Chris Plummer
8177015: STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM of 32k is not always enough for Mac OS X
Bump up minimum to 64k.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dcubed
2017-03-27 11:54:04 -07:00
Chris Plummer
8176768: hotspot ignores PTHREAD_STACK_MIN when creating new threads
Use PTHREAD_STACK_MIN as a minimum, plus other stack size cleanup
Reviewed-by: dholmes, stuefe, dcubed
2017-03-23 11:10:55 -07:00
Ron Durbin
8140520: segfault on solaris-amd64 with "-XX:VMThreadStackSize=1" option
Split the single thread_min_stack_allowed into three distinct values (java_thread_min_stack_allowed, compiler_thread_min_stack_allowed and vm_internal_thread_min_stack_allowed) on non-Windows platforms.
Reviewed-by: dcubed, gthornbr, dholmes, coleenp, fparain, aph
2016-09-09 11:14:57 -07:00
Christian Tornqvist
8157957: ClassNotFoundException: jdk.test.lib.JDKToolFinder
Reviewed-by: coleenp, gtriantafill, mseledtsov, iignatyev, dholmes, dsamersoff
2016-08-19 10:06:30 -04:00
Dmitry Samersoff
8154258: [TESTBUG] Various serviceability tests fail compilation
Replace sun.misc.Unsafe with jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe
Reviewed-by: chegar, kvn
2016-05-01 12:47:00 +03:00
Chris Hegarty
8153737: Unsupported Module
Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, psandoz
2016-04-09 23:03:39 +01:00
Dmitry Dmitriev
8144629: runtime/thread/ test should ran in othervm mode
Reviewed-by: ctornqvi
2015-12-04 13:39:59 +03:00
Alexander Kulyakthin
8067013: Rename the package
Reviewed-by: dholmes, gtriantafill, sla
2015-05-04 16:30:07 +02:00
Alexander Kulyakthin
8075586: Add @modules as needed to the open hotspot tests
Reviewed-by: sla, ctornqvi, lfoltan, mchung, alanb
2015-03-26 16:36:56 +01:00
Dmitry Dmitriev
8069291: [TESTBUG] runtime/threads/Fibonacci: OutOfMemoryError: unable to create native thread
Reviewed-by: dholmes, ctornqvi
2015-02-26 06:11:56 -08:00
Christian Tornqvist
8060219: [TESTBUG] runtime/7194254/ fails to find jstack with modular image build
Reviewed-by: gtriantafill, lfoltan, hseigel
2015-01-08 11:42:05 -08:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
8046287: [TESTBUG] runtime/Thread/ failed error_cnt=12
Added a new header waiting pattern to catch the case where the target thread waiting on a condition (like a VM op); several other test improvements
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, dholmes
2014-06-12 15:57:16 -07:00
Daniel D. Daugherty
8036823: Stack trace sometimes shows 'locked' instead of 'waiting to lock'
Add a !owner check for 'waiting to lock' to catch current_pending_monitor corner cases.
Co-authored-by: Krystal Mok <>
Co-authored-by: Zhengyu Gu <>
Reviewed-by: dholmes, sspitsyn, kmo, zgu
2014-05-30 07:20:51 -07:00
Christian Tornqvist
8035173: [TESTBUG] runtime/threads/CancellableThreadTest fails with OOM on windows-i586
Test ported to jtreg, thread pairs decreased from 1024 to 128 to avoid OOM on 32 bit Windows
Reviewed-by: sla, dsimms
2014-04-15 19:03:51 +02:00