Stefan Karlsson
6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
Replaced MakeDeps and the includeDB files with more standardized solutions.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, kamg
2010-11-23 13:22:55 -08:00
Erik Trimble
6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
Change all the Sun copyrights to Oracle copyright
Reviewed-by: ohair
2010-05-27 19:08:38 -07:00
Tom Rodriguez
6943485: JVMTI always on capabilities change code generation too much
Reviewed-by: twisti, dcubed
2010-04-26 23:59:45 -07:00
Tom Deneau
6902182: 4/4 Starting with jdwp agent should not incur performance penalty
Rename can_post_exceptions support to can_post_on_exceptions. Add support for should_post_on_exceptions flag to permit per JavaThread optimizations.
Reviewed-by: never, kvn, dcubed
2010-02-01 17:35:05 -07:00
Gary Benson
6896043: first round of zero fixes
Reviewed-by: kvn
2009-11-27 07:56:58 -08:00
J. Duke
Initial load
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00