuchs
8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 14
Improve test stabilty by getting rid of the wildcard address whenever possible.
Reviewed-by: chegar, vtewari
2019-06-28 15:58:10 +01:00
Daniel Fuchs
8223145: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 1
Replaces binding to wildacard with alternative less susceptible to intermittent failure in some intermittently failing tests.
Reviewed-by: chegar, msheppar
2019-05-02 11:55:16 +01:00
Arthur Eubanks
8220575: Replace hardcoded in URLs with new URI builder
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, chegar
2019-03-27 09:06:43 -07:00
Arthur Eubanks
8220083: Use InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() in place of for some tests
Tests that hardcode "" fail in an environment where only IPv6 is available and IPv4 is not.
Reviewed-by: chegar, dfuchs, michaelm
2019-02-27 13:34:40 -08:00
Chris Hegarty
8213296: Fix legal headers in test/jdk/java/net
Reviewed-by: alanb, dfuchs
2018-11-02 16:11:29 +00:00
John Jiang
8211978: Move testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/SimpleSSLContext.java and testkeys to network testlibrary
Move SimpleSSLContext.java and testkeys to test/lib/jdk/test/lib/net
Reviewed-by: chegar
2018-10-15 22:47:03 +08:00
Frank Yuan
8187700: SetAuthenticator tests should handle the proxy port
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2017-10-09 17:37:15 +08:00
Erik Joelsson
8187443: Forest Consolidation: Move files to unified layout
Reviewed-by: darcy, ihse
2017-09-12 19:03:39 +02:00